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Passbeat v1.5 - Musical Login System

Started by Shinjiteru, 18 April 2013 - 02:14 PM
Shinjiteru #1
Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:14 PM
Passbeat is a login system that doesn't rely on the commonly used Username and Password.
Instead of risking passwords being compromised to people with malicious intent, how about
creating a password system where the password is nearly impossible to replicate even if someone
has it?

I answered that question with THIS.
Passbeat, the first of it's kind in ComputerCraft.

This system has one main idea: Your password is your favorite song!
Yeah, but don't type out the song name, PLAY the song by just beating on your keyboard to the

Since translating text to actual beats (just by glancing) is incredibly hard (tested) it'll
be immune to people READING your password. Keyloggers can't even replicate the password! The
only way through this is by bypassing it with a disk (or being the person that created the password!)
Besides, even if they get through… this password is almost guaranteed to NOT be used in ANYWHERE
EVER. Since most login systems on the internet use the regular user/pass system, your passwords are

Shinji presenting…
Version 1.0

Version 1.5 - NOTICE: When updating you may have to re-input password information due to new files!
Update Information: Added text equalizer, added more display, added settings file, added setting for passing grade.


:)/> Thanks for viewing! Feedback is appreciated!
Sammich Lord #2
Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:20 PM
So what if they get one note of the song wrong? You can't guarantee that the person will get their "song" right every time. It seems to be more of a pain to me.
oeed #3
Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:21 PM
Interesting concept. I'll try it out soon.
One question, how is the password actually stored? If you 'beating' it out on the keyboard then isn't it still text?
Shinjiteru #4
Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:25 PM
@Sammich Lord: The authentication method is based on PERCENTAGES. If you get more than 70% beats correct, you gain access. Through various tests, I've found it nearly impossible to get > 90%

@oeed: The password is stored as "Ticks", well, beats per ticks, each tick is 0.2 seconds, if you hit the same amount of beats in the tick it counts as 1 correct. :)/> It DOESNT MATTER what key you press, as long as it's a key.
oeed #5
Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:30 PM
So what if they get one note of the song wrong? You can't guarantee that the person will get their "song" right every time. It seems to be more of a pain to me.

I've tried it out, and it's pretty cool.
It checks how close you are to your entered beat and if it's over a certain percentage you can pass.
Shinjiteru #6
Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:32 PM
Thanks! :)/>
oeed #7
Posted 18 April 2013 - 04:36 PM
@Sammich Lord: The authentication method is based on PERCENTAGES. If you get more than 70% beats correct, you gain access. Through various tests, I've found it nearly impossible to get > 90%

@oeed: The password is stored as "Ticks", well, beats per ticks, each tick is 0.2 seconds, if you hit the same amount of beats in the tick it counts as 1 correct. :)/> It DOESNT MATTER what key you press, as long as it's a key.

Oh, so it didn't matter that I was using two different keys.

Just one small thing you may want to change, it's small and really doesn't matter, but anyway.
When the count timer is a whole number it should say 6.0 rather than 6. This is purely asthetic so it's not jumping around.
wilcomega #8
Posted 19 April 2013 - 05:28 AM
really really cool, i had this concept when i just started with computercraft but i didnt have the expirence. now i have but you made it :)/>
Shinjiteru #9
Posted 19 April 2013 - 11:29 AM
@oeed - Taken note! Thanks for the suggestion. This will be implemented in V2.0 (along with color/mouse support and setting features)
superaxander #10
Posted 20 April 2013 - 09:46 AM
This really original good job
H4X0RZ #11
Posted 20 April 2013 - 11:11 AM
Can I use a modified version for my OS?

Feedback: It's the gratest login system I've ever seen!! Not a joke!
Engineer #12
Posted 20 April 2013 - 11:03 PM
I like this! You did a really good job on it!
Pinkishu #13
Posted 21 April 2013 - 12:25 AM
I remember there being some internet tool where you'd hit the spacebar to match the beat of a song as you remember it and it suggested which song that could be.

Let's just say it wasn't right most of the time, so I'm a bit skeptical on the accuracy and security of this :P/> But will probably try it out later
Shinjiteru #14
Posted 21 April 2013 - 05:39 AM
Thank you!
@Freack100 - Sure! Go ahead! :D/>
@Pinkishu - I had a few problems with the accuracy of playing the song on my keyboard (simply because of listening to other songs while inputting the password) so I added a setting that could allow you to change how accurate you have to be to get access.
TheOddByte #15
Posted 22 April 2013 - 12:08 PM
This seems a bit different and I will test it out :D/>
SuicidalSTDz #16
Posted 22 April 2013 - 04:00 PM
I remember there being some internet tool where you'd hit the spacebar to match the beat of a song as you remember it and it suggested which song that could be.

Let's just say it wasn't right most of the time, so I'm a bit skeptical on the accuracy and security of this :P/> But will probably try it out later <— ?

Main Post: This is fairly cool. A lot better than a regular door lock ^_^/>
Shinjiteru #17
Posted 22 April 2013 - 05:41 PM
Thank you! :)/>
I'm planning on updating to color along with mouse, with additional statistics. However, I might be busy because of a project with 8 other people aiming towards 20k lines. :P/>
MudkipTheEpic #18
Posted 22 April 2013 - 05:54 PM
Offtopic- If I may ask, who are those people?
Left4Cake #19
Posted 23 April 2013 - 03:50 AM
Let's just say it wasn't right most of the time, so I'm a bit skeptical on the accuracy and security of this :P/> But will probably try it out later

For computer craft it got to at least be harder to see people typing in their password right. I mean even if the password is hidden you still see how many * make up the password. Plus even if this dose not encrypt it (witch is a hole now matter what) Some one would have to figure out the tick format before it is useful to them.

(please correct me if I am wrong, I like learning new things)
Shinjiteru #20
Posted 23 April 2013 - 12:44 PM
@Cake - Passbeat doe's NOT encrypt it's tick information, however, replicating the ticks is a really difficult matter (if you aren't using a standard 120 BPM beat), reading the tick format is difficult and has been tested with several different Songs, I have never been able to break through the protection through reading the tick format. You are correct in the matter that this is harder to achieve than conventional login systems. :)/> I'm glad to see some Security Feedback.

@Mudkip - I'm in a team of people learning how to program using ComputerCraft at the moment, :)/> They're learning with me and thanks to that we are able to get on the same page with projects such as this, which makes it easy to collaborate (since we all know the same amount of information). It's a bunch of people from my school :P/>
Smiley43210 #21
Posted 23 April 2013 - 07:04 PM
Definitely a cool idea! :)/> It's hard to tap a beat to a rhythm of a text pattern, so it seems safe enough (for most applications [places where this system is applied]). Perhaps I'll try it out later.
Shinjiteru #22
Posted 24 April 2013 - 02:06 AM