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[mc 1.6.2] [cc 1.56] Applied Energistics Peripheral

Started by Pharabus, 08 May 2013 - 06:29 AM
Pharabus #1
Posted 08 May 2013 - 08:29 AM
Title: Applied Energistics Peripheral

This is actually a repost as the original was lost in the 5 day void :)/>

AE Peripheral is a ComputerCraft peripheral that exposes 3 methods to interface with Applied Energistics, it works in MC 1.6.2 with all v13 AE version and Computercraft 1.55

it is crafted (where X is smooth stone, Y is an ME cable and Z is redstone) as below


the 4 methods are

"GetInventory", "GetCraftables", "Craft", "AddAlert"

GetInventory has no Params and returns a table where Key is the item name and Value is the count, this is a list of items in the AE grid

GetCraftables has no params and returns a table where Key is the item name and Value is the item ID, item damage concactinated with ":" , this is a list of things you can craft via AE

Craft takes 2 params, param 1 is the item Id,item damagae concactinated with ":" (this matches the return from getCraftables ":0" is needed for items with no damage) to craft and param 2 is the count

AddAlert allows you to add a number of alerts params are event name, Id,damage (again concactinated with a ":" a ":0" is needed for items with no damage) and 2 params for min and max, setting min to 0 or max to 0 defines the alert differently, example below

download link

alert example
if Min is 0 and max is > 0 then alert will happen if count of item >= max
if max is 0 and min is > 0 then will happen if count of item <= min
if max and min are both > 0 the alert will happen if count is >= min AND <= max

updated to
change: added damage values

updated to
change: removed debug spam

updated to
change: CC 1.56 AE rv13 MC 1.6.2
graphical changes

updated to
change: sorted the block update glitch
Lyqyd #2
Posted 08 May 2013 - 12:47 PM
I'm not sure how this ended up in Ask a Pro. I think someone didn't look at what they were splitting. ;)/>/>

Moved to Peripherals.
dsuser97 #3
Posted 09 May 2013 - 04:40 PM
The doesn't work, it has to be

"version": "1.0",
instead of

"version": "1.0,

Anyways, it would be great if this could extract items out of the System.
Pharabus #4
Posted 10 May 2013 - 07:39 AM
thanks for the feedback, i have updated the typo in the

MiscPeripherals has the ability to extract via its ME Bridge so I don't really want to work on that aspect, I do have a couple of ideas I am working on to differentiate my peripheral though

Pharabus #5
Posted 12 May 2013 - 11:54 AM
updated to include AddAlert

example LUA for alert (this is just my test script so excuse the simplistic nature) it checks the level of stone in the system (blockid 1)

testalarm1 fires if the level of stone changes and is between 10 and 50 (inclusive)
testalarm2 if the level of stone changes and is <= 10
testalarm3 if level of stone changes and is >=50

m= peripheral.wrap("left")
while true do
  local event,param1 = os.pullEvent()
  if event == "testalarm1" then
	print("range alarm "..param1)
  elseif event == "testalarm2" then
	print("min alarm " ..param1)
  elseif event == "testalarm3" then
	print("max alarm " .. param1)


edited to reflect need for damage value
xuma202 #6
Posted 12 May 2013 - 12:38 PM
Would it be possible to port this to MC 1.4.7? Redpower and some other mods are not available for 1.5.1 and I'd like to use them too.
Pharabus #7
Posted 12 May 2013 - 12:41 PM
Would it be possible to port this to MC 1.4.7? Redpower and some other mods are not available for 1.5.1 and I'd like to use them too.

I did consider this but I don't have a huge amount of time spare to work on this, if i get a chance i will post
gknova61 #8
Posted 16 May 2013 - 02:38 PM
Maybe add an inventory for it so it can retrieve items from AE, and check ongoing crafting jobs to see if what you crafted has been crafted? It'd make it much more useful than openccsensors
vitzli #9
Posted 06 June 2013 - 09:07 AM
Could you please add support for meta (damage) value for Craft() and GetCraftables() methods? There is no way to request crafting of items with non-zero damage value (like Orange wool 35:1, Solar panel 246:3, and so on).
Pharabus #10
Posted 11 June 2013 - 01:24 PM
Could you please add support for meta (damage) value for Craft() and GetCraftables() methods? There is no way to request crafting of items with non-zero damage value (like Orange wool 35:1, Solar panel 246:3, and so on).

