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Safe Password Program V1.0

Started by PappleFruit, 27 July 2013 - 07:38 AM
PappleFruit #1
Posted 27 July 2013 - 09:38 AM
You are having sensible data on your CC-Computer? You don't want anyone finding these files for example on a server? Then this ultra-safe password program is the right thing for you!

This password program is made for locking your computer with a password, so no one can access it. You will need two computers with a wireless modem on them to run this program. It has an encryption algorithm in it, so even if some bastard gets access to your computer(s), (s)he won't be able to get your password.
This password software is using two different scripts running on two different computers. One computer is the main computer that you want to lock, the other one is receiving the password via rednet and encrypting it. Then it compares the encrypted password with the real password, that you have to type in encrypted as well. Both computers have a Termination-Lock, so this software is almost hack-safe.

Source Codes:



You will have to download three programs in order to be able to run this program. One is for the PC, that you want to log in with, one is for the PC that checks your password and one is to convert your password into an encrypted one. To get the programs, just simply type the following in your computers.

pastebin get GqrdckSw startup


pastebin get cuCXZAM6 startup


pastebin get pgXhjGAe algorithm


In order to use this password software, you will probably have to make some code changes. In the program for the Login-PC you will have to type in the following:

edit startup

Now you can see the source code of the login script. Go to line 4 and change the "1" to the id of the PC, that checks the password. You can get the ID by simply typing "id" in the computer. You will have to do the same thing at the checking PC, however, there you have to type in the id of the Login-PC. In the Check-PC, you also have to change the username and password in line 14 and 15. Peter and John were only examples. To get your encrypted password, just simply run the algorithm program on any computer and type in the password you would like to have. Also, it is highly recommended to change the username and password in line 36, as people, who know this program, can simply get access to your computer by typing in the default Termination username and password (User: "Terminate", Password: "Cancel"). After you did that, just save the changes by hitting "Ctrl" and "Enter".

I hope you like this program and find use for it. Suggestions and bug reports are always appreciated. :)/>
Thanks to Symmetryc for coding the character to number algorithm for me! ;)/>
jesusthekiller #2
Posted 28 July 2013 - 06:42 PM
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