Posted 29 July 2013 - 11:07 PM
This OS turns your cc terminal into the interface from the hit show Code: LYOKO!
This is a WIP, just thought id start here :P/>.
But we do have a beta release!
I present to you…LyokOS v 2.0!
In this version there is a few bugs, but besides that everything's good as new!
first the features: the .zip file
2.extract it to your computers directory
3.load up the computer and your good to go!
Seem simple enough good? You want pics? Fine.
Aelita chat:
This is a WIP, just thought id start here :P/>.
But we do have a beta release!
I present to you…LyokOS v 2.0!
In this version there is a few bugs, but besides that everything's good as new!
first the features:
- Added Desktop
- Added [Begin] menu(DO NOT USE)
- Added Console button ([Console])
- Added Command Console window
- Added Aelita chat ( the window Jeremie used to skype with Aelita in season 1)
- Added shutdown and restart commands
- Added superscann
- [Begin] menu cause computer to freeze
- Aelita looks odd
- Commands sometimes go off the prompt window
- shutdown and restart commands work now, but are case sensistive, like all the commands.
- Aelita(opens Aelita chat)
- superScann(opens the superscann, no activated towers yet)
- Shutdown and Rebbot(uh, duh) the .zip file
2.extract it to your computers directory
3.load up the computer and your good to go!
Seem simple enough good? You want pics? Fine.
Aelita chat: