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Terminal 1.0 By 8000 And Mick

Started by Mickvvt1, 18 July 2013 - 02:43 AM
Mickvvt1 #1
Posted 18 July 2013 - 04:43 AM
Title: Terminal Version 1.0

Hello guys at the moment i'm still a noob at lua and my friend is really good so we got together and made this small program.
I am happy for you guys to download it onto your computers. Remember Advanced Computers Only.

Direct Pastebin Download Code For Computer:
Link To Pastebin:

There Will Be 1.2 Out Soon With At Least 3 New Features So Subscribe To The Fourm
Please dont copy the program and take credit
Secondary Programmer: Mickvvt

We will be posting a youtube video on my new channel soon:
Tjakka5 #2
Posted 18 July 2013 - 05:15 AM

This first prints a box, with PowerToggle, credits, and logout…
Then… It has a fake loading 'screen' of 0.8 seconds.
If you click something, it takes 3.2 seconds to react..
And further more, it's just a bad CraftOS.

Overall, Its good written, but it's useless.

EDIT: Well, it doesnt even run programs, so this is a overcomplicated way to turn redstone on.
Mickvvt1 #3
Posted 18 July 2013 - 06:38 AM
PowerToggle Send A 1Second Redstone Signal Out The Bottom As A Power Control.
We Will Be Adding Cool Things Like Easy Coding, Alarms, And Much More The Loading Screen Is The Waiting Screen For The Redstone To Toggle.
Tjakka5 #4
Posted 18 July 2013 - 06:42 AM
Then why did you release it now?
Also, Advanced Computers are clickable, use it!
Zudo #5
Posted 19 July 2013 - 03:00 AM
No such program

I called it "term" and your code tries:"Terminal")
-- How about