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Swarm Miner - Quarry Up Where You Want. Version 2.0

Started by Wojbie, 13 October 2013 - 01:16 PM
Wojbie #1
Posted 13 October 2013 - 03:16 PM
Swarm Miner has been discontinued.
Its better bigger brother Swarm Driller&Miner is in development.
Current ETA: Heat Death of Universe.

Swarm Miner - Quarry up where you want. v2

Swarm Miner is a simple Swarm Turtle Quarry system that mines out area defined by you by dividing it into smaller sectors and mining them one after another.
Unique part in this design is that Turtles don't have a Server/Overseer Computer. All data is synchronized between turtles and each turtle decides on its own where to go/what to mine.
This allows mining of large areas without much hassle.

Download Here:
Or ingame by providing empty Floppy Disk in Disk Drive and using command:
pastebin get LXLBZK25 disk/startup
(requires http-api to be active)

Image Album with a walkthrough of basic setup -
Image Album with small showcase of features(not all) -

Video Advert made by Lewanator1

Features List:
  • Mining of Preset Area
  • Uses Standard by now 3 layers at once mining system.
  • No limit to amount of turtles working - you can use 1 or 30 - it will still work like it should with turtles talking to each other and working together.
  • Included Scanner that shows where turtles are in area and what they are doing/mining.
  • Ability to continue from where it stopped after server stop/crash or chunk unload
  • Delivers mined blocks in selected chest or into provided Enderchest
  • Refuels from selected chest or from provided enderchest
  • Can drop unneeded cobble (or any other material) increasing time it can mine between dropping mined material/decrease amount of trash in mined material
  • Automatically recognizes chests and removes content before mining it
  • Never mines anything that is a peripheral (chests from feature before excluded)
  • Auto stops at y=5 - never gets stuck on bedrock! Mines layer 4 if needed. (can be changed to dig deeper in case of flat bedrock)
  • Full installer floppy disk that downloads other files and can update them if asked (update attribute)
Side Features List:
  • Minimal mining level can be adjusted by changing levelmin value inside swarminer file on the floppy disk.
  • Installed Vacuum cleaner that collects most of dropped items that turtle finds while mining
  • Breaks minecarts and collects them too. In case of storage minecarts most of contents gets picked up by Vacuum cleaner.
  • Startup files in miner and scanner contains Top Level Coroutine Overwrite that removes rednet coroutine and Api. That lovers amount of event that turtles receive by half.
  • Main Installer Floppy Disk automagicly detects witch drive its run from and allows auto installation or miner or scanner depending on if its run on turtle/computer
  • Scanner can be used to pause/unpause turtles in its area of effect
  • Main Installer Floppy Disk can be preformatted with order that allows faster deployment of mining turtles
  • All Mining Turtles and Scanner contain gps host code spreading gps signal in area
  • Automatically add labels to all data storage mediums its used on.
  • Scanners share data about turtles in their zones of influence.
  • Emergency Beacon - any Turtle that crashes to shell will emit ERROR Signal
  • If You place a Monitor next to Scanner it will print basic stats data on it.
UI Information
  • In Mining Turtles:
  1. Press "p" to pause and "o" to unpause selected turtle
  • In Scanner
  1. Press "p" to pause and "o" to unpause all turtles in signal range
  2. Press "t" to change type of informations that are provided by it
  3. Left Right Up and Down keys move map marker allowing you to inspect map
  4. Pg_Up (or "w") and PG_Down (or "s") allow you to scroll trough list of turtles. Map maker will move to this turtle if its possible.
System Explanation/Requirements
  • Instaler file is made to be run from floppy disk - it will not work from "/" but it may work if placed inside any directory (not 100% tested)
  • System requires gps signal in area of its effect ( You can set up effective gps signal in area by setting up 4-5 scanner computers in area [all programs contain gps host code inside of them])
  • gps-less mode is coded hoever its not stable on server crashes and stops
  • To mine area system needs
  1. Start Point and Direction
  2. Forward Size of one Sector (values under 10 work best - for large area mines simply set large amount of repeats. Also values under 3 while supported may lead to weird side effects.)
  3. Sideways (to right) Size of one Sector (same as above)
  4. How many blocks down to mine [min 3] (if gets to y=5 then it wont go deeper - can be changed in program code.)
  5. How many Sectors to mine Forward
  6. How many Sectors to mine Sideways (to right)
  7. Manual refuel/dropoff point and direction. (by default its same as start but backwards)
  • Each turtle needs those settings and items to work
  1. If it uses Enderchests then it will ask for them
  2. If it drops cobble will ask for one piece for furure reference.
  3. If neater it will not ask for anything.
  • If starting from preformated order turtle will attempt to get some fuel at start. If has enderchests it will look there or if not it will look in chest above it.
  • Refuel point is a 2 chest setup one in front of this point and one above it. Front one recives Mined items and top one is where turtles look for fuel (if enderchests are used turtles never go here) There is a screenshot of correct refuel point in spoiler below.
  • System includes many undocumented command line options that allow advanced users to use system more efficient.
Unfinished Features List
  1. You can define areas (cuboids) inside area that will not be mined by turtles ( can be used to preserve mob spawner ect. Right now only trough adding in predefined order (addzone atribute in floppy disk) or manual editing of order.log file.
  2. Full Gps - less mode - Not 100% Stable with current system - can be turned on by manually changing flag in swarminer file.
WARNING - System creates a lot of noise on its own modem channel it uses

Example of usage:
SpoilerThis example assumes you have http-api on. Also to note its created to use floppy disk as means of spreading - you need to make instaler floppy by downloading main file and saving it as startup on floppy. Then program on floppy should do most of the work for you.
  1. Download main file and place it onto floppy disk
  2. Run it - it will download other files it needs
  3. If you run floppy it on turtle it will ask if you want to install miner program. See A.
  4. If you run floppy it on turtle it will ask if you want to install scanner program. See B.
  5. If you denied any of upper questions it will ask if you want to preformat new orders onto disk drive . See C.
A )
  1. If disk don't contain preformated settings and orders turtle will ask you series of questions creating them
  2. They will be stored on disk way and next turtle you program with this disk will get same order and settings.
  3. If there is a turtle in range program can copy his orders and join him in work
  4. Settings have to be inserted manually for each turtle this way.
  5. It will ask for items (enderchests/cobble) if it needs them.
  6. And off it goes to work. - shows you basic UI.
B )
  1. It will ask if you want this scanner to act like gps host too
  2. if yes it will try to gps locate - failing that it will ask you where it is.
  3. And its ready to work - shows you basic UI.
C )
  1. You will see same questions as in case A) but they are stored inside disk instead of turtle
  2. Then next time you select A) using this disk it will automatically copy those onto turtle.
  3. This allows fast deployment of larger amounts of turtles.
  4. It will ask you for items ( if any are needed)
  5. If needed it will try to refuel from eater enderchest of chest above it.
  6. And off it goes to work. - shows you basic UI.

SpoilerImage Album with a walkthrough of basic setup -
Image Album with small showcase of features(not all) -

Spoilerv1.0 - Release On Programs Sub-forum - First Relase
v1.1 - Added levelmin value and vacuum cleaner.
v1.2 - Tweaked Refueling Code and Added 2 new Argument line commands to Scanner
v1.2.1 - BugFix in Attack and Vacuum functions.
v1.3 - Queue system,Tweaked Refueling Code (again),Added new scanner mode,Inventory compression.
v1.3.1 - Scanner data sharing added.
v1.3.2 - Tracked Down and solved pathfinding problem.
v1.3.3 - "Yield" bugfix, new refuelling code,bugfixes, small preparation code for 1.4
v1.4 - Emergency Beacon Added, Code refinement and updates.
v1.4.1 - Added Cycle and Recovery WIP Programs, Bugfixes and tweaking.
v2.0 - Code Cleanup - Sped up by about 5% - added ScreenLock - Added Basic Monitor Support
v2.1 - Bugfixes and fastgps utility program.

Plans For Future:
SpoilerNone for now

SpoilerFloppy Disk(startup)="LXLBZK25",
Swarmstart(Top Level Coroutine Overwrite)="aFgPSyGe",

List Of Argument Line Commands in Files and What They Do [For Advanced Users Only] :
  • All programs That accept argument line commands have this command
  1. help or ? - Print List of all argument line commands
  • Floppy Disk(startup)
  1. update - Updates all files (itself included) to latest versions from pastebin (HTTP Api Required)
  2. addzone - Used to add Forbidden Zone Cuboid into preformated Order - don't work if there is no order.
  • Swarminer - warning - use only in turtle - use from floppy disk can cause problems
  1. debug-prints some debug info on startup
  2. pause- pauses all turtles in area of range (like scanner can)
  3. unpause- unpauses all turtles in areaof range (like scanner can)
  4. gotoStart - Causes all Turtles in area of range to go to theyr order start point
  5. sendOrder - Sends Order From this Turtle to all Turtles in area of range - Warning - No Sanity Check are preformed.
  6. newMap - Restets map inside of turtle to clear unmined one.
  • scanner,
  1. Emergency - Causes All Turtles in area of range to terminate to shell.
  2. WipeOrder - Wipes Orders and Pauses All Turtles in area.
  3. Goto - Pauses all turtles in area and causes them to go to point. - program will ask you to define point.
Also Swarminer contains create and instalation arguments but those are only called my system itself and are not suposed to be used by users.

Any Comment and Suggestions how to improve Code are appreciated.
Edited on 01 March 2015 - 09:58 AM
dronf #2
Posted 14 October 2013 - 11:53 AM
Will give this a try tonight after work :D/>
HeffeD #3
Posted 14 October 2013 - 01:33 PM
I'm very intrigued by this, (It looks amazing! :o/> ) but I'm fairly new to Computer Craft and Lua, so I'm a bit unclear on how exactly to get this working. Any chance of a step-by-step tutorial or video?

You mentioned that if OpenPeripherals is installed, it can automatically detect an inventory. I'm assuming that this would detect a storage minecart as well as a standard chest? Is any particular turtle expansion required, or will this function with a standard wireless mining turtle?

And you mention that the mining stops automatically at level 5 (with level 4 being a possibility). Is this a strict level limit, or does it just go to where it hits bedrock and determines that this is as far as it will go? I ask because I use the Thermal Expansion mod, and it has a configuration option to flatten bedrock. This leaves a single layer of bedrock at the bottom of the world, so it would be nice if this script could mine all the way down to bedrock at 0 instead of stopping at level 4 or 5. There are often diamonds hiding down in these lowest levels. :)/>

Anyway, I'm looking forward to trying this out!
Wojbie #4
Posted 14 October 2013 - 01:52 PM
Hmm i forgot that now there are minecarts instead of chests in mines…
It detects chest based on that openperipherals add peripheral to chest and turtle can detect that its connected to it :D/>
It simply looks if its connected to "container_chest" type peripheral and clears it.
Will need to test how it reacts to minecarts - It simply didn't go thought my head at time.

EDIT: Mob killing routine detects minecarts as mob and kills it - dropping its contents on ground - there is no way around it other then removing anti-mobs code - it cant detect minecart as far as my testing shows (no peripheral) sorry :)/>
EDIT2: IDEA! By including while trurtle.suck() do loop inside code i could get turtle to pick up those dropped items. It could also work good to pick up items that hanged on mined blocks and special drops from mobs that are not collected by killing turtle. Btb installing vacuum cleaner inside turtles!!!
EDIT2: Vacuum installed and working 90% correct - it should now collect most of contents of minecarts.

As for level 5 limit is code enforced by turtle position in world - i will update it in second to allow you to change it by editing one line of code - right now its kinda all over the place. Simply put it don't consider area below 5 as reachable and can't go there. Good idea didn't think of that. I will go edit code to that right now.

EDIT: Added value "levelmin" in swarminer file - by editing it you can change what is minimal safe level considered in calculations. It has to be manually changed inside installer floppy copy of file - thats one that then gets copied to all turtles.

