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ComputerCraft YouTube! [v3.2] - Register/Login Feature/Mailing system!

Started by remiX, 08 February 2013 - 04:00 AM
remiX #1
Posted 08 February 2013 - 05:00 AM
ComputerCraft YouTube


(Last edited: 03/17/13) - Fixed a few bugs and changed a few things in accounts tab

Yes, it's finally here!
Since Lightshot came out, I thought it would be a good idea to make a 'YouTube' version for ComputerCraft which can be used to play Lightshot Videos.
ComputerCraft YouTube is a program that uses the HTTP API to get information from a MySQL Database which has information about videos saved into it. This program accesses the page and stores all the information for each video into a table and then prints it onto the screen.

I'm using a website hosted freely by to store all the information for the videos.
The website is the official website for ComputerCraft YouTube and was made by me. It is available for uploading/downloading and contacting
me if you have any questions.

Official Website: ComputerCraft YouTube - sink into our videos.
What can you do on the website?
  • Upload videos
  • Download videos
  • View the changelog
As of v3.1, an 'Accounts' menu has been added with a Register/login feature which allows your to register an account with a desired name, *email, username and password. This information is stored into a MySQL database with the passwords been **HEAVILY SECURED to prevent any breaches into my system. Registration only requires a username and password, name and email are optional.

Also, I need feedback about everything to do with the Account tab, the colours, text, position, etc. The colours now are from testing and I still yet need to find a better combination.

* For now, emails will be used to notify you about updates (soon to come)

** Passwords are secured like so:
- EACH password has it's own generated salt
- Hashed using SHA in many various ways about 6 times
- According to How Secure Is My Password, it will take A quattuordecillion years to hack my password :P/>/>
Even if someone had the SAME password as yours, their hash code wouldn't been the same as yours.

FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY: Choose a password that you do not use anywhere else in-case something were to happen, but I'm positive nothing will.

  • Login/Register your own account
  • Delete your account
  • Viewing a video in the website gallery will show with a green + on the left if you have it on your computer already (Mouse and key support)
  • Download videos that other users have posted
  • Play downloaded videos from your computer
  • Search for updates
  • Upload your own video using a pastebin code - I will soon add the feature to upload a file directly from your computer. If upload has failed, it now remembers the details that you added previously
  • Connects to a website to manage everything
  • Mailing system - mail other users using there username
  • Installer - custom installer for ComputerCraft YouTube which downloads/creates all files/folders in a sourceFolder '.ccYouTube'
    • has a -redownload feature to which deletes current CC YouTube on your computer and redownloads a fresh one (TheOriginalBit's idea)
    • -redownload feature now backs up all current videos and copies them back to the downloads folder
Things to come:
  • Files uploaded to you will be saved into your user profile if you're logged in.
  • Support for changing your user details in 'Prefrences' tab
  • Able to view all users and check their uploaded videos.
  • Backup folder - create backups of videos
Need feedback on the colours. Colours at the moment don't seem to fit in so nice.

  • TheOriginalBit - LoadingScreen and Extended String Library APIs
  • Orwell - helping me with and string.gmatch
  • Bubba - helped with string.gmatch multiline removal
  • GravityScore - PHP help and general way of how the mailing system will work
Where can I get it?
You can get it by downloading and running this installer - or pastebin get tLSZaRB2 installer
Watch this Lightshot Video (CC YouTube v3.0) to see what's new and to inspire you to download it and use it :P/>/>/> ( Becomes very laggy though :/ )

Spoilerv3.2 (03/16/13)
- Removed dialogue boxes within the accounts tab
- Few more changes with PHP code
- New colours for the table in Website Gallery (need feedback)
- Fixed a bug with updating
- Updated help screen - now has help for Logging in and Registration

v3.2 (03/16/13)
- More changes with PHP, added new ways of getting information
- Mailing system!
- Fixed a few functions
- Fixed a bug where the description isn't uploaded when uploading a video
- Few other changes with Accounts tab

v3.1 (03/16/13)
- Few changes with PHP code which intern needed me to change source code (You won't be able to login with v3.1 RP2 or lower, I don't think)
- Changed 'TheOriginalBit' to 'TheOriginalBIT' in credits
- Added GravityScore in credts - helped with PHP coding and how I will be able to go about the mailing system
- Fixed a bug where menu doesn't change in Prefrences

v3.1 PR2 (03/16/13)
- Changed a few colours for homescreen / account screen
- Fixed update function ( it may find an update, but it wouldn't update )
- Fixed up code a bit, had useless calls there and here
- Homescreen's sliding bar is now bigger
- You can click 'Login' or 'Register' button within the account tab to either go into the next box or to complete the form

v3.1 PR1 (03/15/13)
- Renamed 'Login' tab to 'Account'
- Account tab includes:
- Login/Register/Prefrences/Logout
- Prefrences and Logout are only shown when logged in
- Login/Register is removed when logged in
- Able to register your account with desired name, email address, username and password
- Post a Video 'name' entry is set to your name if you're logged in
- General bug fixes and a few changes

v3.0 (03/10/13)
- Everything has now been moved to GitHub
- Completely re-wrote most functions
- New GUI and colours
- Removed Control Panel Menu
- Added 3 new menus: Home, Login and Help – Login is still in progress
- Website and local gallery are now in the form of a table, looks much better.
- Local gallery now displays who the uploader was with the timestamp
- New installer
- Installer's -redownload option now backs up download videos and then copies them back after the new installation of CCYouTube is complete.
- Videos that you already have are shown with a green + in the website gallery
- Uploading a video now keeps previously added text if the upload failed.

v2.0 (02/16/13)
- Massive upgrade to the website
- Post a video description box has improved
- Themes
- New installer

v1.2 (02/10/13)
- Local videos been playing can now be stopped by clicking F1
- Description field in window for when you open a file to check the details in Website Gallery has been changed. It supports infinity lines and has scroll feature.
- Update window has been changed - now uses the confirmBox function from my box API if an update is found
- Main screen has changed slightly
- Added a new menu 'Control Panel' - In progress

v1.1 (02/09/13)
- Added a 'post a video'
- Changed the credits screen
- Able to delete local videos
- Installer now has a -redownload feature which can be used to delete current CC YouTube and download a fresh one
- General function shortening

- Initial Release


SpoilerHomescreen (orange bar on the left is a sliding bar with text)

Account menu tab


Prefrences (only available when logged in)

Logging out

Local Gallery

Website Gallery
SpoilerViewing all videos

Viewing a video's information

Uploading (if logged in, name becomes your username) description field comes after

Help screen

Post ANY feedback or suggestions (what can I improve/add?) here!
1lann #2
Posted 08 February 2013 - 05:20 AM
Looks beautifully awesome in the video :D/>
I will try it out later sometime :P/>
theoriginalbit #3
Posted 08 February 2013 - 05:52 AM
Good job… You beat NeverCast and I :P/>

Lol btw I love the worm playback at the end of the Lightshot video :P/> and Yay someone is using my loadscreen api! :D/> :D/> :D/>

EDIT: just on a side note, lines 101 and 102

bar:triggerUpdate( "Checking source folder... (" .. ( bar:getCurrentProgress() + 1 ) .."/" .. count .. ")..." )
You don't need

as triggerUpdate would immediately change the "" to the message you pass :)/>
Edited on 08 February 2013 - 05:02 AM
remiX #4
Posted 08 February 2013 - 05:56 AM
Lol I love the worm playback at the end :P/> and Yay someone is using my loadscreen api! :D/> :D/> :D/>

Haha only thing I could think of for an example test video…

Of course, it's a brilliant API :P/>
theoriginalbit #5
Posted 08 February 2013 - 06:01 AM
Haha only thing I could think of for an example test video…

Of course, it's a brilliant API :P/>
Lol ok ;)/>

Thanx :)/> means heaps to hear that :)/> I'll add you into the "programs using" section :)/>

Also found some code cleanup… you can remove the function getCount() and the commented out line that calls it :P/>

EDIT: Found 2 bugs
#1: the installer has a folder with the path /ccYouTube and the main program file path is /ccYouTube … so it never downloads the main program, just downloads and installs the folder.
#2: the main program loads … my load bar finishes its awesome rendering :P/> … then nothing, it returns to the shell…
Edited on 08 February 2013 - 05:10 AM
remiX #6
Posted 08 February 2013 - 06:24 AM
Thanx :)/> means heaps to hear that :)/> I'll add you into the "programs using" section :)/>


Also found some code cleanup… you can remove the function getCount() and the commented out line that calls it :P/>

Derp, that was from the beginning for it to count how many steps the loading bar must have haha.

