Posted 17 July 2013 - 07:07 AM
Music Composition
With this software you can:
- Create
- Store
- Play
- Edit
Like the NBS file format?
Like the MIDI file format?
Well you can convert all your songs from these formats into a smaller format, created specifically for playing music with noteblocks.
Like the MIDI file format?
Well you can convert all your songs from these formats into a smaller format, created specifically for playing music with noteblocks.
Runs with the MiscPeripherals extension mod, utilising the power of the iron noteblock!
Download the exciting new API - progress - presenting you with an easy to use progress bar in any other program you can get your (good &) greedy hands on.
Available on pastebin:
- compose -
- conV -
- progress -
I'm glad I found this section, been trying to show off some of my work for a while now.
EDIT: There's an updated version now which doesn't fit under this Title, http://www.computerc...ic-composition/
Edited on 17 August 2013 - 10:24 AM