24 posts
Posted 21 July 2013 - 03:55 AM
Some builds have the user putting monitors into walls, which causes issues from having to have a computer attached to it. It's less aesthetically pleasing having a monitor sitting on top of a computer, which looks like another monitor, or having RP2 covers jutting out of the wall. It could also cause a security risk. Especially on servers that let users use items like chests or touchscreen monitors in the spawn area, but not break blocks. Having a cover over the computer would stop users from being able to tamper with it. As it is currently server owners in this instance would have to sacrifice aesthetics or security.
My suggestion is to make at least the computers and wireless modem slightly smaller or have a smaller version of them, so the user can place covers around them within the same block. That way users can have monitors displaying messages, and have the computer receiving instructions hidden and inaccessible to other users inside the wall.
EDIT: Using Minecraft 1.4.7 with Direwolf's 5.3.2 modpack.
808 posts
Posted 21 July 2013 - 06:08 AM
Couple of problems with this. First, you'd have to use buildcraft facades instead of redpower covers because redpower has no API isn't even updated for MC 1.6.
Second, you can hide the computer away somewhere else via network cables if security is a concern
As for aesthetics, there are many great ways to hide the network cables or computers that look fine.
All that said, I wouldn't mind some BC facade support ;)/> I know they don't want to involve the BC license or any of that but a lot of mods do it and it doesn't seem so bad for them.
24 posts
Posted 21 July 2013 - 06:24 AM
Couple of problems with this. First, you'd have to use buildcraft facades instead of redpower covers because redpower has no API isn't even updated for MC 1.6.
Second, you can hide the computer away somewhere else via network cables if security is a concern
As for aesthetics, there are many great ways to hide the network cables or computers that look fine.
All that said, I wouldn't mind some BC facade support ;)/> I know they don't want to involve the BC license or any of that but a lot of mods do it and it doesn't seem so bad for them.
In my experience Facades don't work unless there's a pipe behind it. It would also be handy to be able to put covers around monitors.
And RedPower isn't updated to 1.6
808 posts
Posted 21 July 2013 - 07:19 AM
In my experience Facades don't work unless there's a pipe behind it. It would also be handy to be able to put covers around monitors.
And RedPower isn't updated to 1.6 yet.
I too am hopeful that eloraam hasn't given up. Realistically, lots of mods skipped 1.5 for 1.6 and are still not updated. But it's been 7 months since the last release. And none of this changes that you can't use RP2 microblocks in any mods because it's not an open API.
BC facades aren't technically an API of BuildCraft as far as I know. But BC is open source and lots of mods have implemented the functionality needed for facades to work on their blocks. For example, Applied Energistics.
But ChickenBones recently released an API called Forge Multipart which is like RP2 multiblocks, but is actually a lot better. Currently no mods use it, so there's no way to actually get the micro block parts, but eventually we'll see them. And if all goes well, this will be pulled into forge itself, and CC can make network cables multipart blocks.
But all in all, we're not going to see covers or anything like that be able to cover the sides of a block that takes up the full block space, and CC isn't likely to change their block models any time soon. This suggestion just isn't going to happen.
1243 posts
Indiana, United States
Posted 21 July 2013 - 10:07 AM
In my experience Facades don't work unless there's a pipe behind it. It would also be handy to be able to put covers around monitors.
And RedPower isn't updated to 1.6 yet.
You didn't address network cables. Those alone make this suggestion useless.
24 posts
Posted 21 July 2013 - 12:13 PM
In my experience Facades don't work unless there's a pipe behind it. It would also be handy to be able to put covers around monitors.
And RedPower isn't updated to 1.6 yet.
I too am hopeful that eloraam hasn't given up. Realistically, lots of mods skipped 1.5 for 1.6 and are still not updated. But it's been 7 months since the last release. And none of this changes that you can't use RP2 microblocks in any mods because it's not an open API.
BC facades aren't technically an API of BuildCraft as far as I know. But BC is open source and lots of mods have implemented the functionality needed for facades to work on their blocks. For example, Applied Energistics.