EDIT: Found 2 bugs
#1: the installer has a folder with the path /ccYouTube and the main program file path is /ccYouTube … so it never downloads the main program, just downloads and installs the folder.
#2: the main program loads … my load bar finishes its awesome rendering :P/> … then nothing, it returns to the shell…

Derp, I dumbly made the installer first before everything else and used temporary pastebin codes and forgot to update it. I actually did but forgot to edit the pastebin link and then delete the fixed one :blink:/>
Thanks :P/> and fixed!
theoriginalbit #7
Posted 08 February 2013 - 06:29 AM
Derp, that was from the beginning for it to count how many steps the loading bar must have haha.
I figured thats what it was for ;)/>

Derp, I dumbly made the installer first before everything else and used temporary pastebin codes and forgot to update it.
Lol I figured that too :P/>

EDIT: Round #2 Suggestion

add a "-redownload" parameter or something to the installer which deletes all the files if they exist and then redownloads them :)/>
Edited on 08 February 2013 - 05:40 AM
Kingdaro #8
Posted 08 February 2013 - 06:42 AM
Doesn't matter now since I've moved the files manually myself, but for the future, please shell.resolve() all directories to a local directory so I don't have to manually move cc's files to my apps folder.

That aside, this looks really nice.

EDIT: Center the logo to compliment my massive 75x25 screen? :D/>
remiX #9
Posted 08 February 2013 - 06:51 AM
EDIT: Round #2 Suggestion

add a "-redownload" parameter or something to the installer which deletes all the files if they exist and then redownloads them :)/>/>/>

Good idea:P, will add it to the update list

Doesn't matter now since I've moved the files manually myself, but for the future, please shell.resolve() all directories to a local directory so I don't have to manually move cc's files to my apps folder.

What doesn't matter? What files did you molve? apps folder?

EDIT: Center the logo to compliment my massive 75x25 screen? :D/>/>

Ohh monitor support for the videos o_O sounds fun
theoriginalbit #10
Posted 08 February 2013 - 06:54 AM
EDIT: Center the logo to compliment my massive 75x25 screen? :D/>
Well I can tell you that on the load screen it is, unless remiX modified my api :P/>

remiX feel free to steal that code to centre it :)/>
Kingdaro #11
Posted 08 February 2013 - 07:40 AM
Doesn't matter now since I've moved the files manually myself, but for the future, please shell.resolve() all directories to a local directory so I don't have to manually move cc's files to my apps folder.

What doesn't matter? What files did you molve? apps folder?

I keep all of my programs in a folder on my computer called "apps", and I downloaded the installer to said folder, expecting it to be installed to apps/ccYouTube, but it went ahead and installed in the root directory instead.
remiX #12
Posted 08 February 2013 - 07:52 AM
EDIT: Center the logo to compliment my massive 75x25 screen? :D/>
Well I can tell you that on the load screen it is, unless remiX modified my api :P/>

remiX feel free to steal that code to centre it :)/>

Nope, haven't modified it at all.

Doesn't matter now since I've moved the files manually myself, but for the future, please shell.resolve() all directories to a local directory so I don't have to manually move cc's files to my apps folder.

What doesn't matter? What files did you molve? apps folder?

I keep all of my programs in a folder on my computer called "apps", and I downloaded the installer to said folder, expecting it to be installed to apps/ccYouTube, but it went ahead and installed in the root directory instead.

Ah. I made the installer default to the root directory, ,_,
SuicidalSTDz #13
Posted 08 February 2013 - 09:36 AM
Looks amazing, keep up the great work! :)/>
Skullblade #14
Posted 08 February 2013 - 10:55 AM
Interesting so it basically just links to pastebin "movies". Still cool though i like it :D/>
NeverCast #15
Posted 08 February 2013 - 03:14 PM
Ahh, TheOriginalBit! You're helping the competition damn it :P/>

Excellent work remiX! I'll have to give it a test run!

CCTube will be beta release in a few days if everything goes to schedule so we'll have to see how they compare :D/>
remiX #16
Posted 08 February 2013 - 06:24 PM
Looks amazing, keep up the great work! :)/>

Thanks :P/>

Interesting so it basically just links to pastebin "movies". Still cool though i like it :D/>

Eventually, I'll let it link to gitHub links. What other links should be usable?

Ahh, TheOriginalBit! You're helping the competition damn it :P/>

Excellent work remiX! I'll have to give it a test run!

CCTube will be beta release in a few days if everything goes to schedule so we'll have to see how they compare :D/>

Haha :P/> Thanks and yeah!

Soon to come:
  • Post a video through the computer (Thanks to Orwell for the help of
  • -redownload option in the installer
  • Control Panel?
GravityScore #17
Posted 08 February 2013 - 08:32 PM

This is absolutely incredible. :D/>
Sammich Lord #18
Posted 09 February 2013 - 12:14 AM

This is absolutely incredible. :D/>
Dr.Pepper is still more incredible. But this is pretty cool. You could have it get the raw pastebin files and add it to a read-only directory on the web server.
remiX #19
Posted 09 February 2013 - 03:05 AM

This is absolutely incredible. :D/>

Thanks :P/>

Dr.Pepper is still more incredible. But this is pretty cool. You could have it get the raw pastebin files and add it to a read-only directory on the web server.

Dr Pepper?
It get the raw pastebin files? The server from when you add a video to the database?

It makes me sad that no one has posted a video yet xD
Sammich Lord #20
Posted 09 February 2013 - 03:19 AM
It makes me sad that no one has posted a video yet xD
We need a lightshot movie editor. There is no way to actually say anything in the videos without using the edit script or using the shell.
remiX #21
Posted 09 February 2013 - 03:26 AM
It makes me sad that no one has posted a video yet xD
We need a lightshot movie editor. There is no way to actually say anything in the videos without using the edit script or using the shell.

True, very true.

Oh well, I gained a lot of knowledge on PHP and MySQL Databases :D/>
NeptunasLT #22
Posted 09 February 2013 - 08:11 AM
Skullblade #23
Posted 09 February 2013 - 08:17 AM
plz don't keep doing this…..
TheOddByte #24
Posted 09 February 2013 - 10:08 AM
Love this since it's so awsome!
And I agree with Sammich Lord/Human it would be awsome with a lightshot editor.
I would start making CC games edits :D/>
remiX #25
Posted 09 February 2013 - 02:15 PM
Love this since it's so awsome!
And I agree with Sammich Lord/Human it would be awsome with a lightshot editor.
I would start making CC games edits :D/>

Is that even possible :P/>

Updated to v1.1!

What's new:
- A 'post a video' feature (Currently only supports adding of pastebin codes, later you will be able to upload a Lightshot video from your computer)
- Added the -redownload feature to the installer (TheOriginalBit's idea)
- Changed credits screen
- Local videos are now delete able.
- Changed start menu a bit.

I'm open to any suggestions, so guys, suggest away! :P/>
Getalife #26
Posted 10 February 2013 - 04:47 AM
Love the gui! It's quite advanced with a lot of http use!

The websites could use an upgrading though :P/>
remiX #27
Posted 10 February 2013 - 07:18 AM
Love the gui! It's quite advanced with a lot of http use!

The websites could use an upgrading though :P/>/>

Glad you enjoy it :)/>

Yeah, I'm stuck on that part… Not sure how I can implement the php links that I made into the actual website menus :|

Also, the website has been down quite a bit today :< 000webhosts must be having some problems :P/>
TheOddByte #28
Posted 10 February 2013 - 01:01 PM
I think this should be added in FireWolf.. :D/>
remiX #29
Posted 10 February 2013 - 01:17 PM
I think this should be added in FireWolf.. :D/>/>

Good idea, I'll ask GravityScore and see what he thinks
1lann #30
Posted 10 February 2013 - 02:56 PM
Btw, as a heads up, Firewolf HTTP is nearing completion (I think) GravityScore has gotten really lazy lately but I would expect it to be finished by this month :D/>, then we/(or you) can pop it into a Firewolf HTTP site.
remiX #31
Posted 10 February 2013 - 03:10 PM
Nice :)/> We'll see when the time comes
phillips1012 #32
Posted 10 February 2013 - 04:09 PM
You should watch my video. The ID is 4 and it is called "How to use computercraft".
remiX #33
Posted 10 February 2013 - 05:32 PM
You should watch my video. The ID is 4 and it is called "How to use computercraft".

Nice try :P/> Obviously I'd have some sort of troll-security. Atm, it sucks. It will be much better soon, though.
NeverCast #34
Posted 10 February 2013 - 06:11 PM
We need a lightshot movie editor. There is no way to actually say anything in the videos without using the edit script or using the shell.

