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Honestly Google First?

Started by Left, 07 April 2013 - 12:59 AM
Left #1
Posted 07 April 2013 - 02:59 AM
Ok, we all have questions to ask and dont quite understand. Thats fine. Who here does google their question first? Me! And probably you too! The only difference is googling a Lua question for ComputerCraft is quite hard since you will be redirected to the CC Forums. Ask-a-pro is like google but people anwser it and help you out and by people saying google it first or google is a friend is utter - snip - because we all do. Ask a pro is their to ask people who can help you out not to be told by some who doesn't know to google it first because we all do!

Rant not yet finished!

Let me google that for you. < is again - snip - and by people using it is wrong because you not help out anyone are you. YOUR NOT EVEN - snip - TEACHING THEM HOW TO USE GOOGLE ARE YOU? That resource can be good fun but it is very rude. I can understand that some of you think I'm 11 and have not a clue (Lyqyd) but in fact I'm 18, just moved out of home and a part time Java developer! Ontop of that, I am studying computer forensics. I have a general idea about Lua but not the best. If I ever see a google it first comment watch out! I coding at night generally and do not enjoy bull- snip - from smart ass' on these forums! I have delt with many years of trolls, bullys, &amp;!$* heads and have no tolerance for them. Now most of you will probably say that I a hypocrite and Ill admit I probably am. From this point onwards these forums are to be helpful and not google it first!

Pst. I am another famous user on these forums!
Smiley43210 #2
Posted 07 April 2013 - 03:19 AM
Then explain
Anyways can you please post the SPLIT FUNCTION YOU HAVE CODED and have comments for it.
1. Splitting is not exclusive to CC
2. You are asking for a function someone else made
3. Google provides links for a nice tutorial
4. Does the forum search not function correctly? There are some good encryption Apis and stuff out there, and some explain how it works. Most even post if others have permission to use it.
5. Perhaps you should have asked for a tutorial on it; your post may have been received better by some

Though it's not as bad, considering you're only asking for a function, it's pushing it.
Left #3
Posted 07 April 2013 - 03:35 AM
Dude. Firstly! I couldn't care if it wasn't exclusive to CC or not. I was asking for coding that someone else had made because then they can fully explain it! Great I know what google does. I dont need a whole API but thanks for the plagiarism suggestion. I think asking for a snipplet of code is a lot less then a tutorial? You tell me if im wrong on that? Its not a whole program! I have know also learnt not to use ask a pro!
Tiin57 #4
Posted 07 April 2013 - 03:48 AM
So, basically what Smiley said, but I'll sum it up plus some.
Google is helpful.
Ask a Pro is more helpful still.
Not being an arrogant jerk is possibly the most helpful out of all of them. Going around proclaiming yourself as "famous" will get you more infamy than fame.
Edit: Reading more carefully, I would say that as a community, we frown upon…
1. Immature adults
2. Children saying they're adults.
You are one of the two; I'm inclined to think it's the latter. Now, we certainly don't frown on or dislike children in general; the best time to learn to program is as a kid. However, it's when they start making annoyingly stupid claims such as "I'm studying computer forensics at 18" that we start to get annoyed.
Second point, which ought to be obvious. It's so incredibly useful to Google first that we can usually tell whether someone has attempted to Google their problem. When they run straight to the forums (and especially when the solution is sitting on the wiki) we start to get upset.
The order to get help is this;
1. Triple-check your program for any silly mistakes you've made.
2. Take a ten minute break and come back to it; double check it. (Rest works wonders on the mind.)
3. Google it. With four separate sets of similar search terms.
4. Browse the wiki for help.
5. Check Ask a Pro and Tutorials for any previous solutions.
6. Ask the question in Ask a Pro.
Did I say it was easy? I hope not; programming is not a breeze to learn, and especially not to debug.
Mads #5
Posted 07 April 2013 - 03:54 AM
I can say to our defense, that we get tired of people NOT using Google. There are alot of threads in Ask a Pro, which are solved by adding a single quotation mark or parenthesis. I see no reason not to google something before asking someone, who is trying to help people with more difficult tasks, which cannot be explained by either Google or the CC Wiki. There, another helpful resource: The Wiki. Use them, god damnit.
Left #6
Posted 07 April 2013 - 03:59 AM
I never said google was bad but redirecting someone to google from ask a pro isnt right
Mads #7
Posted 07 April 2013 - 04:09 AM
It is completely right, and it should always be done if the OP shows no sign of commitment to actually solving the problem, and just wants someone else to do their work.
Tiin57 #8
Posted 07 April 2013 - 04:17 AM
Actually, would you mind connecting to IRC via this link;
I'd like to talk about this in realtime.
FuuuAInfiniteLoop(F.A.I.L) #9
Posted 07 April 2013 - 04:18 AM
So, basically what Smiley said, but I'll sum it up plus some.
Google is helpful.
Ask a Pro is more helpful still.
Not being an arrogant jerk is possibly the most helpful out of all of them. Going around proclaiming yourself as "famous" will get you more infamy than fame.
Edit: Reading more carefully, I would say that as a community, we frown upon…
1. Immature adults
2. Children saying they're adults.
You are one of the two; I'm inclined to think it's the latter. Now, we certainly don't frown on or dislike children in general; the best time to learn to program is as a kid. However, it's when they start making annoyingly stupid claims such as "I'm studying computer forensics at 18" that we start to get annoyed.
Second point, which ought to be obvious. It's so incredibly useful to Google first that we can usually tell whether someone has attempted to Google their problem. When they run straight to the forums (and especially when the solution is sitting on the wiki) we start to get upset.
The order to get help is this;
1. Triple-check your program for any silly mistakes you've made.
2. Take a ten minute break and come back to it; double check it. (Rest works wonders on the mind.)
3. Google it. With four separate sets of similar search terms.
4. Browse the wiki for help.
5. Check Ask a Pro and Tutorials for any previous solutions.
6. Ask the question in Ask a Pro.
Did I say it was easy? I hope not; programming is not a breeze to learn, and especially not to debug.
I will add as point number 1 and 2 the following:

