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free text box you can use in your api

Started by ETHANATOR360, 22 February 2013 - 03:25 AM
Posted 22 February 2013 - 04:25 AM
free text box feel free to use it in your ui api

function txtBox (XPos,YPos,length,isCensored)
if isCensored == true then cen = "*"
else cen = nil
term.setCursorPos (XPos,YPos)
term.setBackgroundColor (1)
for i = 1,length do
write " "
term.setTextColor (32768)
while true do
local event, arg, x,y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
if y == YPos and x >= XPos and x <= XPos + length then
local txtBox = read(cen)
term.setBackgroundColor (32768)
term.setTextColor (1)
return txtBox
JokerRH #2
Posted 22 February 2013 - 10:58 AM
So what is the point of this?
The main part is the read("*") line. The rest only waits until you press
Anywhere in it's assigned area, so you will even need to create a new
coroutine for it.
So I'm guessing this is one of your first programs?
Posted 23 February 2013 - 04:50 AM
no actually it was an expirament to see if i could emulate a text box experience that could be felt while using windows or any other operating system with out having to code it in to the OS its self
EDIT: 250 post!! :P/>
Mads #4
Posted 24 February 2013 - 09:55 PM
This does that in now way. Try writing too text. Create a custom read function, and do all of the rendering yourself. Then we're talking.