Posted 26 May 2013 - 07:43 PM
So this is what you'd do
[Just so you know you'll need to use an advanced monitor and computer.]
(P.S this is completely from scratch, haven't tried it myself)
[Just so you know you'll need to use an advanced monitor and computer.]
event = os.pullEvent() --sets event to the events that occur around the computer
if event == "monitor_click" then --checks if the event is a monitor click
___event, player = os.pullEvent("player") --the underscore represents tab(I'm on mobile)
___if player == *insert name* then --checks to see if the player whom clicked the monitor is the player
______ rs.setOutput("*insertside*", true) --sends a redstone output out the computer
___else --does below if not the player written
______peripheral.warp("*insert monitor's side*").write("ACCESS DENIED") --sends text to monitor
If you don't understand or didn't work please write so.(P.S this is completely from scratch, haven't tried it myself)