As for installation video i kinda am unable to make one however in Example of usage:I tried to explain it.
Try simply using it a few times - it usually errors in way that tels you what you did wrong (Unless it don't know that then you get "Something went wrong" error :P/> )
I will try to make it more simple to understand however English is not my first or second language so i have small problems translating from mind onto paper.
HeffeD #5
Posted 14 October 2013 - 02:44 PM
Hi wojbie, I really appreciate the quick reply and changes to your script!

Your English is very good. :)/>

You did do a pretty good job of explaining things, I just don't have any experience with disk drives, so things like "Download main file and place it onto floppy disk" don't really tell me how to do that. That's not really your problem though. :P/> I'll just need to do some reading to figure out how to do that. B)/>

I'll get it figured out. Thanks for sharing this script!
Wojbie #6
Posted 14 October 2013 - 02:59 PM
Well thanks to you i got idea to include vacuum cleaner into code :P/> It looks funny when turtle breaks minecraft and then begins to vaccum contents :)/>

EDIT: Just something for fun - how manu turtles do you see on image?
Sekky #7
Posted 14 October 2013 - 11:41 PM

I love the idea behind your program, but I cannot get it to work. A few things:
  • Try to have the turtle's check which direction they're facing at the beginning. I've noticed if I don't place my turtles facing north every time they go the completely wrong place.
  • Also, my turtles will not empty their inventories into the drop off chest, they just sit there and select every slot over and over.
  • My turtle got an ambiguous gps position, so it moved and tried again - and then crashed with an error - something to do with __sub
  • Not sure of why these bugs are happening. This is ftb unleashed 1.5.2. I'll reply with more info if you need it.
(Also - permission to do a video on this if I get it working?)
Wojbie #8
Posted 15 October 2013 - 01:25 AM
  • Hmm… There is code that detects direction where its facting. No idea why its not working. works perfect for me but i made this so by definition it should work for me. It cant detect where its facing with no fuel.
  • Either turtle don't have any fuel - give him some for startup or you didn't place drop-off and refuel chest correctly. IN default mode turtle faces backwards from start point for drop off and looks up for refuel.
  • That means there is not strong gps signal in area "ambiguous gps" is i think 3 sources 4 are needed for accurate gps - try setting up some scanners around - they act like gps host too. __Sub part i can't solve cause i don't know witch line it happened at. - can Guesstimate based on your questions but well.
  • I tested it on Unleashed, just computercraft and computerccraft+openPeripherals. So your bugs should not be connected to Unleashed.
Also try running floppy startup with atribute update (disk/startup update) - that should re download latest versions from pastebin - i am Working on it as i get bug reports so updating could solve one.

IF you get it to work i would be grateful if you made a video!!!! That would be AWESOME!!!
Sekky #9
Posted 15 October 2013 - 04:21 PM
Huh, It been working perfectly for me today after I ran the update command. I think what tripped it up before was the lack of fuel in a fuel chest. The turtle freezes up if there isn't any fuel in the chest. Also, configurable fuel would be nice. Every turtle requiring 1000 fuel to even start is draining my coal like nothing, and I don't have a reliable source of lava yet. I'm going to look into alternatives though. Also, It would be nice if the turtle only attempted a refuel if its fuel was under a defined fuel level. Other requests: An option to clear the current order when a warminer boots, a recall option from the scanner that makes the turtles drop off their inventories then line up next to the start would be nice, and an option to put a percentage of usable fuel items in the refuel chest would also be nice.All of these are just suggestions, I love the program how it is. Once I get the resources for more turtles, I'll definitely make a video and post it here.
Wojbie #10
Posted 15 October 2013 - 07:44 PM
Hmm ok then lets look into it:
  • From fuel standpoint i was using 1000 during testing. I meant to change it to 100 + distance from refuel point but i never go to it…. It will be in next update (tomorrow probably).
  • The way to clear current order and a recall function are coded into turtles - it simply never got added to scanners. I will look into adding it to scanners. Hoewer due to probable damage it could cause to your mine it will probably be a argument called when manually running scanner and not an option inside scanner.
  • For the last part i don't think there even is the way to detect amount of viable fuel in chest - i could detect all items in chest and divide it by space left… but that would not give you info how effective each item is and if someone simply didn't put a ton of cobble into it.
Cheers and again - any video that you make would be a great help for me. Not to mention awesome :D/>

  • Refueling System tweaked - Now it refuels based on how far it has to go from where its mining to refueling station (in case of Enderchests how far its from start of mine so it can always go back) + small buffor just in case. Also now don't overfuels - fuel it don't needs is placed back in chest.
  • Added WipeOrder, Goto, and Emergency arguments to scanner. First one WipesOrder - Second issues Goto command to provided cords (asks for them) and 3th one Crashes all turtles in area (Emergency Break :)/> )
  • I think detecting amount of fuel in fuel chest could be done with OpenPeripherals but i am not that good with that. :)/> Sorry.
  • Also i will make Documentation of all Arguments that can be called in Scanner/ Swarminer and Installer and what they do. Most of them are Redundant but could be useful for people.
Sekky #11
Posted 16 October 2013 - 03:54 PM
Awesome - You rock.
Wojbie #12
Posted 17 October 2013 - 08:47 AM
Update -Small bug-fix - now should gather contents of chest minecarts more reliably.
lewanator1 #13
Posted 19 October 2013 - 11:22 AM

I'm having some issues setting it up.
Is there a video or a picture walk-through on how to set this up step by step?
Wojbie #14
Posted 19 October 2013 - 11:27 AM
There is no video sadly - i am unable to capture minecraft without blowing up my system.
Never thought about making picture walk-through. Great idea!!!!
I will make one right away.,

EDIT: Walk-through
lewanator1 #15
Posted 19 October 2013 - 03:52 PM
Nice program! I mean really nice program its awesome!

Few ideas i have

Add more blocks to be dropped (Sand, dirt and gravel etc or even add your own)
When dropping off blocks they que normally insted of moving arround alot (Few of mine have ran out of fuel from that)
Turtles getting stuck and pacing forward and backwards (Il upload a video of this happening soon)
Turtles talking to main scanner computer to say when there out of fuel (Maybe a red F next to it?)

Apart from that i love this program, nice work
Wojbie #16
Posted 19 October 2013 - 04:04 PM
Well truthfully you can place any block in "cobble" slot and it will be dropped.
I didn't code for more slots cause each slot that is dropped is one less slot for mine-able materials.
While its a good idea i don't think i will have time to add it to design, that would require rewrite in about half of functions.

Refueling que kinda got scrapped after turtles started eating each other.
Thats when i coded in enderchests support ;)/>

Pacing forward and backward is a new for me. o well another bug i guess.

You can press t in scanner to switch to 2nd page of data. Fuel levels are included there.
lewanator1 #17
Posted 19 October 2013 - 04:58 PM
Oh ok i understand what you mean with the first two things
Il add the video of the stuck turtle soon
I didnt know you could do that :P/>

Wojbie #18
Posted 20 October 2013 - 09:36 AM
  • Added queue system for refueling purposes
  • Added time of last message to scanner system (in second page - press t to toggle to second page)
  • Refueling code optimized - now 3 times faster
  • Added compression code - Turtle will always check if he can't squeeze a little bit more space in its inventory.
  • Bug-fix in path-finding - tx to lewanator1 for finding and reporting bug.
 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version
lewanator1 #19
Posted 20 October 2013 - 02:34 PM
Check your messages :)/>
Wojbie #20
Posted 20 October 2013 - 02:34 PM
UPDATE! 1.3.1
  • Scanners now attempt to share info about turtles in range.if data about turtle was received form another scanner (and said turtle is out of range of this one) it will show distance of "EX" (in second page - press t to toggle to second page)

 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version
HeffeD #21
Posted 20 October 2013 - 05:10 PM
There is apparently an issue with enderchests. The odd thing is that this doesn't happen with every turtle. I will set up a quarry and specify that I want to use enderchests. I place the loot chest in slot 1, and the fuel chest in slot two as specified. Then the turtle will start going through a loop of placing the loot chest above it, then breaking it and replacing it. I'm assuming it's trying to get fuel from the loot chest, but I have no idea why… If I place a fuel chest above it, it just breaks it and starts going through the placing and breaking the loot chest loop. Clearing out the Swarminer files from the turtles folder doesn't have any effect on this behavior.

I've run disk/startup update, so I should be using the latest version.
Wojbie #22
Posted 20 October 2013 - 05:25 PM
Face-palm. I placed a dot in wrong place there - gimme a sec to fix it and it should work.

EDIT: Fixed!!

disk/startup update
and try again
Expenox #23
Posted 20 October 2013 - 05:57 PM
Wow, really nice considering i'm more of a turtle person. xP
Wojbie #24
Posted 20 October 2013 - 06:31 PM
If you are turtle person than i have anecdote for you - i tested older version of this program using 80 turtle and area to mine was 600x600

Few chunk-loaders ,fuel-generator and week later - I got message from my friend asking me why there is a big hole in his servers map :D/>
He didn't notice it until someone stumbled onto it and reported it :P/> All that ore safely in my base.
Expenox #25
Posted 20 October 2013 - 08:12 PM
Lol, I want to do that!
HeffeD #26
Posted 21 October 2013 - 01:17 PM
Face-palm. I placed a dot in wrong place there - gimme a sec to fix it and it should work.

EDIT: Fixed!!

disk/startup update
and try again

That seems to have fixed it! Thanks for the quick fix. :D/>

I think there are still some pathfinding issues because the turtles have a tendency to get stuck. Sometimes they will just go up and down, or back and forth a single block until they run out of fuel. (This was without enderchests, they may not run out of fuel with enderchests) Or, I will find them just sitting there not doing anything. (Yes, I'm aware of the compression function, but they aren't doing this)

In the case of the ones that run out of fuel, terminating the script and manually refueling, then restarting the turtle gets them moving again. In the case of the turtles that apparently just stopped for no reason, restarting will fix it and they'll continue on.

I have also seen some that report that they are out of fuel, and when I go check on them, their inventory is empty. So I can only assume they've just dropped off all of the items they've mined and somehow got lost on their way back, (probably doing the bouncing back and forth thing I mentioned) or is there some instance where they will drop all of their inventory?

The scanner is very nice for keeping tabs on what the various turtles are doing, and makes it pretty easy to go find them if they're stuck. :)/>

And they apparently get stuck on storage minecarts? If the minecart is below them, they will suck all of the items out of the chest, which is nice, but then they will just sit there tapping the cart forever. I'm assuming that this is because they attack the cart instead of mine it? And if the cart is in front of them, they won't suck the items out, they just sit and tap it.

I haven't actually seen them stuck on a minecart in the wild, but I've placed a few minecarts in their path to see what they do when they find one, and they behave as I've stated.

There are still some issues, but this is is a pretty neat script! B)/>

Something that would make it even nicer is if it had a block compare function so it doesn't need to mine absolutely everything, which tends to get you a lot of blocks that you don't want/need. Yes, I know that you can have the turtles drop the cobble, but in the interests of lag, dropping a bunch of entities on the ground isn't as prefereable as just not mining the the things you don't want to start with.

This script I think operates very efficiently.

It will still mine three layers at a time, but it only mines the middle layer completely because that is the layer that it travels in. For the layers above and below the turtle, it compares your "noise" blocks, so it only actually mines the valuable things, leaving the unwanted stone and dirt behind. So for example, you give it a stone block and a dirt block, and it will mine everything that isn't these blocks. It also starts at the bottom of the world, and works up, so you mine the most valuable ores first. :ph34r:/>

Please note that I'm not trying to tell you that you should make your script more like somebody else's. I'm just pointing out some functionality that could be useful.
Wojbie #27
Posted 21 October 2013 - 02:44 PM
That seems to have fixed it! Thanks for the quick fix. :D/>

I think there are still some pathfinding issues because the turtles have a tendency to get stuck. Sometimes they will just go up and down, or back and forth a single block until they run out of fuel. (This was without enderchests, they may not run out of fuel with enderchests) Or, I will find them just sitting there not doing anything. (Yes, I'm aware of the compression function, but they aren't doing this)

Pathfinding is a bit random based and i am firm belier that turtle should not touch a block outside of quarry - Still having trouble getting exact situations this happens but i think that by now i already fixed most of them. Turtles stuck doing nothing could be waiting in queue for unloading station - they stop about 15 blocks from it and wait until its empty. Other than that i didn't have that problems thanks for report i will look into it.

