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Test Windows 1.0.12 for Developers

Started by Minesoft, 04 March 2013 - 04:45 AM
Minesoft #1
Posted 04 March 2013 - 05:45 AM
Hi, today I completed the kernel of my OS, and I decided to publish it before the release, in order to get help from another developers community. Help is needed to create that important programs under the OS API(For example: Paint, TaskManager, FileExplorer). Please send your programs to me on mail:

OS API is located in the windows/nt/ (in multiple files).

What has been done in the operating system and what is not:
Kernel is ready, except the file system,
Code your desktop is not appended.

Download Windows:

I use Google translate because I dont know English very good(I from Belarus).

Thanks for all!
TheOddByte #2
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:09 AM
You do know that Windows is heavily copyrighted right?
And when I try to run 'win' the screen just get's all black and nothing happens..
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:23 AM
Use pastebin or few people will download your program.
TheOddByte #4
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:24 AM
And do as x0pk1n suggested and try to make a pastebin link with an Auto installer..
Minesoft #5
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:45 AM
I working!
TheVarmari #6
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:48 AM
inb4 Microsoft sues you
Left4Cake #7
Posted 04 March 2013 - 08:16 AM
Just look for articles about Macrosoft if you need more incentive.
nutcase84 #8
Posted 04 March 2013 - 12:10 PM
Hm… I see a lawsuit coming. Your username is Microsoft and your OS is called Windows. Try Microshaft Winblows.
Left4Cake #9
Posted 04 March 2013 - 01:01 PM
Hm… I see a lawsuit coming. Your username is Microsoft and your OS is called Windows. Try Microshaft Winblows.

Even that would get him sued.
Mandrake Fernflower #10
Posted 04 March 2013 - 02:07 PM
Please try to come up with original usernames and os names. This is annoying me a lot.
SuicidalSTDz #11
Posted 04 March 2013 - 03:26 PM
Please try to come up with original usernames and os names. This is annoying me a lot.
Not much you can do about it. Heck, he posted about HIS incomplete OS on MY OS's thread… Just ignore it and leave him be. Letting him learn from his mistakes it the best "punishment".

Hm… I see a lawsuit coming. Your username is Microsoft and your OS is called Windows. Try Microshaft Winblows.
Hmm, nice "creative" names nut :P/>
Mendax #12
Posted 04 March 2013 - 06:45 PM
Windows itself is regarded as unreliable, and I know people who actively avoid Windows (including me!), that and the legality would possibly be a pain, but considering this is a program for a computer in a game running on a computer, I don't think it will be that much of a problem.
Sammich Lord #13
Posted 04 March 2013 - 06:51 PM
Microsoft doesn't have time to be suing kids on a computer game forum… they will be busy using 40GB for their tablet OS…

But I did want to kind of stab myself in the foot after seeing this.
SuicidalSTDz #14
Posted 04 March 2013 - 06:56 PM
Microsoft doesn't have time to be suing kids on a computer game forum… they will be busy using 40GB for their tablet OS…

But I did want to kind of stab myself in the foot after seeing this.
Off topic:
Why the foot? I mean it would make sense if you said the eye, but the foot?

Darn I guess this post needs some relativity to the thread… Umm, nice avatar…
Sammich Lord #15
Posted 04 March 2013 - 06:59 PM
Microsoft doesn't have time to be suing kids on a computer game forum… they will be busy using 40GB for their tablet OS…

But I did want to kind of stab myself in the foot after seeing this.
Off topic:
Why the foot? I mean it would make sense if you said the eye, but the foot?

Darn I guess this post needs some relativity to the thread… Umm, nice avatar…
Well, shooting yourself in the foot is a common metaphor used… and I was holding a knife while reading this…

BTW, I like my avatar too :P/>
SuicidalSTDz #16
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:08 PM
Microsoft doesn't have time to be suing kids on a computer game forum… they will be busy using 40GB for their tablet OS…

But I did want to kind of stab myself in the foot after seeing this.
Off topic:
Why the foot? I mean it would make sense if you said the eye, but the foot?

Darn I guess this post needs some relativity to the thread… Umm, nice avatar…
Well, shooting yourself in the foot is a common metaphor used… and I was holding a knife while reading this…

BTW, I like my avatar too :P/>
Off topic (Once again)
You were holding a knife, why?