I will look into that, it's a good point
Pharabus #11
Posted 12 June 2013 - 07:42 AM
updated to include damage values to Craft, getCraftables and AddAlert
ingie #12
Posted 16 June 2013 - 12:33 PM
loving this mod… already got my OpenPeripheral glasses showing me my AE things and stuff :)/>

one thing tho, could you add a config option to stop the server log spam, pleeeease :)/>

it's just i'm trying to build my own home server with as many uber mods in it as i can manage, so extra server spam from things that are working fine tends to get in the way of actual server errors and such…

the two that seem to happen are:

"networkchanged called" whenever, well, whenever the network changes ;)/> [ e.g. if i take or drop something into the AE network ]
"AEPeripheral getGrid called my grid istrue" whenever i check an inventory slot…

i don't mind the initialisation logging of course, so something like a debug level setting would be nice: e.g. off,errors,verbose type of thing :)/>

otherwise: since i found AE the other day and went "wooo", this mod - simple as it is - has made me go "wooooooooooo" :D/>
Pharabus #13
Posted 17 June 2013 - 08:24 AM
loving this mod… already got my OpenPeripheral glasses showing me my AE things and stuff :)/>

one thing tho, could you add a config option to stop the server log spam, pleeeease :)/>

it's just i'm trying to build my own home server with as many uber mods in it as i can manage, so extra server spam from things that are working fine tends to get in the way of actual server errors and such…

the two that seem to happen are:

"networkchanged called" whenever, well, whenever the network changes ;)/> [ e.g. if i take or drop something into the AE network ]
"AEPeripheral getGrid called my grid istrue" whenever i check an inventory slot…

i don't mind the initialisation logging of course, so something like a debug level setting would be nice: e.g. off,errors,verbose type of thing :)/>

otherwise: since i found AE the other day and went "wooo", this mod - simple as it is - has made me go "wooooooooooo" :D/>

hehe. I totally forgot about my debug messages :)/>

updated to to remove debug spam

thanks for the feedback

ingie #14
Posted 17 June 2013 - 09:05 AM
no problem… i'm always doing the same thing in my day job… about 15 years back i was doing a system for a client and one of their testers emailed me a screenshot where at the bottom of the screen it said [arse] - he asked me whether this was meant to happen… i replied "only if something happens outside the bounds of my switch condition" - luckily it wasn't a live system.

i try and use less laconic error messages now, at least. :)/>

cheers for the update, i'll apply that later :)/>
LaughingLeader #15
Posted 23 June 2013 - 04:58 AM
This is a great mod! it's (almost) exactly what I need to finish my sorting program for my AE network. I just have one question/request.

Would it be possible to get the item ID, along with the name and amount? I'm trying to use this peripheral together with the ME Bridge, and getting the item ID would allow me to retrieve the item with the ME Bridge.

I'm doing my sorting more globally, rather than hard-coding in item IDs. So, for instance, if the item has "Ore" in its name, I'd like to get its item ID and have the ME Bridge send it to be crushed into dust.

Currently, I have no way to match the table your peripheral makes to the table the ME Bridge makes, since the ME Bridge doesn't give you the item name, and your peripheral doesn't give the item ID. That one change would allow them to really synergize together.

As a curious side note, for whatever reason, the size of AE Peripheral's GetInventory() table and the ME Bridge's listItems() never seem to match up for me. ME Bridge's table is usually higher than the other one.

I get those sizes from doing some simple loops:

local itemIDs = bridge.listItems(); -- ME Bridge
local itemNames = checker.GetInventory(); -- AE Peripheral
local size1 = 0;
local size2 = 0;

for k, v in pairs(itemIDs) do
  size1 = size1+1;

for k, v in pairs(itemNames) do
  size2 = size2+1;
print("Sizes: " ,size1,", ", size2);
-- Currently I get something like this printing:
-- Sizes: 210, 202

BakermanLP #16
Posted 01 July 2013 - 03:37 AM
Hello there,

may I add this mod to my Modpack?

Most informations will be found at

The target audience are my fellowers on Youtube (actually about 30-50 people).

Full credits will be included in the modpack with your name and a link to this thread.

