Hello All,
This is a series of API's I am working on for turtles. I wanted to put what I have out there in hopes of helpful feedback and testing.


1. Current API's Available
SpoilerI know it has been done billons of times but I never found someone else's movement code that fit all my needs. Plus I will have integrations if other API's are loaded.

MoveAPI is being coded to work with both GPS and non-GPS. Non-GPS sets the default for starting locations to 0,0,0. This is just the framework for moving around with other API's being able to utilize this API.

Features others might not have: I have a partially functioning shift movement in here, still debuging. If it cannot move on the same plane for 20 tries, default but definable variable, it will shift to another plane to try to go around the obstical. Also, I have near realtime trigger of an update so cords can be displayed after every movement.
SpoilerThis API was developed for perfect placement of torches in a given area. All that is needed is width and depth can be infinite, for endless mines, or defined for making sure your house or cave is covered. Torch slot is defaulted to 1 and block slot is defaulted to 2 but all these can be changed with the set Functions

Future: I plan on adding glowstone support as it produces one higher light level.

Limitations: Can only do square rooms right now and error checking is not implimented yet.

2. Future API's
Digging API
Inventory API - enderchest support

3. TestPrograms
TestAPI_1 - Travel
SpoilerSimple program used to test MoveAPI and TorchAPI. Takes 4 arguments upon run.
Use as follows: Travel [x] [y] [z] ["yes"|"y"]

Travel 10 1 10 yes - will move to location 10 1 10 from location 0 0 0 after it places all torches necessary inside the area because of the indicated yes or y

Travel 20 0 15 - will move directly to the cords 20 0 15 placing no torches because the 4th argument is nil

4. ToDo's
-Work on saving data to temp files

9/2/13 - Posted MoveAPI 0.9.1 and TorchAPI 0.9.1