CCTube has subtitle support =/
Lol this is overtaking my development! Slow down or I wont be able to compete!

It's looking amazing remix. Nice work.
theoriginalbit #35
Posted 10 February 2013 - 06:28 PM
CCTube has subtitle support =/
When did you add that into our spec?
I don't even remember seeing that in the commit descs…
NeverCast #36
Posted 10 February 2013 - 07:30 PM
Added it a long time ago

A lot has happened while you've been away :P/>
But I need your help nao, Come fix a bug lawl

45Kb files compress down to 8Kb, 9Kb files compress down to 700 bytes.

But it's not worth anything if I can't fix this tabulate bug lol
theoriginalbit #37
Posted 10 February 2013 - 07:49 PM
Added it a long time ago
And you didn't tell me why?! :P/>

But I need your help nao, Come fix a bug lawl
Only got an hour before going out again…
NeverCast #38
Posted 10 February 2013 - 11:16 PM
When I need you the most you're not there D:
Fine, I'll do the GUI too :P/>

Already fixed the breaking bugs. realnumber/integer issues and _le instead of _eq etc
TheOddByte #39
Posted 11 February 2013 - 12:58 AM
why did this come up when I tried to get the website list?
It covered the whole CC screen
Btw this was when I updated to 1.2..
remiX #40
Posted 11 February 2013 - 05:58 AM
We need a lightshot movie editor. There is no way to actually say anything in the videos without using the edit script or using the shell.

CCTube has subtitle support =/
Lol this is overtaking my development! Slow down or I wont be able to compete!

It's looking amazing remix. Nice work.

Haha subtitle support, how? O_o
Thanks :P/>

Added it a long time ago

A lot has happened while you've been away :P/>
But I need your help nao, Come fix a bug lawl

45Kb files compress down to 8Kb, 9Kb files compress down to 700 bytes.

But it's not worth anything if I can't fix this tabulate bug lol

How the ?

Some troll lol, working on a better security feature at the moment so it won't happen again :)/>
TheOddByte #41
Posted 11 February 2013 - 07:24 AM
What the h?
Now that's fixed but I'm getting the error

paralell :22: ccYouTube:346:
attempt to index ? (a nil value)

This is when I try to download a video!
remiX #42
Posted 11 February 2013 - 07:30 AM
What the h?
Now that's fixed but I'm getting the error

paralell :22: ccYouTube:346:
attempt to index ? (a nil value)

This is when I try to download a video!

Hm, I don't recall getting an error from when I tested v1.2 before publishing.
Is that line this one?
function() box.textBox(colours.grey, colours.lightGrey, 1, screenX, 9, screenY - 1, t.desc) end,

If so, then make sure you have the BOX api. Maybe reinstall ccYouTube by using the installer with a -redownload argument (back-up your current videos)
TheOddByte #43
Posted 11 February 2013 - 07:39 AM
Tried deleting everything and downloading it again..
Still getting the same error..

parallel.waitForAny(  --345
function() box.textBox(colours.grey, colours.lightGrey, 1, screenX, 9, screenY - 1, t.desc) end, --346
function() --347
while true do --348
remiX #44
Posted 11 February 2013 - 09:04 AM
I just tried it now - downloaded the installer that's in the OP and it works fine. Downloads the videos fine.
Are you using the new installer? Newest installer is v1.1. If you're still using the first one I made, it will error out because it doesn't download the box api.
NeverCast #45
Posted 11 February 2013 - 12:18 PM
CCTube has subtitle support =/
Lol this is overtaking my development! Slow down or I wont be able to compete!

It's looking amazing remix. Nice work.

Haha subtitle support, how? O_o
Thanks :P/>

With FrameImage Objects and DeltaBuffers of course, how else would you make real-time overlays :D/>

Added it a long time ago

A lot has happened while you've been away :P/>
But I need your help nao, Come fix a bug lawl

45Kb files compress down to 8Kb, 9Kb files compress down to 700 bytes.

But it's not worth anything if I can't fix this tabulate bug lol

How the ?

Custom file format inspired from MPEG-1
Consisting of both I and P frames for data efficiency.

I also fixed all the bugs, so it's working perfectly now.
Just working on the Controls and Forms API for efficient GUI, and then out CCTube shall come.

It's also malware proof. I'd be impressed with anyone that managed to break it.
remiX #46
Posted 11 February 2013 - 05:32 PM

With FrameImage Objects and DeltaBuffers of course, how else would you make real-time overlays :D/>

You guys really do go overboard :D/> Good luck with that I guess :P/>

Custom file format inspired from MPEG-1
Consisting of both I and P frames for data efficiency.

I also fixed all the bugs, so it's working perfectly now.
Just working on the Controls and Forms API for efficient GUI, and then out CCTube shall come.

It's also malware proof. I'd be impressed with anyone that managed to break it.

Challenged Accepted! ;)/>

Sounds amazing… hurry up then! I want to try it :P/>
SuicidalSTDz #47
Posted 11 February 2013 - 05:50 PM
Lol here you go remiX, I just made a little program to show how much you motivate me :D/>

Pastebin ID: wXWp9j85

ccYoutube FTW!!
remiX #48
Posted 11 February 2013 - 06:09 PM
Lol here you go remiX, I just made a little program to show how much you motivate me :D/>

Pastebin ID: wXWp9j85

ccYoutube FTW!!

Haha but system failure goes from the right to the left not the other way ;)/>
SuicidalSTDz #49
Posted 12 February 2013 - 02:51 AM
Lol here you go remiX, I just made a little program to show how much you motivate me :D/>

Pastebin ID: wXWp9j85

ccYoutube FTW!!

Haha but system failure goes from the right to the left not the other way ;)/>
Indeed it does… One moment :)/>

EDIT: Time for school… Fix it when I get back :)/>
theoriginalbit #50
Posted 12 February 2013 - 04:45 AM
Yay, you removed all the Virus' :D/>
remiX #51
Posted 12 February 2013 - 05:09 AM
Yay, you removed all the Virus' :D/>

Well, I also made a page that I can easily remove records with a click of a button so it took a few seconds :P/>

Also increased the security a little bit, and still need to even more :P/>
Egor305 #52
Posted 12 February 2013 - 04:10 PM
Also increased the security a little bit, and still need to even more :P/>

When you decrease it, so we can upload .nfa -> lightshot videos?

Edit: for now, to upload animation you need to rerecord it in non-animation mode

EDIT2: I find other way to upload .nfa :)/> as well as other programs
@remiX please delete "Security Test (CCYT Test)" and "Interactive Calculator" videos, because they not work, and was just test on interactive videos…
but "Calculator 2.0" is works pretty well :-)
lieudusty #53
Posted 12 February 2013 - 05:59 PM
Did the site break? I tried viewing the list of videos and I got a 403 error.
Shnupbups #54
Posted 12 February 2013 - 06:21 PM
Yes, the site seems to be down…
remiX #55
Posted 12 February 2013 - 08:13 PM
Yeah it is.

Some reject spammed it with about 85 posts and the website auto-suspends it because of mass mail.

I've emailed them and I'll get it sorted out -_-/>

Some people really don't have lives!
remiX #56
Posted 13 February 2013 - 03:49 AM
The site is back up and I have added even more security now. The PHP page now has a filter and if the filter is triggered, it will display 'The filter has been triggered' and the upload will fail.
This filter returns an error message which can be received on the CC Computer but will only be available in v2.0 as I'm adding/changing quite a lot.

I have a feeling that whoever spammed the website had opened that 'virus' which constantly spams the database adding hundreds of random posts within a few seconds. This can't happen anymore.

If you guys have any suggestions that I could add for CC YouTube, be free to post them to me :P/>
NeptunasLT #57
Posted 16 February 2013 - 01:23 AM
remiX #58
Posted 16 February 2013 - 03:25 AM
v2.0 Coming Soon

So I've decided to bring v2.0 already because of what/how much I'm changing. There is a lot:
  • Login System
  • Control Panel
  • PHP Database now restricts users from only posting one video each minute
  • Might change the whole layout of the GUI and how it works
  • And more…

At the moment, older versions will not be able to POST videos but they should still be able to get the list of videos for download.
If you want to upload your videos, please go to this page and fill in the fields to upload your video.

The 'Pastebin Code' field only requires for you to enter the code of the pastebin link.
theoriginalbit #59
Posted 16 February 2013 - 03:27 AM
Might change the whole layout of the GUI and how it works
Is there a reason for this? I don't mind your gui.
NeptunasLT #60
Posted 16 February 2013 - 06:06 AM
Let's Send One :)/>
remiX #61
Posted 16 February 2013 - 06:34 AM
Might change the whole layout of the GUI and how it works
Is there a reason for this? I don't mind your gui.

