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[Open Source] PearOS (Preview 2) - OS X Inspired OS

Started by oeed, 11 March 2013 - 10:31 AM
oeed #1
Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:31 AM
I am no longer working on PearOS, I have also been told that the installer isn't working on 1.6 Check out my new OS and download PearOS from the App Store if you want to check it out.

PearOS is now open source!
I've decided to make this project open source. I've been rather busy lately and have lost interest. Essentially you may use the code as you wish. Create your own Windows style OS, create your own apps, whatever you want. You are also welcome to share your code. However, if you do share it you MUST credit Pear OS and either PM me your project or post here (simply because I want to see what you make with it).

PearOS is now on GitHub! Check it out here.

Over the past few weeks I have been rather busy, I've managed to fix a good majority of the bugs but I haven't really added many new features, as many people have been asking for the new version I've decided to post a bug fix preview.

In short, PearOS is a graphical 'OS' for ComputerCraft. It completely (will, at this stage there are a few things that need to be added) removes the need to use the console. Why? Most of the people who play FTB with me have no idea how to use the computers and end up just playing 'adventure' on them. So, this is my answer to that problem.

For more information look here and here.

SpoilerPearOS's (and obviously OS X's) menus are at the top of the screen instead of on the window. The menus are specific to the current application.

System Preferences, the OS X version of 'Control Panel'

PearOS supports multiple windows and applications open at once.


Enter the following in to the shell:
pastebin get LRFsvuN3 PearOS.pkg
(It will take some time [20+ seconds], just be patient.)

Then run 'PearOS.pkg'.

If you're interested, PearOS uses my packaging utility, Package Maker, to squash all of its ~70 files in to one automatically installing file. Rather than spending hours making some pointless web installer or having to use Dropbox, I simply entered a single shell command. Anyway, enough plugging, on with the post.

New Features/Tweaks (If you can call them that )
(Compared to Preview 1)
SpoilerAs mentioned earlier, I haven't had the time to add many new features, however I've added some minor new features/tweaks (some of them aren't really changes that the end user will notice, however)
  • You can now open 'txt' files from Finder, support for registering an extension is there, but buggy.
  • Modularised much of the code (each object/group of functions has its own file). Essentially, the main system has changed from one ~2300 line file to a ~550 line file and 40 files that are included at run time.
  • Cleaned up the code (indentation was broken because of Sublime Text).
  • Added 'About' window framework, this should prevent the many errors occurring.
  • Windows now start in the middle of the screen.

Bugs Fixed
(Compared to Preview 1)
SpoilerThanks to everyone who submitted bugs and/or posted fixes!
  • First run is resizeable
  • Windows don't start centered
  • Applications windows don't get focus
  • Browsing Finder Crash: PearOS.lua:1782:vm error:(Java out of bounds exception)
  • About Finder crashes, Finder:203: index expected, got nil
  • Crash when clicking on an 'About' window
  • TextEdit wrapping cuts off during a word (thanks Kingdaro!)
  • Menus stay open when dock icon is clicked (app open)
  • Prevent the whole screen from being redrawn every second. I have implimented this, but I've turned it off because it causes some problems when buttons are click (they will stay blue until the screen is redrawn). You can turn it on by commenting out line 419 in PearOS.lua. I will change this in future.
  • Added buffering to drawing framework (no more flickering! )
  • A number of TextEdit crashes and glitches
  • Resizing TextEdit doesn't work
  • PearOS logo isn't center on boot (Thanks Leonardoas26)
  • 'Starting PearOS in verbose mode…' poorley placed (ditto)
  • 'Finder:203: index expected but got nil' when resizing 'About this Pear'
  • Changing the desktop background doesn't do anything.
  • A few minor bugs that I've found, and possible some I've forgotten.

What's Coming/In the Works
  • Wireless peripherals (similar to AirPlay, you can use remote printers, monitors and disk drives [disk drives are causing me some hassle, however]). This is essentially done, apart from the ability to access files from disk drives.
  • Running non-PearOS programs. This will be released very soon, I know it is vital for the OS. One question, should the programs be their own app/dock icon or should they run within another application. (Mac users, think X11. Not sure of any similar applications)
  • A help mode (hold 'H' at boot). To be honest, I don't think I need to add this. Thoughts?
  • A guide on how to make an application. I could do this tomorrow, however, I want to make sure I'm not going to make any large changes to how applications are made/run first.
  • Fullscreen mode (Suggested by theoriginalbit)
  • Project moving to GitHub
Known Issues
  • Arrow keys (vertical) missing from TextEdit.
  • Scrolling missing from TextEdit.
  • Selection is incorrect in TextEdit due to text wrapping.
Boot Modifiers
SpoilerOne feature that was present very early on (way before the first preview) was boot modifier keys, and I simply forgot to tell you .
Essentially, when the computer is turning on and the screen is white, before the PearOS logo appears, you can hold one of the following keys to change what will happen (you have about one second to do so).

C - This will boot you strait in to CraftOS mode incase you want to use it. (You can also click on 'Restore CraftOS' from the 'P' menu)
V - This will boot you in verbose mode. Essentially it is designed to prevent the 'Oh noes!' crash screen and will do the regular red crash text (some times two errors are thrown and you can't see the both). It will also list any peripherals connected and tell you whats happening at boot. You can enter shell commands from here too.
M - This will prevent PearOS from using any attached monitor. By default it will use any attached monitor.

Keyboard Shortcuts
SpoilerI have been asked what the '#' means on the menus. The hash ('#') is the closest thing to the command symbol on OS X. See the below screenshot. Whenever you see one you can use the Command or Control key + the letter listed to do that menu action instead. (Note: Due to the fact the Command + Q is captured the by OS [or Java, I'm not sure] on OS X you will have to use Control + Q)

I want to help, what can I do?
SpoilerI've had a number of people request to help with PearOS. In terms of the actual core OS, no sorry. This is a personal project, also if other people get involved it will get hard to maintain constancy. However, I will soon be posting a tutorial on how to make an application for PearOS. Once you've made it, send it to me and I might include it with the OS or on an App Store/thread for applications. (Also, TextEdit (more specifically, OSTextView) is giving headaches. Any assistance would be appreciated)

If you have bugs or suggestions please let me know below and/or post them as an issue on GitHub.


Now invalid, do as you wish as long as your credit it and PM me/post your creation here.
SpoilerPearOS is released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) License

In simple terms this means that…

You are free to:
- Share, copy, distribute and transmit the work.

Under the following conditions:
- Attribution - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
- Noncommercial - You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
- No Derivative Works - You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. (With out permission from myself)

With the understanding that:
- Waiver - Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.
- Public Domain - Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain under applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license.
- Other Rights - In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license:
- Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyright exceptions and limitations;
- The author's moral rights;
- Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.
- Notice - For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.

See http://creativecommo...s/by-nc-nd/3.0/ for more information.
Edited on 29 September 2014 - 07:56 AM
Lyqyd #2
Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:59 AM
This unsubstantiated bragging in OS topic titles is really annoying.
oeed #3
Posted 11 March 2013 - 12:02 PM
It's just a tag line… but what ever.

But really, this is far more advance that all the other OSes. And in my honest opinion, I think it is the best.
Divide_By_0 #4
Posted 11 March 2013 - 12:02 PM
This unsubstantiated bragging in OS topic titles is really annoying.
I agree Fully, mate.
Kingdaro #5
Posted 11 March 2013 - 12:04 PM
Some suggestions right off the bat from looking at screenshots:
  • Text edit could have better word wrapping. I could help you out with that if you want.
  • The "File" and "Edit" should only appear in the top panel when a window is focused or maximized, like in recent versions of Ubuntu.

And now to try this out, because this looks really cool.
oeed #6
Posted 11 March 2013 - 12:06 PM
Some suggestions right off the bat from looking at screenshots:
  • Text edit could have better word wrapping. I could help you out with that if you want.
  • The "File" and "Edit" should only appear in the top panel when a window is focused or maximized, like in recent versions of Ubuntu.
And now to try this out, because this looks really cool.

With the text wrapping, help would be appreciated. I tried getting it looking better for ages but couldn't get it right so this is just so it won't go over.

With the File and Edit thing, the way I have it is the way it behaves in OS X. What it allows you to do is make a new document when there are not windows open.
Divide_By_0 #7
Posted 11 March 2013 - 12:08 PM
Some suggestions right off the bat from looking at screenshots:
  • Text edit could have better word wrapping. I could help you out with that if you want.
  • The "File" and "Edit" should only appear in the top panel when a window is focused or maximized, like in recent versions of Ubuntu.
And now to try this out, because this looks really cool.

With the text wrapping, help would be appreciated. I tried getting it looking better for ages but couldn't get it right so this is just so it won't go over.

With the File and Edit thing, the way I have it is the way it behaves in OS X. What it allows you to do is make a new document when there are not windows open.
Hey, Dude, i think you should change your title, because it isnt fact that your OS is the Best.
Kingdaro #8
Posted 11 March 2013 - 12:11 PM
With the text wrapping, help would be appreciated. I tried getting it looking better for ages but couldn't get it right so this is just so it won't go over.
In that case, I'll go ahead and grab a snippet of mine somewhere around here if I can find one.

With the File and Edit thing, the way I have it is the way it behaves in OS X. What it allows you to do is make a new document when there are not windows open.
Ah, I see. Great idea.

Also, right off the bat, the first setup screen seems to annoyingly flicker every second, and I really shouldn't be able to resize it, haha.

Should make resizable-ness a property for windows.
Left #9
Posted 11 March 2013 - 12:18 PM
1lann #10
Posted 11 March 2013 - 12:22 PM
Why are people criticizing you so much just because of your title and opinion -_-/>

Your OS, is brilliant, I can tell you spent many many many hours of your time working on this. It works beautifully, though some things that are a bit off that I have noticed:
  • When clicking on a window or dragging on a window over a window, it should have "focus" and be on the top of the window, whereas when I opened a finder window and the about finder window and I tried to drag the about finder windown over the finder window, it didn't go on top of it, instead it went below it
  • When browsing through finder, frequently I get a crash: PearOS.lua:1782:vm error:(Java out of bounds exception)
Apart from that, it's REALLY beautiful and amazing. I would reallyy like writing apps for your OS.
Kingdaro #11
Posted 11 March 2013 - 12:36 PM
Alright, here's a wrapping function.

local function wrap(text, limit)
	local lines = {''}
	for word, space in text:gmatch('(%S+)(%s*)') do
		local temp = lines[#lines] .. word .. space:gsub('\n','')
		if #temp > limit then
			table.insert(lines, '')
		if space:find('\n') then
			lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word
			space = space:gsub('\n', function()
				table.insert(lines, '')
				return ''
			lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word .. space
	return lines

It returns a table of lines, and the limit is the point at which each line should be wrapped. It breaks when a line is longer than it should be, and it also breaks at \n characters.
Left #12
Posted 11 March 2013 - 12:46 PM
I think it is great. Has anyone ever made SUCH a good OS within computercraft that has draggable windows and custom applications. I dont think so. oeed must have spent HOURS on this project. Just go through the code. I was waiting for a release SO bad and I love it. Best OS in my opinion

( Now everyone will search for one to prove me wrong. )
FuuuAInfiniteLoop(F.A.I.L) #13
Posted 11 March 2013 - 02:22 PM
Suggestion: Add a program that shares computers with rednet and allow computers with password so in finder youi can browse them and download files from it
Lyqyd #14
Posted 11 March 2013 - 02:27 PM
It's just a tag line… but what ever.

But really, this is far more advance that all the other OSes. And in my honest opinion, I think it is the best.

It isn't more advanced than LyqydOS. It may be slightly prettier, but it isn't more advanced. You are welcome to your opinion, of course.

I think it is great. Has anyone ever made SUCH a good OS within computercraft that has draggable windows and custom applications. I dont think so. oeed must have spent HOURS on this project. Just go through the code. I was waiting for a release SO bad and I love it. Best OS in my opinion

( Now everyone will search for one to prove me wrong. )

LyqydOS does windowing better. Draggable, minimizable, maximizable, etc. It doesn't come with custom applications, but it's also compatible with all of the regular programs (though I think paint broke itself again, sigh), which pearOS isn't. You can use all of your regular programs in LyqydOS.
Kingdaro #15
Posted 11 March 2013 - 03:00 PM
Lyqyd, keep in mind this is a preview/alpha, so obviously it isn't going to have every possible feature right out of the box. And in my opinion, it isn't really in the right to jump into someone else's topic and talk about how your OS is better.

To be fair, PearOS does need a console emulator, and that would pretty much complete it. Though I like to think of it as transitioning to another OS in real life - not all programs are going to be compatible with that OS, unless you use something like wine, which even then can backfire on you sometimes.
theoriginalbit #16
Posted 11 March 2013 - 03:14 PM
The "File" and "Edit" should only appear in the top panel when a window is focused or maximized, like in recent versions of Ubuntu.
Mac OS X with Finder active

Suggestion: Add a program that shares computers with rednet and allow computers with password so in finder youi can browse them and download files from it
So kinda like AirDrop?
Sammich Lord #17
Posted 11 March 2013 - 03:15 PM
And in my opinion, it isn't really in the right to jump into someone else's topic and talk about how your OS is better.
First off, if somebody is talking about how they believe this is the best in their opinion why can people not experece their own opinion?

I think it is great. Has anyone ever made SUCH a good OS within computercraft that has draggable windows and custom applications. I dont think so. oeed must have spent HOURS on this project. Just go through the code. I was waiting for a release SO bad and I love it. Best OS in my opinion

( Now everyone will search for one to prove me wrong. )
le nub #18
Posted 11 March 2013 - 03:40 PM
Great work. dunno if that means much from le nub… Dont mind the negativity.
Lyqyd #19
Posted 11 March 2013 - 04:06 PM
Lyqyd, keep in mind this is a preview/alpha, so obviously it isn't going to have every possible feature right out of the box. And in my opinion, it isn't really in the right to jump into someone else's topic and talk about how your OS is better.

Yes, you have got a point there. My main opposition to things is the claim that pearOS is the best. I haven't seen any specific evidence that it is, in fact, better than existing software on the forums, so I'm challenging that claim. I would agree that pearOS is, at this point, currently better than a lot of the OSs on the forums, but I disagree that it is the best.

Edit: Also, the claim I'm objecting to has since been removed, FYI.
oeed #20
Posted 11 March 2013 - 04:42 PM
Alright, here's a wrapping function.

local function wrap(text, limit)
	local lines = {''}
	for word, space in text:gmatch('(%S+)(%s*)') do
		local temp = lines[#lines] .. word .. space:gsub('\n','')
		if #temp > limit then
			table.insert(lines, '')
		if space:find('\n') then
			lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word
			space = space:gsub('\n', function()
				table.insert(lines, '')
				return ''
			lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word .. space
	return lines

It returns a table of lines, and the limit is the point at which each line should be wrapped. It breaks when a line is longer than it should be, and it also breaks at \n characters.

With the text wrapping, help would be appreciated. I tried getting it looking better for ages but couldn't get it right so this is just so it won't go over.
In that case, I'll go ahead and grab a snippet of mine somewhere around here if I can find one.

With the File and Edit thing, the way I have it is the way it behaves in OS X. What it allows you to do is make a new document when there are not windows open.
Ah, I see. Great idea.

Also, right off the bat, the first setup screen seems to annoyingly flicker every second, and I really shouldn't be able to resize it, haha.