Thanks for replay.

Michael (aka BakermanLP)
Pharabus #17
Posted 05 July 2013 - 03:43 AM

sorry for the delay in replying, I am out of the Country currently on some personal business that came up unexpectedly,

as far as mod packs, I am very happy for the mod to be included, credit would be appreciated,

I will look into adding the item ids as requested, possibly when i upgrade to 1.6.*, I have not used ME bridge so I am unsure why there is difference in size but again I will look at that when I am back home

thanks so much for the feedback and interest

Pharabus #18
Posted 30 July 2013 - 02:18 PM

I currently have a dev version updated to 1.6.2 and I am adding a few look and feel features to it (blinky lights incoming!) should have something released in a few days,

I will look to add the itemIds, should be possible,

I did take a look at the ME bridge count and from what I can see RG and I both make the same call to AE for my GetInventory and and his ListItems so I am still a little unsure what is happening there, i will try and set up a test environment to see if I can figure it out.

Pharabus #19
Posted 11 August 2013 - 01:09 PM
updated to 1.6.2

added a graphical update to show connectivity status on the front, this has for some reason led to the need for a block update to show the AE cables connecting (it is purely visual though) i will look into whats causing it fixed in 1.0.11

i think I misunderstood the post above requesting item Ids on GetInventory (I thought you meant damage values) when I looked into it ME Bridge uses a hash of the item ID + damage, i would need to know RGs seed and emulate to make it do what you want, not something I can really do


schussi24 #20
Posted 18 August 2013 - 04:46 PM
Could you please upload the version for 1.5.2? I've got some old mods running which are not updated to 1.6.2

EDIT: Already found it in your dropbox folder
Pharabus #21
Posted 19 August 2013 - 08:05 AM
Could you please upload the version for 1.5.2? I've got some old mods running which are not updated to 1.6.2

EDIT: Already found it in your dropbox folder

no worries, yeah I keep the old builds in the same folder, I wont be maintaining them though.
BakermanLP #22
Posted 04 September 2013 - 04:45 AM
Hello there,

there is a little typo in your last mod version:

"version": "

I think that should be:

"version": "",

Not just a bug, but not nice :)/>

Michael (aka BakermanLP)
Pharabus #23
Posted 05 September 2013 - 12:28 PM
Hello there,

there is a little typo in your last mod version:

"version": "

I think that should be:

"version": "",

Not just a bug, but not nice :)/>

Michael (aka BakermanLP)

thanks, fixed in the zip, think that has happened before, must be something in my build script, one day I will track it down!!!!!

FioraCorp #24
Posted 06 September 2013 - 06:11 AM
Could you please upload the version for 1.5.2? I've got some old mods running which are not updated to 1.6.2

EDIT: Already found it in your dropbox folder

no worries, yeah I keep the old builds in the same folder, I wont be maintaining them though.

Ok, first of all, thank your Pharabus for making this awesome mod!

Secondly, how did schussi24 find a link for previous versions? I have no idea how to access the rest of your dropbox folder from the link provided. I must be a noob but after searching for 2 hours to figure out how I figured I'd just ask! I'm also looking for a version for MC 1.5.2 as I am running FTB unleashed 1.1.3 and feel like I need to get this mod onboard so I can make my CC and AE jive.
Thanks for the help guys.
Pharabus #25
Posted 06 September 2013 - 06:25 AM
Could you please upload the version for 1.5.2? I've got some old mods running which are not updated to 1.6.2

EDIT: Already found it in your dropbox folder

no worries, yeah I keep the old builds in the same folder, I wont be maintaining them though.

Ok, first of all, thank your Pharabus for making this awesome mod!

Secondly, how did schussi24 find a link for previous versions? I have no idea how to access the rest of your dropbox folder from the link provided. I must be a noob but after searching for 2 hours to figure out how I figured I'd just ask! I'm also looking for a version for MC 1.5.2 as I am running FTB unleashed 1.1.3 and feel like I need to get this mod onboard so I can make my CC and AE jive.
Thanks for the help guys.

