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Tier 5 Soulshard Mobgrinder [V1.0] -Chatbox Controlled

Started by Raythornious, 14 September 2013 - 06:40 PM
Raythornious #1
Posted 14 September 2013 - 08:40 PM
Soulshard Mobgrinder


This program is very simple it utilizes the chatbox peripheral to make a wireless mobspawner.


This requires at least the Soulshards, Computercraft(of course) and MiscPeripherals.

All the Soulshards must be at tier 5.

What it does:

Picks up chat messages such as:

Blaze on

Blaze off

To toggle on and off the spawners.

If it worked it will reply with:

Blazes Initiated

Blazes Deinitiated

How it does it:

Using the chatbox peripheral it reads what is said in chat.

In accordance to what is said it will toggle a redstone signal.


Blazes on – turns off redstone signal going to the "Blaze" side.


As of right now with this code anyone can initiate the spawners from any distance.

(As long as chunk is loaded.)

(If you know how to secure it to 1 person or a group of people please post how to do so)

Code (Because everyone loves it.):


rs.setOutput("front", true)
rs.setOutput("back", true)
rs.setOutput("left", true)
rs.setOutput("right", true)
	  m = peripheral.wrap("bottom")
		while true do
		event, player, message = os.pullEvent("chat")
		  if message == "Zombie on" then
		  rs.setOutput("front", false)
		  m.say("Zombies Initiated")
		  if message == "Zombie off" then
		  rs.setOutput("front", true)
		  m.say("Zombies Deinitiated")
		  if message == "Skeleton on" then
		  rs.setOutput("left", false)
		  m.say("Skeletons Initiated")
		  if message == "Skeleton off" then
		  m.say("Skeletons Deinitiated")
		  if message == "Blaze on" then
		  rs.setOutput("right", false)
		  m.say("Blazes Initiated")
		  if message == "Blaze off" then
		  rs.setOutput("right", true)
		  m.say("Blazes Deinitiated")
		  if message == "Creeper on" then
		  rs.setOutput("back", false)
		  m.say("Creepers Initiated")
		  if message == "Creeper off" then
		  rs.setOutput("back", true)
		  m.say("Creepers Deinitiated")


Demicreator - The idea

bimmybear - testing

DjIvor - testing

JoshTim - testing

How to get it:


pastebin get 863PDeaN startup

into a CC computer.



(If you know how to post actual pictures and not links please tell me so. I will update)

Please post ANY feedback or suggestions (what I can add or improve) here.
apemanzilla #2
Posted 15 September 2013 - 09:57 AM
The "chat" event returns the player's name as an argument, you can use that to make it only work for certain people.
Raythornious #3
Posted 15 September 2013 - 07:10 PM
I've messed around trying change the argument from "message" to "player"

m = peripheral.wrap("bottom")
  while true do
	event, player, message = os.pullEvent('chat")
	  if player = "bimmybear" then
		m.say("Hi bimmybear")

This returned no results. I also don't know if in order to specify the player I must specify a message, if so would

if player, message = "bimmybear, Hello" then
  m.say("Hello bimmybear")
TDarkShadow #4
Posted 17 September 2013 - 05:44 PM
Or you could make it like this, so no one but yourself will activate it.

m = peripheral.wrap("bottom")
			    while true do
			    event, player, message = os.pullEvent("chat")
				  if player == "nickname" and message == "Zombie on" then
				  rs.setOutput("front", false)
				  m.say("Zombies Initiated")
Knux14 #5
Posted 18 September 2013 - 01:10 AM
use openperipheral's glasses would be better
Raythornious #6
Posted 18 September 2013 - 03:54 AM
Hmmm I may make a second version of this using the openperipheral glasses. Guess its time to learn a new peripheral. Don't they use "$$" before each message?
Knux14 #7
Posted 18 September 2013 - 06:32 AM
Yep, it's an event which is called. You type $$something in the chat, and the event will receive the message "something" ;)/>
Raythornious #8
Posted 20 September 2013 - 09:53 AM
Very nice. I'll definitely check it out. >.> I blew up my base editing the first spawner system. Next time ill test code in my test world.