I started to rewrite LyokOS, always in idea of a cross-session communication and functionality.
Be patient for a new and better quality code than the last (poor) LyokOS !
Old topic :
LyokOS is designed by myself program, the OS is coded in French,English, Spanish and Italian (Select during setup)and allows you to send mails (only on LyokOS network, next support for gmail, yahoo, etc …), manage site, multi-user online mode or offline, Text Editor, Calculator, ccYouTube, Auto-Updater, AppStore, Games and more ;)/>
This program is like all other programs written by me is protected against copying, if you need to retrieve pieces of source code, you must follow this:
- Do not make full copy of the source code, just the idea.
- The words "Inspired by the work of JackCarterSmith" must appear at the beginning of all source code of your program.
- And of course let me know by PM.
Only programs of other coders are subject to their rules…
Various components of LyokOS:
- App Store (NEW !) :
The AppStore is a small addition to managing disk space and content available on the pc. This program garant you to have access applications, this programs are available on : ccTube, Maze, Pong, EggClicker, Thaumcraft-Research-Helper, Laser, GoldRunner and Ice-Browser
- The login system:
The new identification program provides a more increased security and be on that nobody can watch your mailbox (All potential flaws are corrected and try my small team of beta tester) If you can still find a fault, thank you to inform me by PM and not take the opportunity to ask us problem. The display was also improved, using the mouse as possible, and interface more attractive.
- Desktop:
The desktop was especially improved for Advanced Computers, this one still contains the original functionality, but with an updated interface, clock and menu programs.
The Mail program is a revolution for the cross-communication, YES ! You can send message for any user who want LyokOS account…in any party of minecraft : single and multi and any server ! It's a very big advance for the LyokOS project. The Mail program is temporarily unavailable for a large service … To come: New interface, greater management drinks mail additions Trash and address book, thinning program.
- Bank (In Dev…)
- Text Editor
Finally an editor worthy of the name, thank you to "wieselkatze" for his program 'LuaEdit', his editor was custom to match for LyokOS.
Screenshots :Download :Spoiler
Boot Screen :
Login :
Desktop :
AppStore :
NexWord (remix of work of wieselkatze) :
Current version : 4.3
pastebin get H7ZQtZ43 LyokOS or pastebin run H7ZQtZ43 (CC1.6+)
Change logs :
4.3 :
- Fix minors bugs
- Add a new editor programs
- Add a real clock
- Rewrited the authentification system
Comming soon :
- GUI for mail manager
- Can delete account
- More usefull translation
If you encounter any bugs, thank you to notif me !
Mail : [email="arechristopher1@gmail.com?subject=LYOKOS-ForumCC"]clic[/email]