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rGUI - Simple graphical interface API (demo, alpha)

Started by robhol, 18 February 2013 - 06:17 AM
robhol #1
Posted 18 February 2013 - 07:17 AM
Just finished a short demo describing some of the basic features of my API.
The api isn't available yet.

Very early demonstration of my easy-to-use GUI system for ComputerCraft. The idea behind the project is making "graphical" CC applications simpler to implement.

In case it isn't clear, it demonstrates:
* Labels sporting different colors (foreground and background) as well as transparency
* Buttons
* Textboxes and masking/"password boxes" (they also support cursors and limited-length input, this is not in the demo)
* Windows

And a "real world" example (albeit a fairly simple one): Redstone Control. It features a login box (the purely graphical aspects of it come down to about 10 lines of client code :)/> ) and uses buttons to control the computer's redstone outputs.

There's a lot going on under the hood, but it's probably not all that interesting to most people. I might include some sample programs using rGUI later on. :)/>

Happy coding!
Bubba #2
Posted 18 February 2013 - 08:27 AM
This looks very nice. When are you going to release the API?
NeverCast #3
Posted 18 February 2013 - 08:32 AM
Very nice work Robol!
Was looking for the screenshot of this to show TheOriginalBit but couldn't find it. This post will do great :P/>

I'm following this, keep up the good work!
robhol #4
Posted 18 February 2013 - 11:15 AM
This looks very nice. When are you going to release the API?

Whenever it's finished, really. The amount of time I'm able to spend on it varies wildly from day to day, it's very easy to underestimate how long a given item on the "to do" list will take, etc.

NeverCast: thanks :P/>
Ehrlingby #5
Posted 22 February 2013 - 05:36 AM
This is looking fantastic, can't wait to test it out!
superaxander #6
Posted 28 March 2013 - 08:59 PM
This could be very usefull
PixelToast #7
Posted 04 April 2013 - 07:22 AM
the demo is really cool :3
will it flicker if you have alot of things to render?
Bubba #8
Posted 04 April 2013 - 09:45 AM
the demo is really cool :3
will it flicker if you have alot of things to render?

I don't think he's working on this anymore unfortunately :(/>