Should make resizable-ness a property for windows.
Yea, there is a property, I made that before I added resizing and just fogot to add it

Why are people criticizing you so much just because of your title and opinion -_-/>

Your OS, is brilliant, I can tell you spent many many many hours of your time working on this. It works beautifully, though some things that are a bit off that I have noticed:
  • When clicking on a window or dragging on a window over a window, it should have "focus" and be on the top of the window, whereas when I opened a finder window and the about finder window and I tried to drag the about finder windown over the finder window, it didn't go on top of it, instead it went below it
  • When browsing through finder, frequently I get a crash: PearOS.lua:1782:vm error:(Java out of bounds exception)
Apart from that, it's REALLY beautiful and amazing. I would reallyy like writing apps for your OS.
With the focus, I currently have it working with application focus, but not windows. I will definitly get that fixed.
With that crash, what was causing it, opening a folder? File?

Suggestion: Add a program that shares computers with rednet and allow computers with password so in finder youi can browse them and download files from it
Thats a really good idea, definitely something I will add.

Lyqyd, keep in mind this is a preview/alpha, so obviously it isn't going to have every possible feature right out of the box. And in my opinion, it isn't really in the right to jump into someone else's topic and talk about how your OS is better.

To be fair, PearOS does need a console emulator, and that would pretty much complete it. Though I like to think of it as transitioning to another OS in real life - not all programs are going to be compatible with that OS, unless you use something like wine, which even then can backfire on you sometimes.
I have almost finished the emulator but it wasn't working well enough to be included.

Thanks to everyone for your kind messages and support.
hego555 #21
Posted 11 March 2013 - 05:26 PM
Wow, looks amazing, will have to download and see!
theoriginalbit #22
Posted 11 March 2013 - 05:27 PM
I have almost finished the emulator but it wasn't working well enough to be included.
So you're making 'Terminal' nice :D/>
Dlcruz129 #23
Posted 11 March 2013 - 05:36 PM
Write an installer on Pastebin. It's a hassle to download a zip.
remiX #24
Posted 11 March 2013 - 06:01 PM
I would say this is the best OS i've seen here so far, it have a lot xD

I would suggest that you save everything into one folder, right now there's two, system and home - just clatters the users' pc folder.
And don't make the file startup because that's annoying xD

And make an installer!
theoriginalbit #25
Posted 11 March 2013 - 06:03 PM
I would suggest that you save everything into one folder, right now there's two, system and home - just clatters the users' pc folder.
Have you seen the Mac OS X file system?
Mendax #26
Posted 11 March 2013 - 06:12 PM
It looks great and functions well, but I agree with Lyqyd, this basically is a prettified version of LyqydOS (I am aware this is your own code. However, it functions quite a bit like LyqydOS, but with custom programs.). I do like this, and I would make some programs for it if I had time. Anyway, good luck.
Dlcruz129 #27
Posted 11 March 2013 - 06:14 PM
Very nice! It is rare that we see a good OS on the forums.
1lann #28
Posted 11 March 2013 - 06:46 PM
Files and folders, it's random somtimes.
Once I tried to open the Applications folder, it would give me that error, and after restarting, going to Applications would work but if I try to open, I would get that error again.
superaxander #29
Posted 11 March 2013 - 10:06 PM
This looks beautifull!
GravityScore #30
Posted 11 March 2013 - 10:31 PM
Looks fantastic! But a few bugs:

- Clicking "About Finder", and then trying to resize the window gives Finder:203: index expected, got nil
- Clicking on a menu item, then clicking on an app in the doc leaves the drop down menu still open, but the rest of the screen has moved on.
- The whole screen doesn't need to be redrawn when updating the clock. It would stop the OS flashing in CCEmu
- Arrow keys don't work in TextEdit.
- TextEdit doesn't function properly (deleting doesn't always delete, typing won't show when you've clicked on another spot)
- Resizing the TextEdit window after clicking the green plus button doesn't resize the text location
- Changing the desktop background doesn't do anything
- Yeah you really need to do some more testing on TextEdit… :P/>
theoriginalbit #31
Posted 11 March 2013 - 10:32 PM
It would stop the OS flashing in CCEmu
Maybe not. I've had cc-emu flicker for no reason what so ever once.
oeed #32
Posted 11 March 2013 - 10:42 PM
It would stop the OS flashing in CCEmu
Maybe not. I've had cc-emu flicker for no reason what so ever once.

It would probably fix a lot of it. I'll look in to it. I didn't make it update the entire screen because of the clock. But yes I'll look in to it.

And yea, TextEdit needs lots of work. It was more of a proof of concept for opening files from Finder.
GravityScore #33
Posted 11 March 2013 - 10:43 PM
And yea, TextEdit needs lots of work. It was more of a proof of concept for opening files from Finder.

You can open files from Finder? Any files I selected wouldn't stay selected for long enough to open them, and double clicking did nothing.
oeed #34
Posted 11 March 2013 - 10:45 PM
Well, first open TextEdit, quit it then open 'Test.txt' in Documents

You may not have to open TextEdit first but it's less likely to screw up.
remiX #35
Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:04 PM
I would suggest that you save everything into one folder, right now there's two, system and home - just clatters the users' pc folder.
Have you seen the Mac OS X file system?
Woops, forgot that it's meant to be like mac os x.
And no, I haven't seen the file system on mac os :P/>
theoriginalbit #36
Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:14 PM
Woops, forgot that it's meant to be like mac os x.
And no, I haven't seen the file system on mac os :P/>
Here you go, just 4 screenshots of the file system with all the hidden files shown… Obviously there is way more than this.

Home Folder
System Folder
More System Stuff
The Folder Applications Temp Files Go
ScruffyRules #37
Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:27 PM
The icon for TextEdit is actually the Notes icon unless you can't make it because of its size then i understand.
oeed #38
Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:34 PM
The icon for TextEdit is actually the Notes icon unless you can't make it because of its size then i understand.

I tried making it as the TextEdit icon. If you can make an icon that wil fit I'd love to use it, I just found the notes fit better.
Bear in mind that the icons are 3 x 2.
ScruffyRules #39
Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:36 PM
I tried making it as the TextEdit icon. If you can make an icon that wil fit I'd love to use it, I just found the notes fit better.
Bear in mind that the icons are 3 x 2.
alright then i'll give it a go! :P/> BTW im 90% sure but do you have OSX?
EDIT: Are we allowed chars in the picture?
theoriginalbit #40
Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:39 PM
I tried making it as the TextEdit icon. If you can make an icon that wil fit I'd love to use it, I just found the notes fit better.
Bear in mind that the icons are 3 x 2.
Down side to the size limit :(/> should make it touch screen on the largest monitor! :P/> If your argument against is 'no right-click' then look at my misc scripts section of my programs thread, i have a monitor right-click script.

Also check out my programs post for some terminal command programs you can use in this (in the General Programs that replicate Mac OS X) ;)/>
oeed #41
Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:39 PM
I tried making it as the TextEdit icon. If you can make an icon that wil fit I'd love to use it, I just found the notes fit better.
Bear in mind that the icons are 3 x 2.
alright then i'll give it a go! :P/> BTW im 90% sure but do you have OSX?

Yes, I do. Wouldn't use Windows if I had to :P/> (Please don't start flame war *fingers crossed*)
oeed #42
Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:40 PM
I tried making it as the TextEdit icon. If you can make an icon that wil fit I'd love to use it, I just found the notes fit better.
Bear in mind that the icons are 3 x 2.
Down side to the size limit :(/> should make it touch screen on the largest monitor! :P/> If your argument against is 'no right-click' then look at my misc scripts section of my programs thread, i have a monitor right-click script.

Also check out my programs post for some terminal command programs you can use in this (in the General Programs that replicate Mac OS X) ;)/>

PearOS will automatically detect a monitor and will use that. Thanks I'll take a look.
theoriginalbit #43
Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:41 PM
PearOS will automatically detect a monitor and will use that. Thanks I'll take a look.
Nice! :)/>
ScruffyRules #44
Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:48 PM
EDIT: Are we allowed chars in the picture?
InputUsername #45
Posted 12 March 2013 - 06:36 AM
First of all: PearOS looks great, although I personally ​hate OSX (no flamewar intended). I played around with the 'operating system' for a while and I'm definitely fond of its graphical aspect.

On the other hand, I did experience flickering (note: I used CC-emu, so it's not PearOS's fault; though it would be great to see a fix) and I frequently encountered errors, for example when just dragging/resizing a window or clicking another section in the 'system preferences' application.

Also, when you drag a window outside the 'view' (screen), is it possible to retrieve it, if yes, how?

More or less off-topic: I don't know if you're still in need of people to make apps for PearOS, but if you are, I would love to help. I do think that you should somehow add documentation, so developers can make PearOS .app 'files'.

Nonetheless, a great ComputerCraft operating system, of which I hope it will get a lot better in the future!
oeed #46
Posted 12 March 2013 - 09:52 AM
Write an installer on Pastebin. It's a hassle to download a zip.

I will in the release version, this was just a quick preview for people to get a feel of what it is like.

EDIT: Are we allowed chars in the picture?

Well, I'm going to say yes, I wanted to add that. However, I couldn't find a format that supports it and haven't had time to make one.
See here for more details: http://www.computerc...r-image-format/
Apparently there is a Nitrofingers format but I'm not sure how to use it.

First of all: PearOS looks great, although I personally ​hate OSX (no flamewar intended). I played around with the 'operating system' for a while and I'm definitely fond of its graphical aspect.

On the other hand, I did experience flickering (note: I used CC-emu, so it's not PearOS's fault; though it would be great to see a fix) and I frequently encountered errors, for example when just dragging/resizing a window or clicking another section in the 'system preferences' application.

Also, when you drag a window outside the 'view' (screen), is it possible to retrieve it, if yes, how?

More or less off-topic: I don't know if you're still in need of people to make apps for PearOS, but if you are, I would love to help. I do think that you should somehow add documentation, so developers can make PearOS .app 'files'.

Nonetheless, a great ComputerCraft operating system, of which I hope it will get a lot better in the future!

Yea, with the flickering, I'm going to try to fix it. Currently the screen redraws every second but I should be able to prevent that from being needed.
Chasing down errors is always fun… especially with the way PearOS works. But I will definitely get rid of them.
With this retrieving windows, I don't quite understand the problem really. You can't completely drag a window off screen, unless its to the right it suppose, then there is only the close button. How is done in actual operating systems?

With the applications, yes, anyone who is interested is welcome to make one. I will start making a documentation very soon.
Sora Firestorm #47
Posted 12 March 2013 - 02:57 PM
Wow… this looks pretty nice. And this is coming from an anti-Apple person. :)/>
I haven't tried it yet, but it looks promising.

Quick question - How modular is PearOS? (ie if I want to replace the OSX look, do I need to replace alot?)
Not to detract from the work, but RunAsSudo made an awesome proof of concept OS where most of the
pieces (including the desktop environment) were modular and replaceable. As much as I like his vision behind
it, I definitely feel the 'proof of concept' aspect of it. Maybe PearOS will take that model to the next level?

At any rate, this looks great, can't wait to try it out.

oeed #48
Posted 12 March 2013 - 03:25 PM
Wow… this looks pretty nice. And this is coming from an anti-Apple person. :)/>
I haven't tried it yet, but it looks promising.

Quick question - How modular is PearOS? (ie if I want to replace the OSX look, do I need to replace alot?)
Not to detract from the work, but RunAsSudo made an awesome proof of concept OS where most of the
pieces (including the desktop environment) were modular and replaceable. As much as I like his vision behind
it, I definitely feel the 'proof of concept' aspect of it. Maybe PearOS will take that model to the next level?

At any rate, this looks great, can't wait to try it out.


In short, it would be easy to replace the OS X look. However, much of the core design (Dock, the menu bar, etc) is based on OSX. Do bear in mind that PearOS uses the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported Licence. So you are not allowed to make derivative works (with out my permission) See for more information.
I haven't see that OS, looks interesting.
Sora Firestorm #49
Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:33 PM
Ah, okay. I'm not used to that look, that's all. (and it was more a hypothetical question, this look is nice :)/> )
So, I get that 'public' derivs aren't okay… what about private? (ie single player, personal server, stuff on a small scale like that)
oeed #50
Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:50 PM
Ah, okay. I'm not used to that look, that's all. (and it was more a hypothetical question, this look is nice :)/> )
So, I get that 'public' derivs aren't okay… what about private? (ie single player, personal server, stuff on a small scale like that)
I don't see anything wrong with tinkering around with it, seeing how it works etc.
Lyqyd #51
Posted 12 March 2013 - 04:52 PM
Real operating systems allow you to move windows entirely off-screen. Of course, you cannot get them there with the mouse.

Amusingly, this is one of the areas where LyqydOS departs from actual OSs, in that (currently) windows cannot be moved off-screen in any part.

The flickering may be easiest solved by buffering the screen output and comparing it against new draws so that only changed lines need to be redrawn, and then only redrawing those lines when the program yields. That's how I killed the flickering in LyqydOS. :)/>
Sora Firestorm #52
Posted 12 March 2013 - 05:01 PM
Just downloaded - Got a crash on system startup:

 paintutils:92: attempt to get length of nil

I tried looking through all of the executables, but I didn't find anything.

EDIT : And please, could you not use spaces in names? The shell doesn't like having spaces in the name.
oeed #53
Posted 12 March 2013 - 06:35 PM
Did you copy everything correctly? No one else has had this problem, redownload it.

With this spaces issue, I don't see what the problem is. PearOS never (excluding startup, which isn't really shell anyway) uses the shell, it is designed to use files with spaces.
theoriginalbit #54
Posted 12 March 2013 - 06:43 PM
And please, could you not use spaces in names? The shell doesn't like having spaces in the name.
Its ok, if he finishes terminal it will like the spaces. since UNIX loves spaces and is fine with it (and when its no you use the escape '\ ')
Kingdaro #55
Posted 12 March 2013 - 11:36 PM
Did you copy everything correctly? No one else has had this problem, redownload it.

With this spaces issue, I don't see what the problem is. PearOS never (excluding startup, which isn't really shell anyway) uses the shell, it is designed to use files with spaces.
Actually, I have the same problem. I didn't say anything because I thought it was just my stupid computer, hah.
kornichen #56
Posted 13 March 2013 - 02:45 AM
Did you copy everything correctly? No one else has had this problem, redownload it.

With this spaces issue, I don't see what the problem is. PearOS never (excluding startup, which isn't really shell anyway) uses the shell, it is designed to use files with spaces.
Actually, I have the same problem. I didn't say anything because I thought it was just my stupid computer, hah.

I did have the same problem ;(
oeed #57
Posted 13 March 2013 - 09:52 AM
Did you copy everything correctly? No one else has had this problem, redownload it.

With this spaces issue, I don't see what the problem is. PearOS never (excluding startup, which isn't really shell anyway) uses the shell, it is designed to use files with spaces.
Actually, I have the same problem. I didn't say anything because I thought it was just my stupid computer, hah.

I did have the same problem ;(

Ok, thanks, as this as happened to three people it probably is an error on my part, I'll try to fix it. Just to check do you see a blank white for about a second then it crashes?
Kingdaro #58
Posted 13 March 2013 - 11:44 AM
I see a blank white, the pearOS logo, the desktop for a very small fraction of a second, then it crashes.
Exerro #59
Posted 13 March 2013 - 11:48 AM
I tried to open a new text edit file…didn't work so then I clicked on close and it crashed
TextEdit: 76 - failed to open

Other than that this OS is amazing!
oeed #60
Posted 13 March 2013 - 12:47 PM
I see a blank white, the pearOS logo, the desktop for a very small fraction of a second, then it crashes.
Ok, the only images it loads are the dock icons. So there are probably applications that aren't actually there. I'll add a default icon or something.

