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BlueLock - Computer Locking System

Started by BlueZero, 09 February 2013 - 01:54 AM
BlueZero #1
Posted 09 February 2013 - 02:54 AM

Current Version:

Supporting Platforms:
CCv1.481+ (Later Versions Untested As Of Yet)

Computer Type Support:
Advanced Computer (Non-Advanced Version Coming Soon)


Screen Shots 1.4+

SpoilerSplash Screen

Password Screen

Acceptance Screen

Paste Links:

v1.4 | (Latest)

Basic Install Instructions:


1. Run Shell Command: pastebin get EaFCn5Ut bluelock
2. Type: edit and scroll down to the password setup instructions and change the temporary to a desired password.
3. Press Control on your keyboard and use the arrow key to hit save
4. type: edit startup and type"bluelock") and save it.
5. Restart your computer and BlueLock should be on startup.

Developer Notes:

This is my first submission guys. :D/> Hope you like it. It's pretty simple and chill, but I'll be adding more to it, as well as my up-coming project.
Skullblade #2
Posted 09 February 2013 - 04:47 AM
i really like the acsii art/words they look pretty cool :D/>
theoriginalbit #3
Posted 09 February 2013 - 05:13 AM
Very nice first release. :)/> I agree with Skullblade, I like the ascii :)/>

Just a side note:
Computer Type Support:
Advanced Computer (Non-Advanced Version Coming Soon)
This is quite easy
All you do is add this function (makes code smaller and nicer to read

local function setColors(txtColor, bgColor)
  if not (term.isColor and term.isColor) then return end -- supports pre cc 1.4 computers as well as advanced and non advanced, if its not a colour computer, it doesn't run the function

  if txtColor then
  if bgColor then
then everywhere you changed the terminal colour you do this to change the text colour

or this to change the bg color

setColors(nil, colors.white)
or this to change both

setColors(, colors.white)

The function is a nice little snippet as it adds support for all versions of CC… :)/> If you want/need any more details on how it works, just ask :)/>
BlueZero #4
Posted 09 February 2013 - 12:50 PM
Thanks for the tips guys. I'll add that code into my program so it'll have support.

Gonna also make a Tekkit Friendly version seeing as ComputerCraft's hardly updated in it, but might as well. Why not. :P/>