I think it's boring and dull. How are the buttons for CCTube? (PS release it already! xD)

Let's Send One :)/>/>

Goof #62
Posted 16 February 2013 - 10:32 AM
**Bug Report**

When loading the Website Gallery, everytimes i click on "Open" it throws this error:

ccYouTube:334: attempt to concatenate string and nil

in my opinion you should make a security, that sends the error report to your mail, or something, so we dont have to post it all.

and PS.. why is the version 1.2, when i updated? didnt you say that v 2.0 was released?

Thanks :D/>
remiX #63
Posted 16 February 2013 - 11:14 AM
**Bug Report**

When loading the Website Gallery, everytimes i click on "Open" it throws this error:

ccYouTube:334: attempt to concatenate string and nil

in my opinion you should make a security, that sends the error report to your mail, or something, so we dont have to post it all.

and PS.. why is the version 1.2, when i updated? didnt you say that v 2.0 was released?

Thanks :D/>

v2.0 Coming Soon

So I've decided to bring v2.0 already because of what/how much I'm changing. There is a lot:
  • Login System
  • Control Panel
  • PHP Database now restricts users from only posting one video each minute
  • Might change the whole layout of the GUI and how it works
  • And more…
At the moment, older versions will not be able to POST videos but they should still be able to get the list of videos for download.
If you want to upload your videos, please go to this page and fill in the fields to upload your video.

The 'Pastebin Code' field only requires for you to enter the code of the pastebin link.

No I said v2.0 coming soon. :P/>

What exactly is on line 334 of your ccYouTube file?

I'm busy updating a lot at the moment. v2.0 should be up by mon-tuesday at least
Goof #64
Posted 16 February 2013 - 11:58 AM
oh xD derp. i thaught that it was updated to 2.0 right now… but here is my code:


i added a comment in the function..

here is a little part of it:

	local function info(t) -- in this function.
		drawBG(t.title .. " - " .. t.code, false, "Download", colours.lightGrey) -- line 334.
		term.setCursorPos(4, 3)
		colorW(colours.grey, "		 File: ",, t.title)
		term.setCursorPos(4, 4)
		colorW(colours.grey, "		 User: ",, t.user)
		term.setCursorPos(4, 5)
		colorW(colours.grey, "Pastebin Code: ",, t.code)
		term.setCursorPos(4, 6)
		colorW(colours.grey, "	   Posted: ",, t.postDate)
		term.setCursorPos(4, 8)
		colorW(colours.grey, " Description: ")

Thanks :D/>

Error : ccYouTube:334: attempt to concatenate string and nil
theoriginalbit #65
Posted 16 February 2013 - 01:23 PM
I think it's boring and dull. How are the buttons for CCTube?
I didn't mine it…. what do you mean how are the buttons? Take a look at the screenshots.
NeverCast #66
Posted 16 February 2013 - 07:04 PM
The GUI in CCTube is beautiful and amazing :D/>
But that happens when TheOriginalBit and I built a 1300 line Window/Controls API for it :D/>
theoriginalbit #67
Posted 16 February 2013 - 07:05 PM
But that happens when TheOriginalBit and I built a 1300 line Window/Controls API for it :D/>
Is that really what our line count is up to for that API? wow. lol.
NeverCast #68
Posted 16 February 2013 - 07:06 PM
Ahh it was, It's about 1150 now as I cleared some shit.
But it's still 40,327 characters :D/>
theoriginalbit #69
Posted 16 February 2013 - 07:10 PM
Ahh it was, It's about 1150 now as I cleared some shit.
But it's still 40,327 characters :D/>
Lol ok. haha.
remiX #70
Posted 16 February 2013 - 08:04 PM
oh xD derp. i thaught that it was updated to 2.0 right now… but here is my code:


i added a comment in the function..

here is a little part of it:

	local function info(t) -- in this function.
		drawBG(t.title .. " - " .. t.code, false, "Download", colours.lightGrey) -- line 334.
		term.setCursorPos(4, 3)
		colorW(colours.grey, "		 File: ",, t.title)
		term.setCursorPos(4, 4)
		colorW(colours.grey, "		 User: ",, t.user)
		term.setCursorPos(4, 5)
		colorW(colours.grey, "Pastebin Code: ",, t.code)
		term.setCursorPos(4, 6)
		colorW(colours.grey, "	   Posted: ",, t.postDate)
		term.setCursorPos(4, 8)
		colorW(colours.grey, " Description: ")

Thanks :D/>

Error : ccYouTube:334: attempt to concatenate string and nil

Oh, it's occuring because I changed how the info is received.
Change line 281 to
for code in sourceText:gmatch('<URL>(.-)</URL>') do

The GUI in CCTube is beautiful and amazing :D/>
But that happens when TheOriginalBit and I built a 1300 line Window/Controls API for it :D/>

Wow that's a long API for buttons o_O
theoriginalbit #71
Posted 16 February 2013 - 08:15 PM
Wow that's a long API for buttons o_O
Its more than buttons! Way more!
remiX #72
Posted 17 February 2013 - 01:17 AM
Wow that's a long API for buttons o_O
Its more than buttons! Way more!

Surprise me then :)/>
theoriginalbit #73
Posted 17 February 2013 - 01:27 AM
Surprise me then :)/>
With what?
remiX #74
Posted 17 February 2013 - 03:47 AM
Surprise me then :)/>
With what?

API I guess :P/>

I've just finished the brand the website which fully utilizes php scripts with added security. You can now upload a video through the official website.
I'm still busy with the downloads page, though!

Next to come is ComputerCraft YouTube v2.0 :D/>
GravityScore #75
Posted 17 February 2013 - 04:14 AM
I've just finished the brand the website which fully utilizes php scripts with added security. You can now upload a video through the official website.
I'm still busy with the downloads page, though!

Next to come is ComputerCraft YouTube v2.0 :D/>

Love the new website, looks epic!

I can't find a single mention of Lightshot in it though :P/> When you say video, how are people ment to know what you mean?
remiX #76
Posted 17 February 2013 - 05:58 AM

Love the new website, looks epic!

I can't find a single mention of Lightshot in it though :P/>/> When you say video, how are people ment to know what you mean?

Thanks :P/>

That's very true hey, I'll add some information now - anything you want me to add seeming as Lightshot is your program :)/>
Raezlyn #77
Posted 17 February 2013 - 06:59 AM
I can't upload to the site it says "Invalid Pastebin Code" even though it's correct. I've tried about 60 times. :(/>
remiX #78
Posted 17 February 2013 - 07:48 AM
I can't upload to the site it says "Invalid Pastebin Code" even though it's correct. I've tried about 60 times. :(/>

Show me the pastebin link
remiX #79
Posted 17 February 2013 - 09:08 AM
v2.0 is out!

I decided to release v2.0 now because I have changed quite a lot and older version will fail to upload videos.

Check the OP to see what's new and what's to come!

New LightShot Video or download it within the program!

EDIT: To who ever Marumaru is, nice little video but try spam my database now.
NeverCast #80
Posted 17 February 2013 - 10:20 AM
Marumaru is the local prick.

v2.0 is out!

remiX #81
Posted 17 February 2013 - 11:09 AM
Marumaru is the local prick.

Lol, so I've figured… I'm taking a guess that Raezlyn is Marumaru.. guessing from the amount of posts and created the account only 1/2 days ago
Raezlyn #82
Posted 17 February 2013 - 11:39 AM
Who is marumar? I just want to post a video of me playing worm sheesh!
remiX #83
Posted 17 February 2013 - 11:41 AM
Who is marumar? I just want to post a video of me playing worm sheesh!

Lol then send me the pastebin link of the 'video'
Raezlyn #84
Posted 17 February 2013 - 11:48 AM
I had to remake the video… can you plz upload it? :(/>
last time I tried it said "invalid pastebin" over and over
remiX #85
Posted 18 February 2013 - 01:37 AM
I had to remake the video… can you plz upload it? :(/>
last time I tried it said "invalid pastebin" over and over

Hm… The video doesn't have much o_O
remiX #86
Posted 19 February 2013 - 08:51 AM
Just finished the Downloads page on the website; I think it looks nice :P/>
Each description is encased within a show/hide box which I think looks pretty cool :P/>

Link: CC YouTube Downloads Page
Lootman5 #87
Posted 21 February 2013 - 04:45 AM
Looks cool.
remiX #88
Posted 21 February 2013 - 08:20 AM
Looks cool.