I tried to open a new text edit file…didn't work so then I clicked on close and it crashed
TextEdit: 76 - failed to open

Other than that this OS is amazing!
Ok thanks, I've added to the (rather large) list of bus.
Kingdaro #61
Posted 13 March 2013 - 12:53 PM
When the program API documentation is made or whatever, I'd like to make a program called PIMP.

GravityScore #62
Posted 13 March 2013 - 01:00 PM
When the program API documentation is made or whatever, I'd like to make a program called PIMP.


But what could possibly be better than NPainPro?

and lol :P/>
Kingdaro #63
Posted 13 March 2013 - 01:10 PM
The main thing I hated about NPaintPro (or just the default program - was too lazy to download paintpro lol) was that the image was never really cropped, and image files would just be massive arrays of whitespace. That and color choosing was tedious, as I had to move long mouse distances if I wanted multiple colors.

I'd like to have a program, where a nice array of colors pops up on right-click, so color switching is quick and convenient, and I'd also like to allow custom canvas sizes, along with the ability to scale images.
oeed #64
Posted 13 March 2013 - 01:19 PM
The main thing I hated about NPaintPro (or just the default program - was too lazy to download paintpro lol) was that the image was never really cropped, and image files would just be massive arrays of whitespace. That and color choosing was tedious, as I had to move long mouse distances if I wanted multiple colors.

I'd like to have a program, where a nice array of colors pops up on right-click, so color switching is quick and convenient, and I'd also like to allow custom canvas sizes, along with the ability to scale images.

I totally agree, I always find my self having to open the image file in Sublime (especially when making icons etc). It just doesn't have as much attention to detail as it needs. Also, we it will need to support text.

Don't know about 'PIMP' though :P/>
Kingdaro #65
Posted 13 March 2013 - 01:23 PM
Yeah, the name is ever so punny and clever!
anonimo182 #66
Posted 13 March 2013 - 01:46 PM
Nice OS, so different to many others… (I include myself in those :P/>)
yaaay #67
Posted 27 March 2013 - 04:39 PM
What?PearOS inside Pear OS?Yay!
Is this based off linux?
If yes,What Version?
And Can I use apt-get?
Also,Is SU allowed?

(PearOS is an Linux Distro for easier transition between mac and linux)
theoriginalbit #68
Posted 27 March 2013 - 04:51 PM
Yay! Is this based off linux?
Can't read? Title says "OS X Inspired" that is Mac OS X. It is not Linux. It is Unix. But not Linux.

And Can I use apt-get?
No. apt-get is not default to Mac OS X. Also I have no idea what purpose/role apt-get would play in a computercraft os anyways.
oeed #69
Posted 27 March 2013 - 07:08 PM
What?PearOS inside Pear OS?Yay!
Is this based off linux?
If yes,What Version?
And Can I use apt-get?
Also,Is SU allowed?

(PearOS is an Linux Distro for easier transition between mac and linux)

Oh I see where you got your idea of Pear OS… there seems to be a Linux distro with the same name. I personally am not a fan of Linux, and do not intend to include any Unix/Linux features (console command, like apt-get, although something slightly similar to apt-get will be added [Package Maker]). Everything will be GUI. OS X was the first (of 10, the X is Roman numerals for 10, if you weren't aware) Mac operating systems to include a console. I am in two minds on whether to include one to be honest. If I add everything that the current console can do (which isn't really a huge amount really) then I see no need. Thoughts?

(By the way, I have been a bit busy recently but I have more time now so I'll resume work on PearOS. I'm aiming to have a new preview out this weekend with bug fixes and Rosetta , a framework used to run legacy/CraftOS programs inside PearOS)
yaaay #70
Posted 27 March 2013 - 09:05 PM
you should make an emulator inside(That emulates a individual startup and autorun and a disk drive that is capable to load a folder/real disk.
oeed #71
Posted 27 March 2013 - 11:23 PM
you should make an emulator inside(That emulates a individual startup and autorun and a disk drive that is capable to load a folder/real disk.

If you mean run normal programs:
I am already working on that, read the bit about Rosetta above.

If you mean run a normal CraftOS inside PearOS:
What's the point???
theoriginalbit #72
Posted 27 March 2013 - 11:57 PM
read the bit about Rosetta above
Nice, going for OS X 10.6 and before! :)/>

Are you going to do an X11 App? :P/>
oeed #73
Posted 28 March 2013 - 09:40 AM
read the bit about Rosetta above
Nice, going for OS X 10.6 and before! :)/>

Are you going to do an X11 App? :P/>

Well Rosetta is essentially the X11 for PearOS.
Rosetta was used to run PowerPC application Intel Macs. And obviously, there is no need for an application like this. I just felt like calling it that.
But… I might consider renaming it to X11.
(In fact, I probably will)
ElectricOverride #74
Posted 28 March 2013 - 10:49 AM
It's just a tag line… but what ever. But really, this is far more advance that all the other OSes. And in my honest opinion, I think it is the best.
I aggree, my measly attempt at an os was nothing compared to this.
oeed #75
Posted 28 March 2013 - 11:58 AM
It's just a tag line… but what ever. But really, this is far more advance that all the other OSes. And in my honest opinion, I think it is the best.
I aggree, my measly attempt at an os was nothing compared to this.

That was from my original title, "The best ComputerCraft OS. Ever."
theoriginalbit #76
Posted 28 March 2013 - 05:25 PM
Well Rosetta is essentially the X11 for PearOS.
Rosetta was used to run PowerPC application Intel Macs. And obviously, there is no need for an application like this. I just felt like calling it that.
But… I might consider renaming it to X11.
(In fact, I probably will)
Rosetta and X11 were actually on Mac OS X concurrently. Rosetta allowed the Mac to run PowerPC apps… X11 (originally) allowed Mac to run programs that were made for the X11 operating system, but ended up allowing some Windows and Linux distros to run on Mac.
oeed #77
Posted 28 March 2013 - 06:35 PM
Well Rosetta is essentially the X11 for PearOS.
Rosetta was used to run PowerPC application Intel Macs. And obviously, there is no need for an application like this. I just felt like calling it that.
But… I might consider renaming it to X11.
(In fact, I probably will)
Rosetta and X11 were actually on Mac OS X concurrently. Rosetta allowed the Mac to run PowerPC apps… X11 (originally) allowed Mac to run programs that were made for the X11 operating system, but ended up allowing some Windows and Linux distros to run on Mac.

Don't worry, I do know that. I probably just worded that badly.
ElectricOverride #78
Posted 28 March 2013 - 08:44 PM
It's just a tag line… but what ever. But really, this is far more advance that all the other OSes. And in my honest opinion, I think it is the best.
I aggree, my measly attempt at an os was nothing compared to this.

That was from my original title, "The best ComputerCraft OS. Ever."
Ahh, I see
yaaay #79
Posted 29 March 2013 - 05:04 AM
you should make an emulator inside(That emulates a individual startup and autorun and a disk drive that is capable to load a folder/real disk.

If you mean run normal programs:
I am already working on that, read the bit about Rosetta above.

If you mean run a normal CraftOS inside PearOS:
What's the point???

I mean run Whatever OS!Like LyqydOS + KREOS + CraftOS + SimpleOS + Whatever…
Just awesome!
watsonj11 #80
Posted 29 March 2013 - 10:57 AM
i can't run this OS
every time i reboot the module it comes up with an error that says:
attempt to call nil
oeed #81
Posted 29 March 2013 - 12:21 PM
you should make an emulator inside(That emulates a individual startup and autorun and a disk drive that is capable to load a folder/real disk.

If you mean run normal programs:
I am already working on that, read the bit about Rosetta above.

If you mean run a normal CraftOS inside PearOS:
What's the point???

I mean run Whatever OS!Like LyqydOS + KREOS + CraftOS + SimpleOS + Whatever…
Just awesome!
I see, I guess X11/Rosetta (what ever I call it) could do that. I don't really see a need, but I'll look in to it.

i can't run this OS
every time i reboot the module it comes up with an error that says:
attempt to call nil
Does it have a line number? Did you copy all the files? I will be releasing a bug fix soon, this may fix it.
MudkipTheEpic #82
Posted 29 March 2013 - 12:26 PM
Can I add this as a default OS in OSRunner?
oeed #83
Posted 29 March 2013 - 12:31 PM
Can I add this as a default OS in OSRunner?


But could you explain what this involves?
Also, as I am close to releasing an update how it that pushed out?
MudkipTheEpic #84
Posted 29 March 2013 - 12:36 PM
Basically, just makes it so you don't have to go to custom OS to add it. No redistibuting, just adding the URL to get it from. If your OS auto-updates, then it should be fine. Otherwise, you would have to go to the shell and rerun your installer again. But anyway, nothing that would take the attention away from your OS. :P/>

Topic Link
oeed #85
Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:10 PM
Basically, just makes it so you don't have to go to custom OS to add it. No redistibuting, just adding the URL to get it from. If your OS auto-updates, then it should be fine. Otherwise, you would have to go to the shell and rerun your installer again. But anyway, nothing that would take the attention away from your OS. :P/>

Topic Link

I'm not worried about taking attention away, don't worry :P/>
Are you hosting it, because I don't have an installer. Use a package (below) if you need to.
MudkipTheEpic #86
Posted 29 March 2013 - 01:11 PM
No installer? Oh, that's fine. :P/>
FuuuAInfiniteLoop(F.A.I.L) #87
Posted 29 March 2013 - 04:11 PM
I can make you an installer, but you must give a host(preferralbe github) so i can download the files from there, please PM
oeed #88
Posted 29 March 2013 - 08:47 PM
I can make you an installer, but you must give a host(preferralbe github) so i can download the files from there, please PM

I do not want an installer.
I see no need in overcomplicating something so simple. A package will do fine.
GravityScore #89
Posted 29 March 2013 - 09:01 PM
I can make you an installer, but you must give a host(preferralbe github) so i can download the files from there, please PM

I do not want an installer.
I see no need in overcomplicating something so simple. A package will do fine.

By doing that though, you're basically saying "I don't want people to use this on a server", and "I don't want to people try this out quickly and easily".
oeed #90
Posted 29 March 2013 - 09:16 PM
I can make you an installer, but you must give a host(preferralbe github) so i can download the files from there, please PM

I do not want an installer.
I see no need in overcomplicating something so simple. A package will do fine.

By doing that though, you're basically saying "I don't want people to use this on a server", and "I don't want to people try this out quickly and easily".

No, in fact this allows even more people to use it. My packaging utility allows for installation without HTTP or file copying with direct copy and paste. Take a look at it for more info.
1lann #91
Posted 30 March 2013 - 04:25 AM
I can make you an installer, but you must give a host(preferralbe github) so i can download the files from there, please PM

I do not want an installer.
I see no need in overcomplicating something so simple. A package will do fine.

By doing that though, you're basically saying "I don't want people to use this on a server", and "I don't want to people try this out quickly and easily".

No, in fact this allows even more people to use it. My packaging utility allows for installation without HTTP or file copying with direct copy and paste. Take a look at it for more info.
(Not to sound rude or anything)
But copying and pasting the entirety of PearOS packaged, would take an AWFULLYLYY LONG amount of time on a mutliplayer server. Also not to mention how copying pasting works in CC is by calling all of the key events, automatically, so basically this would cause a massive packet spam to the server and it isn't guranteed that every single packet will go through. It has happend to me that copying and pasting, even code as short as 30 characters can cause trimming and missing characters. Now since PearOS is soo huge, and 1 character missing can break the entire thing. I don't think your package manager would work well. Although it is a great concept, but I don't think it is a suitable replacement for HTTP.
oeed #92
Posted 30 March 2013 - 12:12 PM
I can make you an installer, but you must give a host(preferralbe github) so i can download the files from there, please PM

I do not want an installer.
I see no need in overcomplicating something so simple. A package will do fine.

By doing that though, you're basically saying "I don't want people to use this on a server", and "I don't want to people try this out quickly and easily".

No, in fact this allows even more people to use it. My packaging utility allows for installation without HTTP or file copying with direct copy and paste. Take a look at it for more info.
(Not to sound rude or anything)
But copying and pasting the entirety of PearOS packaged, would take an AWFULLYLYY LONG amount of time on a mutliplayer server. Also not to mention how copying pasting works in CC is by calling all of the key events, automatically, so basically this would cause a massive packet spam to the server and it isn't guranteed that every single packet will go through. It has happend to me that copying and pasting, even code as short as 30 characters can cause trimming and missing characters. Now since PearOS is soo huge, and 1 character missing can break the entire thing. I don't think your package manager would work well. Although it is a great concept, but I don't think it is a suitable replacement for HTTP.

I am aware of the issues. However, it's the only way for someone to enter code with out HTTP or having access to the files, or if they are too lazy (like many of my friends) to do either. If I am missing some form of data transfer then let me know. It's just this is the best way. I will try it out thought.

EDIT: I've made PearOS in to a package and tried copying and pasting it (around 270000 characters) and yea, It cuts alot out and glitches. I'll need to find away to get around this.
Khento #93
Posted 30 March 2013 - 01:27 PM
Here are some quick changes that I made to your code.

Make the logo appear in the centre of the screen
SpoilerChange line 203 on the startup file


To this:

local logox, logoy = term.getSize()

Now the logo will appear in the center of the screen no matter it's size

Make the "Starting PearOS in verbose (debug) mode." appear correctly.
SpoilerChange the "if verbose then" check to this:

if verbose then
    text = "Starting PearOS in verbose (debug) mode."
    local screensizex, screensizey = term.getSize()

Bugs I found:

The Close Window command crashes the OS if no window is selected.
SpoilerThe crash error message was:
PearOS.lua:467: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Clicking on any About window (except About this Pear) crashes the OS
SpoilerThe crash error message was:
PearOS.lua:259: attempt to perform arithmetic __add on number and nil

Pressing Ctrl+W (Close Window shortcut) at startup crashes the OS
SpoilerThe crash error message was:
PearOS.lua:467: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Great OS btw!
Dlcruz129 #94
Posted 30 March 2013 - 02:07 PM
Yeah, you definitely need an installer.
oeed #95
Posted 30 March 2013 - 02:56 PM
Here are some quick changes that I made to your code.

Make the logo appear in the centre of the screen
SpoilerChange line 203 on the startup file


To this:

local logox, logoy = term.getSize()

Now the logo will appear in the center of the screen no matter it's size

Make the "Starting PearOS in verbose (debug) mode." appear correctly.
SpoilerChange the "if verbose then" check to this:

if verbose then
	text = "Starting PearOS in verbose (debug) mode."
	local screensizex, screensizey = term.getSize()

Bugs I found:

The Close Window command crashes the OS if no window is selected.
SpoilerThe crash error message was:
PearOS.lua:467: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Clicking on any About window (except About this Pear) crashes the OS
SpoilerThe crash error message was:
PearOS.lua:259: attempt to perform arithmetic __add on number and nil

Pressing Ctrl+W (Close Window shortcut) at startup crashes the OS
SpoilerThe crash error message was:
PearOS.lua:467: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Great OS btw!

I've been aware of the first two but never got around to fixing them.
And thanks for the last few, I wasn't aware of all (or at least most) of them.
oeed #96
Posted 30 March 2013 - 02:57 PM
Yeah, you definitely need an installer.

Yea, I guess. I just want to make it as less dependent on features that not all users have access to (server files, http).
GravityScore #97
Posted 30 March 2013 - 04:17 PM
Yea, I guess. I just want to make it as less dependent on features that not all users have access to (server files, http).

