Welp, let's go through the code, shall we?
--Minemail Launcher
print("Minemail 1.0")
print("Loading Minemail Database...")
NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPEFake loading screens don't make your program more professional or "real". They're annoying and get in the way of the actualprogram.
function Login To Minemail()
-- ...
-- ...
pass=computercraft turtles
-- ...
shell.run minemail()
-- ...
function Check E-Mails()
-- ...
The above are few of the syntax errors I've found. Did you even test the code?
function exit()
Nice missing end you don't have here. I'm convinced that you didn't really test this before posting here.
I don't mean to sound like a dick, but please, post
tested code only. Even then, the syntax errors are obvious enough for you to fix them before testing.