Thanks :P/>

Any suggestions as to what I can add?
Also for the website, I'm not entirely sure of what colours to use there and here so you can help me there too :P/>
JohnSmith41Junk #89
Posted 08 March 2013 - 07:46 AM
can you upload:
remiX #90
Posted 08 March 2013 - 08:06 AM

It's not working because you're using Lightshot v 1.2 or older. You need to use the latest version of lightshot.

I added it, tell me if I must change the name/description
GeniusName3 #91
Posted 10 March 2013 - 10:14 AM
Nice!Awesome w/ firewolf
remiX #92
Posted 10 March 2013 - 10:52 AM
I've been doing a big update over the passed two days. Many changes.
Only thing I need to do is a help section which will be tomorrow and I'll upload it then,
TheOddByte #93
Posted 10 March 2013 - 12:22 PM
Just one question..
I've downloaded Lightshot version 1.3(Deleted the old one) and
it still does'nt work.. Then I tried deleting al in the computer and then downloading the new Lightshot, And it still does'nt work!
It says something is wrong with the server.. Please help me!
remiX #94
Posted 10 March 2013 - 01:09 PM
Just one question..
I've downloaded Lightshot version 1.3(Deleted the old one) and
it still does'nt work.. Then I tried deleting al in the computer and then downloading the new Lightshot, And it still does'nt work!
It says something is wrong with the server.. Please help me!

Something is wrong with the server? O_o
Works fine for me…

Give me a pastebin link of a video recorded by the Lightshot you have.
TheOddByte #95
Posted 10 March 2013 - 02:19 PM
Just one question..
I've downloaded Lightshot version 1.3(Deleted the old one) and
it still does'nt work.. Then I tried deleting al in the computer and then downloading the new Lightshot, And it still does'nt work!
It says something is wrong with the server.. Please help me!

Something is wrong with the server? O_o
Works fine for me…

Give me a pastebin link of a video recorded by the Lightshot you have.
Can't do it now since I'm not on my computer..
remiX #96
Posted 10 March 2013 - 03:14 PM
Updated to v3.0

Main changes:
- Complete re-write
- Added 3 menus: Login/Help/Home
- Galleries are now shown in table format
- Removed Control Panel
- Moved to GitHub ( new installer here )

See OP for more details

The colours, especially the menu at the top, are a bit boring and dul - if anyone has a better combonation, please tell me :P/>

EDIT: Not sure why the server isn't responding when uploading a file but it was working for me earlier today :/
If it isn't fixed by tomorrow, i'll find out what's wrong
TheOddByte #97
Posted 11 March 2013 - 06:26 AM
So are you having the same problem now or what?
remiX #98
Posted 11 March 2013 - 07:47 AM
So are you having the same problem now or what?

It's working :P/>

Hmm.. it only works for one upload and then gives the server is not responding.
I honestly don't know what the problem is… I'll email 000webhost :\

EDIT: Woot! Fixed it. Was a problem on the PHP side.
No idea how it started to occur because I haven't changed anything PHP-related for quite a while.

But it works now! :D/>
TheOddByte #99
Posted 11 March 2013 - 10:26 AM
I gotta say that it looks much nicer now than before!
And that animation at home is so nice..
Will you add key event and stuff sometime?(Would be nice to have both I think)
EDIT: Just noticed that it was key support… But it did'nt work the first time since I had to restart
the computer.. And it seemed that most of the time the enter key when trying to download was the worst problem..
But it's working fine now
Divide_By_0 #100
Posted 11 March 2013 - 12:16 PM
I dont understand Why but whenever i click Website Gallery it says Retrieving List…
And my MultiMC Console is getting SPAMMED
With memory Connection Overburdned
remiX #101
Posted 11 March 2013 - 06:14 PM
I gotta say that it looks much nicer now than before!
And that animation at home is so nice..
Will you add key event and stuff sometime?(Would be nice to have both I think)
EDIT: Just noticed that it was key support… But it did'nt work the first time since I had to restart
the computer.. And it seemed that most of the time the enter key when trying to download was the worst problem..
But it's working fine now

Yeah, it definitely does look better. The reason I made the animation was because cc-YouTube and the text doesn't fit on the screen at the same time.
And when the bar is sliding-out, you will notice the text of ccYouTube doesn't re-write because it's a paint file and yeah… don't know how I would correct that.

What do you mean the key support didn't work the first time and had to restart the pc to fix this? Do you mean with the tables of the galleries not working with key support?

Enter key when trying to download? The enter key has no effect when downloading a file, don't understand that :P/>

PS, nice worm game ;)/>

I dont understand Why but whenever i click Website Gallery it says Retrieving List…
And my MultiMC Console is getting SPAMMED
With memory Connection Overburdned

It says Retrieving List because it gets the list of videos from a webpage. It uses http,get which takes about 1 second to retrieve the information. If I were to have it wait a second after clicking it, you will think it's delay or whatever lol.

Spammed? How, with what and what were you doing?

Anyone got any suggestions on what I could still add or change?
The login system will be done before the 20th of march, hopefully sooner :)/>
TheOddByte #102
Posted 12 March 2013 - 08:05 AM
I gotta say that it looks much nicer now than before!
And that animation at home is so nice..
Will you add key event and stuff sometime?(Would be nice to have both I think)
EDIT: Just noticed that it was key support… But it did'nt work the first time since I had to restart
the computer.. And it seemed that most of the time the enter key when trying to download was the worst problem..
But it's working fine now

Yeah, it definitely does look better. The reason I made the animation was because cc-YouTube and the text doesn't fit on the screen at the same time.
And when the bar is sliding-out, you will notice the text of ccYouTube doesn't re-write because it's a paint file and yeah… don't know how I would correct that.

What do you mean the key support didn't work the first time and had to restart the pc to fix this? Do you mean with the tables of the galleries not working with key support?

Enter key when trying to download? The enter key has no effect when downloading a file, don't understand that :P/>

PS, nice worm game ;)/>

I dont understand Why but whenever i click Website Gallery it says Retrieving List…
And my MultiMC Console is getting SPAMMED
With memory Connection Overburdned

It says Retrieving List because it gets the list of videos from a webpage. It uses http,get which takes about 1 second to retrieve the information. If I were to have it wait a second after clicking it, you will think it's delay or whatever lol.

Spammed? How, with what and what were you doing?

Anyone got any suggestions on what I could still add or change?
The login system will be done before the 20th of march, hopefully sooner :)/>
Nice date you mentioned =D
BTW I meant that It did'nt work when trying to download or play videos or basically anything..
remiX #103
Posted 12 March 2013 - 08:09 AM
Nice date you mentioned =D

Haha what do you mean? :P/>
It's 9 days from now and making a login system actually will take a while (security - prevent people from spamming accounts, etc) :o/> But it won't have login support for the website
TheOddByte #104
Posted 12 March 2013 - 12:00 PM
Nice date you mentioned =D

Haha what do you mean? :P/>
It's 9 days from now and making a login system actually will take a while (security - prevent people from spamming accounts, etc) :o/> But it won't have login support for the website
It's my birthday the 20th..
remiX #105
Posted 13 March 2013 - 02:16 AM
Nice date you mentioned =D

Haha what do you mean? :P/>
It's 9 days from now and making a login system actually will take a while (security - prevent people from spamming accounts, etc) :o/> But it won't have login support for the website
It's my birthday the 20th..

That's why I chose that date ;)/>
remiX #106
Posted 16 March 2013 - 07:30 AM
Updated to v3.0 PR1

Ok well 20th was too far away :P/>

I'm updating it to PR1 because I still need to find and fix bugs with the accounts tab (registering/login/prefrences).
I need you guys to test it out and give me some feedback.
Also, feedback on the colours/text positons/etc for the accounts tab as I haven't made them perfect yet :P/>

Installer: here or update within the program!
TheOddByte #107
Posted 16 March 2013 - 08:27 AM
Uhm.. when I try to update ingame it says: No update found.
Is there something wrong with the HTTP stuff?
I have version 3.0
remiX #108
Posted 16 March 2013 - 08:30 AM
Uhm.. when I try to update ingame it says: No update found.
Is there something wrong with the HTTP stuff?
I have version 3.0

Derp. I had changed the function in the new version to a different link and forgot that 3.0 still gets the code from pastebin… Will update the pastebin code now - thanks for telling me :P/>
TheOddByte #109
Posted 16 March 2013 - 09:38 AM

Derp. I had changed the function in the new version to a different link and forgot that 3.0 still gets the code from pastebin… Will update the pastebin code now - thanks for telling me :P/>
Np, now that you've added accounts will you add so that people can comment on videos or something?
Anyway this is really great!
remiX #110
Posted 16 March 2013 - 09:40 AM

Derp. I had changed the function in the new version to a different link and forgot that 3.0 still gets the code from pastebin… Will update the pastebin code now - thanks for telling me :P/>
Np, now that you've added accounts will you add so that people can comment on videos or something?
Anyway this is really great!