I have also seen some that report that they are out of fuel, and when I go check on them, their inventory is empty. So I can only assume they've just dropped off all of the items they've mined and somehow got lost on their way back, (probably doing the bouncing back and forth thing I mentioned) or is there some instance where they will drop all of their inventory?

They should never drop inventory unless 1) in the enderchests or 2) are 100% sure that they are in maintence point and drop there. So most likly chances are they got lost back - manual refueling point works best at default settings - using other point there are chance that turtle will get lost sometimes.

The scanner is very nice for keeping tabs on what the various turtles are doing, and makes it pretty easy to go find them if they're stuck. :)/>

Happy you like it :D/>

And they apparently get stuck on storage minecarts? If the minecart is below them, they will suck all of the items out of the chest, which is nice, but then they will just sit there tapping the cart forever. I'm assuming that this is because they attack the cart instead of mine it? And if the cart is in front of them, they won't suck the items out, they just sit and tap it.

I haven't actually seen them stuck on a minecart in the wild, but I've placed a few minecarts in their path to see what they do when they find one, and they behave as I've stated.

Minecarts are kinda tricky with detection and emptying - depending of small changes of position you could be able to suck content or not ect,
Otherwise they get detected by mob removal system and dealt with by attacking..repeatedly.. That they don't break is kinda dependand on server lag.
I am working on that but well there is no 100% sure way that works

There are still some issues, but this is is a pretty neat script! B)/>

Again Happy you like it :D/>

Something that would make it even nicer is if it had a block compare function so it doesn't need to mine absolutely everything, which tends to get you a lot of blocks that you don't want/need. Yes, I know that you can have the turtles drop the cobble, but in the interests of lag, dropping a bunch of entities on the ground isn't as prefereable as just not mining the the things you don't want to start with.

This script I think operates very efficiently.

It will still mine three layers at a time, but it only mines the middle layer completely because that is the layer that it travels in. For the layers above and below the turtle, it compares your "noise" blocks, so it only actually mines the valuable things, leaving the unwanted stone and dirt behind. So for example, you give it a stone block and a dirt block, and it will mine everything that isn't these blocks. It also starts at the bottom of the world, and works up, so you mine the most valuable ores first. :ph34r:/>

Please note that I'm not trying to tell you that you should make your script more like somebody else's. I'm just pointing out some functionality that could be useful.

While i agree that this functionality is usefully i Want to point out one problem i have with that - if you use program that leaves stone it to mine large area it leaves a lot of 1x1x2 1x1x3 shafts that work as monster-spawn points. I seen that end up badly. also a lot of spider spawn plates on those middle levels. Also i like making big holes. - I tend to pump them full of lava from neather and make a base inside.

As for dropping cobble turtles attempt to drop full stacks of cobble at the time and they disappear after 5 min so there is not much buildup of entities. From large scale test i run on this code there where no issues from those ( and i tested a 102 turtles quarry :P/> - Scanner Still perfectly detected all of them. )

Never saw point of starting from a bottom. Real quarry should start from top - no-one sane is mining from earth core after all are they?
Point of quarry is to get 100% of stuff in area - you will get that stuff anyways.
lewanator1 #28
Posted 21 October 2013 - 02:52 PM
Made a Video :)/>
Wojbie #29
Posted 21 October 2013 - 02:55 PM
Thats Awesome - Tx a lot Lewanator1
I am sure people will love IT!
HeffeD #30
Posted 21 October 2013 - 03:58 PM
Pathfinding is a bit random based and i am firm belier that turtle should not touch a block outside of quarry - Still having trouble getting exact situations this happens but i think that by now i already fixed most of them. Turtles stuck doing nothing could be waiting in queue for unloading station - they stop about 15 blocks from it and wait until its empty. Other than that i didn't have that problems thanks for report i will look into it.

I agree that it shouldn't go outside the quarry.

The turtles stuck doing nothing were not waiting to unload. They weren't doing anything that I would consider normal behavior based on watching the way the script functions over time, they had just stopped what they were doing. Just sitting in their sector, often with a block above and below them. Just taking a break, or something. ;)/> They weren't full, weren't out of fuel, they just stopped mining for no apparent reason.

I just ran a test using the enderchest fix using a bit of a cramped setup to see if there were any turtles getting stuck. I mined a single chunk broken down into 4x4 sectors repeated 4 times, (so a 16x16 quarry) and used 5 turtles to ensure they had to move around each other quite a bit. It worked flawlessly. So I do suspect that in a largish quarry, (My initial test quarry was 64x64) enderchest is the best option to ensure the turtles don't get lost going to or from the dropoff/refueling point.

I still have no idea what makes them simply stop moving though. I'll need to do some more large quarries and see what they do.

They should never drop inventory unless 1) in the enderchests or 2) are 100% sure that they are in maintence point and drop there. So most likly chances are they got lost back - manual refueling point works best at default settings - using other point there are chance that turtle will get lost sometimes.

Yes, they were using the default manual drop point. (The quarry starting point)

Minecarts are kinda tricky with detection and emptying - depending of small changes of position you could be able to suck content or not ect,
Otherwise they get detected by mob removal system and dealt with by attacking..repeatedly.. That they don't break is kinda dependand on server lag.
I am working on that but well there is no 100% sure way that works

No server lag, as I'm not playing on a server. (Just the internal server in single player) I guess the turtles may break the cart eventually. I've only sat and watched for a minute and assumed the cart would never break… :unsure:/>

While i agree that this functionality is usefully i Want to point out one problem i have with that - if you use program that leaves stone it to mine large area it leaves a lot of 1x1x2 1x1x3 shafts that work as monster-spawn points. I seen that end up badly. also a lot of spider spawn plates on those middle levels. Also i like making big holes. - I tend to pump them full of lava from neather and make a base inside.

I never go into my quarried areas unless I need to rescue a lost turtle, so it doesn't bother me if mobs spawn there. And even though I only quarry quite a long distance from my base, I'm not a fan of the big holes.

As for dropping cobble turtles attempt to drop full stacks of cobble at the time and they disappear after 5 min so there is not much buildup of entities. From large scale test i run on this code there where no issues from those ( and i tested a 102 turtles quarry :P/> - Scanner Still perfectly detected all of them. )

I haven't tried the drop cobble option, I was just going by what I witnessed in one of my quarries with a full turtle moving from the bottom of the quarry to a new sector. (I've seen this happen twice) The turtle mines a shaft up the edge of its new sector, spitting each piece of cobble out individually. (Leaving potentially 60+ entities on the ground from a single turtle) So in this instance, it may behave differently than the standard cobble drop routine?

Never saw point of starting from a bottom. Real quarry should start from top - no-one sane is mining from earth core after all are they?
Point of quarry is to get 100% of stuff in area - you will get that stuff anyways.

Hehe… Real quarries aren't mined using little robots. :lol:/> The point of starting from the bottom is that you get the most valuable ores first. ;)/>

As I said, I'm not trying to get you to make your script be more like somebody else's. If it functions the way you want it to, that's fine. :)/> I was merely pointing out some alternate functionality that you may not have thought of.

Thanks for sharing this script! B)/>
Wojbie #31
Posted 21 October 2013 - 04:24 PM
No server lag, as I'm not playing on a server. (Just the internal server in single player) I guess the turtles may break the cart eventually. I've only sat and watched for a minute and assumed the cart would never break… :unsure:/>

Did some ninja update (no version change) that should fix or ad-least make mine-cart breaking more reliable - as side effect there is 2 times more probable to die if you stand in front of angry turtle. Good thing you don't go into quarry area.

I haven't tried the drop cobble option, I was just going by what I witnessed in one of my quarries with a full turtle moving from the bottom of the quarry to a new sector. (I've seen this happen twice) The turtle mines a shaft up the edge of its new sector, spitting each piece of cobble out individually. (Leaving potentially 60+ entities on the ground from a single turtle) So in this instance, it may behave differently than the standard cobble drop routine?

Ah that bug - its 1 in a 100 situation when turtle fills up his 16th slot while reseting to next sector - so they drop cause there is no space in turtle.
That would happen even if there was no cobble drop on. Don't worry minecraft code will compress them in one stack on bottom of the shaft - thats why there is no case for this situation. Also i did some ninja change in movement code yesterday i think so this way of getting up will happen less often.

Side Note - Turtle waiting in Queue will now inform of it on screen
GeneralHARM #32
Posted 21 October 2013 - 07:12 PM
Love the program thank you,
i had it setup and working nicely last night, but i wanted to change the grid and reset it, go i went out and gathered up all of my miners, now i have setup and deployed a single miner to the grid that i want, but when i try to add a new miner to the swarm i get
Love the program getting a weird error

Running parallel:22: Swarminer:858: index expected, got nil

just tried to deploy another, it mined 9 blocks then returned

miningparallel :22: swarminer:130: attempt to compare nil with number
HeffeD #33
Posted 21 October 2013 - 07:18 PM
Looks like your ninja fix worked on the minecarts. The turtles can break them now, and your vaccuum routine works well. B)/>

On my current quarry, (48x48) using the enderchests I'm not having any turtles get lost and run out of fuel, but I have had two of them just stop working for no reason. Plenty of room in inventory, plenty of fuel. One had mined the block in front of it, but didn't move forward to the empty space before stopping, the other had just reached the edge of its sector and had turned, but it hadn't mined the block in front of it.

If you want to add a some sort of verbose mode to help troubleshoot which function is locking them up, I could give you more solid data on what's happening.

I also saw a very odd bit of pathfinding. A turtle had just started mining a sector at the surface, and another had just come up from bedrock and was traveling to its new sector. The turtle on the surface stopped to run the compression routine, and the other turtle ran into it. The original turtle placed an enderchest and dumped its inventory, then continued mining. Oddly, the second turtle turned exactly where it had and was following it a block behind.

I thought that as soon as the first turtle reached the edge of the sector and turned, the second turtle would continue on to its new sector. However, it made the same turn that the first turtle did, and continued following it! I watched them until it reached the other end of the sector and turned, with the second turtle again following. :unsure:/>

I ran over to the scanner to see if it listed two turtles mining the same sector. I didn't see any duplicates, so I decided to go over and get both of the turtle ID's, so I could see which sector the the scanner thought the turtles were mining. But when I got back over to the turtles, the second turtle was no longer following the other turtle and had started mining its own sector. But it had very definitely seen the turtle follow the other for three rows in a sector. :huh:/>

I had seen a turtle following another one previously, but it was on my initial testing quarry where I was intentionally trying to confuse the system by purposefully breaking and re-placing turtles, and even doing some config shuffling and giving two turtles the same ID. (In case you're interested, the scanner display will switch back and forth when each turtle with the same ID communcicates, but other than that, it routed them to separate sectors throughout the quarry! :o/> Nice!) So I thought it was probably due to me deliberately trying to confuse it, so I just broke the second turtle. This time however, it was a standard, start the quarry and let it run. So I have no idea why it did that, or how it managed to correct itself, but I figured you'd probably want to know any odd things that happen while running your scripts.
Wojbie #34
Posted 22 October 2013 - 04:42 AM
Love the program thank you,
i had it setup and working nicely last night, but i wanted to change the grid and reset it, go i went out and gathered up all of my miners, now i have setup and deployed a single miner to the grid that i want, but when i try to add a new miner to the swarm i get
Love the program getting a weird error

Running parallel:22: Swarminer:858: index expected, got nil

just tried to deploy another, it mined 9 blocks then returned

miningparallel :22: swarminer:130: attempt to compare nil with number

Did a Ninja Fix on that one. Weird bug - can you provide me with contents of current.log files from both of those turtles? That would help me making it less likely to happen - sadly it never seems to happen to me. After that update program and that should not happen again.

On my current quarry, (48x48) using the enderchests I'm not having any turtles get lost and run out of fuel, but I have had two of them just stop working for no reason. Plenty of room in inventory, plenty of fuel. One had mined the block in front of it, but didn't move forward to the empty space before stopping, the other had just reached the edge of its sector and had turned, but it hadn't mined the block in front of it.

