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Another virus. We know we love them.

Started by libraryaddict, 17 April 2012 - 06:43 AM
libraryaddict #1
Posted 17 April 2012 - 08:43 AM

First off you need this all in one line.
Just save it to one file.
Run it.
You now have a infected system.
This is pretty harmless atm.
If it is 5pm then it displays "Go to bed"
if it is 6pm+ then it says that then shuts down.

It is meant to be invisible so dont expect it to start shooting fireworks.
It hides itself on one line so until that line is activated, The whole system isnt infected for sure :\
Does disks too.

I wrote this from scratch as I wanted to learn for myself.

If you want to activate your own malicious code just get rid of the end of the code I given.

There may be bugs like "reinstalling a virus on a infected file"

gl finding a infected file without a script.

Its easy to detect the virus atm :\
If you make a script to detect it…
Leo Verto #2
Posted 17 April 2012 - 03:06 PM
Wow this is amazing!
I might use this, but that would mean retyping it. :)/>/>

Actually, what does it exactly do? Can I control it via rednet or somehow?
cant_delete_account #3
Posted 17 April 2012 - 06:29 PM
Easy, I have a shell modify on my server. Meaning it will check programs before they even run.
Also, I've modifed the BIOS and edited functions like print(), write(), and sleep() so they check the file they're running from before they execute they're action.
libraryaddict #4
Posted 20 April 2012 - 07:19 AM
Wow this is amazing!
I might use this, but that would mean retyping it. :)/>/>

Actually, what does it exactly do? Can I control it via rednet or somehow?

Sorry for the extremely late reply.

But this virus distributes itself by running every time the line it is on is run.
It then gets a list of all the files it can touch then inserts itself into them.

You could use this to distribute itself and at a certain date run code inside it to nuke everything.
Bring down a entire server that at one point tried out that code of yours but didn't like it..
Well. When I say a server. I may the computers.

Atm the only code I have is the computers at 5pm ingame time displaying "Go to bed"
Then 6pm it shuts down.

Very harmless. It still is distributing itself.

You could have it use rednet, So when the code is run it broadcasts "Im a infected Computer! Commands?" and waits for a reply which dictates what it does. Then if it doesnt get a reply in time then it nukes itself or just carry on working until its next called.

You can put almost any code into this.
Just backspace every new line so it is all in one line, Make sure its correct then replace that go to bed code.
That was more like a example
Leo Verto #5
Posted 20 April 2012 - 11:53 AM
I think, I have a good use for this virus, but I would need a system to prevent it from going through my firewalls.