Hmm.. comments.. Sounds difficult :\
How would I got about that?
TheOddByte #111
Posted 16 March 2013 - 09:42 AM
IDK.. But WOW! you responded really fast..
I thought that was somewhat the purpose of you creating the ability to have accounts..
remiX #112
Posted 16 March 2013 - 10:11 AM
IDK.. But WOW! you responded really fast..
I thought that was somewhat the purpose of you creating the ability to have accounts..

Haha, well I get emailed with every response and I was in the programs section at that time :P/>

Yeah I know, well I made it for users to mail each other, view list of uploads, view profiles.
Having the comments would be cool, but I have no idea how I could go about doing this.

I can't store every uploaded video to a single cell in a php database because that's just ridiculous xD

If anyone can think of a reasonable way to do so, I'll implement it
remiX #113
Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:12 AM
Updated to v3.1 PR2

Fixed a few bugs
Changed a few colours in the accounts tab and homescreen
Sliding bar in the homescreen is bigger
Fixed updater

I am busy implementing a mailing system at the moment, then after will be uploads will save to your account where you can delete them
theoriginalbit #114
Posted 17 March 2013 - 01:31 AM
Anyone got any suggestions on what I could still add or change?
More security!

Its looking much better than your old version… I should give you access to my Graphics API so you can add some cool stuff :P/>

That Dark Blue on the Dark Grey is a little hard to read

Also in the credits:

EDIT: Your scrolling in doesn't look right, i think you should have it scroll like how it scrolls out. with the text moving too.
Edited on 17 March 2013 - 12:50 AM
remiX #115
Posted 17 March 2013 - 02:38 AM
More security!

Why? What's wrong with my security

Its looking much better than your old version… I should give you access to my Graphics API so you can add some cool stuff :P/>

Much better, yeah - thanks.
What can you do with Graphics api? Oh i see, guis :P/> What kind of GUIs?

That Dark Blue on the Dark Grey is a little hard to read

The tables for the galleries? Yeah, like I said I need to find better colours :P/>
I did change the heading colour of both tables and wanted to change the colour of the content background/text but I couldn't think of a nice combination earlier and skipped it hoping someone would give me a pretty combination.

Also in the credits:

Fixed xD

EDIT: Your scrolling in doesn't look right, i think you should have it scroll like how it scrolls out. with the text moving too.

Are you talking about the home screen sliding bar?
Yeah, I want it to slide out with text moving too, but I couldn't get the math right last time.
I just tried now and I'm so close xD
The only problem is that near the end of the transition, more orange spots appear,
it's due it string.rep( ' ', length ) part to remove the extra letters from previously printed text

I'm using this code:
	local function transEffect( s )
		if s == "out" then
			term.setBackgroundColour( )
			for x = 1, 35 do
				for y = screenY - 10, screenY - 1 do
					term.setCursorPos( x, y )
					write( ' ' )
				if x > 2 then
					for i = 1, #text do
						leftWrite( ' ' .. text[i]:sub( math.abs( x - 36 ) ), i + 9, i == 1 and or, )
				--sleep( 0.05 )
		elseif s == "in" then
			for x = 36, 2, -1 do
				for i = 1, #text do
					if text[i] ~= "" then sWrite( text[i]:sub( 37 - x ) .. string.rep( ' ', 33 - #text[i] ), 2, i + 9, i == 1 and or, ) end
				for y = screenY - 10, screenY - 1 do
					sWrite( ' ', x, y,, colours.white )
				sleep( 0.20 )
			paintutils.drawImage( t_logos["logo"] , 5, 8 )
		for y = screenY - 10, screenY - 1 do
			sWrite( y == math.floor( ( ( screenY - 10 ) + ( screenY - 1 ) ) / 2 ) and (s == "out" and '<' or '>') or ' ', s == "out" and 36 or 1, y, colours.white, )
Just change the current transition effect function with this and try it out and help me with that little part please :P/>
theoriginalbit #116
Posted 17 March 2013 - 02:44 AM
Why? What's wrong with my security
idk, there is probs somethin :P/> security can always be better.

What can you do with Graphics api? Oh i see, guis :P/> What kind of GUIs?
You have seen cctube right? Try and use it and see how awesome it is… if you want to use the develop build one PM me and I'll tell you what to do to get it to work.
remiX #117
Posted 17 March 2013 - 04:00 AM
You have seen cctube right? Try and use it and see how awesome it is… if you want to use the develop build one PM me and I'll tell you what to do to get it to work.

I have… a few months ago :P/>

I vaguely remembered it so I wanted to download it but the pastebin link is completely outdated and your github repo is bugged?
Showing the files are empty, 0.0 kb in size.

PS: Did you try the code?

Updated to v3.1

- Changed php code slightly and code for logging in/registration/deleting account.
- Fixed a bug where menu doesn't change
- Changed 'TheOriginalBit' to 'TheOriginalBIT' in credits xD
- Changed how the sliding bar slides back in ( bit buggy - trying to fix now )

Mailing system should be out tonight or tomorrow :P/>
diegodan1893 #118
Posted 17 March 2013 - 06:45 AM
I have a suggestion. Instead of giving us a link to the raw installer on github, make a small program that downloads the installer and upload it to pastebin.
Writting "pastebin get <code> ccYouTube" is easier than downloading it manually, and you won't lose github features as the installer is in github and the code in pastebin will be only a downloader.
remiX #119
Posted 17 March 2013 - 08:47 AM
I have a suggestion. Instead of giving us a link to the raw installer on github, make a small program that downloads the installer and upload it to pastebin.
Writting "pastebin get <code> ccYouTube" is easier than downloading it manually, and you won't lose github features as the installer is in github and the code in pastebin will be only a downloader.

Installer, for an installer? :P/>
I guess that's a good idea, i'll have the installer on pastebin
remiX #120
Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:24 PM
Updated to v3.2!

- Mailing system is complete :D/>
- Fixed a few bugs
- Changed a few things in the account tab
- Installer is now also at pastebin

Tell me if you find any bugs with the mailing system!
theoriginalbit #121
Posted 17 March 2013 - 03:50 PM
I have… a few months ago :P/>
Well the GUI is way more advanced now…

I vaguely remembered it so I wanted to download it but the pastebin link is completely outdated and your github repo is bugged?
Showing the files are empty, 0.0 kb in size.
The pastebin is still LightTube, because that was the first released version. And the GitHub isn't bugged, you're looking at the master branch not the develop branch.

PS: Did you try the code?
Your code. Yeh I used the program, downloaded a video, played it, etc.
amtra5 #122
Posted 17 March 2013 - 04:31 PM
From what I see, it would be very easy to upload a video directly from a computer.

1.Use a custom pastebin program to upload video to pastebin.
2.Get the pastebin code for the program(kind of like how the inbuilt one does it.
3.Run your upload function using that pastebin code.
theoriginalbit #123
Posted 17 March 2013 - 04:35 PM
From what I see, it would be very easy to upload a video directly from a computer.

1.Use a custom pastebin program to upload video to pastebin.
2.Get the pastebin code for the program(kind of like how the inbuilt one does it.
3.Run your upload function using that pastebin code.
The postVideo function is local so without modifying the client you wouldn't be able to.
remiX #124
Posted 17 March 2013 - 08:34 PM
PS: Did you try the code?
Your code. Yeh I used the program, downloaded a video, played it, etc.

I mean the transition effect function :P/>
Download the latest one and then use the bar in the home screen and you'll see what i Mean

From what I see, it would be very easy to upload a video directly from a computer.

1.Use a custom pastebin program to upload video to pastebin.
2.Get the pastebin code for the program(kind of like how the inbuilt one does it.
3.Run your upload function using that pastebin code.