Pretty sure the majority of users have access to HTTP. How else would they access this webpage to find out about your OS? :P/>
oeed #98
Posted 30 March 2013 - 04:20 PM
Yea, I guess. I just want to make it as less dependent on features that not all users have access to (server files, http).

Pretty sure the majority of users have access to HTTP. How else would they access this webpage to find out about your OS? :P/>

Nah, I mean the HTTP Api :P/>
Dlcruz129 #99
Posted 30 March 2013 - 04:21 PM
Yea, I guess. I just want to make it as less dependent on features that not all users have access to (server files, http).

Pretty sure the majority of users have access to HTTP. How else would they access this webpage to find out about your OS? :P/>/>

Nah, I mean the HTTP Api :P/>/>

Really? We had no idea. -_-/> :P/>
Kingdaro #100
Posted 30 March 2013 - 05:20 PM
Guys, how do I enable the HTTP API? I can't access the ComputerCraft forums without it.
theoriginalbit #101
Posted 30 March 2013 - 05:28 PM
Guys, how do I enable the HTTP API? I can't access the ComputerCraft forums without it.
File —> Edit Config File —> general —> enableAPI_http —> set to true
Minecraft Client:
<minecraft's location> —> configs —> computercraft.cfg —> general —> enableAPI_http —> set to true
Minecraft Server:
<server files location> —> configs —> computercraft.cfg —> general —> enableAPI_http —> set to true
Dlcruz129 #102
Posted 30 March 2013 - 05:49 PM
Guys, how do I enable the HTTP API? I can't access the ComputerCraft forums without it.
File —> Edit Config File —> general —> enableAPI_http —> set to true
Minecraft Client:
<minecraft's location> —> configs —> computercraft.cfg —> general —> enableAPI_http —> set to true
Minecraft Server:
<server files location> —> configs —> computercraft.cfg —> general —> enableAPI_http —> set to true

I'm pretty sure he was kidding. -_-/>
theoriginalbit #103
Posted 30 March 2013 - 06:03 PM
I'm pretty sure he was kidding. -_-/>
I know he was. Its called "playing along".
Dlcruz129 #104
Posted 30 March 2013 - 06:06 PM
I'm pretty sure he was kidding. -_-/>/>
I know he was. Its called "playing along".

oeed #105
Posted 30 March 2013 - 06:07 PM
gamax92 #106
Posted 31 March 2013 - 08:21 AM
Hey good job! You even got the mac garbage included in PearOS, good job!
First off, when you're zipping stuff on a mac, can you please remove the garbage it puts like .DS_Store and _MACOSX or use a zipping app that doesn't put that garbage?

Install impression
Resizing windows is kind of awkward atm, you have to resize it by the little % sign, but doing so moves your grasp to the shadow and not the window.
I'm also getting flickering on those first time windows.

After installed impression
That pear logo is off center.
I do like that it sets the label of the computer when you start it so you don't loose data.
I also like that the launcher bar stays on top of windows (A problem I had in GamsShell)
The flickering is much worse now.
Its extremly hard to use textedit now because of it.
The task switching works pretty good.
I noticed that in System Preferences, going to Apperance and then everything else kept the contents of Apperance.
Nothing in System Preferences has any content except Apperance, is this supposed to be like this?

Switching locations in Finder doesn't update the cursor pos of the edit box. It should just unfocus (Not sure how your GUI api works, or if you're even using one.)
What is the " < | > " thing on the finder window, it does nothing?
Running any applications from Finder crashes PearOS
Welp … just crashed with this: PearOS.lua:1783: vm error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 256

Holding H during boot seems to do nothing, but pressing V did work.
I like the little $ on the shell prompt.
Is the crash handler on debug mode supposed to be different? I don't use MACs too much.

When opening the About this Pear window, it opens below all of the open windows and doesn't show up in finder.
The same issue occurs with trying to open the About Finder box.
Though it acts like its on top because clicking in the area where the X would be closes it.
Tried to resize the About this Pear window but crashed with this:
Finder:203: index expected but got nil. This makes me wonder if you run your applications in protected environments, or atleast the Graphical environment.
Also got this message by clicking on the "A" for About.
Also, this didn't get into the Crash handler, this dropped me to shell, yet doing the same action twice got me in the Crash Handler.

If you click on the middle of the About this Pear, you'll get:
PearOS.lua:259: attempt to perform arithmetic __add on nil and number
Same issue with the About Finder box.

I was randomly opening finder and then open'd About this Pear again, got:
PearOS.lua:2178: attempt to call nil

I see you added in a Ctrl-R handler so it reboot immediatly, not really a good idea because people are used to holding it down, and so it reboots twice.
And the crash handler reboots immediatly when you press just Ctrl, so that even more confusing.

When trying to click the Pear menu, sometimes it randomly closes back up.

Going to CraftOS and then exiting CraftOS doesn't return to PearOS. Infact actually i think the computer shut down.
Ah now that i think about it, it seems you exit PearOS to go to Shell, instead of opening the Shell within PearOS

When opening a new finder window and then a second one, I was dragging the window on top and it was actually grabbing the one on the bottom, not sure if this is the same issue with the About this Pear window opening under everything.

I see a activator key of #N to open a new window of finder, but what is the # key, litterly #?

On the crash handler, clicking anywhere doesn't do anything, only pressing a key.

The screen doesn't update fast enough, the clock will sometimes skip a number.

What are these things that are supposed to be on my desktop, but don't show up on the desktop?
PearOS, PearOS Backup 1, PearOS Backup 2, PearOS Backup 3.lua, PearOS Backup 4.lua

When you start dragging a window, and then click drag somewhere else, the window will snap to your mouse, even though you clicked somewhere else.
Resizing Text Edit doesn't resize the text box.
Clicking Text Edit's preferences just closed the window.

Clicking on Text Edit's about window gives me this error:
TextEdit:86: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

More things later, have to go do something.

After code investigation
Couldn't do this, and rather didn't want to.

After review

Security: 1/10 - Hey .. atleast it handles its crashes.
Productivity: 8/10 - Its dynamic, expandable, and easy to use.
Graphics: 9/10 - The graphics are a tiny bad on the eyes, but the sliding dock and gui system is nice. It actually is a gui system!
Internal working: 7/10 - From what I looked at, it seems nice, didn't do a complete check so ill be nice and give a 7.
watsonj11 #107
Posted 31 March 2013 - 08:35 AM
you should make an emulator inside(That emulates a individual startup and autorun and a disk drive that is capable to load a folder/real disk.

If you mean run normal programs:
I am already working on that, read the bit about Rosetta above.

If you mean run a normal CraftOS inside PearOS:
What's the point???

I mean run Whatever OS!Like LyqydOS + KREOS + CraftOS + SimpleOS + Whatever…
Just awesome!
I see, I guess X11/Rosetta (what ever I call it) could do that. I don't really see a need, but I'll look in to it.

i can't run this OS
every time i reboot the module it comes up with an error that says:
attempt to call nil
Does it have a line number? Did you copy all the files? I will be releasing a bug fix soon, this may fix it.
Yes the line number is 77 and I'm pretty sure I put all the files in and in the right place
sorry I had to copy all your post stupid error messages
Khento #108
Posted 31 March 2013 - 08:50 AM
Hey good job! You even got the mac garbage included in PearOS, good job!
First off, when you're zipping stuff on a mac, can you please remove the garbage it puts like .DS_Store and _MACOSX or use a zipping app that doesn't put that garbage?

Install launch:
Resizing windows is kind of awkward atm, you have to resize it by the little % sign, but doing so moves your grasp to the shadow and not the window.
I'm also getting flickering on those first time windows.

After installed:
That pear logo is off center.
I do like that it sets the label of the computer when you start it so you don't loose data.
I also like that the launcher bar stays on top of windows (A problem I had in GamsShell)
The flickering is much worse now.
Its extremly hard to use textedit now because of it.
The task switching works pretty good.
I noticed that in System Preferences, going to Apperance and then everything else kept the contents of Apperance.
Nothing in System Preferences has any content except Apperance, is this supposed to be like this?

Switching locations in Finder doesn't update the cursor pos of the edit box. It should just unfocus (Not sure how your GUI api works, or if you're even using one.)
What is the " < | > " thing on the finder window, it does nothing?
Running any applications from Finder crashes PearOS
Welp … just crashed with this: PearOS.lua:1783: vm error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 256

Holding H during boot seems to do nothing, but pressing V did work.
I like the little $ on the shell prompt.
Is the crash handler on debug mode supposed to be different? I don't use MACs too much.

When opening the About this Pear window, it opens below all of the open windows and doesn't show up in finder.
The same issue occurs with trying to open the About Finder box.
Though it acts like its on top because clicking in the area where the X would be closes it.
Tried to resize the About this Pear window but crashed with this:
Finder:203: index expected but got nil. This makes me wonder if you run your applications in protected environments, or atleast the Graphical environment.
Also got this message by clicking on the "A" for About.
Also, this didn't get into the Crash handler, this dropped me to shell, yet doing the same action twice got me in the Crash Handler.

If you click on the middle of the About this Pear, you'll get:
PearOS.lua:259: attempt to perform arithmetic __add on nil and number
Same issue with the About Finder box.

I was randomly opening finder and then open'd About this Pear again, got:
PearOS.lua:2178: attempt to call nil

I see you added in a Ctrl-R handler so it reboot immediatly, not really a good idea because people are used to holding it down, and so it reboots twice.
And the crash handler reboots immediatly when you press just Ctrl, so that even more confusing.

When trying to click the Pear menu, sometimes it randomly closes back up.

Going to CraftOS and then exiting CraftOS doesn't return to PearOS. Infact actually i think the computer shut down.
Ah now that i think about it, it seems you exit PearOS to go to Shell, instead of opening the Shell within PearOS

When opening a new finder window and then a second one, I was dragging the window on top and it was actually grabbing the one on the bottom, not sure if this is the same issue with the About this Pear window opening under everything.

I see a activator key of #N to open a new window of finder, but what is the # key, litterly #?

On the crash handler, clicking anywhere doesn't do anything, only pressing a key.

The screen doesn't update fast enough, the clock will sometimes skip a number.

What are these things that are supposed to be on my desktop, but don't show up on the desktop?
PearOS, PearOS Backup 1, PearOS Backup 2, PearOS Backup 3.lua, PearOS Backup 4.lua

When you start dragging a window, and then click drag somewhere else, the window will snap to your mouse, even though you clicked somewhere else.
Resizing Text Edit doesn't resize the text box.
Clicking Text Edit's preferences just closed the window.

Clicking on Text Edit's about window gives me this error:
TextEdit:86: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

More things later, have to go do something.

After code investigation:
Will fill with content later, gotta go do something.

I already sent some of these bugs to the creator along with some fixes.
The big problem here is the stack.
The OS is very unstable due to stack overflows…

Bugs and fixes
SpoilerThe error screen only reboots when pressing a key.
To fix this, change the "if not ok" check on the startup file to this:

if not ok then
--an error has occurred, display a warning message

PrintCentered("Oh noes!",7)
PrintCentered("PearOS or a running application has crashed.",9)
PrintCentered("Click anywhere or press any key to reboot.",10)
PrintCentered("For help hold 'H' while booting.",11)
PrintCentered("For a more detailed error hold 'V' while booting.",12)
PrintCentered("The crash error message was:",14)
while true do
  local event,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent()
  if (event == 'char') then
  elseif (event == 'key') then
  elseif (event == 'monitor_touch') then
  elseif (event == 'mouse_click') then
gamax92 #109
Posted 31 March 2013 - 11:18 AM
I myself will go do some bug looking, I'm a bit tired of trying to find things that crash the OS.

For line 203 in startup, the logo drawing can be replaced with this:
paintutils.drawImage(logo,math.floor((select(1, term.getSize()) - #logo[1]) / 2),math.floor((select(2, term.getSize()) - #logo) / 2))
Dynamically places the logo on the center, helps if i resize my terminal screen or the logo changes.

The "PearOS.lua:259: add on number and nil" error is caused because rect.width doesnt't exist, specifically with images.
To get the width of an image, use #image[1], height is #image
For now the following code seems to fix the clicking on the center problem.
if rect.image ~= nil then rect.width = #rect.image[1] rect.height = #rect.image end
Throwing this in pointOverlapsRect fixes it, adding it when the image object gets made would fix it properly.

The "Finder:203: index expected but got nil" on the About Windows is caused because the window lacks everything it tries to modify. This can be fixed by checking if window.blah is not nil, and then setting the width.
if window.toolbar ~= nil then window.toolbar.width = _width end

if window.pathbar ~= nil then window.pathbar.width = _width - 17 end

if window.pathGo ~= nil and window.pathbar ~= nil then window.pathGo.x = window.pathbar.x + window.pathbar.width + 1 end
if window.splitter ~= nil then window.splitter.height = _height-3 end
if window.fileList ~= nil then window.fileList.height = _height
window.fileList.width = _width - 17 end
if window.placesListView ~= nil then window.placesListView.height = _height end

The "TextEdit:86: attempt to index ? (a nil value)" from closing the About box on TextEdit is fixed by checking if it is an TextEdit window.
windowShouldClose = function(window)
	if window.textView ~= nil then
		saveFile(window.path, window.textView.text)
	return true
oeed #110
Posted 31 March 2013 - 12:50 PM
Hey good job! You even got the mac garb…
–Snip Snip–

First of all, thank you for your feedback. Greatly appreciate it.
I'll try to answer every bug/question.

First off, when you're zipping stuff on a mac, can you please remove the garbage it puts like .DS_Store and _MACOSX or use a zipping app that doesn't put that garbage?
Yea, sorry about that. They're hidden and I don't notice them. I've turned hidden folders on so that won't be there next version (but I won't be using a zip).

Resizing windows is kind of awkward atm, you have to resize it by the little % sign, but doing so moves your grasp to the shadow and not the window.
Unless I've already fixed it, the grasp stays still. And with the % sign, this is what is was like in 10.6 and earlier. The main reason why I'm using this is because I don't want a huge border around everything. It would just look crap, and reduce screen space.

I'm also getting flickering on those first time windows.
I have fixed the majority of flickering in the latest version (not yet released).

After installed:
That pear logo is off center.

I am aware of this, Leonardas has fixed it for me. I just haven't got around to fixing it.

I do like that it sets the label of the computer when you start it so you don't loose data.
I also like that the launcher bar stays on top of windows (A problem I had in GamsShell)
The task switching works pretty good.
The flickering is much worse now.

Its extremly hard to use textedit now because of it.
I have been working on TextEdit and have fixed a majority of the problems. It was more of a proof of concept.

I noticed that in System Preferences, going to Apperance and then everything else kept the contents of Apperance.
Nothing in System Preferences has any content except Apperance, is this supposed to be like this?

Well, I am aware that it is like this. I have added a few more things to it since this update, but mainly it is because I just haven't had time to add them.

Switching locations in Finder doesn't update the cursor pos of the edit box. It should just unfocus (Not sure how your GUI api works, or if you're even using one.)
Ok, thanks, I'll fix that.

What is the " < | > " thing on the finder window, it does nothing?
It's the back/forward buttons. The back button does work, forward doesn't yet.

Running any applications from Finder crashes PearOS
Welp … just crashed with this: PearOS.lua:1783: vm error: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 256

I am aware of this, thanks.

Holding H during boot seems to do nothing, but pressing V did work.
Yea, it's something I am planning to add, but haven't had the time.

I like the little $ on the shell prompt.

Is the crash handler on debug mode supposed to be different? I don't use MACs too much.
Well, Macs do have verbose mode, if you hold down Command + V at boot it will display an Unix/Linux like boot wall of text. The PearOS version basically just lists whats going on.
In terms of what the crash handler does, sometimes two errors are thrown at once, don't fit on the screen etc. Because of this I added a mode to disable the crash screen.