Thanks you very much for the feedback,

below is a link to the last 1.5.2 version i build,
simonh #26
Posted 21 October 2013 - 10:22 AM
i think I misunderstood the post above requesting item Ids on GetInventory (I thought you meant damage values) when I looked into it ME Bridge uses a hash of the item ID + damage, i would need to know RGs seed and emulate to make it do what you want, not something I can really do

I think I can help with that, at least in MC 1.5.2 I used this code to convert UUID from RG's Interactive Sorter to then search Logistics Pipes for available/craftable items. I also used the same code in the Computer Controlled Crafter to identify what items/blocks were in each slot in order to set the crafting pattern.

function Manager:getID(uuid)
	if uuid > 32768 or uuid < 0 then
		id = uuid % 32768
		meta = (uuid - id) / 32768
		id = uuid
		meta = 0
	return id, meta
function Manager:getUUID(id, meta)
   uuid = id + (meta * 32768)
   return uuid

I'll run a test up in the next day or so and see how my code fairs with the bridge, should be the same. I'm using a hydrid LP and AE network in my survival game and am very interested in your alerts.

EDIT: So I tested using miscPeripherals 3.3f and the ME Bridge does calculate the UUID this way. Hope this helps.
Edited on 21 October 2013 - 04:32 PM
LaughingLeader #27
Posted 23 October 2013 - 01:30 PM
Are there any plans to update this mod for the newest dev version of AE?

I get a crash when connecting the AE Peripheral to an AE Network, and MiscPeripheral's ME Bridge has the same issue, which means I'm a little bit stuck on manipulating my AE network's inventory if I want to use the dev version of AE (which is needed for the newest version of ExtraCells to work, I believe).

Here's the crash log:
Spoiler—- Minecraft Crash Report —-
// I blame Dinnerbone.

Time: 10/23/13 12:34 PM
Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.AbstractMethodError: pharabus.mods.aeperipheral.TileEntityAEPeripheral.setNetworkReady(Z)V
at appeng.common.grid.GridEnumeration.update(
at appeng.common.grid.MEGridEvents.tickStart(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickStart(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickStart(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPreWorldTick(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(

I assume it just means that AE has changed some methods (or method names) in its newest versions.
Pharabus #28
Posted 23 October 2013 - 09:10 PM
Are there any plans to update this mod for the newest dev version of AE?

I get a crash when connecting the AE Peripheral to an AE Network, and MiscPeripheral's ME Bridge has the same issue, which means I'm a little bit stuck on manipulating my AE network's inventory if I want to use the dev version of AE (which is needed for the newest version of ExtraCells to work, I believe).

Here's the crash log:
Spoiler—- Minecraft Crash Report —-
// I blame Dinnerbone.

Time: 10/23/13 12:34 PM
Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.AbstractMethodError: pharabus.mods.aeperipheral.TileEntityAEPeripheral.setNetworkReady(Z)V
at appeng.common.grid.GridEnumeration.update(
at appeng.common.grid.MEGridEvents.tickStart(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickStart(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickStart(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPreWorldTick(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(

I assume it just means that AE has changed some methods (or method names) in its newest versions.
Thanks for this, I will grab the latest AE and take a look at this during the week
Pharabus #29
Posted 25 October 2013 - 06:59 AM
Are there any plans to update this mod for the newest dev version of AE?

I get a crash when connecting the AE Peripheral to an AE Network, and MiscPeripheral's ME Bridge has the same issue, which means I'm a little bit stuck on manipulating my AE network's inventory if I want to use the dev version of AE (which is needed for the newest version of ExtraCells to work, I believe).

Here's the crash log:
Spoiler—- Minecraft Crash Report —-
// I blame Dinnerbone.

Time: 10/23/13 12:34 PM
Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.AbstractMethodError: pharabus.mods.aeperipheral.TileEntityAEPeripheral.setNetworkReady(Z)V
at appeng.common.grid.GridEnumeration.update(
at appeng.common.grid.MEGridEvents.tickStart(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickStart(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickStart(
at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPreWorldTick(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(

I assume it just means that AE has changed some methods (or method names) in its newest versions.

