Wow, so many replyes, considering this is the simpler of my 3 games
One question: Why use channels? It's two-player, so it's not like you need them. I run a tekkit server with my friends and really want to play this game, but tekkit has to be a light-year behind and use CC 1.3 or so.
I never liked how rednet worked, a simple broadcast could destroy your entyre program, and, using channels you can play multiple istances of this game w/o problems
Really like this program, Good Job!
Again, I really like your program! Hope that helps somewhat!
Thanks :)/>
A basic strategy could pick a random number between 1 and the number of columns (8), then play in that column. It wouldn't play brilliantly, but it would play.
(The coloumns are 7), yeah, that was my original idea, but, it's like playng against a cat, but still an idea
Slightly more advanced could be detecting if the player has three pieces in a row, then block it. You've got the board as a table, so check every square surrounding a player's piece in that table. If another player's piece is next to the original, continue on that axis, and, again, see if another of the player's pieces is there. If so, play in the column to block it. That is quite a bit harder to program, but entirely possible.
I'm already using this method to detect if a player managed to win, so it wouldn't be hard to do
Another even more advanced strategy would assign values to certain configurations of pieces. For example, the computer would value having 4 of its pieces in a row as basically infinite. Having three in a row would have a positive value and so on and so forth. It would also analyze the opponent's configurations, and assign those negative values. Add those two numbers together and you have a quantifiable number for every position. The larger that number is, the better the position is for the computer. The computer would iterate through several or every possible scenario for two or so turns, analyze them all, and then pick the one with the largest number. That would be remarkably difficult, but again, entirely possible.
This, is gonna be hard, but, maybe, w/ some time I can come up w/ something, I will try.