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taken in April 2020.

Wired Turtles
Started by Pecacheu, 06 May 2013 - 01:32 PMPosted 06 May 2013 - 03:32 PM
I was using the new LAN cables CC just added, and I just thought that it would cool if we could have wired turtles. They would have a wired modem on them, and they would be able to dock next to LAN cables or other wired turtles and connect to them. Maybe moving next to LAN cables would trigger an event, and you could respond to it by calling so you can communicate through the cable. Just an idea.
Posted 06 May 2013 - 04:31 PM
Well, considering that you have to attach a modem to a computer for LAN cables to work, I don't see this happening. I think you would just have a better chance with having a turtle send a rednet message to an intermediary computer with a LAN modem and a rednet modem.
Posted 06 May 2013 - 04:39 PM
I support this. +1/

Posted 06 May 2013 - 10:41 PM
Well, considering that you have to attach a modem to a computer for LAN cables to work, I don't see this happening. I think you would just have a better chance with having a turtle send a rednet message to an intermediary computer with a LAN modem and a rednet modem.
Well, maybe LAN turtles would finally allow you to connect peripherals directly to turtles. I've always wanted to do that.
Posted 06 May 2013 - 10:45 PM
What do you mean directly to a peripheral? You can place a turtle right next to any peripheral and use it just as if the turtle was a computer.Well, considering that you have to attach a modem to a computer for LAN cables to work, I don't see this happening. I think you would just have a better chance with having a turtle send a rednet message to an intermediary computer with a LAN modem and a rednet modem.
Well, maybe LAN turtles would finally allow you to connect peripherals directly to turtles. I've always wanted to do that.
Posted 06 May 2013 - 10:46 PM
I don't see how a +1 will make the devs like it anymore. It is just like a poll. Just because somebody clicks a button saying that they agree doesn't mean that the devs will like it anymore.I support this. +1/
Posted 06 May 2013 - 11:04 PM
agreed, that is why i posted this:
because i am too lazy to wait for the devs
because i am too lazy to wait for the devs
Posted 07 May 2013 - 11:46 PM
You Could Make a block called Dock and have it dock on the dock to Attach Periphals
Posted 08 May 2013 - 12:50 AM
This would come to a disadvantage if the turtle were happen to run out of fuel before it could dock
Posted 08 May 2013 - 04:51 AM
Well duh, if you wanted it to not dock to communicate you'd use a wireless modem.
Posted 09 May 2013 - 07:04 AM
Docking should also be the only way to charge,so you can have a slot to put battery.This would come to a disadvantage if the turtle were happen to run out of fuel before it could dock
Different Ma batteries should be avalible,50 ma battery should be able to last 500 seconds,and 3000ma(Note 2 battery amount)will be able to last 30000 seconds and you can install 3 batteries
Posted 09 May 2013 - 07:43 AM
I think this is largely a matter of consistency. Both basic and advanced computers can use both wireless and wired modems. Turtles, however, can use modems, but only one of the two. I was really surprised when I discovered that you can't craft turtles with wired modems. It may not be the most useful thing in the world, but it's not a bad suggestion.
Posted 12 July 2013 - 01:03 PM
We have wireless turtles and wired modems. Why not allow the turtle to connect to wired networks?
Posted 12 July 2013 - 01:53 PM
Because it isn't a solid block.
Posted 12 July 2013 - 02:30 PM
OpenPeripheral has a Proxy block that lets you do this. It looks like a peripheral to computers and wired networks on 5 sides and looks like a computer to peripherals on the 6th side. Put a wired modem on the proxy side and a turtle on one of the other sides to connect your turtle to the network.
Posted 13 July 2013 - 05:21 AM
Neither are wireless modems.Because it isn't a solid block.
Edit: You could have been referring to the turtle, not the modem - in which case, wireless modems can be crafted with turtles, so why not wired modems?
Posted 13 July 2013 - 08:22 AM
Wait what?
Who joined my topic to the end of this one?
Who joined my topic to the end of this one?
Posted 13 July 2013 - 12:40 PM
Neither are wireless modems.Because it isn't a solid block.
Edit: You could have been referring to the turtle, not the modem - in which case, wireless modems can be crafted with turtles, so why not wired modems?
That's an excellent point. I see no reason why this shouldn't be added.
Posted 13 July 2013 - 01:34 PM
it would be very useful for a factory line, But the question is if its worth it for the devs to add