I am using internal debug code and I am as lost as you - according to code they are doing something - but i have no idea what, or why. Still a good pause/unpause seems to fix that/reset also works/unloading and reloading chunk - so they are able to recover from this adleast.

I also saw a very odd bit of pathfinding. A turtle had just started mining a sector at the surface, and another had just come up from bedrock and was traveling to its new sector. The turtle on the surface stopped to run the compression routine, and the other turtle ran into it. The original turtle placed an enderchest and dumped its inventory, then continued mining. Oddly, the second turtle turned exactly where it had and was following it a block behind.

I thought that as soon as the first turtle reached the edge of the sector and turned, the second turtle would continue on to its new sector. However, it made the same turn that the first turtle did, and continued following it! I watched them until it reached the other end of the sector and turned, with the second turtle again following. :unsure:/>

I ran over to the scanner to see if it listed two turtles mining the same sector. I didn't see any duplicates, so I decided to go over and get both of the turtle ID's, so I could see which sector the the scanner thought the turtles were mining. But when I got back over to the turtles, the second turtle was no longer following the other turtle and had started mining its own sector. But it had very definitely seen the turtle follow the other for three rows in a sector. :huh:/>

I had seen a turtle following another one previously, but it was on my initial testing quarry where I was intentionally trying to confuse the system by purposefully breaking and re-placing turtles, and even doing some config shuffling and giving two turtles the same ID. (In case you're interested, the scanner display will switch back and forth when each turtle with the same ID communcicates, but other than that, it routed them to separate sectors throughout the quarry! :o/> Nice!) So I thought it was probably due to me deliberately trying to confuse it, so I just broke the second turtle. This time however, it was a standard, start the quarry and let it run. So I have no idea why it did that, or how it managed to correct itself, but I figured you'd probably want to know any odd things that happen while running your scripts.

Ahahaha you are seeing anti-sector-collision code in action - when somehow 2 turtles decide to mine same sector they enter into a "competition" mode - first one to next layer wins and gets to keep sector while 2nd one has to find new one for himself. It happens from time to time and looks weird when happening :lol:/> Weirdest code i done in loooong time.
sirrasmusdk #35
Posted 22 October 2013 - 06:46 AM
Okay my computer keeps saying,

Finding Position…
Could not determine
no gps online
enter scanner data

i enter and it goes to this screen:

I really want this to work and im litterally losing my mind currently :/
Edited on 22 October 2013 - 05:31 AM
lewanator1 #36
Posted 22 October 2013 - 10:02 AM
Okay my computer keeps saying,

Finding Position…
Could not determine
no gps online
enter scanner data

i enter and it goes to this screen:

I really want this to work and im litterally losing my mind currently :/

Have you set up a gps tower?
Wojbie #37
Posted 22 October 2013 - 10:08 AM
ok fast 2 points

1) Computer Needs Wireless modem - without modem it don't work
2) You should have gps system or about 4-5 scanners in area to have gps signal

Other than that Scanner from screen-shot looks 100% Correct - its waiting for any turtle to get programmed - then it will show what turtle is doing

So in other words - Image in 100% correct but messages before inform me that you ether don't have a wireless modem or a gps system.

On Side Note:

UPDATE!!! v1.3.2

Tracked down path-finding issue and solved it - turtles should now path-find correctly instead of "going up and down" issue.

disk/startup update
To download latest version.
HeffeD #38
Posted 22 October 2013 - 12:30 PM
I am using internal debug code and I am as lost as you - according to code they are doing something - but i have no idea what, or why. Still a good pause/unpause seems to fix that/reset also works/unloading and reloading chunk - so they are able to recover from this adleast.

Ah, Ok, so you've seen this happen now for yourself. I thought maybe it was only happening to me for some reason. I'll have to try pause/unpause. I never tried that because I assumed that the turtles were locked up because they weren't doing anything that I could see. So I've always just restarted them. But yes, they've always recovered flawlessly on a restart!

If pause/unpause works, I guess you could add a temporary quick and dirty workaround until you figure out what's happening. You could have the scanner pause and unpause the turtles every 5 minutes or so. That wouldn't slow things down very much, and would hopefully free up any turtles that have stopped working.

Ahahaha you are seeing anti-sector-collision code in action - when somehow 2 turtles decide to mine same sector they enter into a "competition" mode - first one to next layer wins and gets to keep sector while 2nd one has to find new one for himself. It happens from time to time and looks weird when happening :lol:/> Weirdest code i done in loooong time.

Oh good, it's intentional! :lol:/> Like I said, I couldn't figure out why that had happened, and how it could have fixed itself after it started happening. So it may be weird code, but it does what it's supposed to do. B)/>
Wojbie #39
Posted 22 October 2013 - 12:51 PM
If pause/unpause works, I guess you could add a temporary quick and dirty workaround until you figure out what's happening. You could have the scanner pause and unpause the turtles every 5 minutes or so. That wouldn't slow things down very much, and would hopefully free up any turtles that have stopped working.

Can't do that sorry :)/> System is supposed to be 100% Server-less - making scanner issue pause and unpause codes automatically is a server/is a nope that however I can add inside timer inside each turtle causing fast pause/unpause. Now Right now however - still trying to find cause of that.

Oh good, it's intentional! :lol:/> Like I said, I couldn't figure out why that had happened, and how it could have fixed itself after it started happening. So it may be weird code, but it does what it's supposed to do. B)/>

Hehe - This is a visual side effect of code that i had no idea would happen when i coded it - I was as confused as you when it happened - 10 minutes of manually running code on paper before i figured it out. Still its funny so it stayed in there. Wish code was as simple to run on paper as it was then….
Zudo #40
Posted 22 October 2013 - 01:37 PM
Awesome. I can't believe I am the first 200+ poster on this thread :)/>
Wojbie #41
Posted 22 October 2013 - 01:45 PM
Awesome. I can't believe I am the first 200+ poster on this thread :)/>

Is my program Awesome or are you just shamelessly offtopic-ing? ( <- Shameless Baiting for Compliment.)

Also if other posters gathered and made one big gestalt intelligence we still would have less posts than you. Side effect of been a recovering lurker i guess.
GeneralHARM #42
Posted 22 October 2013 - 03:23 PM
Love the program thank you,
i had it setup and working nicely last night, but i wanted to change the grid and reset it, go i went out and gathered up all of my miners, now i have setup and deployed a single miner to the grid that i want, but when i try to add a new miner to the swarm i get
Love the program getting a weird error

Running parallel:22: Swarminer:858: index expected, got nil

just tried to deploy another, it mined 9 blocks then returned

miningparallel :22: swarminer:130: attempt to compare nil with number

Did a Ninja Fix on that one. Weird bug - can you provide me with contents of current.log files from both of those turtles? That would help me making it less likely to happen - sadly it never seems to happen to me. After that update program and that should not happen again.

I'll see if i have the log in one of my turtles when i check it out tonight, i wiped a few of them and re-tasked them so maybe we'll be lucky.

On a side note how effective is this system at getting Diamond if it does not go all the way to bedrock? havent been able to run it that way down yet.
Wojbie #43
Posted 22 October 2013 - 03:40 PM
I'll see if i have the log in one of my turtles when i check it out tonight, i wiped a few of them and re-tasked them so maybe we'll be lucky.

All turtles keep 6 log files inside of them - they are part of crash/reboot recovery system. For this bug i just need contents of "current.log" one.

On a side note how effective is this system at getting Diamond if it does not go all the way to bedrock? havent been able to run it that way down yet.

In preformating order phase you are asked how deep to mine - if you say mine 10 blocks it will mine 10 blocks . if amount you states is more than bedrock level it will reach it and decide its not going deeper. When i want to dig to bedrock i usually say i want 255 deep - nice round number.

Did large scale test of latest version of code:

Test Area = 100x100xbedrock mine
no enderchest, cobbledrop.
50 turtles.
No user input after start.


Whole area mined - 3 sectors not fully / 397 fully.
3 Turtles got stuck due to UNKNOWN error (Stand still for no reason)


Pathing problems - fixed
Refuel problems - fixed
Other small assorted problems - fixed
Endermen killed by turtles - 6 enderpearls in output chest?
Turtles Stopping in middle of whatever they where doing - Negated to lover levels than before - or could be lucky. Still could not get out of them why…. Irritating.
HeffeD #44
Posted 22 October 2013 - 10:49 PM
When i want to dig to bedrock i usually say i want 255 deep - nice round number.

I just use whatever height I'm starting from. If I'm starting the quarry at level 74, I'll set the depth to 74. With flat bedrock, that mines all the way down.

Turtles Stopping in middle of whatever they where doing - Negated to lover levels than before - or could be lucky. Still could not get out of them why…. Irritating.

Yes, I'd say you've improved whatever happens to make them freeze. Ordinarily I'd need to rescue some turtles even mining just a single chunk. Using your latest update, I just ran a successful 64x64 quarry with 10 turtles using enderchests, and I didn't have a single turtle stop what they're doing. So like you said, that may have been luck, or you've improved it. Based on my previous experiences, I'd say you improved it because up until this point, I've never had a quarry successfully finish without me having to babysit the turtles. Even small quarries. (Of course, that could just mean I've had horrible luck up to this piont… :P/> )

So, nice job! B)/>
Wojbie #45
Posted 23 October 2013 - 03:47 AM
I just use whatever height I'm starting from. If I'm starting the quarry at level 74, I'll set the depth to 74. With flat bedrock, that mines all the way down.

Ahh thats your problem - Turtles gave hard-coded bedrock level at level 5!!

if you want them to mine lover than 5 you need to set

local levelmin=5
in swarminer file thats on a disk to smaller one before you install it on all turtles (Warning that will reset after each update)

Depending of your flat bedrock level that can be 1 or 2 or 3 - simply stand on topmost piece of cobble and look at your legs y coord - thats what you should put there.
HeffeD #46
Posted 23 October 2013 - 12:32 PM
Ahh thats your problem - Turtles gave hard-coded bedrock level at level 5!!

Ah, sorry wojbie, I think there's been a bit of a misunderstanding… :huh:/>

I wasn't reporting a problem, I was merely stating an easy way to set the quarry depth.

I've been editing the levelmin setting to "1" since the first time I've used your script. My turtles have never had a problem mining all the way down to bedrock.
Wojbie #47
Posted 23 October 2013 - 01:55 PM
Sorry :D/>

English is not my first/nor second language and i sometimes get confused.
Placed a small update of path-finding(again) Hopefully it will finally work bug-less.

Also died from turtle attack - bugger picked up my whole inventory and dropped it off to ender-chest straight to me-system. :P/>
25 levels to the drain.
HeffeD #48
Posted 23 October 2013 - 04:53 PM
That's OK wojbie, you speak English better than I speak any language other than my native language. :)/>

I just encountered and error.

I found two turtles apparenlty in a standoff. Turtle One facing the front of the quarry, Turtle Two facing Turtle One, but it is positioned a block below. Turtle two had also mined the block below it. This was roughly in the middle of the edge of Turtle One's sector.

Anyway, one has the error: Mining parallel :22: swarminer :607: attempt to call nil. And the other has the same error, but a different swarminer number. Mining parallel :22: swarminer :706: attempt to call nil.

Upon restart, Turtle One was able to continue mining, but Turtle Two says:
Determining position
Something went wrong.

So Turtle Two apparently got very confused and started digging a different sector than it was supposed to, it may have been traveling to a new sector, because all of the currently unfinished sectors are being actively mined by other turtles. But if it was traveling to a new sector, I have no idea why it was digging below the turtle currently mining that sector. And it was digging down, not up, so it wasn't digging to the surface from down below.

I also wondered if it was maybe a case of the two turtles competing for the same sector as you mentioned previously, but in that case, Turtle two should have "won" the competition because it was lower, but the sector had already had 6 layers removed, and Turtle one had already mined three rows into it's current sector when it apparently encountered Turtle Two.

