Posted 15 July 2013 - 05:49 AM
CraftPackager is a program created by me that can package a single directory (even the root directory) into an installer file. This is very useful for OS developers who want to create an installer file for their systems.
pastebin get uTApBb6h pack
Interested in how it works?
The program looks for all files and folders in the current directory it is run in. It records what each file has inside of them and what folder has what files and folders inside of them, and so on, into a table. Then the program creates a file with the table and that program unpacks the table into files and folders. Very simple, but a bit hard to program.
How to use it
All you have to do is run the program. Whatever directory you run it from it will package. Example: you are in the root directory and the program is in a directory called "hello," so you do "hello/pack." It will package everything in the root directory.
The installer dumps all files in the same way, in the directory you run it from.
I don't know what else to add. Just give credits if you use this as an installer for your load of programs and folders.