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Lazy Nub Sugar Cane Farmer v0.01a

Started by LazyNub, 31 May 2013 - 04:54 AM
LazyNub #1
Posted 31 May 2013 - 06:54 AM
Lazy Nub's Sugar Cane Harvester v0.01a

This program will teach your turtle how to
harvest a micro farm of sugar cane crops.

Things you will need are:

1 Turtle (Felling,digging,mining does not matter)
1 chest (wood,iron,gold,diamond you pick)
1 bucket of water
4 pieces of sugar cane to plant
and a fuel source like coal. (fueling slot is slot 1)

Link to you tube video: [media][/media]
Link to updated Economy video: [media][/media]
Link to post of program:
Pastebin link:

Type the following into your turtle to load program: (Must have http enabled)
pastebin get wG6EartB sugarfarm

There are two modes you can run the harvester in:
Regular and Economy
In Regular mode you will need to supply fuel to use it.
In Economy mode you need no fuel in the turtle to use it.

Just start the program as normal to use regular mode.
To enter economy mode start the program with /e after the program name.

ie: sugarfarm /e
tmdart #2
Posted 20 January 2015 - 11:39 AM
I have been using your program to keep sugar cane pumping into a Mekanism Bio Fuel Generator. I have made a slight modification to your code to reverse the normal and economy modes. In my version you just start the program as normal if you want to use economy mode, or you type /n to open normal mode. This has allowed me to name the file startup to be able to help keep the turtle running all the time. I have fully given credit to you for the original code.

How I personally use my modified program:

pastebin get BXwFpnnc startup

or I can name the program anything else, for instance sugarfarm, and then type "sugarfarm /n" to get the original normal mode started.