Posted 30 August 2013 - 06:32 PM
Craft - Auto crafting and inventory management (AE knockoff)
For the low, low cost of 1 crafty turtle (no fuel required!), and the high cost of 1 interactive sorter (oh the diamonds!) you can get an automatic crafter. It functions very similar to AE's ME Crafting Terminal.

Screen Shots:

Searching is done by typing and the results are instantly displayed. Hit [Delete] to clear the search.

When selecting an item and pressing [Enter], the turtle will attempt to craft it if it doesn't exist. It will ask you for how many you would like. It will craft all needed items, so for the pickaxe it would craft sticks if needed and wood planks if needed as well.

Create a crafty turtle and an interactive sorter. Set the turtle facing the sorter and place chests around the sorter. Name the turtle then type:
I know there's a few issues. Consider this beta.
For the low, low cost of 1 crafty turtle (no fuel required!), and the high cost of 1 interactive sorter (oh the diamonds!) you can get an automatic crafter. It functions very similar to AE's ME Crafting Terminal.

- Inventory Management, will store and sort items in turtle to proper location when you hit [F5]
- Search for stored or craftable items with different ways to sort the results. Type to search and press [Delete] to clear. Use [Tab] to switch between item selection and sorting options.
- Easily request items from the inventory or craft them if not available. Select items from the search using [Up] and [Down] and hit [Enter] to request a stack or craft.
- Understands the Forge ore dictionary so it can, for example, pull any wood type to make a chest.
- 100's of recipes are included without the tedious tasks of teaching the system.
- Pretty dang cheap for its capabilities.
Screen Shots:
Main screen showing current inventory levels. The status bar on the top indicates we are showing only stored items sorted by count descending.
Searching is done by typing and the results are instantly displayed. Hit [Delete] to clear the search.

When selecting an item and pressing [Enter], the turtle will attempt to craft it if it doesn't exist. It will ask you for how many you would like. It will craft all needed items, so for the pickaxe it would craft sticks if needed and wood planks if needed as well.

- Can't be taught new recipes easily. (Unless you modify the data files.)
- No IC2 or Forestry recipes yet. (I need a java/forge guru to help.)
- The interactive sorter can detect full inventories, so items can be dropped on the ground when the turtle unloads.
- Tool damage values are not implemented yet.
Create a crafty turtle and an interactive sorter. Set the turtle facing the sorter and place chests around the sorter. Name the turtle then type:
pastebin get XCyjKvzP craft-get
craft-get Unleashed_1.1.3
I know there's a few issues. Consider this beta.