ComputerCraft, at the moment, lacks a system for creating localized strings. This API intends to solve that. This can be used as an API, from the shell, and with language files.

API Usage

  • setString(language, key, value)
  • For the given language, set the string for the key
  • removeString(language, key)
  • For the given language, remove the string for the key
  • removeStringForAll(key)
  • For all languages, remove the string for the key
  • getString(key)
  • For the current language, get the string for the key
  • setPath(sPath)
  • Set the path list in which language files are searched for
  • getPath()
  • Get the path list in which language files are searched for
  • getCurrentLanguage()
  • Get the current language
  • setCurrentLanguage(sLanguage)
  • Set the current language
  • reloadLanguageFiles()
  • Reload language files from path

Shell Usage:

Any of the API functions can be called through the shell. Simply use:
localize (function) [arguments]

Language Files:

The default path for language files is just /lang. To add directories to search in, append :(your path). So lang:mylang:rom/lang would be valid, although nothing would come from rom/lang. Any files in the path define localizations. The file name represents the language the file defines. File names with a .lang extension will have the .lang omitted. Here's an example language file

some.key = some string
some.key2 = another string

For those of you who care, here's the pattern used for matching rules in language files.

pastebin get JFJAdfkL language