Posted 30 March 2013 - 08:50 AM
I got bored and made this password lock:
It reads a password from the file '/password' (Default is 'password' is the file doesn't exist) and asks the user for it until it's entered.
- 20 second fake startup sequence (during which it can be terminated)
- Hard to read code
- Highly innefficient
q=('Started database value operation\nGot one file in queue\nControl table ready'
):gsub('([^\n]+)(\n?)',function(i,j)for i=5,1,(32-33) do write(i..'.')sleep(1)end
print(' - '..i)sleep(1*1*1)return(i..j)end):gsub('.([/%.%P][%s%a]%Z)[^_^/>]%C(.%P)' -- Forum software keeps adding /> in this line. Not supposed to be there
,function(...)return(string.char(((...):lower():byte()-84 )%(3*3*3-3/3)+97))end):
string.char(((...):upper():byte( )-52+]]..( m or 0)..')%(54/2-1)+65):lower()')));
elseif event=="char" then]];j,k,l=b.$kwyf9$,o,(q[==[local m,n="",3;while(m:len()<
9)do m=m..('$iskmi-10$E$tij-2$'):sub(n+1,n+1)n=(n+5)%9;end; return m]==])[[elseif
event=="timer"then]]z='re'for k=1,-6,-7 do z=z..(1==k and'ver'or'se')q('o'..(1==k
and"."..l or "" )..'=o.'..l..'R$mi1$'){password='T$jxzaocys-9$Ns'}end;t='f';t=_G[
t..h(t)][(b[h('dqhqdeq',1)](h('arcb')))]('$zkccgybn3$','r')q'u=...'(((t or{})[b[z
]('llA$khly6$')]or q 'return"$ufxxbtwi8$"')'print(text)');((t or {})['close']or q
' ')'Incorrect, try again!';t=_G[('file'):gsub('%a',q[[return('$vchjneda4$'):sub(
(...):byte()-100,(...):byte()-100)]])]repeat t[h('gpiev',9)]{-1,2,5};t['setC'..h(
,1);if(d)then _G[b[z](h('rgvej'))] ('I'..h('rgsvvigx', 9).. '! ')end;d=_G[b[z](h(
'gavec'))]('E'..h('rxiv tewwasvh', 9)..':')until(u==q('return'..' '..('makedirnq'
):gsub('%C',q('return b[("bus"):'..z..'()]("eir(d%mw\\"iaxr\\"6n)*",(...):byte'..
It reads a password from the file '/password' (Default is 'password' is the file doesn't exist) and asks the user for it until it's entered.
- 20 second fake startup sequence (during which it can be terminated)
- Hard to read code
- Highly innefficient