First, let me introduce myself; i'm a Belgian player of Mineraft for… ho, a long time! And for a few months i'm using CC!
I'm also administrator on a server using CC (and others like RP2, IC2, …)
Why i'm posting here today is to show you my project:
The HBS: The Huge Banking System
The Huge Banking System is a complete network made of terminals (ATM), DNS servers, action servers, and database servers.
You'll be able to go to an ATM with you card (floppy) or with just a code (don't know yet) and withdraw money from your bank account.
The system is very secure because none of the terminals have any information/permissions on bank accounts: only databases servers have the information's, and only action servers may work on databases !
To be more secure, all equipment are doubled or tripled like this drawing:

As you can see, it's very secure !
Right now, i'm building the DATA-CENTER and all his other's building…
Tell me if you are interested in, if you are, i'll publish picture often of the project and all the programs required :)/>/>