Umm… Relevance…. Mircosoft, your "OS" looks like Windows! (No brainer)

Hmm, nice sig. Although he should really be allowing images again…
1lann #17
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:16 PM
Looking through the code, all you have done so far is add some bottle neck APIs that refer to the APIs already in computercraft, and a simple short coroutine manager. :-/
Sammich Lord #18
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:24 PM
I reject your off-topic talk and substitute my own.

SuicidalSTDz #19
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:27 PM
I reject your off-topic talk and substitute my own.

Im not sure what to say… How is this even possible… This defys everything I was taught as a kid! (Head implodes) WHAT JUST CAME OUT OF HER?!?! Oh my god! Kids, don't watch this!
Sammich Lord #20
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:28 PM
This is in my bookmarks as "Weird anime music video".
SuicidalSTDz #21
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:29 PM
This is in my bookmarks as "Weird anime music video".
What do you do in your free time?!
Sammich Lord #22
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:33 PM
This is in my bookmarks as "Weird anime music video".
What do you do in your free time?!
Code, watch anime, forums, IRC, movies and Youtube. That good enough? :P/>
SuicidalSTDz #23
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:40 PM
This is in my bookmarks as "Weird anime music video".
What do you do in your free time?!
Code, watch anime, forums, IRC, movies and Youtube. That good enough? :P/>
The second one answered my question… In reply to your video, I give you this:

EDIT: I reject this video for sake of keeping this "thread" clean. I counter-act this with another video! Darn Sammich, now you have Anime videos coming in my youtube's "Recommended For You" spot…

oeed #24
Posted 04 March 2013 - 07:44 PM
Windows itself is regarded as unreliable, and I know people who actively avoid Windows (including me!), that and the legality would possibly be a pain, but considering this is a program for a computer in a game running on a computer, I don't think it will be that much of a problem.

I agree with you, however I think we may be on either ends of the spectrum. Mac ftw.

Anyway, just a small problem Mr 'Microsoft'. It doesn't do anything, just a blank screen. A screenshot or even just working code would be nice.
1lann #25
Posted 04 March 2013 - 11:03 PM
Anyway, just a small problem Mr 'Microsoft'. It doesn't do anything, just a blank screen. A screenshot or even just working code would be nice.
The code is working, what you're looking at is the desktop

-- Desktop 0.1.1
local function desktop()
while true do
  local event, param1 = os.pullEvent();
  if(event == "key") then
   if (param1 == 17) then
    -- Key W
   elseif (param1 == 31) then
    -- key S
local thread = win.nt.createThread(desktop);
Found in: windows/ui/desktop.lua
oeed #26
Posted 04 March 2013 - 11:18 PM
Anyway, just a small problem Mr 'Microsoft'. It doesn't do anything, just a blank screen. A screenshot or even just working code would be nice.
The code is working, what you're looking at is the desktop

-- Desktop 0.1.1
local function desktop()
while true do
  local event, param1 = os.pullEvent();


  if(event == "key") then
   if (param1 == 17) then
	-- Key W
   elseif (param1 == 31) then
	-- key S
local thread = win.nt.createThread(desktop);
Found in: windows/ui/desktop.lua

Oh… who'd have know.
superaxander #27
Posted 04 March 2013 - 11:29 PM
Except for the name the code looks pretty solid
Minesoft #28
Posted 05 March 2013 - 12:07 AM
Ok I rename my os to Squartus.
SuicidalSTDz #29
Posted 05 March 2013 - 12:16 AM
Ok I rename my os to Squartus.
echoing voice says, "The damage has been dealt!"
TheOddByte #30
Posted 05 March 2013 - 04:59 AM
Hm… I see a lawsuit coming. Your username is Microsoft and your OS is called Windows. Try Microshaft Winblows.
Damn.. And I who secretly thought of creating WinBlows8..
Me and my frnd thought of that when we had A German lesson and I thought.. WinBlows8
(Yes I know I don't pay that much attention on my German lessons, But I have a stinking teacher since I had a better one)
Since I think Windows 8 is just plain bad :P/>
Cranium #31
Posted 05 March 2013 - 07:50 AM
Locked upon request.