Download: Mediafire
You might want to use the ARP peripheral with it.
Adds 3 Different Blocks
Don't use non-existing BlockID's, they will crash Minecraft
Don't use non-existing ItemID's or Air, they will also crash Minecraft
Don't use non-existing EntityID's, they will crash Minecraft
Next Release:
Blocks now have models and a SUPER HARD RECIPE, Updated to 1.2.5.
Beta: Mediafire
Version: 1.1
Added Entity Spawner
Version: 1.0
First offical release
Renamed to Thing Spawner
Version: 1.0b
Added any item getter thinggy.
Made Cheat Block Transparent.
Version: 1.0a
Lets you get any block
Planned Features:
Block Spawner won't place non existing block IDs
Make real crafting recpies
Port to MC 1.2.4 and CC 1.32 (Can someone do this for me?)
Spawn Multiple Ender Dragons :)/>/>
Functions for Block Spawner(one smooth stone)
setBlockID(number BlockID)
Sets the BlockID to add.
Adds the selected BlockID above the peripheral
Functions for Item Spawner(one cobblestone)
setItemID(number ItemID)
Sets the ItemID to add. (BlockID work too)
Spits the item out from the top.
Functions for Entity Spawner(one stone brick)
setEntityID(number EntityID)
Sets the EntityID to add.
Adds the selected EntityID above the peripheral as an Entity