So I'm starting a turtle wireless api. The main goal is to create a turtle that is controllable by wireless, will give user feedback (i.e. scanning the area around it and sending back true/false responses for blocks existing or not.), and will operate a few programs. Eventually I'll develop a simple api for controlling it from a console, and a few programs to demonstrate the possibilities, as well as a way to operate it via skynet or other wireless network.

The final goal is to make a wireless control program that will let me operate my turtles at any distance from my house, with feedback and control as if I were standing next to the turtle. this way I can mine virtually wherever I want, whenever I want. The other (awesome) application of this is that on a multiplayer tekkit server with this installed, I could send a turtle over to my enemies houses, destroy part of their nuclear reactor, and blow them to smithereens, all from the safety of my bunker :)/>/>

Obviously the final goal is a long way off (mostly the skynet/wireless network system, I'm not really a fan of how most of these types of apis/programs work, so I haven't really bothered to use them, and thus it'll take me awhile to learn), but within a week or so I expect to have a functioning api that allows for simple rednet control of mining turtles. This way I can set them up to have them go over lava to get that elusive piece of uranium or diamond at no personal risk :)/>/>

Documentation: Coming soon!!

Expect a public release here and on cc-get around the end of this coming week or the beginning of the next week.

Anyone interested in helping out can post links to prior creations in this thread. Expect lots of recursion. Not even sure if it's proper to do recursion in cc lua, but damn the rules, FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!