I'm finding a way to not use pastebin because pastebin limits the amount of characters you can have, long videos have a lot and therefor are unable to be uploaded to pastebin.
I'm thinking of uploading each video to my ftp server, but first I need to find out how :P/>
theoriginalbit #125
Posted 17 March 2013 - 08:45 PM
I'm finding a way to not use pastebin because pastebin limits the amount of characters you can have, long videos have a lot and therefor are unable to be uploaded to pastebin.
I'm thinking of uploading each video to my ftp server, but first I need to find out how :P/>
It does? never knew that.
could upload them into the sql database.
GravityScore #126
Posted 17 March 2013 - 08:51 PM
I'm thinking of uploading each video to my ftp server, but first I need to find out how :P/>

There's an FTP Library for PHP.
Tutorial here.
remiX #127
Posted 17 March 2013 - 10:15 PM
I'm finding a way to not use pastebin because pastebin limits the amount of characters you can have, long videos have a lot and therefor are unable to be uploaded to pastebin.
I'm thinking of uploading each video to my ftp server, but first I need to find out how :P/>
It does? never knew that.
could upload them into the sql database.

Yeah, i learnt it recently - probably because I'm not a pro user.
I was thinking that, but like, 40 000 lines in a single cell. Would it be viable?

I'm thinking of uploading each video to my ftp server, but first I need to find out how :P/>

There's an FTP Library for PHP.
Tutorial here.

Thanks :D/>
Going to go through the tut now
theoriginalbit #128
Posted 17 March 2013 - 11:25 PM
Yeah, i learnt it recently - probably because I'm not a pro user.
I was thinking that, but like, 40 000 lines in a single cell. Would it be viable?
Yeh of course. a database can store any data. its just some data can be slow to retrieve.
remiX #129
Posted 17 March 2013 - 11:48 PM
Yeah, i learnt it recently - probably because I'm not a pro user.
I was thinking that, but like, 40 000 lines in a single cell. Would it be viable?
Yeh of course. a database can store any data. its just some data can be slow to retrieve.

True, but it's very impractical xD
I'll test it out and see how long it does take.

Updated to v3.21

- Accounts tab has a few more changes
- Updated help screen
- New colours for website gallery for now for testing (feedback!)
- Few more changes with php and logging/registering handling

See OP for more details

I'll be working on a better way to keep the lightshot videos now, and list of users
TheOddByte #130
Posted 18 March 2013 - 12:17 AM
One of the most awesome programs just got more awesome! :D/>
TheOddByte #131
Posted 18 March 2013 - 12:39 AM
BTW when using the installer it say intilizing I think.. it should be initializing..
I just think it's a little annoying..
remiX #132
Posted 18 March 2013 - 01:31 AM
BTW when using the installer it say intilizing I think.. it should be initializing..
I just think it's a little annoying..
You're right :P/>/>
Silly typos -,-
AnDwHaT5 #133
Posted 18 March 2013 - 01:40 AM
This is amazing and i love it!!!!! It must have taken forever to make good job!!
remiX #134
Posted 18 March 2013 - 04:05 AM
This is amazing and i love it!!!!! It must have taken forever to make good job!!

Thanks :P/>/>
It did take quite a long time to make, but over a few weeks :P/>/>

Most recent troll:
Name: asd; SELECT * FROM users; –

Message: aasda



Forgot to say, I tested saving codes into database but it's terrible.
It takes about 30 seconds to finish and only saves about 8000 lines.

FTP Uploading it is!
theoriginalbit #135
Posted 18 March 2013 - 08:55 AM
It doesn't take NeverCast and I very long to save code to the database. Mind you though I guess we are working with a very small binary stream instead of a 40,000 line file.
remiX #136
Posted 18 March 2013 - 09:02 AM
It doesn't take NeverCast and I very long to save code to the database. Mind you though I guess we are working with a very small binary stream instead of a 40,000 line file.

Yeah you guys say you have compressed it a further 90% so a database would be able to handle it
theoriginalbit #137
Posted 18 March 2013 - 09:05 AM
Edit: Lol it seems NeverCast replies to emails really quickly… Nothing else tho! :P/>
remiX #138
Posted 18 March 2013 - 09:57 AM
Edit: Lol it seems NeverCast replies to emails really quickly… Nothing else tho! :P/>

Haha latest news on cctube?
AnDwHaT5 #139
Posted 18 March 2013 - 11:59 AM
Hey how do you make the vids?
JohnSmith41Junk #140
Posted 18 March 2013 - 03:34 PM
Crashed in registration

ComputerCraft YouTube Crash Log

parallel:22: ccyoutube:996: bad argument: string/function/table expected

Report this error to remiX on the ComputerCraft Forums! asap!

Please Note: This error log only saves the last logged error.
remiX #141
Posted 18 March 2013 - 11:15 PM
Hey how do you make the vids?

Videos are recorded using GravityScore's Lightshot program. There's a link to the thread in. The OP of this thread

Crashed in registration

ComputerCraft YouTube Crash Log

parallel:22: ccyoutube:996: bad argument: string/function/table expected

Report this error to remiX on the ComputerCraft Forums! asap!

Please Note: This error log only saves the last logged error.

I remember getting that error but I'm sure I had fixed it! You're using version 3.21 right? If yes, please copy paste that line of code here.
I have made changes already to the one I have now.
makerimages #142
Posted 20 March 2013 - 03:02 AM
I might have gotten that error too, dont rwmember, will check asap
remiX #143
Posted 20 March 2013 - 03:55 AM
I might have gotten that error too, dont rwmember, will check asap

That would be great, thanks.

EDIT: Okay. So I have found the error and it also happens on mine.
It happens during registration, but your profile will still be created so you are still able to log on.
Error will be fixed in next version.
spyman68 #144
Posted 20 March 2013 - 06:12 AM
Can I use this in my little Web Hub? It's called Interwebs Web Hub
remiX #145
Posted 20 March 2013 - 08:43 AM
Can I use this in my little Web Hub? It's called Interwebs Web Hub

Sure :)/>

A lot of new changes are being made for the next version, basically everything is being redone :P/>
TheOddByte #146
Posted 20 March 2013 - 08:49 AM
Can I use this in my little Web Hub? It's called Interwebs Web Hub

Sure :)/>

A lot of new changes are being made for the next version, basically everything is being redone :P/>
Can I get some info on what changes your gonna do? :3
remiX #147
Posted 20 March 2013 - 08:53 AM
Can I get some info on what changes your gonna do? :3

New logo
New menu area, only takes 1 line now
Uploading is only available after login
New account tab
Using a button api I made earlier which will be used for various things

etc etc :P/>

It will take quite a while and I'm also going somewhere for 4 days on this thursday.
TheOddByte #148
Posted 20 March 2013 - 08:55 AM
Will you be adding so that you can add like friends in messages instead of having to type the username of the one that you want to send to..
TheOddByte #149
Posted 20 March 2013 - 09:04 AM
BTW I just detected an error when trying to send a message..
remiX #150
Posted 20 March 2013 - 09:32 AM
Will you be adding so that you can add like friends in messages instead of having to type the username of the one that you want to send to..

Sounds difficult :P/> I'll see what I can do :?

Are you using 3.21?
Going to sleep now, I'll have a look at it tomorrow.
Thanks for telling me
TheOddByte #151
Posted 20 March 2013 - 09:41 AM
Will you be adding so that you can add like friends in messages instead of having to type the username of the one that you want to send to..

Sounds difficult :P/> I'll see what I can do :?

Are you using 3.21?
Going to sleep now, I'll have a look at it tomorrow.
Thanks for telling me
Yes I'm using 3.21.. And np.
elfin8er #152
Posted 20 March 2013 - 01:25 PM
When I try running it, it just says creating/downloading the required files. It's just been sitting here for the past hour or so. Any suggestions? Am I doing something wrong?
remiX #153
Posted 20 March 2013 - 05:55 PM
Yes I'm using 3.21.. And np.

Hmm, I just sent you a message and it worked fine.
Go to the .ccYouTube/apis/ folder and make sure you have the 'box' api

When I try running it, it just says creating/downloading the required files. It's just been sitting here for the past hour or so. Any suggestions? Am I doing something wrong?

Hmm, are you sure? I just tried now and it worked fine.
Your internet connection might have been extremely slow at that time.
elfin8er #154
Posted 20 March 2013 - 06:50 PM
Yes I'm using 3.21.. And np.

Hmm, I just sent you a message and it worked fine.
Go to the .ccYouTube/apis/ folder and make sure you have the 'box' api

When I try running it, it just says creating/downloading the required files. It's just been sitting here for the past hour or so. Any suggestions? Am I doing something wrong?

Hmm, are you sure? I just tried now and it worked fine.
Your internet connection might have been extremely slow at that time.
Possibly. It worked in ccemu. I'll try it again quick.

edit: Sorry to bother you. It was all me xD I am getting an error when creating an account though. "parallel:22: ccYouTube:222: Expected number, number"
remiX #155
Posted 21 March 2013 - 05:42 PM
edit: Sorry to bother you. It was all me xD I am getting an error when creating an account though. "parallel:22: ccYouTube:222: Expected number, number"

Will be fixed in the next version, thanks.

