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Apt-Get : A Simple Script/Program Downloader

Started by Thib0704, 07 July 2013 - 09:56 AM
Thib0704 #1
Posted 07 July 2013 - 11:56 AM

Version Beta 1.0

Apt-get is a simple package downloader with download pkg from my webserver
Its based-off the regular Apt-Get From Linux Operating Systems

Note : The HTTP API Must be enabled for Apt-Get to Work

Why did I make Apt-Get :

Because I hate always having to type pastebin ID's !
isn't it easier to remember a name ?

Features :
As of Version Beta 1.0 :
- Download files using the programs name ie : apt-get install firewolf
- Remove files using the programs name ie : apt-get remove firewolf
- To add Files in my Database you must email me with this email :

Planned Features :
- An API so developers can simply Access/download/execute Files
- A Dependency System so Developers don't have to worry downloading a Second file
- A Working Update System

- I will soon make an html script that will add your script/program to the database

Be sure to give me idea's in the comment section.

Packages list :
- firewolf v 1.5 - GravityScore and 1Lann
- luaIDE v 1.0 - GravityScore
- pkgmake v 1.0 - Oeed
Be sure to check out to add packages !

How to add Files into my Database :
Simply send me a email with the subject name : [Apt-Get] Add-File <Your Username>
and the content with your program code or the Pastebin ID :/
I will soon make a web script to add programs to the database.

Credits :
Developers :
- Thib0704 ( me )
Helpers :
- GravityScore ( For Helping me make the php scripts )

And Finaly The Download
pastebin ID : 4nEH8ucm D: or
boudragon #2
Posted 08 July 2013 - 10:50 AM
Good in theory… but let's go over a couple things.
  1. How do we know your database is secure?
  2. Is your database going to be around when we need it? Meaning if you can't afford to keep up with it or whatever… what happens to this program?
  3. Pastebin is a well-known site, has been around for quite some time and it's doubtful it will go down anytime soon.
  4. I posted a Pastebin Uploader/Downloader Lite which makes it a little easier but still requires the Pastebin ID.
Thib0704 #3
Posted 08 July 2013 - 11:09 AM
1. Well yea in theory my database is secure its running on my Debian server !
2. It will be on as long as I need my server, so in theory for a couple years :P/> !
3. Yes I know Pastebin is Not going to go down any time soon My program is just a ComputerCraft (Only) Program Repo .
4. Ok, Cranium did the same program with SmartPaste.

If you need more question's answerd PM me or Email me.
boudragon #4
Posted 08 July 2013 - 11:24 AM
Ok so basically it's a downloader for just your server… I would assume this program can be altered then to work on say my server? Or anyone else yes? If that's the case I can see it's use… but… a little much to set up all to do the same thing as Pastebin. Don't get me wrong it's a good idea to have a server within the game but it just seems like more work than it's worth.

Also, I know there are probably 1000 people who have made a similar "SmartPaste" program… each one is different though. Mine is simple and includes no user login feature where others have the ability to login and paste directly to your own account instead of as a guest. Either way we are all making SOMETHING from nothing. So please don't get me wrong… I applaud the work and effort… just saying it makes a little more work for the server admins to run. That's all :)/>
Thib0704 #5
Posted 08 July 2013 - 11:50 AM
You just gave me an idea !
I will soon add a functionality so people could Add repo's in a file .
boudragon #6
Posted 08 July 2013 - 11:51 AM
See?! LOL Everything can be improved or made different. BTW… you see the irony in making this and then saying you can get it from Pastebin? LMAO!
Thib0704 #7
Posted 08 July 2013 - 11:52 AM
boudragon #8
Posted 08 July 2013 - 11:54 AM
Also… if you wouldn't mind reviewing a login program I made… I would greatly appreciate it! It's listed in this forum… you can't miss it. It's called BouTech System Login.
Thib0704 #9
Posted 08 July 2013 - 11:56 AM
Ok, Will do !
Zudo #10
Posted 08 July 2013 - 12:56 PM
Why does no one call a package manager YUM? Its Pacman and apt-get nothing else!