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Billy - Löve-Esque Program/api Thing

Started by billysback, 21 August 2013 - 04:41 PM
billysback #1
Posted 21 August 2013 - 06:41 PM
I was bored, so made this. Something that I, personally, think I am actually going to get use out of, which makes a change.
Please excuse the name, it was temporary at first but then I used it to much…

you run the program, so "billy", followed by the name of the billy-program you want to run and and parameters you want to run it with, for example:

billy example 15 10
And that's it.

SpoilerNOTE: further details on each function can be found in the code, above the function, in a comment.
if you have any suggestions on anything I can add, I'll be happy to add it

Billy documentation;

Functions and run down of billy table:
	billy - main table, global
	billy.dump - a table used to store your own variables, to stop cluttering of _G
	billy.time - the current game-clock time
	billy.load() - function to override, called at the start of the program
	billy.update() - function to override, called every 0.05 seconds
	billy.draw() - function to override, called every 0.05 seconds, return true if you wish to render that frame
	billy.event(event, p1, p2, p3) - function to override, called every time an event occurs that isn't overridden by billy
	billy.quit() - function to override, called when the program is exited
	billy.keys - a table configuration for the keys used in billy
		billy.keys.used - a table containing all the key-codes used by billy
			billy.keys.used[29] - 29 (left Ctrl) is the only button used by billy currently
		billy.keys.quit = 29 - the button used to quit
	billy.misc - a table containing random functions
		billy.misc.flipTable(table) - function that returns a table containing the input table's numerical index and values in reverse order
		billy.misc.split(string, pattern) - returns a table of the string split up by the pattern - the billy graphics library - contains all the data used to draw graphics objects - the background colour of the object - the background colour of the object - the size of the shape, irrelevant currently - the character used to draw the object - sets the background colour - sets the background colour - sets the text colour - sets the text colour - sets the size - sets the char, y1, x2, y2) - draws a line - creates a shape/polygon - draws a shape, p2, p3) - creates a triangle, different to createShape - fills in a triangle table returned from createTriangle, returns in shape format, p2, p3, p4) - creates and returns a quadrilateral shape filled in, radius, fill) - creates a circle in shape format
	billy.IO - the billy IO library
		billy.IO.getLines(dir) - gets the lines of a file
		billy.IO.writeLines(dir, lines) - overrides or creates a file and writes the given lines in the file
		billy.IO.addLines(dir, lines) - adds lines in to a file
	billy.image - the billy image library
		billy.image.createImageTable(dir) - creates an image-table table out of a file
		billy.image.getImage(imagetable, name) - gets an image with a certain name out of an imagetable
	billy.bufferAPI - the billy buffer API (I would ignore this part)
		billy.bufferAPI.curCols - a table containing information for the buffer.
		billy.bufferAPI.buffer_details - a table containing buffer details
		billy.bufferAPI.getColorTab(char, background, text) - a function for use in the buffer
		billy.bufferAPI.addColorTab(col) - a function for use in the buffer
		billy.bufferAPI.createColor(char, background, text) - a function for use in the buffer
		billy.bufferAPI.createPixel(x, y, col) - a function for use in the buffer
		billy.bufferAPI.createBuffer() - creates and returns a buffer
	billy.buffer - the billy buffer, recommended instead of term API, can override term API
		billy.buffer.width - the width of the screen
		billy.buffer.height - the height of the screen
		billy.buffer.changes - a table for use in the buffer
		billy.buffer.changed - a table for use in the buffer
		billy.buffer.term - the standard term table, so that it's safe to override - the current changes of pixels per frame
		billy.buffer[x][y] - returns a "pixel" table
		billy.buffer:get(x, y) - returns the pixel at x,y or nil if there is none
		billy.buffer:check(x, y) - returns true/false if that pixel has changed or not
		billy.buffer:set(x, y, col) - sets the pixel at x,y to that colour
		billy.buffer:render() - renders the buffer, automatically done when returning true on billy.draw()
		billy.buffer:setBuffer() - sets the current in-use buffer to this, as long as you are only using 1 buffer don't worry about this
		billy.buffer.setCursorPos(x, y) - sets the cursor position to x, y
		billy.buffer.setBackgroundColor(col) - sets the background colour to col
		billy.buffer.setTextColor(col) - sets the text colour to col
		billy.buffer.getSize() - returns width,height of the screen
		billy.buffer.writeChar(char, ox, oy) - writes a single character "char" with the offset ox,oy
		billy.buffer.write(string) - writes a string
		billy.buffer.clear() - clears the screen, setting it all to the current background colour
		billy.buffer:reset() - does the same as billy.buffer.clear()

Spoilerat a 0.25 second interval it makes a randomly sized pink circle in a random place on the screen, as standard for billy Left Ctrl is quit

billy.load = function()
	billy.dump.OLD_TERM = term
	term = billy.buffer

billy.dump.lastTime = billy.time
billy.draw = function()
	if billy.time-billy.dump.lastTime >= 5 then
		local pos = {math.random(term.width), math.random(term.height)}
		local circle =, math.random(3, 5), true)
		billy.dump.lastTime = billy.time
		return true

billy.quit = function()
	term = billy.dump.OLD_TERM


Thanks :)/>
Zudo #2
Posted 22 August 2013 - 01:34 AM
This is pretty cool :D/>
joshmanisdabomb #3
Posted 22 August 2013 - 08:30 AM
I was about to start something like this! :(/>
But anyway, this looks pretty nice, but I'm not on a computer appropriate enough for CC right now so I can't see how it runs.
billysback #4
Posted 22 August 2013 - 01:56 PM
I was about to start something like this! :(/>
But anyway, this looks pretty nice, but I'm not on a computer appropriate enough for CC right now so I can't see how it runs.
If you want to see an example of the buffer API being put to the test practically, look at my Ninjas! game, which uses the exact same buffer.

This whole thing is essentially a mash-up of bits and bobs I've been working on randomly for a while, I'll implement all of it slowly, for example I'm going to find a way to implement my ray-caster, though this won't be as simple.
mrpoopy345 #5
Posted 23 August 2013 - 04:58 PM
I have no ides how people make things like this. Nice job!