[right]Latest version: PortablePeripherals 1.0b[/right]
What is this?
This is a mod that adds wireless terminals (or PDAs if you prefer), and transmitters to computercraft! Using these these devices you can access your computers from 256-640 meters away, no more turtle chasing!

Terminals have support for multiple computer screens, colors, multiple users, and events! Pressing a key, or clicking the screen will queue an event on the host computer. For further info, see technical details.
How do I craft X?
Recipes are quite simple, they use vanilla minecraft items, for now. You can see their recipes on the image:

How do I use these items?
For a simple connection, you will need to create a transmitter, a terminal, and two quartz crystals. Transmitters and terminals are linked using crystals, if your terminal has a crystal that matches your transmitters, it will link up automatically.
If you wish to extend the range of your transmitter, put up to 4 antenna blocks on the top of it.
Altought crystals are not that simple. They have a frequency associated with. To change the frequency of a crystal, you need to 'pollute' it with other items. Put a crystal in the center of the crafting grid, and start placing items around: ( Be aware that the crystal does NOT support items that can be damaged, like tools, or armor )

Simplest usecase
Well, if you are not an advanced programmer, just use the built in program: transmit!
This little program will start the specified program, and transmit its output to a wireless transmitter. All events from the pda are translated, just like you started a program on a real computer!
transmit <side> <program>
transmit right shell
The api is quite simple, it is exactly the same as a monitors. You have to wrap the device, and you can use it just like a monitor!
Since version 1.0, there are a few new functions tough:
setCrystal() – Turtle only!
Technical details
The range of transmitters is limited to 256 right now, but it is a subject to change.
For people who want to mess with the internal workings, currently these events are supported:
(I am not going to explain what they do, their name implies their functionality)
Downloads, and Changelog
[CC. 1.481][MC 1.4.7] - PortablePeripherals_1.0b
[CC. 1.481][MC 1.4.7] - PortablePeripherals 0.9b
[CC. 1.481][MC 1.4.7] - PortablePeripherals 0.9 RC1
v1.0b- Fixed issues with the transmitter block
- Extended background
- Added Antenna blocks, for range extension
- Added Terminal turtle upgrade
- Added a lot more config options
- Added new block textures by Left4Cake. Thanks!
- Fixed mouse events being off
- added pda_scroll, and pda_drag events
- Moved items to the CC Creative tab
- Added config option for the transmitter range
v0.9 RC1
- Initial release