When opening the About this Pear window, it opens below all of the open windows and doesn't show up in finder.
The same issue occurs with trying to open the About Finder box.
Though it acts like its on top because clicking in the area where the X would be closes it.

Tried to resize the About this Pear window but crashed with this:
Finder:203: index expected but got nil. This makes me wonder if you run your applications in protected environments, or atleast the Graphical environment.
Also got this message by clicking on the "A" for About.
Also, this didn't get into the Crash handler, this dropped me to shell, yet doing the same action twice got me in the Crash Handler.

If you click on the middle of the About this Pear, you'll get:
PearOS.lua:259: attempt to perform arithmetic __add on nil and number
Same issue with the About Finder box.

I was randomly opening finder and then open'd About this Pear again, got:
PearOS.lua:2178: attempt to call nil

Yea, I'm about to redo all of the About Windows, they were the first windows I made to test the system and haven't been updated.

I see you added in a Ctrl-R handler so it reboot immediatly, not really a good idea because people are used to holding it down, and so it reboots twice.
And the crash handler reboots immediatly when you press just Ctrl, so that even more confusing.

To be honest, I added it for my convince as I was rebooting so much and I forgot to remove it. Basically, it shouldn't be there.

When trying to click the Pear menu, sometimes it randomly closes back up.
Ok, I'll play around and try to figure that out.

Going to CraftOS and then exiting CraftOS doesn't return to PearOS. Infact actually i think the computer shut down.
Ah now that i think about it, it seems you exit PearOS to go to Shell, instead of opening the Shell within PearOS

This was the only way I could only really get working, if anyone has a suggestion on a better way let me know.

When opening a new finder window and then a second one, I was dragging the window on top and it was actually grabbing the one on the bottom, not sure if this is the same issue with the About this Pear window opening under everything.
That has been fixed.

I see a activator key of #N to open a new window of finder, but what is the # key, litterly #?
The hash stands for the Control or Command key. It's the closest thing to the OS X command icon.
See the below (really old, but only one I could find) screenshot.

On the crash handler, clicking anywhere doesn't do anything, only pressing a key.


The screen doesn't update fast enough, the clock will sometimes skip a number.
I have fixed that, in this prerelease the entire screen was updated every second, making it inefficient to update faster.
Now it only updates the clock every second.

What are these things that are supposed to be on my desktop, but don't show up on the desktop?
I haven't written the desktop yet, that will be in Preview 3 (or later, I don't know) most likely.
PearOS, PearOS Backup 1, PearOS Backup 2, PearOS Backup 3.lua, PearOS Backup 4.lua
They are actually old versions of the OS just incase I need to refer back. They were essentially test files to see if Finder worked.
Looking back, Backup 1 only had the menu bar :P/>

When you start dragging a window, and then click drag somewhere else, the window will snap to your mouse, even though you clicked somewhere else.
There is really nothing I can do about this. Due to the way that the mouse events worked dragging works but starting a timer (1 second I think) when you begin dragging a window, every time you move it updates the time… I can't really be bothered explaining, but anyway. I can't change this really.

Resizing Text Edit doesn't resize the text box.
Clicking Text Edit's preferences just closed the window

Clicking on Text Edit's about window gives me this error:
TextEdit:86: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I have fixed most of TextEdit's bugs.
gamax92 #111
Posted 31 March 2013 - 12:58 PM
When you start dragging a window, and then click drag somewhere else, the window will snap to your mouse, even though you clicked somewhere else.
Regarding this, I was wondering because i know it sends a click event and then more dragging afterwards, if you detect the click then you should immediatly stop draggin what ever was last dragged and possible switch it to something else.
oeed #112
Posted 31 March 2013 - 01:02 PM
When you start dragging a window, and then click drag somewhere else, the window will snap to your mouse, even though you clicked somewhere else.
Regarding this, I was wondering because i know it sends a click event and then more dragging afterwards, if you detect the click then you should immediatly stop draggin what ever was last dragged and possible switch it to something else.

Hmm, I haven't touched the dragging code in almost a month, so I'll need to take a look.
spyman68 #113
Posted 01 April 2013 - 06:21 AM
Do you have a second preview?
oeed #114
Posted 01 April 2013 - 12:51 PM
Yes, I will (probably) release it some time today or tomorrow. I haven't had time to add too many features, mainly bug fixes.
watsonj11 #115
Posted 02 April 2013 - 02:16 AM
can i get help now?
oeed #116
Posted 02 April 2013 - 10:37 AM
can i get help now?

Tiin57 #117
Posted 02 April 2013 - 11:08 AM
He's talking about this:
Yes the line number is 77 and I'm pretty sure I put all the files in and in the right place
sorry I had to copy all your post stupid error messages
oeed #118
Posted 02 April 2013 - 11:19 AM
Oh I see. To be honest, just wait.

I am aiming to release the next Preview on the

2nd April 9:30 AM GMT
3rd April 9:30 AM GMT

Give of take half an hour, I might be writing the post around that time, but be patient. I might find another bug, but I should be releasing it today (its already Tuesday morning for me).

EDIT: I've pushed it to Wednesday same time. Ive found that TextEdit it crashing when you enter text.
Edited on 02 April 2013 - 09:37 PM
superaxander #119
Posted 02 April 2013 - 11:13 PM
Just so you know it's 10:18 GMT
theoriginalbit #120
Posted 02 April 2013 - 11:15 PM
Just so you know it's 10:18 GMT
Possibly on the wrong day……… that post is confusing. he says about releasing it 'today' and how its Tuesday. but Tuesdays date is the 2nd not the 3rd.
So in summary, is it released today at 9:30 GMT or tomorrow 9:30GMT?
Geforce Fan #121
Posted 03 April 2013 - 11:45 AM
Rename "finder" as that is the OS-thing in Mac OSX.
You should probably make it something like "FindIt" instead
oeed #122
Posted 03 April 2013 - 11:28 PM
Preview 2 released!
GravityScore #123
Posted 03 April 2013 - 11:40 PM
But you see, the benefit to a web installer is that instead of having to compile all the files again, you just have to update them on Dropbox or GitHub or whatever, and voila! No need to re-compile the files into an installer, and update Pastebin. And it doesn't take hours to make a web installer… It's the easiest part about making a program with multiple files…
You spend time once making an installer, instead of spending time every time you want to fix a simple bug updating a silly, huge, package. Plus installers can give you a progress bar.

And did you intend to not edit the old post? Why did you need a new topic?
oeed #124
Posted 03 April 2013 - 11:46 PM
But you see, the benefit to a web installer is that instead of having to compile all the files again, you just have to update them on Dropbox or GitHub or whatever, and voila! No need to re-compile the files into an installer, and update Pastebin. And it doesn't take hours to make a web installer… It's the easiest part about making a program with multiple files…
You spend time once making an installer, instead of spending time every time you want to fix a simple bug updating a silly, huge, package. Plus installers can give you a progress bar.

And did you intend to not edit the old post? Why did you need a new topic?

I see where you are coming from, but I'm not really a fan of micro updates, if you want to discuss this method of installation I'd rather use the Package Maker thread.

And in terms of the old post, I wanted to separate the two releases. It's up to around 7 pages of comments and I feels it's just neater and tidier to start a new thread. (I have request that it be locked, FYI)
Mads #125
Posted 04 April 2013 - 12:11 AM
Looks very nice indeed, even though I dislike Apple like nothing else :D/>
When one creates a program, is he able to manipulate "global" pixels, or just the ones in the allocated window?

Also, it'd be nice if you could put this project on Github.
theoriginalbit #126
Posted 04 April 2013 - 12:14 AM
I do love the look of this OS…

any chance in the future of adding a 'fullscreen' mode where you click maybe a % in the top-right corner… like 10.7+…

I take the side of Grav here, it is much easier for YOU the developer if you make an installer and use something like GitHub (which also gives you awesome things such as version control and wikis) to download the content from. It doesn't really change much for the users, they don't see the backend. But for us! it makes it so much easier to just have a one off script, which occasionally might need an update, which just goes and downloads from a common easily updatable location… Hell if I was doing it I would go to the extreme and implement delta updates. Have a crc api validate the checksums of the current files against a db on GitHub or such to see what it needs to download, its what I always planned for CCTube, since it has ~25 apis and such…
oeed #127
Posted 04 April 2013 - 12:20 AM
Looks very nice indeed, even though I dislike Apple like nothing else :D/>
When one creates a program, is he able to manipulate "global" pixels, or just the ones in the allocated window?

Also, it'd be nice if you could put this project on Github.
Well, at the moment they could manipulate the 'global' pixels. However, I am working on a system to only draw the controls within the windows bounds.

I do love the look of this OS…

any chance in the future of adding a 'fullscreen' mode where you click maybe a % in the top-right corner… like 10.7+…

I take the side of Grav here, it is much easier for YOU the developer if you make an installer and use something like GitHub (which also gives you awesome things such as version control and wikis) to download the content from. It doesn't really change much for the users, they don't see the backend. But for us! it makes it so much easier to just have a one off script, which occasionally might need an update, which just goes and downloads from a common easily updatable location… Hell if I was doing it I would go to the extreme and implement delta updates. Have a crc api validate the checksums of the current files against a db on GitHub or such to see what it needs to download, its what I always planned for CCTube, since it has ~25 apis and such…

Fullscreen, good idea. I'll add it to the 'Whats coming' list.

After quite a number of people have convenced me, I will be putting this on GitHub this weekend. One of the other problems I have with an internet updater is that it goes against one of my key motives, support for people who don't have the HTTP api enabled. I'll think about it though.
theoriginalbit #128
Posted 04 April 2013 - 12:30 AM
After quite a number of people have convenced me, I will be putting this on GitHub this weekend.
need any help just PM me :)/>

One of the other problems I have with an internet updater is that it goes against one of my key motives, support for people who don't have the HTTP api enabled. I'll think about it though.
I understand that reasoning, I used to have it. still do, but here is my new reasoning…

If i give the people who don't have the HTTP api enabled, a pastebin installer that contains everything in the file, they need to download it and add it to the computer, then run the installer… People that have the api enabled download the installer from pastebin and then run it…
Now lets say you have it on GitHub. and an internet installer… Someone with the api enabled download the installer from pastebin and then run the installer, so that means the process is no different for them… Now someone without the api enabled can do this:
  1. Open up your GitHub repo and click 'download as zip'
  2. Extract the zip onto their computer.
  3. Done
Now that seems just as easy doesn't it? and no 'installer' file needed, they just get the files right away…
Cranium #129
Posted 04 April 2013 - 03:41 AM
Locked as requested.
Lyqyd #130
Posted 04 April 2013 - 04:41 AM
Threads merged and unlocked. Stick to one thread per program, please.
Khento #131
Posted 04 April 2013 - 05:31 AM
The crash screen still isn't rebooting upon clicking.
Replace line 250 of the startup file

with this

while true do
  local event,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent()
  if (event == 'char') then
  elseif (event == 'key') then
  elseif (event == 'monitor_touch') then
  elseif (event == 'mouse_click') then

PS: Why does it print "hi" when I close the System Preferences window?

PPS: Closing the TextEdit about windows crashes the OS

TextEdit:86: attempt to index ? (a nil value)
oeed #132
Posted 04 April 2013 - 10:57 AM
The crash screen still isn't rebooting upon clicking.
Replace line 250 of the startup file

with this

while true do
  local event,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent()
  if (event == 'char') then
  elseif (event == 'key') then
  elseif (event == 'monitor_touch') then
  elseif (event == 'mouse_click') then

PS: Why does it print "hi" when I close the System Preferences window?

PPS: Closing the TextEdit about windows crashes the OS

TextEdit:86: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I'm pretty convinced that you are using an old version (the new thread and download was removed), please redownload it.
Khento #133
Posted 04 April 2013 - 12:33 PM
The crash screen still isn't rebooting upon clicking.
Replace line 250 of the startup file

with this

while true do
  local event,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent()
  if (event == 'char') then
  elseif (event == 'key') then
  elseif (event == 'monitor_touch') then
  elseif (event == 'mouse_click') then

PS: Why does it print "hi" when I close the System Preferences window?

PPS: Closing the TextEdit about windows crashes the OS

TextEdit:86: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I'm pretty convinced that you are using an old version (the new thread and download was removed), please redownload it.

Nope. This is a bug from the latest version.
oeed #134
Posted 04 April 2013 - 02:14 PM
The crash screen still isn't rebooting upon clicking.
Replace line 250 of the startup file

with this

while true do
  local event,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent()
  if (event == 'char') then
  elseif (event == 'key') then
  elseif (event == 'monitor_touch') then
  elseif (event == 'mouse_click') then

PS: Why does it print "hi" when I close the System Preferences window?

PPS: Closing the TextEdit about windows crashes the OS

TextEdit:86: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

I'm pretty convinced that you are using an old version (the new thread and download was removed), please redownload it.

Nope. This is a bug from the latest version.

Ok, thanks.

Post them on I'll add them to the issues page.
theoriginalbit #135
Posted 04 April 2013 - 05:25 PM
Replace line 250 of the startup file

with this

while true do
  local event,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent()
  if (event == 'char') then
  elseif (event == 'key') then
  elseif (event == 'monitor_touch') then
  elseif (event == 'mouse_click') then
Or to avoid some ugly repetition…

while true do
  local event,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent()
  if event == 'char' or event == 'key' or event == 'monitor_touch' or event == 'mouse_click' then
Kingdaro #136
Posted 04 April 2013 - 05:41 PM
Because I like weird methods.

while true do
  local event,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent()
  if ('char key monitor_touch mouse_click'):find(event) then
oeed #137
Posted 04 April 2013 - 08:10 PM
I've fixed the errors and uploaded them to GitHub. I change the Pastebin to the fix on Sunday incase any more errors are found.
Khento #138
Posted 05 April 2013 - 06:46 AM
Because I like weird methods.

while true do
  local event,p1,p2,p3 = os.pullEvent()
  if ('char key monitor_touch mouse_click'):find(event) then
Wow… That's half the amount of lines. I love learning more practical ways of doing things
Khento #139
Posted 05 April 2013 - 07:43 AM
I've fixed the errors and uploaded them to GitHub. I change the Pastebin to the fix on Sunday incase any more errors are found.
You didn't fix the errors on GitHub
oeed #140
Posted 05 April 2013 - 11:02 AM
I've fixed the errors and uploaded them to GitHub. I change the Pastebin to the fix on Sunday incase any more errors are found.
You didn't fix the errors on GitHub

Sorry, you're right. I forgot to copy it from CCEmu. It's up now.
Khento #141
Posted 05 April 2013 - 12:51 PM
I've fixed the errors and uploaded them to GitHub. I change the Pastebin to the fix on Sunday incase any more errors are found.
You didn't fix the errors on GitHub

Sorry, you're right. I forgot to copy it from CCEmu. It's up now.
Finally! I can do some bug hunting :lol:/>

You don't need to add a help mode. This is an OS X inspired OS after all.
Khento #142
Posted 05 April 2013 - 12:57 PM
I was going to take a picture of a bug and I noticed that pressing PrintScreen crashes the OS.
FAIL haha :D/>

oeed, please check the issues page on GitHub. I made a lot of bug reports.
theoriginalbit #143
Posted 05 April 2013 - 06:47 PM
you know what I would love to see on near the time…….. the ability to turn Rednet on and off… And/or the ability for it to 'scan' Rednet and showup channels that are in use as 'networks' and maybe the channel # as the SSID ;)/>
ScruffyRules #144
Posted 05 April 2013 - 08:08 PM
you know what I would love to see on near the time…….. the ability to turn Rednet on and off… And/or the ability for it to 'scan' Rednet and showup channels that are in use as 'networks' and maybe the channel # as the SSID ;)/>
oeed #145
Posted 05 April 2013 - 08:35 PM
you know what I would love to see on near the time…….. the ability to turn Rednet on and off… And/or the ability for it to 'scan' Rednet and showup channels that are in use as 'networks' and maybe the channel # as the SSID ;)/>

That would be cool. I'll need to figure out how to fit that in with AirPeripheral, however. In fact… I could integrate it somehow. I don't know. ANyway, I'm away on camp all week next week so don't expect any thing new for a while.
watsonj11 #146
Posted 05 April 2013 - 11:17 PM
with the "attempt to call nil" problem on line 77
oeed #147
Posted 05 April 2013 - 11:40 PM
with the "attempt to call nil" problem on line 77

Download the new version a see if it crashes.
superaxander #148
Posted 06 April 2013 - 12:15 AM

When a monitor is broken auto-switch it to the computer's display.

