I haven't been into minecraft for a bit now but I have decided to make a table based door system in singleplayer.

At the moment its customizable as I can think of right now, soon there will be more features and whatnot added to it in order to improve it in many ways as possible. The script is still under development and is subject is big updates, so try not to get too comfy with it at the moment. I'm all for your suggestions, and ideas in ways I could improve my code, or add new features. Also, LUA is not my native language, so if you see issues please share how I could correct or make them better.

I used pistons for my bundled cables in my code, so please change that if you are not using pistons.

I'll go into how to customize this yourself before I post links for the download.

bundleSide = "back" --Set this too what SIDE you have your cables on, or dont use this if you are not using bundled cabes, you will have to change that in the code if you are not using the bundles.
doorOpentime = 8 --Seconds the door will keep open before it closes again
doorPrint = 1 --Print the door names in the table. (NOTE: This does NOT print the passwords table, no need to run away.

SpoilerPreferably I like to keep my door names and passwords in the order in which in door comes, so door names first item is 123, door password is 321. MEANING, the first password goes to the first door name in the table.

--tables of the door's names and passwords, add your own
local tab_doornames = {"floppy"}
local tab_doorpass = {"flop"}
as it says, add your own, but there is specific format for adding your own because this IS a table.

--tables of the door's names and passwords, add your own
local tab_doornames = {"floppy", "another", "another2"}
local tab_doorpass = {"flop", "sommepassword", "another2password"}
My way of explaining things is shiet because I'm mostly a visual person, but if I did not help please look here(click "here" to pull up the link)
Feel free to change the messages in the script, fail messages..custom input messages, whatever.

If there is anything I did not cover, look over the script. The code is also documented, its not the greatest but I do hope it helps.

SpoilerPastebin - Version 0.1 - 4/1/2012

Because I have to have my proper tabbing and spacing in my code, I will pastebin all my script links.


-----Version 0.1-----
[*]Release, obviously


[A] - Added Feature
[F] - Fixed Something
[C] - Changed Something
[DATE] - date in the brackets will indicate when the script was updated in any way shape or form.

I've also mentioned this within the script, but if you do use my code/script and/or modify it, have the decency to credit me. Thanks.