So I basically have no idea what Turtle Two was doing. I ended up breaking him and re-loading the orders and he's happily mining a new sector.
Wojbie #49
Posted 23 October 2013 - 05:10 PM
Still by your errors and info you given me i can say 2 things
  1. Those errors are biggest headscrachers i had on this program yet
  2. I have no idea what happened

Something went wrong - Error is called when after all system check and setups i am preforming one more check to double check everything - If that fails after all before stuffs i have honestly no idea what went wrong. So Eloquence of this error message symbolizes my Bafflement at situation.

In Infamous words of Turtle Nr Two: Something went wrong. I guess.

Side-note - In testing version of program this message was "Somethin went wong." Opse.
Mad_Professor #50
Posted 24 October 2013 - 09:15 AM
I gave your script a shot in my single player, it doesn't work.

I got 4 scanners up, the turtle can't find gps, I turned off one scanner and now the turtle has gps. I set up a 128L x 3W x 3D repeat 10 times, I sent it on it's way. 10 minutes went by, it did not come back to refuel/dropoff, it only had 1000 fuel. So I went after it, dug 1000 blocks following the single hole, gave up.

I treid again with a new setup with 5 scanners, same problem turtle could not find gps and scanner number 5 is off by 5 blocks and scanner 2 is off by 1 block. Removed those two scanner and now the turtle has GPS, I set up the sector again this time I did 3x3x3 repeat once and limited the fuel to 100. It move one block forward then said "work done!"

It's broken, or I'm doing something really wrong.
honsbeekiejj #51
Posted 24 October 2013 - 12:10 PM
hey I'm running your programm now and i had 3 turtles running and they stopped at different levels saying: too long without yielding i believe they said line 85 but not sure will edit when it happens again
Wojbie #52
Posted 24 October 2013 - 12:18 PM
I gave your script a shot in my single player, it doesn't work.

I got 4 scanners up, the turtle can't find gps, I turned off one scanner and now the turtle has gps. I set up a 128L x 3W x 3D repeat 10 times, I sent it on it's way. 10 minutes went by, it did not come back to refuel/dropoff, it only had 1000 fuel. So I went after it, dug 1000 blocks following the single hole, gave up.

I treid again with a new setup with 5 scanners, same problem turtle could not find gps and scanner number 5 is off by 5 blocks and scanner 2 is off by 1 block. Removed those two scanner and now the turtle has GPS, I set up the sector again this time I did 3x3x3 repeat once and limited the fuel to 100. It move one block forward then said "work done!"

It's broken, or I'm doing something really wrong.

Ok i see your problem

Read How GPS Systems work in Minecraft -Basically you need to set up scanners in correct way for them to provide good gps signal.

Triple check coordinates you are giving to the program. Both scanners and in Orders you are programming.
In Scanners its asking for computer coordinates not wireless modem coordinates(common mistake - sounds like that from you rapport.)
If you type one coordinate wrong program will assume you meant it and go there.

You need to find that first turtle. If it is in area It will keep sending data to other turtles causing Work Done to be issued. Scanners should be able to detect it if its in range and tell you its position ( after you set up good gps)

Also how did you limit fuel to 100?? Program should have not started with 100 fuel - there is lock on that. Unless you edited code than i am sorry but thats not under warranty.

Hope That helps.

hey I'm running your programm now and i had 3 turtles running and they stopped at different levels saying: too long without yielding i believe they said line 85 but not sure will edit when it happens again

Line 85 is a save to file code - if it errored on this line then server (or singleplyer) must have had some small problems with file save. Nothing i can help with (If that was line 85)
honsbeekiejj #53
Posted 24 October 2013 - 12:21 PM
Miningparallel:22:swarminer:251: Too long without yielding
Wojbie #54
Posted 24 October 2013 - 12:24 PM
Miningparallel:22:swarminer:251: Too long without yielding
What turtle was doing? mining? attempting to refuel? any more info about situation you can give me? cause from the error message itself point at turtle.getFuelLevel() - witch is a standard function
honsbeekiejj #55
Posted 24 October 2013 - 12:26 PM
hmm mining nothing it's moving down an old hole i had, my turtles do have about 12000 fuel becuase i gave them lava buckets maybe that's the problem
Wojbie #56
Posted 24 October 2013 - 12:40 PM
No No not a problem. Still i have no idea what can be causing it - i tested this program on ftb or tekkit or just on cc and it works….. No idea whats causing your error. Sorry

EDIT: Managed to duplicate this error - working on solving it.

Side note: I am working on deploying/collecting program - allows automatic deployment/collection of larger amounts of turtles (Included placing enderchests/cobble in needed slots.) Using one turtle and a chest..
honsbeekiejj #57
Posted 24 October 2013 - 04:32 PM
hmm 3 lines it gets stuck on 22 85 and 251 sometimes it does, the othertime it doesn't… it won't continue when broken on line 85 EDIT: didn't see your edit waiting for response, when more will ocure i will let you know
Mad_Professor #58
Posted 24 October 2013 - 09:06 PM
I gave your script a shot in my single player, it doesn't work.

I got 4 scanners up, the turtle can't find gps, I turned off one scanner and now the turtle has gps. I set up a 128L x 3W x 3D repeat 10 times, I sent it on it's way. 10 minutes went by, it did not come back to refuel/dropoff, it only had 1000 fuel. So I went after it, dug 1000 blocks following the single hole, gave up.

I treid again with a new setup with 5 scanners, same problem turtle could not find gps and scanner number 5 is off by 5 blocks and scanner 2 is off by 1 block. Removed those two scanner and now the turtle has GPS, I set up the sector again this time I did 3x3x3 repeat once and limited the fuel to 100. It move one block forward then said "work done!"

It's broken, or I'm doing something really wrong.

Ok i see your problem

Read How GPS Systems work in Minecraft -Basically you need to set up scanners in correct way for them to provide good gps signal.

Triple check coordinates you are giving to the program. Both scanners and in Orders you are programming.
In Scanners its asking for computer coordinates not wireless modem coordinates(common mistake - sounds like that from you rapport.)
If you type one coordinate wrong program will assume you meant it and go there.

You need to find that first turtle. If it is in area It will keep sending data to other turtles causing Work Done to be issued. Scanners should be able to detect it if its in range and tell you its position ( after you set up good gps)

Also how did you limit fuel to 100?? Program should have not started with 100 fuel - there is lock on that. Unless you edited code than i am sorry but thats not under warranty.

Hope That helps.

I did not put a chest for fuel above the turtle, I manually gave them coal and did "refuel all."

SO what you're saying is that first and second turtle I lost is causing the third turtle to say work done? They are not even in range or in the same chunk I'm in. I'm never going to find them since they just gone, man. They could be in a lava pool, I don't know how they manage to get enough fuel to mine so far.

You need to implment a fail safe code to recall the turtle when it exceeds it's gps wireless range. Because the wireless modems only go 16 meters during storm at low alt, 64 on a good day and at high alt 384 on a good day, 64 on a bad day.

I will try to fix the gps again.
mistagnerd #59
Posted 25 October 2013 - 06:21 AM
Hello, I'm quite new to computercraft and am having trouble following your imgur album. Do you by chance have a video explaining the setup process? I wil be away for a few days. So I will check back then! Thank you for any help you can provide.
Mad_Professor #60
Posted 25 October 2013 - 08:49 AM
Well I got it working, setup GPS satellites above ground, high in the sky. Definitely better to run standalone gps and scanner systems.

But now I got an issue with refueling. One of my turtles complained about "swarminer:251: Too long without yielding" which refer to

local i = turtle.getFuelLevel()
After manually giving it coal, it worked without issue.

not sure what's going on there.

Hello, I'm quite new to computercraft and am having trouble following your imgur album. Do you by chance have a video explaining the setup process? I wil be away for a few days. So I will check back then! Thank you for any help you can provide.
what kind of problem are you having, I may be able to help.
Wojbie #61
Posted 25 October 2013 - 09:03 AM
I am working on "Too long without yielding" issue but i am having trouble tracking down witch part of code is responsible for making that loop.
Sadly function that you are pointing to is called by many functions inside program and every time i add some kind of debug code i get nothing. Still i am working on it so no worries. I will have it tracked down. Still it would be useful if you people provided me with
  • version of computerraft
  • contents of current.log file
  • type of turtle (advanced or normal)
honsbeekiejj #62
Posted 25 October 2013 - 09:20 AM
I am working on "Too long without yielding" issue but i am having trouble tracking down witch part of code is responsible for making that loop.
Sadly function that you are pointing to is called by many functions inside program and every time i add some kind of debug code i get nothing. Still i am working on it so no worries. I will have it tracked down. Still it would be useful if you people provided me with
  • version of computerraft
  • contents of current.log file
  • type of turtle (advanced or normal)

my problem seems fixed by putting some random sleep(0.2) between the 85 (save lines) and the refuel
Wojbie #63
Posted 25 October 2013 - 09:36 AM
Can you tell me exactly in witch lines? That would help a lot.Cause you probably placed in in function that was causing problems.
honsbeekiejj #64
Posted 25 October 2013 - 09:44 AM
Can you tell me exactly in witch lines? That would help a lot.Cause you probably placed in in function that was causing problems.

between all the file useage lines

after editing it makes them 86 88 90 92

line 256 after the edit

local i = turtle.getFuelLevel()
if i =="unlimited"then
honsbeekiejj #65
Posted 25 October 2013 - 09:48 AM
Can you tell me exactly in witch lines? That would help a lot.Cause you probably placed in in function that was causing problems.

maybe you have a way to contact directly? Skype or something?
Wojbie #66
Posted 25 October 2013 - 09:53 AM
perfect!!! ones in 86 88 90 92 are useless but one in 256 would get called every so often breaking yeld timer. Thats not a fix but a brute force hack - meh i needed it to anyways i will gladly take it. Ok Editing main file to have it inside - will make it smaller one thought 0.01 probably.
Will also include some bugfixes so.

UPDATE!! No version change
  • Bugfixes
 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version
honsbeekiejj #67
Posted 25 October 2013 - 09:57 AM
perfect!!! ones in 86 88 90 92 are useless but one in 256 would get called every so often breaking yeld timer. Thats not a fix but a brute force hack - meh i needed it to anyways i will gladly take it. Ok Editing main file to have it inside - will make it smaller one thought 0.01 probably.
Will also include some bugfixes so.

UPDATE!! No version change
  • Bugfixes
 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version

Awesome, i'll let you know if i hit more buggs and stuff, some typo's :P/>
Mad_Professor #68
Posted 25 October 2013 - 10:18 AM
sorry to bug you again but my turtles are dying in the field because of no fuel. I have a chest above the drop point but they don't return when they are low. However they do return when they are full of goodies and refuel then but not when they are low in the field, so they die in the field and I have no way to jump start them, unless I destroy them and set them up again at the start point.

Also for some reason if I specify a drop-point, turtles don't go where they are suppose to go, they end up on top of the chest or behind it but not where it can interface with the chest. Only way around this is to say the drop point is the same as the start point.

I see an update but is it up on pastebin?
What does it fix?
Wojbie #69
Posted 25 October 2013 - 10:32 AM
When i post with update thing that means its on pastebin.
When you specify drop off point you are specifying empty space that faces (f:) drop-off chest and is under fuel chest - not a chest itself.
Also moved minimal fuel level up a bit in pastebin - should work better for you now. Had a lot of messages on priv and here saying that turtles took to much fuel so i lowered minimal amounts. now i upped them back up a bit - its hard to please everyone. So update again and it should work better. If not its a bug i need to look for.. again.

Also for All Future bugreports can i please get:
  • version of computercraft (or modpack)
  • contents of current.log file (when applicable)
  • type of turtle (advanced or normal)
This is important info for me!
Mad_Professor #70
Posted 25 October 2013 - 10:57 AM
When i post with update thing that means its on pastebin.
When you specify drop off point you are specifying empty space that faces (f:) drop-off chest and is under fuel chest - not a chest itself.
Also moved minimal fuel level up a bit in pastebin - should work better for you now. Had a lot of messages on priv and here saying that turtles took to much fuel so i lowered minimal amounts. now i upped them back up a bit - its hard to please everyone. So update again and it should work better. If not its a bug i need to look for.. again.