--Event peripheral_detach
oeed #149
Posted 06 April 2013 - 12:34 AM

When a monitor is broken auto-switch it to the computer's display.

--Event peripheral_detach

Will do, I'll add it to the issues if you haven't already done so.
superaxander #150
Posted 06 April 2013 - 03:52 AM

When a monitor is broken auto-switch it to the computer's display.

--Event peripheral_detach

Will do, I'll add it to the issues if you haven't already done so.
Maybe Add "Spaces"?
watsonj11 #151
Posted 06 April 2013 - 04:28 AM
with the "attempt to call nil" problem on line 77

Download the new version a see if it crashes.
works now
thanks for your help
oeed #152
Posted 06 April 2013 - 02:15 PM

When a monitor is broken auto-switch it to the computer's display.

--Event peripheral_detach

Will do, I'll add it to the issues if you haven't already done so.
Maybe Add "Spaces"?

Very possible, wouldn't be too hard either. In fact… yea why not. It'd only take an hour or so. (saying that, however, means it's probably going to have on tiny bug I spend ages trying to get right.)

Anyway, I'll add it in the update.
TableCraft0R #153
Posted 07 April 2013 - 07:26 AM
I have a suggestions:
First: sending verbose in another peripheral
SpoilerTexture pack = Sphax PureBDCraft x64
Verbose Mode Startup

Verbose Mode Booting

2nd peripheral(doesn't matter if Advanced or standard)

When you opened the "Debugger Window"

Download the Modified PearOS:
Verbose Client(Computer must be 28):

i,v,s = rednet.receive()

2nd, automatically convert old craftos apps to pearos one
3rd, just make a pastebin paste with os version number then httpget them.
4th, make a webpage for uploading an pearOS apps. .
Like this one

it will automatically download if pressed download.
your pear will check every 1 minute for a requested download for your account
PearOS Setup Wizard

(It's like android's google play and setup wizard.)
1lann #154
Posted 07 April 2013 - 08:00 AM
Wow. That is sure is some things really amped up, for something still in preview :P/>
TableCraft0R #155
Posted 07 April 2013 - 08:09 AM
I was going to take a picture of a bug and I noticed that pressing PrintScreen crashes the OS.
FAIL haha :D/>

oeed, please check the issues page on GitHub. I made a lot of bug reports.

P.S Use F2
TableCraft0R #156
Posted 07 April 2013 - 08:13 AM
Wow. That is sure is some things really amped up, for something still in preview :P/>
It will not be hard but days to me
because in the game ROBLOX have Lua on it so
I coded there for Two years,
Big experience of coding?
METATABLE is hard!
Khento #157
Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:04 AM
I think redistributing a modified version of PearOS is against the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) License.
I don't think you should be doing it unless you have the original author's permission.

While I do agree that uploading apps through a website is nice, I am 90% sure that oeed will say that the use of the HTTP api should be kept to a minimum.
Besides, I think it would be better to do it in-game rather than creating a website.
Again, this is oeed's decision.

P.S.: The key used for taking screenshots is F1 (CCEmu)
oeed #158
Posted 07 April 2013 - 02:04 PM
I have a sugg…


Thanks for your advice and support.
First of all, can you explain what this peripheral thing is. I don't really get it.
I am working on a way to convert programs at the moment.
As has been mentioned earlier, I'm not a fan of using HTTP. Most people who have ComputerCraft don't have it on. Now, for an App Store it is obviously required. But I don't really want to make the installer reliant on HTTP.
I think an App Store is a must, in fact it's been in the main menu since I started it.

And as Leonardoas26 said, with the liciense I'm using on PearOS you aren't allowed (with out my permission) to modify PearOS distribute your version. (This means you can change it with out giving it to people). The reason I did this is because I believe that rather than having 20 different versions, all with different features, there is one easy to find version that is consistent and has all the functionality of what would be 20 versions.

I do intend to have a website for applications, but to download you would do it through the application, or download it on you browser and copy it
Khento #159
Posted 07 April 2013 - 03:14 PM
I have a sugg…


Thanks for your advice and support.
First of all, can you explain what this peripheral thing is. I don't really get it.
I am working on a way to convert programs at the moment.
As has been mentioned earlier, I'm not a fan of using HTTP. Most people who have ComputerCraft don't have it on. Now, for an App Store it is obviously required. But I don't really want to make the installer reliant on HTTP.
I think an App Store is a must, in fact it's been in the main menu since I started it.

And as Leonardoas26 said, with the liciense I'm using on PearOS you aren't allowed (with out my permission) to modify PearOS distribute your version. (This means you can change it with out giving it to people). The reason I did this is because I believe that rather than having 20 different versions, all with different features, there is one easy to find version that is consistent and has all the functionality of what would be 20 versions.

I do intend to have a website for applications, but to download you would do it through the application, or download it on you browser and copy it
Can we make and distribute changes through patches, like mods?

PS: I think that you should make a package installer program. The app store would download the package and tell the package installer to install it. By doing so, people without the HTTP api could download the package manually and install it through the package installer, just like with the store.
I believe that's the way Android does it
ScruffyRules #160
Posted 07 April 2013 - 05:23 PM
I was going to take a picture of a bug and I noticed that pressing PrintScreen crashes the OS.
FAIL haha :D/>

oeed, please check the issues page on GitHub. I made a lot of bug reports.

P.S Use F2
You're holding a sheep?!?!?!?!
Dlcruz129 #161
Posted 07 April 2013 - 05:28 PM
I was going to take a picture of a bug and I noticed that pressing PrintScreen crashes the OS.
FAIL haha :D/>/>

oeed, please check the issues page on GitHub. I made a lot of bug reports.

P.S Use F2
You're holding a sheep?!?!?!?!

Lol. Good eye. Wtf is that?
SuicidalSTDz #162
Posted 07 April 2013 - 05:35 PM
Oh, that? Yeah it's just a mod that let's you hold a 2D sheep and serves no purpose whatsoever.. (Psst, I don't know what it is :P/>)
TableCraft0R #163
Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:15 PM
I have a sugg…


Thanks for your advice and support.
First of all, can you explain what this peripheral thing is. I don't really get it.
I am working on a way to convert programs at the moment.
As has been mentioned earlier, I'm not a fan of using HTTP. Most people who have ComputerCraft don't have it on. Now, for an App Store it is obviously required. But I don't really want to make the installer reliant on HTTP.
I think an App Store is a must, in fact it's been in the main menu since I started it.

And as Leonardoas26 said, with the liciense I'm using on PearOS you aren't allowed (with out my permission) to modify PearOS distribute your version. (This means you can change it with out giving it to people). The reason I did this is because I believe that rather than having 20 different versions, all with different features, there is one easy to find version that is consistent and has all the functionality of what would be 20 versions.

I do intend to have a website for applications, but to download you would do it through the application, or download it on you browser and copy it
peripheral thing
It's like "Remote Debugger"
Why I Always forgot to say the license!
-removed- the link-
TableCraft0R #164
Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:19 PM
Oh, that? Yeah it's just a mod that let's you hold a 2D sheep and serves no purpose whatsoever.. (Psst, I don't know what it is :P/>)
It's Craftable Animals mod.
SuicidalSTDz #165
Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:30 PM
Well that kinda defeats the purpose of animal breeding, now doesn't it :P/>
TableCraft0R #166
Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:31 PM
I was going to take a picture of a bug and I noticed that pressing PrintScreen crashes the OS.
FAIL haha :D/>/>

oeed, please check the issues page on GitHub. I made a lot of bug reports.

P.S Use F2
You're holding a sheep?!?!?!?!

Lol. Good eye. Wtf is that?
that's my remote debugger,
good for monitoring the os
example. you monitor your public stand in SMP
you will monitor the logs
Hey there's a good package manager
Dlcruz129 #167
Posted 07 April 2013 - 07:39 PM
I was going to take a picture of a bug and I noticed that pressing PrintScreen crashes the OS.
FAIL haha :D/>/>/>

oeed, please check the issues page on GitHub. I made a lot of bug reports.

P.S Use F2
You're holding a sheep?!?!?!?!

Lol. Good eye. Wtf is that?
that's my remote debugger,
good for monitoring the os
example. you monitor your public stand in SMP
you will monitor the logs
Hey there's a good package manager

I was talking about the Portable Sheep 3000
TableCraft0R #168
Posted 07 April 2013 - 07:47 PM
I was going to take a picture of a bug and I noticed that pressing PrintScreen crashes the OS.
FAIL haha :D/>/>/>

oeed, please check the issues page on GitHub. I made a lot of bug reports.

P.S Use F2
You're holding a sheep?!?!?!?!

Lol. Good eye. Wtf is that?
that's my remote debugger,
good for monitoring the os
example. you monitor your public stand in SMP
you will monitor the logs
Hey there's a good package manager

I was talking about the Portable Sheep 3000
the portable sheep 3000?
TableCraft0R #169
Posted 07 April 2013 - 08:53 PM
Another IDEA Stroke my mind!
Virtual Keyboard for TouchScreen Monitors,
MultiMonitor Support Over Rednet(1.4.7) or over wired modem(1.5+)
theoriginalbit #170
Posted 07 April 2013 - 08:56 PM
Virtual Keyboard for TouchScreen Monitors,
oeed when you get back, have a look at my CCKeyboard to be able to do this nice and easily, It replicates the look of the iOS keyboard and I'm currently working on letting developers add their own keyboard screens, maybe even layouts later too… oh and I'm looking at having a virtual keyboard on the terminal too, just for fun :P/> but really its designed for monitors. /endshamlessplug
Edited on 07 April 2013 - 06:57 PM
oeed #171
Posted 07 April 2013 - 10:42 PM
Can we make and distribute changes through patches, like mods?

PS: I think that you should make a package installer program. The app store would download the package and tell the package installer to install it. By doing so, people without the HTTP api could download the package manually and install it through the package installer, just like with the store.
I believe that's the way Android does it
In short, no. As I mentioned I would like to have one version PearOS. However, if you have a 'patch' send it to me and if I like it I'll either included as it is, modify it a bit or recode it but use the same concept. The latter is unlikely, however.

that's my remote debugger,
good for monitoring the os
example. you monitor your public stand in SMP
you will monitor the logs
Hey there's a good package manager
With a remote debugger, I do plan on having a (optional) separate monitor used for logging, and with AirPeripheral it could be 'remote' as such. I will be adding a log file to the OS eventually.

Another IDEA Stroke my mind!
Virtual Keyboard for TouchScreen Monitors,
MultiMonitor Support Over Rednet(1.4.7) or over wired modem(1.5+)
I've planned to support on-screen keybords since I first thought of this OS while riding to school a few months ago, so they will be added. Multiple monitors (well, at this stage moving monitors, but Spaces could change that) is part of AirPeripheral, which is pretty much done. Just polishing now.

Virtual Keyboard for TouchScreen Monitors,
oeed when you get back, have a look at my CCKeyboard to be able to do this nice and easily, It replicates the look of the iOS keyboard and I'm currently working on letting developers add their own keyboard screens, maybe even layouts later too… oh and I'm looking at having a virtual keyboard on the terminal too, just for fun :P/> but really its designed for monitors. /endshamlessplug
I'll take a look at it, no guarantees I'll use it as I like making every part and knowing how it works. But, if it's really good it might be another story.

Again, thanks to everyone for your support and ideas. I will be away for the duration of next week, so if your gona say something, say it with in 3 hours :P/>
TableCraft0R #172
Posted 07 April 2013 - 11:07 PM
WiredPeripherals? using wired modems? that can support multi monitor!
(but do not use it because some of my mods is not updated to 1.5)
TableCraft0R #173
Posted 07 April 2013 - 11:24 PM
I think redistributing a modified version of PearOS is against the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) License.
I don't think you should be doing it unless you have the original author's permission.

While I do agree that uploading apps through a website is nice, I am 90% sure that oeed will say that the use of the HTTP api should be kept to a minimum.
Besides, I think it would be better to do it in-game rather than creating a website.
Again, this is oeed's decision.

P.S.: The key used for taking screenshots is F1 (CCEmu)
P.S I thought that was ingame,
the website is for developers.
Khento #174
Posted 08 April 2013 - 03:53 PM
What is AirPeripheral and Spaces?
theoriginalbit #175
Posted 08 April 2013 - 04:17 PM
What is AirPeripheral and Spaces?
Have you ever used a Mac?

Fullscreen mode (Suggested by theoriginalbit)
Good to finally see that changing the case of my name actually has worked, people are now spelling it right :)/> :P/>
wakafanykai123 #176
Posted 08 April 2013 - 05:19 PM
Why is the startup with a capital S? It wont load automatically and therefore wont install correctly because it has a capital S
superaxander #177
Posted 08 April 2013 - 07:48 PM
Why is the startup with a capital S? It wont load automatically and therefore wont install correctly because it has a capital S
Actually that does work
superaxander #178
Posted 08 April 2013 - 07:50 PM
What is AirPeripheral and Spaces?
Have you ever used a Mac?
Well I don't and I suggested spaces…
Thandruil #179
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:31 PM
It won't work for me, probarly because of the capital in the startup file. Is it a config thingy?
Azithral371 #180
Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:23 AM

Rename Startup startup
theoriginalbit #181
Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:30 AM

Rename Startup startup
well since his computer seems to be case sensitive he would want to do

rename Startup startup
Thandruil #182
Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:33 AM

Rename Startup startup

Thanks, that made it boot for me atleast, but now I'm stuck with the following error. It shows this error after doing the setup in verbose mode
OSDrawing:128: attemtp to get length of nil
Some additional information, I am using the FTB modpack.
Azithral371 #183
Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:50 AM
How should i fix this
Azithral371 #184
Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:51 AM
I'm guessing this is something deep deep in the code that's messed up :P/>
Thandruil #185
Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:03 AM
How should i fix this

Exactly the same as I am having right now. Singleplayer it works fine, but noo, in multiplayer it messe up right there.
theoriginalbit #186
Posted 09 April 2013 - 04:13 AM
I'm guessing this is something deep deep in the code that's messed up :P/>
Indeed it was deep down.