But ChickenBones recently released an API called Forge Multipart which is like RP2 multiblocks, but is actually a lot better. Currently no mods use it, so there's no way to actually get the micro block parts, but eventually we'll see them. And if all goes well, this will be pulled into forge itself, and CC can make network cables multipart blocks.
But all in all, we're not going to see covers or anything like that be able to cover the sides of a block that takes up the full block space, and CC isn't likely to change their block models any time soon. This suggestion just isn't going to happen.
Whether it's RP2 multiblocks or chicken chunks ones, I don't see why this suggestion wouldn't happen. I'm sure a lot of people would find it useful, even you. And with all due respect you don't seem to be part of the mod team, so I don't know how you can know what will or won't be done. Unless you've seen some sort of official word on the subject.
Oh and according to Eloraam's twitter, as of last month she hasn't given up on updating RP2.
In my experience Facades don't work unless there's a pipe behind it. It would also be handy to be able to put covers around monitors.
And RedPower isn't updated to 1.6 yet.
You didn't address network cables. Those alone make this suggestion useless.
Well firstly, there's no network cables in Computercraft for 1.4.7 (Using Direwolf20's mod mack version 5.3.2). Secondly, the suggestion wouldn't be useless either way. Even if there was network cables, there's still tons of reasons to use this suggestion to hide computers and the back and sides of monitors.
1243 posts
Indiana, United States
Posted 21 July 2013 - 12:58 PM
You're not going to get this feature in 1.4.7 even if it was implemented; that's two major MC versions back.
60 posts
Posted 21 July 2013 - 01:28 PM
You're not going to get this feature in 1.4.7 even if it was implemented; that's two major MC versions back.
He would if Direwolf's modpack was updated to 1.6.x :P/>
1243 posts
Indiana, United States
Posted 21 July 2013 - 01:46 PM
Again, MC 1.4.7 is not going to receive any more CC updates past 1.5.
24 posts
Posted 21 July 2013 - 11:53 PM
You're not going to get this feature in 1.4.7 even if it was implemented; that's two major MC versions back.
He would if Direwolf's modpack was updated to 1.6.x :P/>
Direwolf pack won't update because lots of mods
Again, MC 1.4.7 is not going to receive any more CC updates past 1.5.
Regardless of what version I'm using It's still a good idea and should be implemented when ever RP2 gets updated and/or using those chicken chunk microblocks.
8543 posts
Posted 22 July 2013 - 12:42 AM
Wired networking cables solve the problem this suggestion purports to solve.
24 posts
Posted 22 July 2013 - 01:41 AM
Wired networking cables solve the problem this suggestion purports to solve.
Not really it doesn't. The point of the suggestion was for computers and monitors to not show through walls.

Sure RP2 isn't updated, but I don't see why this couldn't happen when it is or using that chicken chunks thing that was mentioned.
8543 posts
Posted 22 July 2013 - 10:26 AM
Oh, of course you could apply a cover to the block behind the computer screen. I don't think it would make any sense to reduce the size of the monitor just so there would be room in the block for a cover as well. It makes even less sense if you were to want the sides to be the same.
3790 posts
Lincoln, Nebraska
Posted 22 July 2013 - 11:37 AM
Make your walls three blocks thick. That's what I do. Computer in the center, monitors/peripherals on the outside. The 'crawlspace' in between is accessed with a separate standalone computer.
1548 posts
That dark shadow under your bed...
Posted 23 July 2013 - 10:16 AM
In my base(s) all the walls are actually 2 walls with a gap in between for sneaky passageways, sensors, traps, utilities and other workings. I would also advise you to follow Cranium's advice. It really helps as many mods need the space. Not just CC
171 posts
Eastern USA
Posted 23 July 2013 - 10:44 PM
Use Immibis's microblocks. You'll have to manually tell them about network cables, though. I think there's a reason he doesn't do this for you but I don't know what it is.