Also for All Future bugreports can i please get:
  • version of computercraft (or modpack)
  • contents of current.log file (when applicable)
  • type of turtle (advanced or normal)
This is important info for me!

Updated to latest script, turtles kept crossing paths deadlocking all of them, did a reset from start and now I got a traffic jam. Photos below.
Edit: also start point is -241 12 2 so didn't take long for them to do this.

This is just not working out very well for me.

Using silver turtles
Running CC-1.57
current.log file??
I got several which one do you want?

I appreciate your efforts and your work. Thank you.
Wojbie #71
Posted 25 October 2013 - 11:15 AM
ok i see you set dropoff chest somewhere away from main quarry and did a tunnel to it?
Then traffic jams are unavoidable in server-less system (like this one). Curent pathfinding system is designed for going over small roadblocks - they are not smart to wait at end of tunnel for other turtles to clear.
As i stated before its best if dropoff point is a startup point or somewhere withing a quarried area. Other points might work - but are not 100% sure.

As for current.log i need one from any of the turtles. Not in this case but for future reference.
Mad_Professor #72
Posted 25 October 2013 - 11:45 AM
ok i see you set dropoff chest somewhere away from main quarry and did a tunnel to it?
Then traffic jams are unavoidable in server-less system (like this one). Curent pathfinding system is designed for going over small roadblocks - they are not smart to wait at end of tunnel for other turtles to clear.
As i stated before its best if dropoff point is a startup point or somewhere withing a quarried area. Other points might work - but are not 100% sure.

As for current.log i need one from any of the turtles. Not in this case but for future reference.
I see, so I spawn too many to fast.

Well I only did two this time and for whatever reason one went straight forward about 64 blocks then double back then stop dead above the drop-point for no reason, the other one did the same thing but stopped dead about 16 blocks away from the first one.

Nevermind, I just look in current.log
I think I figured out why, I had set refuel/drop point the same as start point so when the first turtle came back for fuel up, nothing was there to give him fuel causing other turtles to stall and be placed in queue which cause the traffic jam above because turtles were doubling back for fuel and colliding with each other. After doing a new order, it seems to be working.

Keep you updated.

Wojbie #73
Posted 25 October 2013 - 11:48 AM
Ahh all of them formed one big queue? cause one of them was at refuel point and locked it down? that sounds probable.
Mad_Professor #74
Posted 25 October 2013 - 12:12 PM
Ahh all of them formed one big queue? cause one of them was at refuel point and locked it down? that sounds probable.
It was working fine but now… something must of broke with the pathing, They are playing "follow the leader." As in going the same path as the first one, until refuel.
Wojbie #75
Posted 25 October 2013 - 12:40 PM
Well they are on exactly same pathinding code - of course they will go same way.
As for mining in same place? That should solve itself in about a minute - 2 minutes - see few posts before for explanation.
Mad_Professor #76
Posted 25 October 2013 - 12:52 PM
Well they are on exactly same pathinding code - of course they will go same way.
As for mining in same place? That should solve itself in about a minute - 2 minutes - see few posts before for explanation.

It has not resolve, they do return for fuel but fall back in line and continue their conga line. Only like one or two of them are off doing actual work.
Wojbie #77
Posted 25 October 2013 - 01:43 PM
How big is your sector size again… Also look inside of them what sector they assigned to themselves - if same one then there should resolve itself sooner or later. Hopefully.
Mad_Professor #78
Posted 25 October 2013 - 02:10 PM
How big is your sector size again… Also look inside of them what sector they assigned to themselves - if same one then there should resolve itself sooner or later. Hopefully.

128L x 6W x 10D

I found the cause of the conga line, it my turtles, they some how became gps host, I have no idea how this happen, it explains alot though.

Gps locate kept telling me gps signal coming from nearby and I chased after it to find out what it was, it was my turtles. I'm not sure how to purge the gps host out of the turtle.
Wojbie #79
Posted 25 October 2013 - 02:18 PM
Why Exacly you made one sector 128 blocks long? Idea is sectors are small little squares that are mined by one turtle.

With sector like that i would suggest 16 repeats of sectors of 8Lx6Wx10D

No wonder you are having problems with code - Its not designed for such big sectors - idea is you make small sector and repeat it a lot of time on both axises.
Mad_Professor #80
Posted 25 October 2013 - 02:27 PM
Why Exacly you made one sector 128 blocks long? Idea is sectors are small little squares that are mined by one turtle.

With sector like that i would suggest 16 repeats of sectors of 8Lx6Wx10D

No wonder you are having problems with code - Its not designed for such big sectors - idea is you make small sector and repeat it a lot of time on both axises.

Because I can do it?

well it does work, but uh, some of these turtles are broadcasting gps, screwing things up for me. any ideas why?
Wojbie #81
Posted 25 October 2013 - 02:30 PM
One of the features - each turtle acts like a mobile gps tower - providing gps signal to his brothers and sisters. And no there is no coded way to turn it off.

Also sorry to inform you but with this size of sector its unlikely that you will be able to get it t work - all auto-correction code will crap out on you. and conga lines will form.

I will need to add limiter to size of sector in next update.
Mad_Professor #82
Posted 25 October 2013 - 02:36 PM
One of the features - each turtle acts like a mobile gps tower - providing gps signal to his brothers and sisters. And no there is no coded way to turn it off.

Also sorry to inform you but with this size of sector its unlikely that you will be able to get it t work - all auto-correction code will crap out on you. and conga lines will form.
Ok this is by design. Make sense now.

is there a way to recall a turtle? I lost two, they got stuck and had to go dig them out, I ended up falling into a lava pool and dying. so now I got one out in the field, 4 in reserve.
Wojbie #83
Posted 25 October 2013 - 02:38 PM
Take a look at List Of Argument Line Commands in Files and What They Do [For Advanced Users Only] : in main post.
In Scanner section you can see a Goto command - it will recall all turtles to preset position. Note - turtle must be online and get gps signal to be able to plot way back.
At this moment there is no way to recall one turtle at time.

You need to run
scanner Goto
in your scanner and then provide info asked by scanner
Mad_Professor #84
Posted 25 October 2013 - 02:57 PM
well now it's working the way you said. I did a 8x8x10 repeat 16, now they are working. Thank you, hopefully my documented mistakes will help others.
HeffeD #85
Posted 25 October 2013 - 03:13 PM
Because I can do it?

Yes, you can do it, but it makes absolutely no sense. Were you perhaps thinking that "sector" meant, "entire area of quarry"?

Having a sector size this large will not save you any time using a swarm of turtles. The idea behind a swarm is that you break up a large area into lots of little pieces, then have a lot of turtles working on these little pieces! This is what makes the system efficient in terms of time.

So if you have, say, 10 turtles mining your quarry that is 128x6x10, your quarry will be completed in a tenth of the time as as single turtle mining the same area!

I find it easiest if you limit your quarries to chunk boundaries because that makes it easiest to set up chunkloaders, and 8x8 sectors work pretty well with this script. So if you want to mine a single chunk, use 8x8 sectors and repeat that twice in both directions. Put 4 turtles on that and you can mine the entire chunk in 1/4 the time it would take a single turtle to mine the same area.

Just upscale from there. Want a 64x64 quarry? Repeat 8x8 sectors 8 times in both directions. Then deploy as many turtles as you want.

well it does work, but uh, some of these turtles are broadcasting gps, screwing things up for me. any ideas why?

Well, it doesn't really work…

You're sending a swarm of turtles out to mine a single giant sector. Since there is just one sector, they'll all be trying to do the same thing, causing the "conga line" effect you're seeing.

Wojbie has code that if multiple turtles are trying to mine the same sector, it will be able to correct this by having a bit of a competition between the turtles. The first turtle to go down to the next mining layer will "win" and the other turtle will go on to mine a new sector. In your case, it would probably take well over an hour for the lead turtle to clear the first mining pass and move down to mine the next three layers. Therefore, all of the other turtles would be tagging along for quite a long time before they could be routed elsewhere!

Edit: Sorry Mad_Professor, I was in the middle of typing this up when you posted your latest reply. Glad to see you've got it sorted out!
Wojbie #86
Posted 25 October 2013 - 03:22 PM
Also as an update - deploying/collecting program is coming along nicely - Should be able to ship it in next update or one after that.

Automatically deploy all turtles in buffer chest and gives them ender-chests/cobble(if needed).
Can deploy up to 64 turtles from chest above(planned to move chest below it) it - allows it to easily deploy labeled turtles(that don't stack).
Recall code inside calls all turtles in area to come to him - then it sucks turtle contents(if any) and then breaks it - placing it in chest itself.
Should allow faster deployment of large size quarries.

Kudos to lewanator1 for idea.
HeffeD #87
Posted 25 October 2013 - 03:28 PM
That sounds pretty cool. B)/>

I'm assuming that you would set up new quarry orders using the deployer turtle?
Wojbie #88
Posted 25 October 2013 - 03:33 PM
nope - Still preformatted on disk - Deplorer will be "advanced" option of placing turtle on disk/drive and giving it items. - Not connected to swarminer network in any shape or form. Only interaction will be when user activates recall mode - and that will be single impulse goto message to all turtles. There will be never a server in my swarm!

Think of it as speedloader for a quarry. As stupid as it sounds :D/>

I Got a 64 turtle quarry with a speedloader!!! :P/>
Mad_Professor #89
Posted 25 October 2013 - 03:41 PM
Because I can do it?

Yes, you can do it, but it makes absolutely no sense. Were you perhaps thinking that "sector" meant, "entire area of quarry"?

Having a sector size this large will not save you any time using a swarm of turtles. The idea behind a swarm is that you break up a large area into lots of little pieces, then have a lot of turtles working on these little pieces! This is what makes the system efficient in terms of time.

So if you have, say, 10 turtles mining your quarry that is 128x6x10, your quarry will be completed in a tenth of the time as as single turtle mining the same area!

I find it easiest if you limit your quarries to chunk boundaries because that makes it easiest to set up chunkloaders, and 8x8 sectors work pretty well with this script. So if you want to mine a single chunk, use 8x8 sectors and repeat that twice in both directions. Put 4 turtles on that and you can mine the entire chunk in 1/4 the time it would take a single turtle to mine the same area.

Just upscale from there. Want a 64x64 quarry? Repeat 8x8 sectors 8 times in both directions. Then deploy as many turtles as you want.

well it does work, but uh, some of these turtles are broadcasting gps, screwing things up for me. any ideas why?

Well, it doesn't really work…

You're sending a swarm of turtles out to mine a single giant sector. Since there is just one sector, they'll all be trying to do the same thing, causing the "conga line" effect you're seeing.

Wojbie has code that if multiple turtles are trying to mine the same sector, it will be able to correct this by having a bit of a competition between the turtles. The first turtle to go down to the next mining layer will "win" and the other turtle will go on to mine a new sector. In your case, it would probably take well over an hour for the lead turtle to clear the first mining pass and move down to mine the next three layers. Therefore, all of the other turtles would be tagging along for quite a long time before they could be routed elsewhere!

Edit: Sorry Mad_Professor, I was in the middle of typing this up when you posted your latest reply. Glad to see you've got it sorted out!

It's all good.

The information was a bit vague in the original post and the imgur didn't explain the sector, so I was bit confused. Also having it ask for sector length and width twice, I was confused even more, which might explain why I lost those two turtles in the beginning doing a 128x10x3 repeat 128x10 times.

Could be just be me being a dumbass.
Wojbie #90
Posted 25 October 2013 - 03:44 PM
128x10 times 128x10 thats 16384x100 mine!!! Wow that turtle could be anywhere… Wierd thing is it should never started up - fuel lock should have prevented it friom starting unless you provided 17000 of fuel. - Ok another thing to look into.
ATMunn #91
Posted 25 October 2013 - 03:59 PM
Well thanks to you i got idea to include vacuum cleaner into code :P/> It looks funny when turtle breaks minecraft and then begins to vaccum contents :)/>

EDIT: Just something for fun - how manu turtles do you see on image?

