hey guys.
first of all i want to do a status update of me and my account.
i havent been trying to post any virus like code anymore so the moderator review is gone! :D/>
now i can post whenever i want agian

the blueapi is an api full of usefull utilities.
like more http functions, simple file functions and some other things


- configuration files - 0% done
- http utils -  100% done
- runtime - a basic api to enable and disable certain modules and then run them all at once. more features comming - 20% done
- basic console module - this module will use up the full screen and act like a console. has custom commands and event handlers - 70% done
- some random utils - saveFile( ) readFile( ) split( ) getFree( ) - 100% done


- none yet. if you have an idea please comment abount it


pastebin get 76RnLcLr blue

i hope you find this usefull and please leave a comment with your oppinion or suggestion!
thx for reading,

last edit reason:
forgot download, whoops :P/>