1- Check the line were the error is, and if it is a if, while, repeat or for, check the above part also especially if the error is in the first or the second line after one of them cause the error can be there

2- if there are no line numbers(like multiple points(an error that im having)) search it on google ONLY THE ERROR, that will help you to find out what cause the error so you can look if you caused that!
Cloudy #10
Posted 07 April 2013 - 04:24 AM
Lua is used outside of CC. Unless it uses CC specific API's then google should be first option.
theoriginalbit #11
Posted 07 April 2013 - 06:37 AM
How to use google (i.e. what to type)
"Lua:<what you want to know>" or
"ComputerCraft:<what you want to know>"

is that really that hard?

lets do a real example…
"Lua:string split"
This is the first link, this is the exact answer that people want, and quite a few topics in Ask a Pro over the past few weeks would not have been posted if this simple search term was used in Google. Let alone if they Googled their error message!
Now if we do
"ComputerCraft:string split"
This is the first link, which, oh, wow, it answers the question, with links and help from "Ask a Pro" for the exact question… and if that doesn't do it for you, a few links down you get this lovely stackoverflow thread which has lots of different answers.

When in doubt, I Google it, why anyone would not check Google first baffles me! It is a very powerful tool when used…
GravityScore #12
Posted 07 April 2013 - 07:58 AM
It is a very powerful tool when used…

Not to mention quick too. I just don't understand how people can wait several hours or what not depending on timezones to have their Ask a Pro question answered. I would want my problems solved as quick as possible, and figuring them out for myself usually does it a lot quicker than asking a forum and waiting for a response. I have motivation to code NOW! Not in an hour! :P/>

(Not saying that pros are slow to answer the Ask a Pro threads, every one of you does a great job :P/> Just sayin' that Google is so much quicker and easier)
Sammich Lord #13
Posted 07 April 2013 - 09:02 AM
I normally just ask people in IRC to fix my code. Much quicker than using Ask A Pro. Of course I do go check over my script and make sure I don't make stupid mistakes.
Left #14
Posted 07 April 2013 - 12:56 PM
Forum's ABANDONED. You guys have basically 'gang raped' me! I'm 18, drive a car, study at the University of Adelaide, my course is 6 years, I was born in 1995, I am not a child execpt I have a hunch Lyqyd and all of you think I am, I work a part time Java developer, haven't really ever touched Lua before ComputerCraft, I like all of your work but I am not staying on these forums. I am now not
Cloudy #15
Posted 07 April 2013 - 01:05 PM
Get over yourself. You may be 18 but you act like a spoilt little child.
AfterLifeLochie #16
Posted 07 April 2013 - 01:08 PM
I have closed this topic as it appears to have completely and utterly derailed into a blatant and unveiled defamation of the forum staff, people who tried to assist you, and yourself.

If you were one to spend time in AaP or in the IRC channel, we see up to hundreds of questions and requests for assistance every day - and the people who help out by helping others do a great job. If you haven't used the documentation we offer properly - which we have gone to a lot of effort to assemble and compile, and, keep accurate - then all we can do is defer you to it. Sites such as the Lua PIL for Lua 5.1, the ComputerCraft Wiki, and even Google make excellent resources - searches such as "string.gsub lua 5.1" usually return sites which are going to be helpful.

Secondly, you say you're 18 - but you seem to have exhibited much less maturity than that. You came onto IRC and then continued to "debate" the issue, leaving before a reasonable resolution could be arrived at. You've created this thread, which seems to just be taking a poorly aimed shot at the people who have helped you - and you have essentially created a repeat of this situation by lighting a fire under everyone's rear end.

If you should ever have the desire to return, please, read over our Forum Guidelines and the section titled 'I have an issue with the actions or decisions of a moderator!', and then contact me via IRC.

Account suspended.