I see 8.
honsbeekiejj #92
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:00 PM
mine are stuck in refuelling mode now.
they instant place down the enderchest and start refueling..
normal turtles.
computercraft 1.56

rewrote the order and works now
no idea what went wrong
Wojbie #93
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:08 PM
They will refuel until they get 400+"distance to start point" units of fuel - are you sure there is fuel in ender-chest?
Wojbie #94
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:10 PM
Well thanks to you i got idea to include vacuum cleaner into code :P/> It looks funny when turtle breaks minecraft and then begins to vaccum contents :)/>

EDIT: Just something for fun - how manu turtles do you see on image?

I see 8.

You are less than 4 turtles short - look again.
honsbeekiejj #95
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:25 PM
They will refuel until they get 400+"distance to start point" units of fuel - are you sure there is fuel in ender-chest?

yea 1 doesn't has to refuel for a while 70k fuel xD
Wojbie #96
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:28 PM
But its working ok now? Small glitches are bound to happen. I am not alpha and omega.
Mad_Professor #97
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:44 PM
128x10 times 128x10 thats 16384x100 mine!!! Wow that turtle could be anywhere… Wierd thing is it should never started up - fuel lock should have prevented it friom starting unless you provided 17000 of fuel. - Ok another thing to look into.

what's funny I only gave him 1000 to begin with.
Man I would love to recover both of those turtles.
Wojbie #98
Posted 25 October 2013 - 04:48 PM
If they are still on-line they should be sending update signal every 2 sec to scanner.
If not and they are locked they are sending ping signal on gps system standard frequency every second until they get their bearings - then they will switch to standard signal.

So in other words - if they have gps signal scanner will pick them up - if not you need scanner scanning for ping signal to find them.

In the end they are noisy bunch - you can easily find them if you look for them. Kinda wish PDA was added - that would make finding turtles by distance easier.
honsbeekiejj #99
Posted 25 October 2013 - 05:06 PM
keeps failing on Miningparallel :22: swarminer:85: Too long without yielding
had an :22: :22: too really strange

using normal turtle's
using computercraft 1.56 (mc 1.6.2)


Miningparallel :22: turtle:22: Too long without yielding
Wojbie #100
Posted 25 October 2013 - 05:13 PM
I am tracking down this bug but sadly it proves to be illusive for moment. sorry.
honsbeekiejj #101
Posted 25 October 2013 - 06:50 PM
Miningparallel :22: turtle:22: Too long without yielding

normal turtle
computercraft 1.56 (mc1.6.2)
current.log : bios:339: [string "current.log"] :1: unexpected symbol
HeffeD #102
Posted 25 October 2013 - 07:32 PM
nope - Still preformatted on disk - Deplorer will be "advanced" option of placing turtle on disk/drive and giving it items. - Not connected to swarminer network in any shape or form. Only interaction will be when user activates recall mode - and that will be single impulse goto message to all turtles. There will be never a server in my swarm!

Think of it as speedloader for a quarry. As stupid as it sounds :D/>

I Got a 64 turtle quarry with a speedloader!!! :P/>

I wasn't thinking of the deployer turtle acting as a server. I was just thinking, if I'm going to place all of my mining turtles and enderchests in another chest for the deployer turtle to deploy, it makes the most sense to create the quarry order (saved to disk) using the deployer turtle.

Or is your method to send the first turtle out manually just like you do now, (create the order, reboot the turtle and load the latest swarminer) then tell the deployer turtle to send out the rest?
Wojbie #103
Posted 26 October 2013 - 03:58 AM
Or is your method to send the first turtle out manually just like you do now, (create the order, reboot the turtle and load the latest swarminer) then tell the deployer turtle to send out the rest?

Wojbie #104
Posted 26 October 2013 - 03:59 AM
Miningparallel :22: turtle:22: Too long without yielding

eghhh wait… turtle api is trowing Too long without yielding at me? Thats a new one….. will need to look for solution.
honsbeekiejj #105
Posted 26 October 2013 - 06:57 AM
Miningparallel :22: swarminer:85: Too long without yielding

normal turtle
computercraft 1.56 (mc1.6.2)
Current log: current.log : bios:339: [string "current.log"] :1: unexpected symbol
Wojbie #106
Posted 26 October 2013 - 09:17 AM
OK Tx for those 2 reports - as i said i am working on issue.

For future reference you should use

edit current.log
to view contents of file.
Attempting to run it gives no informative data for me.
honsbeekiejj #107
Posted 26 October 2013 - 09:38 AM
whoops xD

Miningparallel:22:swarminer:251: Too long without yielding

normal turtle
computercraft 1.56 (mc1.6.2)

Current.log: {["layer"}=17,["fuel"]=318,["id"]=22,["run"]=true,["loc"]={["x"]=2,["z"]=5,},["pos"]={["y"]=17,["x"]=265,["z"]=-196, ["zd"]=0, ["xd"]=1,},}
honsbeekiejj #108
Posted 26 October 2013 - 10:31 AM
Miningbios:208: Too long without yielding
Wojbie #109
Posted 26 October 2013 - 10:46 AM
Ok Ok i get it "Too long without yielding" no need to report it anymore :D/>

Working on it :P/>
Mad_Professor #110
Posted 26 October 2013 - 02:42 PM
It's working great for me, but occasionally I need to jumpstart a few turtles, they seem to forget they run on fuel. Need more work on fuel code.

Also would be cool to fuel them with buckets of lava, they take the buckets but don't know how to get rid of the bucket once they empty it so the turtle just sits there.
Edited on 26 October 2013 - 12:46 PM
Wojbie #111
Posted 26 October 2013 - 02:46 PM
I Really don't get your problem with it - in none of tests i have done turtles ever run out of fuel.
Unless you make them follow a maze to refueling station they should get there with 200 fuel spare each time.
In other words - can't reproduce. sorry.
dronf #112
Posted 26 October 2013 - 08:54 PM
I'm having trouble getting this to work. I have a proper GPS network set, so gps locate gives me the correct data. When i create an order and give it to a turtle to execute, they go forward a few blocks and stop with the words "Work Done" on the bottom of their screen. If I restart the turtle it moves forward 1 block, then says work done.

This was on a test 100x100, 1x1 sector repeats, down to y=6 quarry.

The current.log of one of the turtles contains: {["pos"]={["y"]=75,["x"]=2888,["z"]=-912,["zd"]=1,["xd"]=0,},["run"]=true,["fuel"]=4699,["id"]=153,}

Any ideas?

lewanator1 #113
Posted 27 October 2013 - 12:26 AM
Im no pro at this but you set the turtle to mine straight down? Maybe try 4x4 or something a little higher on the repeats
Wojbie #114
Posted 27 October 2013 - 04:12 AM
As stated before in this tread sector should be small - but making it 1x1 is kinda counterproductive to whole design ideas

IT would be better if you could use 3-10 for sector size then use repeats to make it size you need.
Mad_Professor #115
Posted 27 October 2013 - 10:58 AM
Quick question, how are swarminer id's assigned? I have few turtles with duplicate ids as in swarminer id:29 showing on both. not sure how it became that way.
Wojbie #116
Posted 27 October 2013 - 11:11 AM
Did you play with them in creative mode?

Swarminer id: is id of computer assigned by ComputerCraft - I simply use that cause i have 100% knowledge it will be unique. Unless you pick one of labeled computers in creative and place it few times. In other words they are always unique in survival and in creative you need to watch out for duplicating. Same case for installer disks id - also assigned unique by ComputerCraft

Side Note - I am finishing working on that yield error - tx to help from ask a pro subforums i should be able minimize its happening.
Should be ready for release in next 24h.
Mad_Professor #117
Posted 27 October 2013 - 11:22 AM
Did you play with them in creative mode?

Swarminer id: is id of computer assigned by ComputerCraft - I simply use that cause i have 100% knowledge it will be unique. Unless you pick one of labeled computers in creative and place it few times. In other words they are always unique in survival and in creative you need to watch out for duplicating. Same case for installer disks id - also assigned unique by ComputerCraft

Side Note - I am finishing working on that yield error - tx to help from ask a pro subforums i should be able minimize its happening.
Should be ready for release in next 24h.

It's single player survival, but I had to switch to peaceful a few times when I was trying to figure this stuff out and kept getting bugged by the mobs. Doesn't seem to affect it though, but just makes it harder to track on the scanner when two id flash two different sets of information.

also, stil having turtles run out of fuel, it's almost as if they are not aware of running low, but as you said you can't reproduce it, so I'm S.o.L. It's not a big deal, unless they stall in a laval pool.
Warlordjones #118
Posted 27 October 2013 - 12:34 PM
The program is working out very well for me, but not for the server I am running it on. When the server boots, all of my turtles booting at once is apparently causing CPU use to shoot through the roof. Would it be possible to insert a os.sleep(100) just before any turtle begins mining, to allow the server time to start up and stabilize. I tried doing this myself, but I cannot find the correct place to insert it!
Wojbie #119
Posted 27 October 2013 - 01:21 PM
The program is working out very well for me, but not for the server I am running it on. When the server boots, all of my turtles booting at once is apparently causing CPU use to shoot through the roof. Would it be possible to insert a os.sleep(100) just before any turtle begins mining, to allow the server time to start up and stabilize. I tried doing this myself, but I cannot find the correct place to insert it!

You are looking for sleep command in line 1369 - by default its 0.01 sec but you can set it to whatever you want.

It's single player survival, but I had to switch to peaceful a few times when I was trying to figure this stuff out and kept getting bugged by the mobs. Doesn't seem to affect it though, but just makes it harder to track on the scanner when two id flash two different sets of information.

also, stil having turtles run out of fuel, it's almost as if they are not aware of running low, but as you said you can't reproduce it, so I'm S.o.L. It's not a big deal, unless they stall in a laval pool.

Having more than one turtle with same number id is a weird situation - code is not designed to handle it - can cause all matter of bugs and hangs.
Best for you would be to get rid of one of duplicates.
HeffeD #120
Posted 27 October 2013 - 01:31 PM
It's single player survival, but I had to switch to peaceful a few times when I was trying to figure this stuff out and kept getting bugged by the mobs. Doesn't seem to affect it though, but just makes it harder to track on the scanner when two id flash two different sets of information.

Switching to peaceful wouldn't do it. Turtles and computers are given a unique ID by ComputerCraft when they are placed in the world.

Without manually editing some config files, the only way to get a duplicate ID is to place the turtle in creative mode. Since creative mode doesn't remove the item you've placed from your inventory, in the case of a turtle or computer, placing the item will duplicate it. The end result is that you have more than one turtle or computer with the same ID. That's the only way it will happen.
Mad_Professor #121
Posted 27 October 2013 - 02:01 PM
Having more than one turtle with same number id is a weird situation - code is not designed to handle it - can cause all matter of bugs and hangs.
Best for you would be to get rid of one of duplicates.

alright will do, after they are done with this 128x128 quarry. Also is there any way to remove the wireless modems, it would save me tons of trouble looking for endermen pearls.

It's single player survival, but I had to switch to peaceful a few times when I was trying to figure this stuff out and kept getting bugged by the mobs. Doesn't seem to affect it though, but just makes it harder to track on the scanner when two id flash two different sets of information.

Switching to peaceful wouldn't do it. Turtles and computers are given a unique ID by ComputerCraft when they are placed in the world.

Without manually editing some config files, the only way to get a duplicate ID is to place the turtle in creative mode. Since creative mode doesn't remove the item you've placed from your inventory, in the case of a turtle or computer, placing the item will duplicate it. The end result is that you have more than one turtle or computer with the same ID. That's the only way it will happen.

Yeah I'm not sure how it happen. I did delete the computer directory in .minecraft/saves/mymap/ thinking it would reset the id count but that was useless attempt. And maybe the duplicates are my fault, I did re-use computers that used to be GPS/Scanner Host.

But I'll toss them when they are done
Warlordjones #122
Posted 27 October 2013 - 02:08 PM
Wonderful. Thanks! Should not be exploding the poor server on startup now!

