Posted 14 May 2013 - 01:54 PM
So I got this idea yesterday for some reason and decided I wanted to try and actually make it happen. I know this probably has been done many times before, but here's my take on it.
Turtle: The "Roguelike"
This program lets you control and "play as" a turtle kinda like if it was a roguelike game.
The programs must be run on a wireless mining turtle and an avanced computer with a modem attached to the top.
The controls are somewhat like the controls in Rogue.

The server:

Turtle: The "Roguelike"
This program lets you control and "play as" a turtle kinda like if it was a roguelike game.
The programs must be run on a wireless mining turtle and an avanced computer with a modem attached to the top.
The controls are somewhat like the controls in Rogue.
- a: Mine a block (The 'a' key uses an item such as a pickaxe in NetHack, that is why I chose it)
- p: Place a block
- s: Quick search
- S: Identifying search – Identifies the blocks around you and colors them.
- hjkl: Move around (left, down, up and right respectively)
- q: Quit
- The item selection sucks: It doesn't know which of the turtle's slots actually contains items and there's no way to view more detailed information.
- You have no way to know which blocks are which color if you don't look at the code.
- Mobs in the way of the turtle make it unable to move, but you can't see them.
- Probably a bunch of other things I didn't think about…
The client:
The server:

- 1.0-supersneakyquickupdatethatnobodywillhopefullynotice: Made the turtle open the needed modem channel.