I thought this would be the most appropriate place to share this, as it is this.
Earlier Gopher said about entities scaling badly and stuff, so to test this theory I tried it out. So far I have done nothing but prove him correct, however whilst playing around with his code I added a few new features :P/>
Here's a pastebin:
http://pastebin.com/VHrMFTE7what I added:
"bobbing" - you bobb when you move now… rather simple.
"vision" - adds vision distance to the game, can't see anything but a gray silhouette when out of vision radius
"mouse" - can control the game with the mouse (will explain later)
"sprint" - lets you move faster, toggled by middle mouse button or "e" key
"white_circle" - fits with ceilings_floors and vision kinda, I don't like it tbh
"ceilings_floors" - makes the floors lightGray and the ceilings black
NOTE: all of this can be toggled off at the top of the code with the "settings" table, just make things true/false
mouse controls:
clicking the left quarter of the screen with your left mouse button moves you left,
clicking the right quarter of the screen with your left mouse button moved you right,
clicking the top-middle quarter of the screen with your left mouse button moves you forwards,
clicking the bottom-middle quarter of the screen with your left mouse button moves you backwards,
clicking the right side of the screen with your right mouse button makes you look right,
clicking the left side of the screen with your right mouse button makes you look left,
clicking the middle mouse button will toggle sprint
NOTE: mouse_drag is enabled so move your mouse slightly side to side inside one of these zones to move properly
this isn't trying to steal Gopher's thunder or anything, it's just me sharing the results of what Gopher produced, btw Gopher, this is awesome :D/>
I might still try and work on getting entities to work but I dunno…
maybe adding switched and doors would be cooler, with the use-item key being F or clicking the middle of the screen.