I can't post new topics! (the "New Topic" option is not there/disabled/blacked out)
This means you're a new member - and you missed the rather large announcement in big bold text. New users can't create threads until they've had three approved posts - and this is to stop spam. Please don't post in other threads in this forum asking why you can't make threads - we can't change it for you. Post a little.
[indent=1]Please Note: If you are a member that joined prior to the 1st of November 2012, you may still be stuck in the 'New Members' group and therefore unable to create topics, even though you already have posts on the forums. To check if you're still in the 'New Members' group, go to your Profile page, beneath 'Community Stats' you'll see 'Group' and your current group details.[/indent]
[indent=1]If you have more than 5 posts in the 'Active Posts' field (directly below 'Group') and you're still stuck in the 'New Members' group, send me a PM. It's most likely IP.Board hasn't realized you've triggered the point where you change from the 'New Members' group (this is an IP.Board design issue).[/indent]
I can't change my Avatar! (it doesn't update / won't upload file / says there's an error)
There is a known issue with Avatars and internal storage - it is buggy for some unknown reason. We suggest that if you cannot get your avatar to work, that you use Gravatar and select the "Gravatar" option in the User Preferences page.
Can we get a link to x added to the navigation at the top?
This is a 'rabbit-hole' suggestion which has been suggested to death and has been pretty much denied to the implementation it takes.
The editor does weird things when I press backspace! (or any other control characters, in some browsers, or inside CODE blocks!)
This is an issue with the way content-panes are handled in browsers - as this is how the editor works. There is no fix, aside pressing the lightswitch button in the top left to switch to Plaintext editing mode. Some browsers, such as Chrome, act up inside CODE blocks, and the highlighting is rather messed up. No fix is available for CODE blocks.
My phone or mobile device (or desktop) is stuck in Mobile View!
There isn't any real fix for this issue, as it's still not understood why the option to switch back is not shown. If on a mobile device, there should be a "Switch Theme" option present, and/or a "Full Site". Sometimes, in Android, checking the "Request Desktop Site" option works. A fix is being worked on, but so far there is no known solution. Clearing cookies may help, but this is also not guaranteed. (Note: there's probably a way of manipulating all browsers into getting the desktop version of the site. I'm still digging.)
I have completely forgotten my password, and I can't recover it by email!
You will need to send a message to one of the Admins about this on IRC - they may ask you to prove it's your account, and will send recovery info to your email address on the account. If you can't access the email address, alternate arrangements can be made. If you have this issue do not make a new account.
I have an issue with the actions or decisions of a moderator!
This is not the place to comment, query, or complain about the actions of staff. Please take it up in a PM with the staff member, and if that does not come to a resolution, please politely bring it up with another staff member. Posting a complaint publicly not only makes you look silly, but generally reduces your chance of a decent resolution - and usually results in being embarrassed.