Leaving for holiday now, coming back next week monday (GMT +2) and then will continue the update. Still faaaar from finished though :P/>
TheOddByte #156
Posted 22 March 2013 - 12:31 AM
BTW I have checked and I have the box api.. So I have no idea why it isn't working..
But at that line it seems it have to use the box API on that line , And I have tried to use some other API we are using for a game and it seemed that that did'nt load.
So I think it's something wrong with one particular computer in CCemu since I had a simular error with another that had some problem with pastebin and
that error was that I couldn't download, But when I deleted that computers folder and then tried it on the same computer ID it worked again, So I'll try todo that.
I'll report if it did or didn' work so you know if it is some error with the code or just a bug I have with CCemu..
elfin8er #157
Posted 22 March 2013 - 05:59 AM
BTW I have checked and I have the box api.. So I have no idea why it isn't working..
But at that line it seems it have to use the box API on that line , And I have tried to use some other API we are using for a game and it seemed that that did'nt load.
So I think it's something wrong with one particular computer in CCemu since I had a simular error with another that had some problem with pastebin and
that error was that I couldn't download, But when I deleted that computers folder and then tried it on the same computer ID it worked again, So I'll try todo that.
I'll report if it did or didn' work so you know if it is some error with the code or just a bug I have with CCemu..
Well I tried it in-game, and it still didn't work. Don't think it's just CCemu.
theoriginalbit #158
Posted 22 March 2013 - 06:05 AM
Bug report…. After minimising the panel
theoriginalbit #159
Posted 22 March 2013 - 06:08 AM
another error

line 996, you are missing a parameter to gsub, you didn't specify what to replace with.

return true, a:gsub("Registered ")
remiX #160
Posted 22 March 2013 - 07:44 AM
All errors will be removed because I'm basically re-doing the program with a button api I made.

Also, TOBIT, someone did report that and I did fix it. Forgot to fix github link lol.
While I was trying to fix that error, it took me so long to figure out why it wasn't working. Then I got it and major faceplant.
Engineer #161
Posted 23 March 2013 - 12:52 PM
I have found a bug!

To reproduce:

Download any video, and do not click on the back button, but directly on Local Gallery. It will show Website Gallery instead.
TheOddByte #162
Posted 23 March 2013 - 01:06 PM
I have found a bug!

To reproduce:

Download any video, and do not click on the back button, but directly on Local Gallery. It will show Website Gallery instead.
Huh that have I also noticed + that in the newest 3.21 when pressing the orange thingy at home.. When
I first press it and then press it again so it goes back all the orange colors does'nt disappear so there is pixels left..
theoriginalbit #163
Posted 23 March 2013 - 03:21 PM
I have found a bug!

To reproduce:

Download any video, and do not click on the back button, but directly on Local Gallery. It will show Website Gallery instead.
Huh that have I also noticed + that in the newest 3.21 when pressing the orange thingy at home.. When
I first press it and then press it again so it goes back all the orange colors does'nt disappear so there is pixels left..
Yeh I reported that one before with an image……….

Side note: I know for a fact that the gui system he will be using in a few versions in the future will have no problems… :)/>
TheOddByte #164
Posted 23 March 2013 - 04:20 PM
I have found a bug!

To reproduce:

Download any video, and do not click on the back button, but directly on Local Gallery. It will show Website Gallery instead.
Huh that have I also noticed + that in the newest 3.21 when pressing the orange thingy at home.. When
I first press it and then press it again so it goes back all the orange colors does'nt disappear so there is pixels left..
Yeh I reported that one before with an image……….

Side note: I know for a fact that the gui system he will be using in a few versions in the future will have no problems… :)/>
Great to hear that! :D/>
BTW how do you know that?
Have you helped him or something or have he just told you?
theoriginalbit #165
Posted 23 March 2013 - 04:55 PM
Great to hear that! :D/>/&amp;gt;
BTW how do you know that?
Have you helped him or something or have he just told you?
Because we have been chatting and he will be using my Graphics Library to do the GUI's… 1200+ lines of GUI goodness :P/>/&amp;gt; seriously though, if you want to see what kind of stuff that can be done with the Graphics Library download the CCTube repo as a zip (there are lots of files), extract it into a folder called 'CCTube' and run 'CCTube/programs/cctube'
remiX #166
Posted 23 March 2013 - 08:11 PM
Haha yeah TOBIT is right :P/> when I do use it all errors will be gone.

As for the homescreen sliding bar, I did mention it somewhere that some pixels stay behind but I have fixed it in my bersion
Engineer #167
Posted 24 March 2013 - 12:54 AM
I have found a bug!

To reproduce:

Download any video, and do not click on the back button, but directly on Local Gallery. It will show Website Gallery instead.
Huh that have I also noticed + that in the newest 3.21 when pressing the orange thingy at home.. When
I first press it and then press it again so it goes back all the orange colors does'nt disappear so there is pixels left..
Yeh I reported that one before with an image……….

Side note: I know for a fact that the gui system he will be using in a few versions in the future will have no problems… :)/>
Sorry, I wasnt in the mood to browse through 9 pages. But now it is going to be definitely fixed! :D/>
theoriginalbit #168
Posted 24 March 2013 - 12:58 AM
Sorry, I wasnt in the mood to browse through 9 pages. But now it is going to be definitely fixed! :D/>
It was on the previous page :P/>
remiX #169
Posted 26 March 2013 - 06:51 AM
Finally back home!

Will be continuing with the next update which will be here within the week!

Many changes to be expected!

Accidentally changed the get inbox php code instead of the test php code so you will not be able to check your messages until further notice.
Not sure if it will error or not, but it wouldn't get the mail.
GeniusName3 #170
Posted 07 April 2013 - 12:24 PM
Make a commenting system? :)/>
Mackan90096 #171
Posted 22 April 2013 - 04:18 AM
Mind if I use this in my OS?
johnnic #172
Posted 03 July 2013 - 01:54 PM
I am trying to upload a video- , but i keep getting an error: Invalid pastebin id. Can anyone help?
Dave-ee Jones #173
Posted 04 July 2013 - 03:58 AM
I found a bug (sorry if this has already been found).

In the menu when you click on Account and then Register and back to Login and back to Register it crashes..and then the read() function is moved up to the word Register…
Anon10W1z #174
Posted 31 July 2013 - 07:01 PM
I found another problem.

If I try to upload a video using the pastebin code FbW5u3d1, it says:

Error: invalid pastebin code

Both on the website and on the computer the error happens.
willwac #175
Posted 03 September 2013 - 07:19 PM
willwac #176
Posted 03 September 2013 - 07:21 PM
Mind if I use this in my OS?

O_O You have an OS Mack????????
theeboris #177
Posted 05 September 2013 - 11:46 AM
Is it okay if I use it in my OS?
Tripy998 #178
Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:59 PM
Very Buggy :/ I tried making an account : Parrall : 22 :
I try watching Videos It crashes.
AlktatStudios #179
Posted 14 September 2013 - 01:41 PM
I used a right pastebin code and it is denying it.
Can someone help?

CODE: 7i1d07hL

Raythornious #180
Posted 14 September 2013 - 05:51 PM
I definitely have to check this out it seems amazing from all the reviews.
Edit: Bug with videos for me…. When I hit the download button it says "Failed to download file"
Edit2: I do not believe it is a bug i bet my server owner has not enabled http compatability yet…. Will edit when he does.
Edited on 14 September 2013 - 05:05 PM
Chamimnya #181
Posted 14 September 2013 - 08:23 PM
Amazing :D/>
AlktatStudios #182
Posted 04 October 2013 - 08:06 AM
Can't Download it.

ERROR: program:138: not a directory
secret1timb7 #183
Posted 06 October 2013 - 08:19 PM
Can't Download it.

ERROR: program:138: not a directory
me 2
JohnSmith41Junk #184
Posted 12 October 2013 - 04:23 PM
Upload is not working, or am I missing something?
My vid is uploaded to pastebin
I tried the code at the end in the uploader (website AND ingame) and it said "Invalid Pastebin Code"
So I tried the URL, same result.
Is there something I am missing? Or is this just plain broken?
Engineer #185
Posted 14 October 2013 - 02:30 AM
The creator of the thread haven't been active on the forums. Please stop posting the same bug over and over again
Cranium #186
Posted 14 October 2013 - 11:35 AM
User hasn't eben active for a while. Locked.
If they want the topic unlocked, please PM the moderators.