I have a build that should work now, I am struggling to get time to test properly though, let me know if you are willing to test it and I will post a link, otherwise it will be sometime next week,

thanks for you help

LaughingLeader #30
Posted 25 October 2013 - 11:12 AM
I have a build that should work now, I am struggling to get time to test properly though, let me know if you are willing to test it and I will post a link, otherwise it will be sometime next week,

thanks for you help


Sure, I'd be happy to help test it out for you.
Pharabus #31
Posted 25 October 2013 - 12:57 PM
I have a build that should work now, I am struggling to get time to test properly though, let me know if you are willing to test it and I will post a link, otherwise it will be sometime next week,

thanks for you help


Sure, I'd be happy to help test it out for you.

cheers, link below
LaughingLeader #32
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:06 PM
My preliminary testing has been positive. The AE Peripheral connects to the AE Network without crashing, and all the functions appear to be working as intended. I tested GetInventory(), GetCraftables(), and Craft(). I haven't experienced any errors or bugs with these. I haven't messed around with Alerts yet, but everything seems to be working.

So yeah, so far so good. Thanks for fixing that crash.
Pharabus #33
Posted 25 October 2013 - 06:48 PM
that's great, Algo also changed the notification system for inventory change updates (really nice subscription system now) so there was some work to there as well
meiadm #34
Posted 03 November 2013 - 01:14 PM
thanks for the feedback, i have updated the typo in the

MiscPeripherals has the ability to extract via its ME Bridge so I don't really want to work on that aspect, I do have a couple of ideas I am working on to differentiate my peripheral though


Now that MiscPeripherals is somewhat shelved, and neither openperipheral or yours have the ability to extract from the network, will you think about reconsidering this stance?

I am currently working on a map where using AE for rewards/handin would be amazing, especially using the quantum bridge etc. I can currently check for an item fine, but returning a reward is tricky and requires a very roundabout solution at present.

Edit: Forgot to mention that we are making the map for 1.6.4,
Pharabus #35
Posted 05 November 2013 - 08:27 AM
thanks for the feedback, i have updated the typo in the

MiscPeripherals has the ability to extract via its ME Bridge so I don't really want to work on that aspect, I do have a couple of ideas I am working on to differentiate my peripheral though


Now that MiscPeripherals is somewhat shelved, and neither openperipheral or yours have the ability to extract from the network, will you think about reconsidering this stance?

I am currently working on a map where using AE for rewards/handin would be amazing, especially using the quantum bridge etc. I can currently check for an item fine, but returning a reward is tricky and requires a very roundabout solution at present.

Edit: Forgot to mention that we are making the map for 1.6.4,

I think i may look into item extraction yeah, not sure i can get to it for 1.6.* but once AE has gone through its refactor i may review then
Viproz #36
Posted 03 January 2014 - 03:21 PM
Any news about that mod ? It would be awesome if we could retrive item from an AE network with a turtle !
expodingpenguin #37
Posted 07 January 2014 - 09:20 AM
Hi! I saw that you already answered this once, but I'm not quite sure if its like a case-by-case basis, so I was wondering if i could include your mod in my custom modpack. A link here will be given as well as full credit.
Thanks for reading! -Expoding
ingie #38
Posted 27 January 2014 - 02:13 PM
Any news about that mod ? It would be awesome if we could retrive item from an AE network with a turtle !

not to say that this mod shouldn't be able to as well, but you already can with OpenPeripherals… [ additional thought to Pharabus, you could perhaps detect OP and if it's not installed, then you could just add a getitem method - but if you don't want to cross onto OP's territory, disable it if the user has that mod installed also - as some people may just want one, some people the other, some both - maybe you could come to a mutually happy agreement with the Openthings team ]

wrap the AE controller with a turtle, then use the extract( stack, direction ) method on the ae peripheral.

e.g. if i have a turtle facing the south of an AE controller:

ae = peripheral.wrap("front")
ae.extract( { ["id"] = 1 } , "south" )

it will "plop" a single stone block into the turtle's inventory.