OSDrawing:128: attempt to get length of nil
-image snip-

Ok guys, to give him a better error message navigate to the file that I stated above then after line 127 (before line 128) add in this code, run it again and post the error message.

if not tImage then error("Insignificant Error Message...", 2) end
Edited on 09 April 2013 - 02:14 AM
Azithral371 #187
Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:06 AM
Where in here im still pretty new to this
theoriginalbit #188
Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:17 AM
Where in here im still pretty new to this
-image snip-
The line after
DrawImage = function(xPos, yPos, tImage)
Thandruil #189
Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:43 AM
Did that, now the error is indeed:
OSDockItem:36: Insignificant Error Message…
theoriginalbit #190
Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:49 AM
Did that, now the error is indeed:
OSDockItem:36: Insignificant Error Message…
Cool, thank you, that error message should be a lot more useful for oeed. now it can be seen a lot better on what is going on. as opposed to such a generic function call erroring.
Although that error should be enough, maybe in the code I asked you to put in change the ", 2" to a ", 3" and also post that error message, might be a little bit more helpful too. :)/>
Thandruil #191
Posted 09 April 2013 - 07:34 AM
Did that, now the error is indeed:
OSDockItem:36: Insignificant Error Message…
Cool, thank you, that error message should be a lot more useful for oeed. now it can be seen a lot better on what is going on. as opposed to such a generic function call erroring.
Although that error should be enough, maybe in the code I asked you to put in change the ", 2" to a ", 3" and also post that error message, might be a little bit more helpful too. :)/>

And here, with the third error:
OSDock:31: Insignificant……
Azithral371 #192
Posted 09 April 2013 - 02:13 PM
I did
 if not tImage then error("Insignificant Error Message...", 2) end 

And i got OSClockButton:30: attempt toindex ? (a nil value)
theoriginalbit #193
Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:13 PM
Ok so both people are getting this error at level 1.

OSDrawing:128: attempt to get length of nil

One person gets this error at level 2.
OSDockItem:36: Insignificant Error Message…
And this error at level 3.
OSDock:31: Insignificant Error Message…

And the other is getting this error at level 2.
And i got OSClockButton:30: attempt toindex ? (a nil value)

Interesting you are both getting different causes… well hopefully oeed will be able to figure these out when he is back and fix them :)/>

but to me it seems the problem is that some images are missing. try redownloading the OS to make sure that all the files are there…
Azithral371 #194
Posted 09 April 2013 - 05:46 PM
I didre dl it and install it on the server like 50 times
TableCraft0R #195
Posted 10 April 2013 - 12:43 AM
Any news about to Preview 3?
spyman68 #196
Posted 10 April 2013 - 11:45 AM
Haha, I just used a Mac for the first time in my life ( O_o I'm missing out on a lot of what people call stupid) and this OS popped into my mind as soon as I saw the actual Mac OS X :)/>
anonimo182 #197
Posted 12 April 2013 - 04:19 PM
Well, nice OS, but there is a bug, when you maximize a window, and press the maximize button again in mac, it should go again to the last size, no stay Maximized

Edit: Text edit crashes when clicking in preferences in its window

Edit 2: Opening "Open Me!.txt" and scrlling in it closes it (crash?)

Edit 3: It appears that scrolling crashes every but the init window for textedit, closed it and the OS crashed… Reproducing: Open text Edit, open a new file, scroll in it, try to close the first window of TE and CRASH Text Edit: 76 : Failed to Open
oeed #198
Posted 12 April 2013 - 08:42 PM
First of all, sorry for not replying all week, I've been on a kayaking trip in the Coorong. Thank you for all your help with finding bugs and support. I'll try to answer most of the main problems/points.

It won't work for me, probarly because of the capital in the startup file. Is it a config thingy?
I changed it because it looked bad (OCD much :P/>), I didn't think it would matter but as it has become apparent that this is not the case I will definitely change this.

Ok so both people are getting this error at level 1.

OSDrawing:128: attempt to get length of nil

One person gets this error at level 2.
OSDockItem:36: Insignificant Error Message…
And this error at level 3.
OSDock:31: Insignificant Error Message…

And the other is getting this error at level 2.
And i got OSClockButton:30: attempt toindex ? (a nil value)

Interesting you are both getting different causes… well hopefully oeed will be able to figure these out when he is back and fix them :)/>

but to me it seems the problem is that some images are missing. try redownloading the OS to make sure that all the files are there…
Thanks guys for these, I'll have a good look at them when I have time. Thanks for making it clearer and in general for you activity on this topic theoriginalbit,

Any news about to Preview 3?
Preview 3 will be some time away, I am on holidays now but there is a lot of stuff I want to add before I release Preview 3. To be honest, I wasn't really happy with the amount of changes in Preview 2 so I won't be releasing Preview 3 until I have a majority of the features done, but we'll see.

Haha, I just used a Mac for the first time in my life ( O_o I'm missing out on a lot of what people call stupid) and this OS popped into my mind as soon as I saw the actual Mac OS X :)/>
It's good to see the PearOS actually resembles OS X to non-Mac people.

Well, nice OS, but there is a bug, when you maximize a window, and press the maximize button again in mac, it should go again to the last size, no stay Maximized

Edit: Text edit crashes when clicking in preferences in its window

Edit 2: Opening "Open Me!.txt" and scrlling in it closes it (crash?)

Edit 3: It appears that scrolling crashes every but the init window for textedit, closed it and the OS crashed… Reproducing: Open text Edit, open a new file, scroll in it, try to close the first window of TE and CRASH Text Edit: 76 : Failed to Open

Thanks. With scrolling, the only thing that actually has scrolling support at the moment (as far as I can remember) is lists, I'll fix most of the errors when I add them to the text view.
theoriginalbit #199
Posted 12 April 2013 - 08:51 PM
Thanks guys for these, I'll have a good look at them when I have time. Thanks for making it clearer and in general for you activity on this topic theoriginalbit
No problems, anytime… I knew those errors would mean nothing to you as they were fairly generic classes, so I figured I'd get them to define them more with the power of throwback! ;)/> :P/>
TableCraft0R #200
Posted 13 April 2013 - 07:02 PM
Make a Release Candidate
oeed #201
Posted 13 April 2013 - 11:00 PM
Make a Release Candidate

So you mean like a preview of a preview?
TableCraft0R #202
Posted 18 April 2013 - 02:29 PM
Make a Release Candidate

So you mean like a preview of a preview?
oeed #203
Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:23 PM

Well, I suppose that's partially why I'm using GitHub. I'm trying to get Spaces working, but with the way windows are store it's not being my friend.
superaxander #204
Posted 20 April 2013 - 01:36 AM
Is my idea too hard? :(/>
oeed #205
Posted 20 April 2013 - 03:04 PM
Is my idea too hard? :(/>

Well, no. I had it working, then I messed it up :P/>
FuuuAInfiniteLoop(F.A.I.L) #206
Posted 21 April 2013 - 03:34 AM
PM me if you want a code that i used to create partitions so you canmake a dual-boot with another OS
MudkipTheEpic #207
Posted 21 April 2013 - 06:20 AM
Or, PM me for the code I used to make multiple OSes with rom included.
MudkipTheEpic #208
Posted 21 April 2013 - 07:08 AM
Can I add this as a default OS in OSRunner?


But could you explain what this involves?
Also, as I am close to releasing an update how it that pushed out?
Basically, just makes it so you don't have to go to custom OS to add it. No redistibuting, just adding the URL to get it from. If your OS auto-updates, then it should be fine. Otherwise, you would have to go to the shell and rerun your installer again. But anyway, nothing that would take the attention away from your OS. :P/>

Topic Link

I'm not worried about taking attention away, don't worry :P/>
Are you hosting it, because I don't have an installer. Use a package (below) if you need to.

So, now that the package is out, could I add it as a default OS?

Edit: Oops, meant to click edit, sorry for double post. :/
Edited on 21 April 2013 - 05:09 AM
oeed #209
Posted 21 April 2013 - 06:55 PM
PM me if you want a code that i used to create partitions so you canmake a dual-boot with another OS

Why would I want to dual boot?

Can I add this as a default OS in OSRunner?


But could you explain what this involves?
Also, as I am close to releasing an update how it that pushed out?
Basically, just makes it so you don't have to go to custom OS to add it. No redistibuting, just adding the URL to get it from. If your OS auto-updates, then it should be fine. Otherwise, you would have to go to the shell and rerun your installer again. But anyway, nothing that would take the attention away from your OS. :P/>

Topic Link

I'm not worried about taking attention away, don't worry :P/>
Are you hosting it, because I don't have an installer. Use a package (below) if you need to.

So, now that the package is out, could I add it as a default OS?

Edit: Oops, meant to click edit, sorry for double post. :/

Yea sure.
MudkipTheEpic #210
Posted 22 April 2013 - 05:26 AM
K, added.
oedze #211
Posted 23 April 2013 - 07:29 AM
after a few seconds after starting the program it stops and says too long without yielding, is there anyway to fix that
oeed #212
Posted 23 April 2013 - 02:06 PM
after a few seconds after starting the program it stops and says too long without yielding, is there anyway to fix that

Could you post a screenshot?
Geforce Fan #213
Posted 12 June 2013 - 08:07 PM
also, is this dead?
oeed #214
Posted 14 June 2013 - 09:02 PM
also, is this dead?

Not really, I just haven't had the time to do anything with CC lately. If I find more time I might work on this.
jesusthekiller #215
Posted 19 June 2013 - 05:03 AM
Nice OS!
Sario #216
Posted 21 June 2013 - 08:43 PM
When I start it up I can enter my settings but once it reboots and i start it up again I get this error:

OSDrawing:128: attempt to get length of nil

I have no experience in LUA, so I have no idea what the problem could be, anyone know?
1vannn #217
Posted 22 June 2013 - 01:09 AM
Interesting UI, perhaps bootlogos, Firewolf Support/ and or Googol..
moxzot #218
Posted 23 June 2013 - 03:26 AM
im not sure if its this program but it doesnt work on multiplayer for me and ive checked the configs and they are the same it downloads and extracts and on reboot nothing happens
oeed #219
Posted 26 June 2013 - 11:54 PM
I've decided that to make this project open source. I've been rather busy lately and have lost interest. Essentially you may use the code as you wish. Create your own Windows style OS, create your own apps, whatever you want. You are also welcome to share your code. However, if you do share it you MUST credit Pear OS and either PM me your project or post here (simply because I want to see what you make with it).
Khento #220
Posted 27 June 2013 - 10:14 AM
Yay! Open source!
jesusthekiller #221
Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:23 AM
I've decided that to make this project open source. I've been rather busy lately and have lost interest. Essentially you may use the code as you wish. Create your own Windows style OS, create your own apps, whatever you want. You are also welcome to share your code. However, if you do share it you MUST credit Pear OS and either PM me your project or post here (simply because I want to see what you make with it).

Open source is cool, but it had to be open source (All code in CC forums has to be open source). Just change license to CC BY :)/>
Mitchfizz05 #222
Posted 28 June 2013 - 11:03 PM
Wow. Amazing!
Zudo #223
Posted 21 July 2013 - 02:10 AM
Hmm… I don't know whether I should use this or LyqydOS… Because I like the functionality in Lyqyd's but I love the design in PearOS
oeed #224
Posted 21 July 2013 - 08:43 AM
Hmm… I don't know whether I should use this or LyqydOS… Because I like the functionality in Lyqyd's but I love the design in PearOS

The lovely thing about using PearOS means you don't have to worry about the design aspect. The functionality Lyqyd's has isn't that much greater than this.
Lyqyd #225
Posted 21 July 2013 - 02:07 PM
I would take some issue with that assertion, considering that you never did get around to implementing the use of native apps in PearOS. :P/>

The other major disadvantage of PearOS is that anything written for it isn't portable.
MudkipTheEpic #226
Posted 21 July 2013 - 05:54 PM
*places stake down*

In b4 flamewar! XD

Anyway, I like both OSes. They both have their pros and cons. This is more aesthetically pleasing, Lyqyd's is more powerful (In my opinion).
nutcase84 #227
Posted 22 July 2013 - 04:54 PM
If I had to choose, I would choose the Pear, as it looks more user friendly. No offense, but i don't like Lyqyd's windows. B)/>
Lyqyd #228
Posted 22 July 2013 - 06:56 PM
Which windows? :P/>

Old? New? Normal? Advanced? Menu windows? Which ones don't you like, and why? I'm curious.
nutcase84 #229
Posted 23 July 2013 - 08:27 AM
OH. Just looked at it again, I thought it was still text based. :lol:/>
Tyderf #230
Posted 23 July 2013 - 11:14 AM
How do I browse it in the monitor?

This OS is the best one I have ever seen
MulticolouredMarshmellow #231
Posted 28 July 2013 - 01:24 AM
This is amazing! Thankyou for making this! :D/>

+1 For you!
Anon10W1z #232
Posted 31 July 2013 - 02:33 PM
This has a good design, the problem is that you can't run lua scripts. Jupiter OS seems to have a simple yet feature full solution.
072608 #233
Posted 10 August 2013 - 12:28 AM
Could u help with Program Dev for this I love this Os and Like to make / use programs that run on lua for it,or could u add a Programming Language and Manual for programming in this Os Pls :)/>
Tiin57 #234
Posted 10 August 2013 - 02:36 AM
Could u help with Program Dev for this I love this Os and Like to make / use programs that run on lua for it,or could u add a Programming Language and Manual for programming in this Os Pls :)/>
"Could you help with program dev for this?"
What. Who are you talking to, why are you asking…
"make/use programs that run on Lua for it"
All programs in Computercraft run on Lua. I've never seen anything that allows you to run programs written in any other language, aside from a couple of slight modifications to Lua.
"or could you add a programming language and manual for programming"
… Are you aware of how difficult it is to implement a proper programming language? In anything? Let alone a "manual" (assuming that you mean docs… I think.) Anyways, why? What's wrong with Lua?

Do you even know what you're talking about, or are you just spouting stuff that you've read on random programming-related Wikipedia pages?

By the way, oeed, if you ever get on anymore/read this topic, this is pretty good. Not sure if I've said it before, but this is an excellent example of ingenuity and design in Computercraft. Well done.
072608 #235
Posted 10 August 2013 - 09:51 PM
I mean this is programmed in lua I know that it's not in a another language it's programmed in a way where it won't run plain Lua Programs made in CraftOS I Feel Really Dumb Now :/
072608 #236
Posted 11 August 2013 - 02:24 PM
Sorry for posting those last things what I really meant is I needed help with using the os apis. I also looked into the finder program added disk support for floppy disks hopefully I can add if disk isn't inserted
It won't show disk directory on finder
MonstrousZorkl #237
Posted 11 August 2013 - 04:17 PM
What I love about the OS: Nice GUI and features. Might find myself using it.
What I dislike about it: PearOS already exists as a product and you'll find yourself in some trouble if you continue using the name. Even though the other PearOS is open-source as well, nobody wants name conflicts.
072608 #238
Posted 11 August 2013 - 04:54 PM
I added this to the finder code to add disk Support Idk how I could make finder update if the disk has been removed/added when the computer is on, if u know pls tell me how :)/>
Also I had the Idea if there is a Full release it could be like Mac os x with a Animal after Such as PearOS Squid

[color=#ff0000]function Main()
if fs.exists("/disk/") == true then
if fs.exists("/disk/") == false then

DarkEspeon #239
Posted 11 August 2013 - 05:24 PM
oeed, if you could message me how you got your oop to work I would be very thankful. I looked through your code and couldn't find anything other then the files… again many thanks and cool os.
oeed #240
Posted 13 August 2013 - 06:49 AM
First of all, I'm still here.
I do check this page every week or so, but not nearly as much as I used to.

Basically, I got bored. As always seems to happen, I have a great idea, spend a few days or weeks working on it then get to a stage where nothing is really happening, and I get bored and stop. So, I hate to say it, but that's why I haven't been around. However, I am considering working on it again.
I've also been working on a full revamp of my schools website with the IT team so I've had little time too.