ae = peripheral.wrap("front")
ae.extract( { ["id"] = 4, ["qty"] = 10 } , "south" )

will plop 10 cobble into your turtle… :)/>

edit: also, perhaps obviously, if your turtle is on another face, but you have an inventory -say, a chest- to the south, then this will still work and place the items into the chest [ it'll work with anything which is an inventory, i presume ]
Edited on 27 January 2014 - 01:21 PM
Mr_Freezeex #39
Posted 10 February 2014 - 03:57 PM
Hi! I saw that you already answered this once, but I'm not quite sure if its like a case-by-case basis, so I was wondering if i could include your mod in my custom modpack. A link here will be given as well as full credit.
Thanks for reading! -Expoding
I'm in the same case, I would like to put my modpack on the FTB Launcher to make a private server pack and for this I need to have all the permission of modders, so can I put your mod in my modpack…
Thank and sorry for my bad english…
PhatClowns #40
Posted 20 February 2014 - 01:50 AM
Was thinking about combining an AE peripheral to make a RedNet marketplace to trade between multiple ME Networks (using a subnetwork between Quantum links). Would that be possible or am I just dreaming?
Selim #41
Posted 23 April 2014 - 04:36 PM
I assume you plan on updating to 1.7 when CC does?
HarryBoy #42
Posted 17 May 2014 - 04:46 PM
Im using a Mac and I've tried to download AE manytimes and i cant get the .jar file to convert to a .zip file any advise?
Lyqyd #43
Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:01 PM
Why would you even need the jar to "convert to" a zip?
steven6282 #44
Posted 18 May 2014 - 04:34 AM
I don't know if the mod writer still checks this thread or not since I don't see any updates to the mod recently. But if so, is there any chance of getting a version of this for MC 1.6.4 with a fix for the API change in Applied Energistics? Specifically in this file on line 113 this:

gi.craftingRequest(new ItemStack(Id, howMany, damage));

changes to:

gi.craftingRequest(new ItemStack(Id, howMany, damage),true,true);

See this thread here for more information on why:

I've been trying all day to see if there is anyway for me to make this change myself, but have had no luck. Just one error or another, not a noob to programming, but have never done minecraft modding and I can't seem to get any of the recompiling to work. I tried using the source from your github there and if I just export it to a jar it complains about NoFieldError in BlockAEPeripheral when setting the super(id,Material.iron). Then I tried using a decompiled version, and it complains about function field_7712 not found blah blah. I'm guessing the problem is it needs to be recompiled and the obfuscated but, the recompile and reobs bat files in MCP just throw errors at me and do nothing lol. I even tried just transplanting the one class file into the original 1.6.4 zip that I found on page 2, hoping that would work, and it got my greatest success in the fact that the mod actually loaded and placed a block in the world, but yet I somehow managed to mess up the texture by doing that, as well as all it would tell me when I tried to request stuff is "No Power"! *sigh*

I have a program I'm working on in CC that requires accurate information about what is being crafted currently, however, with the way the craftingRequest is done in this mod currently (as well as in OpenPeripherals), it doesn't show up in the crafting monitor so there is no way to know if something is currently being worked on or not after being submitted.
Edited on 18 May 2014 - 02:37 AM
steven6282 #45
Posted 18 May 2014 - 05:14 AM
Ah ha!! It all finally clicked into place and I figured out part of what I've been doing wrong haha. Makes perfect sense now, I was using the wrong stuff from the dan200 (CC) and AppEng mods, instead of using their proper API, was using decompiled API, which was just messed up hehe. Once I got that sorted, MCP recompile and reobfs worked, and yay it's working now! The change I suggested above fixed the problem, so crafting requests through an AEPeripheral correctly display in the crafting monitor. :)/>
remie #46
Posted 09 August 2014 - 12:00 AM
Ah ha!! It all finally clicked into place and I figured out part of what I've been doing wrong haha. Makes perfect sense now, I was using the wrong stuff from the dan200 (CC) and AppEng mods, instead of using their proper API, was using decompiled API, which was just messed up hehe. Once I got that sorted, MCP recompile and reobfs worked, and yay it's working now! The change I suggested above fixed the problem, so crafting requests through an AEPeripheral correctly display in the crafting monitor. :)/>
Could you share your modded version with us, I would also like to use this mod with the new version :)/>
Linrox #47
Posted 08 May 2015 - 06:13 AM
Is this mod dead?
I have not seen any updates here for sometime.
Bomb Bloke #48
Posted 08 May 2015 - 06:43 AM
If you're asking whether it'll be updated for modern versions of ComputerCraft, given that the author hasn't logged onto these forums in well over a year, I'd say the answer is "no".
flaghacker #49
Posted 09 May 2015 - 07:50 AM
Sorry for the necro-discussion, but you might want to check out the openperipherals mod. It allows you to wrap applied energistics blocks &amp; blocks from other mods as peripherals.