About two months ago (infact, probably a lot longer), I posted a tutorial on how this whole thing worked. Someone then pointed out that I've been doing Object Oriented stuff wrong, I didn't set the '_index' key. So basically, the 'OOP' is sorta not 'OOP', but this is the first thing I fix when/if I resume work.

I've received a few PMs over the last few months, mainly with a few questions, sorry to those people that I haven't got back to, I'll do that ASAP.

I'll try to answer the qustions/comments you guy have:

How do I browse it in the monitor?

This OS is the best one I have ever seen
What do you mean?

Thank you :)/>

This is amazing! Thankyou for making this! :D/>

+1 For you!

Thanks :)/>

This has a good design, the problem is that you can't run lua scripts. Jupiter OS seems to have a simple yet feature full solution.
Yes, Lua was one of the things I wanted to add.

Could u help with Program Dev for this I love this Os and Like to make / use programs that run on lua for it,or could u add a Programming Language and Manual for programming in this Os Pls :)/>
Sure, if you have any specific questions just PM me.

What I love about the OS: Nice GUI and features. Might find myself using it.
What I dislike about it: PearOS already exists as a product and you'll find yourself in some trouble if you continue using the name. Even though the other PearOS is open-source as well, nobody wants name conflicts.
Yea, the name was more of a code name than an official name, but I couldn't think of another one.

I added this to the finder code to add disk Support Idk how I could make finder update if the disk has been removed/added when the computer is on, if u know pls tell me how :)/>
Also I had the Idea if there is a Full release it could be like Mac os x with a Animal after Such as PearOS Squid

[color=#ff0000]function Main()
if fs.exists("/disk/") == true then
if fs.exists("/disk/") == false then

Hmmmm, I'll have to think about it. I do like that idea, I have to say.
MailoStudios #241
Posted 13 August 2013 - 01:33 PM
Its a very cool os for Mac OS X Fans
072608 #242
Posted 13 August 2013 - 04:53 PM
I also have been trying to make a password login system, I made it so far to the point where you can create a password and then u can enter it so maybe with help I could create code to add A login/logout system for Pear OS ,with some help we could create A Mac OS x inspired login and maybe Create User Accounts with there Documents and stuff maybe like that. :)/>
Also if want my Edited Version of finder I give it to u :)/>
redcloack #243
Posted 21 August 2013 - 04:21 AM
have you thought about adding an internet browser and the ability to create websites for it?
oeed #244
Posted 21 August 2013 - 06:34 AM
have you thought about adding an internet browser and the ability to create websites for it?

Yes, in fact I was looking at creating an HTML renderer for it. I might later, I'm busy working on the ComputerCraft app store at the moment.
platychief #245
Posted 01 September 2013 - 01:42 AM
How do you use pastebin. When I type it in, it says "no such program"
oeed #246
Posted 03 September 2013 - 03:43 AM
How do you use pastebin. When I type it in, it says "no such program"

You need to turn 'http' on in your config file, I'm pressed for time at the moment but a quick google or search on the forums will find the answer.
Dave-ee Jones #247
Posted 07 September 2013 - 12:38 AM
This is an AWESOME OS :D/>

I really want to add movable windows into my OS, ones that can run the shell inside a small window that can be re-sized and moved.
Do you have any tips or helpful functions? I have a slight idea on how to do it, but I haven't done much with coroutines and stuff like that.
oeed #248
Posted 07 September 2013 - 03:09 AM
This is an AWESOME OS :D/>

I really want to add movable windows into my OS, ones that can run the shell inside a small window that can be re-sized and moved.
Do you have any tips or helpful functions? I have a slight idea on how to do it, but I haven't done much with coroutines and stuff like that.

Thanks :D/>

First, I'd try to make a rectangle, or even just character that you can drag around the screen. Feel free to go through PearOS and see how it works. If you need anymore help or you have any questions PM me.
Dave-ee Jones #249
Posted 07 September 2013 - 04:31 AM
This is an AWESOME OS :D/>

I really want to add movable windows into my OS, ones that can run the shell inside a small window that can be re-sized and moved.
Do you have any tips or helpful functions? I have a slight idea on how to do it, but I haven't done much with coroutines and stuff like that.

Thanks :D/>

First, I'd try to make a rectangle, or even just character that you can drag around the screen. Feel free to go through PearOS and see how it works. If you need anymore help or you have any questions PM me.

Yeah, I've been trying to make a shape API, one that allows you to draw boxes, circles and stuff. I even made a few functions that allow you to draw draggable boxes, so I know a little bit about the "mouse_drag" events.

But the thing i'm wondering is how to get a shell to run inside the box, and how to run more than 1 of them.

Thanks for the permission too :D/>
oeed #250
Posted 07 September 2013 - 05:19 AM
This is an AWESOME OS :D/>

I really want to add movable windows into my OS, ones that can run the shell inside a small window that can be re-sized and moved.
Do you have any tips or helpful functions? I have a slight idea on how to do it, but I haven't done much with coroutines and stuff like that.

Thanks :D/>

First, I'd try to make a rectangle, or even just character that you can drag around the screen. Feel free to go through PearOS and see how it works. If you need anymore help or you have any questions PM me.

Yeah, I've been trying to make a shape API, one that allows you to draw boxes, circles and stuff. I even made a few functions that allow you to draw draggable boxes, so I know a little bit about the "mouse_drag" events.

But the thing i'm wondering is how to get a shell to run inside the box, and how to run more than 1 of them.

Thanks for the permission too :D/>

You'll need to create an environment, run a shell instance,"programs/shell"), then override the term.write method to write to the pixel you want it to.
BlueMond #251
Posted 07 September 2013 - 05:28 PM
It isn't more advanced than LyqydOS. It may be slightly prettier, but it isn't more advanced. You are welcome to your opinion, of course.

Such a great and supporting admin. Also loving the constructive criticism.
Lyqyd #252
Posted 07 September 2013 - 08:21 PM
You should probably read more than just the first page of a topic and try to contribute positively when you post. If you have an issue with an administrator or moderator, it should be handled via PM.
Gvin #253
Posted 12 September 2013 - 06:09 AM
The flickering may be easiest solved by buffering the screen output and comparing it against new draws so that only changed lines need to be redrawn, and then only redrawing those lines when the program yields. That's how I killed the flickering in LyqydOS. :)/>/>

Also you can allow windows and other stuff to draw themself in some sort of a buffer and at the end of this process just draw the buffer on the screen. Thi will free you from comparing changes in old and new version. I've implemented this solution in my OS.
oeed #254
Posted 12 September 2013 - 06:11 AM
The flickering may be easiest solved by buffering the screen output and comparing it against new draws so that only changed lines need to be redrawn, and then only redrawing those lines when the program yields. That's how I killed the flickering in LyqydOS. :)/>/>

Also you can allow windows and other stuff to draw themself in some sort of a buffer and at the end of this process just draw the buffer on the screen. Thi will free you from comparing changes in old and new version. I've implemented this solution in my OS.

If I understand you correctly, then PearOS does this. Otherwise, I don't :P/>
Chamimnya #255
Posted 14 September 2013 - 08:24 PM
Not a OS X fan but PearOS is awesome ;)/> Love it just for the awesome GUI :D/>
Rougeminner #256
Posted 15 September 2013 - 06:28 PM
By any chance can you make it so apps can be added to the home screen
oeed #257
Posted 15 September 2013 - 07:40 PM
By any chance can you make it so apps can be added to the home screen

I'm not working on this anymore. However, when the App Store is complete I will be making a brand new OS which will have this feature.
YuvonDovah #258
Posted 03 October 2013 - 11:27 AM
This puts everything i've done in computercraft to shame! It's amazing! Also I would like to ask what is the best way of learning lua?
Rougeminner #259
Posted 03 October 2013 - 11:30 PM
I would like to extend an offer for pear os i have made a base platform that scans all of pear os's directories it is still in dev but in thr end… Not the near future i will be an entire system read out it will have an anti virus a virus bin and being a macowner most likely i am sure you know about the system pref. tab and how it displays the reamaning rom space on your harddrive well that part is done
ElvishJerricco #260
Posted 04 October 2013 - 01:46 AM
This puts everything i've done in computercraft to shame! It's amazing! Also I would like to ask what is the best way of learning lua?

Practice. Do things with it. Research the best ways to do those things with it.
oeed #261
Posted 05 October 2013 - 04:12 AM
This puts everything i've done in computercraft to shame! It's amazing! Also I would like to ask what is the best way of learning lua?

Well, I'd been coding for a few years before I started learning Lua and once you learn one language it's pretty easy to pickup another. But as ElvishJerricco said, practice, practice, practice.
Rougeminner #262
Posted 05 October 2013 - 10:34 AM
do you think you could add other users and more applications like launchpad i may be able to send you the code for mission control. Instead of having the "Enter CraftOS in preferences you should make the Terminal app. all of this is just a suggestion
FelixSoft2_NEW #263
Posted 05 October 2013 - 11:47 AM
Mhhh… can i use the basis code and make an owns system out of it?
oeed #264
Posted 05 October 2013 - 08:48 PM
do you think you could add other users and more applications like launchpad i may be able to send you the code for mission control. Instead of having the "Enter CraftOS in preferences you should make the Terminal app. all of this is just a suggestion
If I do decide to pickup PearOS again, a Terminal interface is on the very top of the list.

Mhhh… can i use the basis code and make an owns system out of it?

Yes, as long as you post a link to it here or PM me about it, you are welcome to.
XeriosValentine #265
Posted 22 October 2013 - 07:38 PM
Right now if I try to download it from pastebin I get everytime a broken OS that even starts up… what happened?
oeed #266
Posted 23 October 2013 - 05:22 AM
Right now if I try to download it from pastebin I get everytime a broken OS that even starts up… what happened?

Hmm, thats odd. Could you post a screenshot? (I suggest puush if you don't have it already)
slugy12345 #267
Posted 23 October 2013 - 06:42 AM
I'm hoping to make something like this called BoneWare but right now I'm still in the Alpha stages which is just setting up a choosable password and hopefully a username. If no username then that would hopefully be in BoneWare V.0.3 Alpha. But I think what you made here is pretty sick and I hope I could follow your footsteps.
TableCraft0R #268
Posted 23 October 2013 - 09:27 AM
Somebody continue this? this OS was awesome. but this was discontinued.
Symmetryc #269
Posted 24 October 2013 - 07:07 PM
Somebody continue this? this OS was awesome. but this was discontinued.
The original developer will be doing a new OS or revamp of this after the CC AppStore is finished I believe.
oeed #270
Posted 24 October 2013 - 11:52 PM
Somebody continue this? this OS was awesome. but this was discontinued.
The original developer will be doing a new OS or revamp of this after the CC AppStore is finished I believe.

I've been working on other things for the past few weeks. I've been working on a Mac app I hope to release on the App Store, and it's higher up on my list of things to do. When it's done I might come back, however.

If you're interested, the app I'm making is essentially a better of GeekTool. It allows you to do things like this: (this is a GeekTool screenshot FYI)


It allows you to make and place widgets on your desktop. The problem with GeekTool is that it's far to hard to use. Everything has to been done through shell commands, which I just hate. Lots of my friends have installed it, exited to get a cool desktop layout, but don't know where to start and give up. So, my app does the same thing, allow more customisation but much easier and prettier :)/>

The widgets are made in HTML and are backed by and API, allowing you to control and access stuff like iTunes. Anyway, that's enough rambling. That's what I'm doing and why I haven't really been here.
Kingdaro #271
Posted 25 October 2013 - 08:29 PM
That's pretty badass. Good luck on your project!
GamerFelio #272
Posted 26 October 2013 - 01:58 PM
It's good, but if I have more then three windows open, i dont find the Buttons :blink:/>
deFENCE_ #273
Posted 30 October 2013 - 08:27 AM
Rename Startup to startup or it doesn't automatically start :)/>
Wobbo #274
Posted 31 October 2013 - 10:28 AM
If you would want a real OS X feel to your system, don't provide support for anything else then a terminal emulator. That is how Apple does it.

It is pretty easy to get Unix/Linux utilities up and running, but Apple has nothing to do with that(aside from web hosting). There are some package managers, and XQuartz(X11 if you got it with your mac) as a window system, but both are updated and build by volunteers. So if you want support for other programs and do it the way Apple does it, just include a terminal emulator that runs CraftOS in a window. Then people can run the unsupported programs that way.
FlashingLight #275
Posted 09 November 2013 - 01:53 PM
Nice OS! Just beautifull!
LemADEC #276
Posted 15 November 2013 - 05:00 PM
I've tried this OS and after renaming Startup to startup, it ask my name and background color, then reboot and crash systematically:
OSDrawing:128: attempt to get lenght of nil

I'm using MC1.5.2 with CC1.5.3.

Any idea what's wrong ?!?
gfcwfzkm #277
Posted 07 December 2013 - 06:05 AM
me too, i get the same error
oeed #278
Posted 07 December 2013 - 07:51 AM
me too, i get the same error

After a quick look at the code it's related to an image that wasn't loaded correctly. Can you describe how you got the error, and if possible zip your computer folder (in your saves folder) and send me a link.
gfcwfzkm #279
Posted 07 December 2013 - 03:13 PM
the first problem is, it makes the false startup file (named "Startup", not "startup").
and after (re)booting the computer, it gets only that error. after going in the debug(verbose) mode, it stops with that error: OSDrawing:128: attempt to get lenght of nil

sry, i cant zip the computer folder, im playing online…
oeed #280
Posted 07 December 2013 - 04:33 PM
the first problem is, it makes the false startup file (named "Startup", not "startup").
and after (re)booting the computer, it gets only that error. after going in the debug(verbose) mode, it stops with that error: OSDrawing:128: attempt to get lenght of nil

sry, i cant zip the computer folder, im playing online…

Ok, thanks. I'll do some testing and try to figure out the problem. Do you know what OS the server's running by any chance?
willwac #281
Posted 14 December 2013 - 01:07 PM
Hey, will you add support for terminal glasses?
CherryPie #282
Posted 14 December 2013 - 01:53 PM
oeed #283
Posted 14 December 2013 - 06:25 PM
Hey, will you add support for terminal glasses?

Probably not, I'm working on a brand new OS so I won't be working on this much.
dextert88 #284
Posted 19 December 2013 - 02:54 PM
Ooooohh this is a very nice OS, I cant wait to see what will be added next!
klisman #285
Posted 25 December 2013 - 06:45 PM
i got this error in multiplayer.

Anyone know how to fix or other good os working in multiplayer?
oeed #286
Posted 07 January 2014 - 12:02 AM
i got this error in multiplayer.

Anyone know how to fix or other good os working in multiplayer?

Yea it seems to be a recurring error. I'll be releasing another OS soon, other than that I can't really say.
Gonow32 #287
Posted 19 February 2014 - 02:46 PM
TextEdit is extremely unstable as when I tried to write a simple document it grey screened and rebooted. It rebooted so quick I couldn't see the error.
sziberov(KAYOver) #288
Posted 10 April 2014 - 04:14 PM
PLEASE Continue
apemanzilla #289
Posted 10 April 2014 - 05:13 PM
PLEASE Continue
PearOS is dead, take a look at its follower OneOS.
SpencerBeige #290
Posted 03 July 2014 - 08:45 PM
just like oneOS, this installer file doesn't work either :/ it doesn't even give an error, it just does nothing.
TheOddByte #291
Posted 03 July 2014 - 08:48 PM
just like oneOS, this installer file doesn't work either :/ it doesn't even give an error, it just does nothing.
You know oeed isn't working on this anymore right?