Edit: Darn, editing that doesn't seem to work. When I place the turtle, it hangs on the configuring swarmminer for a while, and then moves 1 block, and stops! It outputs TurtleOS V1.5 into it's console, then hangs, apparently running a program.
Edit2: Works perfectly now! Just me being too darn impatient! <_</>
Edit3: Also, when the turtles start, they wait like normal, but then wait for me to go into the GUI and press y to confirm area mining. Know how I would disable this?
Edit4: Derp, that would be coz I enabled debug mode :huh:/>
dronf #123
Posted 27 October 2013 - 09:00 PM
I finally got this working, but have had some odd results. I noticed that turtles will frequently get stuck following each other, so there will end up being like 8 in a row, slowly following the first. If that first one tries to turn around, the whole thing stops. Anyone seen something like this?
karlsen #124
Posted 27 October 2013 - 10:20 PM
This is the kind of program I've always dreamed about creating. I have a few ideas about features you could implement:

1: Make it possible to set up multiple mining areas using different channels.
2: As seen on this screenshot it seems like the turtles "line" up after each other because the first "layer" of a section isn't mined. Would it be possible for the turtles in the "line" to make a path between the sector it is trying to get through and the one it wants to get to like in this picture: (where the glass would be the possible pathing between the sectors).
2 &frac12;: An alternative "fix" the above "problem" would be to allow the turtles in the section to communicate and divide the area they have to mine (adaptive sub-sections).
2.75: Another way to "fix" the problem from #2 would be to mine the first layer of the sections in an alternative way by mining out the edge first then going back to the regular mining of this section.

From here on it's more "wishes" than actual requests :)/>

3: If #1 Would become possible another feature could be to have "master" turtles which automatically sets an entire mining operation. (requires GPS coverage in the area?) Given they get the coordinates, the facing and unlabled empty turtles, drop off materials (ender chest for example), disk drive, disk, and coble stone.
4: If #3 then you could use a different channel on the modem to send information about that specific digsite through an adhoc like network of "gps towers". Where this information would be sent with progress updates of each section every 10 seconds which would consist of the y-level/the depth/ number of layers completed in every section.
5: If #4 then you could possible make these master turtles automatically move mining operations once they have been completed to another area. This could be achieved through temporary enderchest storage for the labeled &amp; already programmed turtles. If this feature was created the user would probably have to give it some "upper" bounds of areas it's allowed to move to. If this "fully" automatic system would be set up it would probably need "blacklisted/whitelisted" areas.

6: Have a suggested dropsite being a bit above the center of the entire "map" with all the sections. Or possible add the option of having multiple drop locations where the turtle would figure out which one it is closest to and choose that one.

If all these things would be set up it would be possible to have a fully automated mining system which adaptivly moves to new digsites once it has completed it's current one.

I have a question about the movement of the turtles: I've noticed they stop up a lot and wait a tiny bit before they move on. Is this due to the information they send/receive ?
Another question would be about the connection between the turtles. Do they work like ad-hoc networks in real life where if Turtle1 and Turtle3 are too far from each other to communicate but Turtle2 is in between Turtle1 &amp; Turtle3 and has a connection to both of them. So Turtle2 would passthrough information Turtle1 need to send to Turtle3?

Hope I did not overwhelm you but I really enjoy seeing this project of yours since it's almost what I have dreamed of achieving with computercraft. Please reply if some of my suggestions/questions are unclear and I'll make sure to edit them to be more detailed.
Wojbie #125
Posted 28 October 2013 - 04:03 AM
Ok lets get to answering.
This is the kind of program I've always dreamed about creating. I have a few ideas about features you could implement:

1: Make it possible to set up multiple mining areas using different channels.
Already possible - requires manual edit of channel variable in scanner and swarminer files on disk before starting quarry - channels should be higher than 10000 cause they talk a lot.
2: As seen on this screenshot it seems like the turtles "line" up after each other because the first "layer" of a section isn't mined. Would it be possible for the turtles in the "line" to make a path between the sector it is trying to get through and the one it wants to get to like in this picture: (where the glass would be the possible pathing between the sectors).
2 &frac12;: An alternative "fix" the above "problem" would be to allow the turtles in the section to communicate and divide the area they have to mine (adaptive sub-sections).
2.75: Another way to "fix" the problem from #2 would be to mine the first layer of the sections in an alternative way by mining out the edge first then going back to the regular mining of this section.
I Don't understand exactly whats your problem with pathing - system - can you try explaining it again. Also you could bee seeing anti-collizion system that kinda counterintuitive in actions - take a look few posts before.
From here on it's more "wishes" than actual requests :)/>

3: If #1 Would become possible another feature could be to have "master" turtles which automatically sets an entire mining operation. (requires GPS coverage in the area?) Given they get the coordinates, the facing and unlabled empty turtles, drop off materials (ender chest for example), disk drive, disk, and coble stone.
Nope - design idea - no lords no masters each turtle is equal - i will add deployer/collector turtle after i finalize its code. will still require you to set order youself but will deploy and program turtles automagicly.
4: If #3 then you could use a different channel on the modem to send information about that specific digsite through an adhoc like network of "gps towers". Where this information would be sent with progress updates of each section every 10 seconds which would consist of the y-level/the depth/ number of layers completed in every section.
This while idea is good i am not good at - ad-hock networking - this wwhole program is based on brodcast-net turtle don't "link" with each-other they simply send info what they are doing to all in area. Also scanners send data of what they see in their area to each other to speed up information sharing. IF you want to seend this information onwards all you need to do if figure out how its send by scanner and make program plugging into that.
5: If #4 then you could possible make these master turtles automatically move mining operations once they have been completed to another area. This could be achieved through temporary enderchest storage for the labeled &amp; already programmed turtles. If this feature was created the user would probably have to give it some "upper" bounds of areas it's allowed to move to. If this "fully" automatic system would be set up it would probably need "blacklisted/whitelisted" areas.
Again - no lords no masters - to many times i lost whole mine cause "master" turtle got broken or destroyed.
As for blacklisted areas its possible with this version - take a look at List Of Argument Line Commands in Files and What They Do [For Advanced Users Only] : in floppy section - addzone commands - allows you to blacklist cuboids (turtles will not mine them - never)..
6: Have a suggested dropsite being a bit above the center of the entire "map" with all the sections. Or possible add the option of having multiple drop locations where the turtle would figure out which one it is closest to and choose that one.

If all these things would be set up it would be possible to have a fully automated mining system which adaptivly moves to new digsites once it has completed it's current one.
Multiple dropsides would require lots of changes in code that i don't really see point in making - with one dropspot its easier to menage your mine - also you can select dropsite point to be in (center) of mine but as i stated before there is no 100% endurance it will work 100% times.
I have a question about the movement of the turtles: I've noticed they stop up a lot and wait a tiny bit before they move on. Is this due to the information they send/receive ?
Can you tell me when exacly they stop a bit? if while mining then they are stopping to see if there is noting to mine - while pathfinding there are no stops to mine. Also if turtle attempts to mine another turtle its locked for a second as a punishment :D/> we don't want them to mine each other.
There is also queue system but its not "send/receive" based but "compare to what i know" based - it will not stop turtle unless it knows turtle should /stop for a sec.
Another question would be about the connection between the turtles. Do they work like ad-hoc networks in real life where if Turtle1 and Turtle3 are too far from each other to communicate but Turtle2 is in between Turtle1 &amp; Turtle3 and has a connection to both of them. So Turtle2 would passthrough information Turtle1 need to send to Turtle3?
All turtles broadcast all they know about what they are doing - informations slowly spreads onto whole mining areas - thats how map of mine is updated with information far more than 64 blocks away - simple nah? so yes no ad-hoc connection per se but information still spreads.
Hope I did not overwhelm you but I really enjoy seeing this project of yours since it's almost what I have dreamed of achieving with computercraft. Please reply if some of my suggestions/questions are unclear and I'll make sure to edit them to be more detailed.
No problem i enjoy answering tho those long posts . Take care!
Mad_Professor #126
Posted 28 October 2013 - 05:04 AM
I finally got this working, but have had some odd results. I noticed that turtles will frequently get stuck following each other, so there will end up being like 8 in a row, slowly following the first. If that first one tries to turn around, the whole thing stops. Anyone seen something like this?

Don't make the mistake I did, doing large sectors (128x6x10) with no repeats, you're better off with 8x8 repeat 16 times.
Wojbie #127
Posted 28 October 2013 - 05:23 AM
Ok ok i get the memo - locking it to 2 - 10 range in next update. That should get it done.
Wojbie #128
Posted 28 October 2013 - 10:26 AM

  • "To long without yeld" error fixes added.
  • New even faster refuelling code
  • Limited sector size to 2-10 range on both axis.
  • Small amount of code for future deplorer added.
  • Goto Code fine-tuning (again)
 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version
Mad_Professor #129
Posted 28 October 2013 - 03:25 PM
Started up my world again today, check on all the turtles, one not responding, chase it down and found it had terminated with
swarminer:863: index expected, got nil

This is not with your newest update but the previous.


Any idea why it had died like that?
Wojbie #130
Posted 28 October 2013 - 03:29 PM
Should be fixed in latest version - part of turtle code was sending wrong data in specific circumstances and it was poisoning environment.
I am working on adding a emergency beacon so when turtle crashes it will fall back to sending error flag on and its position (if its able to get it) for easier tracking down.
dronf #131
Posted 28 October 2013 - 04:38 PM
This may have already been asked and covered, but is there a way to make a turtle skip mining certain blocks? Would be nice to be able to go back in to a quarry hole and silk touch certain ores.

thanks again!
Wojbie #132
Posted 28 October 2013 - 04:45 PM
Nope sorry - I didn't consider that as usually i mine large areas so i get lots of stuff anyways…
Adding it now to the code would be messy. Its getting over 1500 lines of code now.

Emergency beacon code is operational and will be in next update.
Wojbie #133
Posted 28 October 2013 - 05:27 PM

  • Emergency Beacon Added - Any turtle that crashes down to shell will emit send ping signal to scanners informing them of it
  • Refined anti-sector-colision code - Sadly that makes "race" situation 99.9% rarer. Turtles now decide it based on who has lover id number.
  • Scanner Code updated to properly show Emergency Beacon status.
  • Additional code added for Deployer/collector needs.

 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version
HeffeD #134
Posted 29 October 2013 - 12:45 PM
It would be a good idea to ensure that if you choose not to use the scanner as a gps host, it doesn't broadcast its coordinates. Or maybe remove any previous gps files from the computer's folder.

Currently if you've used the scanner as a gps host previously, it will still be operating as a gps host using the incorrect coordinates if you install the scanner and choose not to use the computer as a gps host.

I set up a new quarry and the first turtle went off in the wrong direction. After catching it and doing a gps locate, I noticed that the coordinates were wrong, and that one of the gps satellites was much closer than it should have been. (I have a script that puts the satellites up near the maximum world height) When I terminated the scanner, the turtle was able to receive the accurate coordinates.

After deleting the gps log and startup file from the scanner computer's folder and reinstaling the scanner and choosing not to use as a gps host things worked properly.
Wojbie #135
Posted 29 October 2013 - 12:51 PM
Face-palm - fixed tx for report - no idea how i missed that. :(/>
But it should clear data correctly now. :)/>

 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version
HeffeD #136
Posted 29 October 2013 - 01:00 PM
Face-palm - fixed tx for report - no idea how i missed that. :(/>

We all miss things sometimes. :)/>

But it should clear data correctly now. :)/>

Thanks for the quick fix! :ph34r:/>
Wojbie #137
Posted 29 October 2013 - 01:08 PM
Thanks for the quick fix! :ph34r:/>

Eh that was one line fix - nothing big - I am more interested if someone got into situation when emergency beacon started signaling - Tested it in smp and ssp but you never can test it on someone else computer. :D/>
HeffeD #138
Posted 29 October 2013 - 02:17 PM
I haven't had a beacon yet. I'll let you know if I do.
HeffeD #139
Posted 29 October 2013 - 04:01 PM
This is the first time I've seen this one. I have a turtle mining an already mined sector. And interestingly, the turtle doesn't show up as a "+" symbol on the quarry map.

Normal turtle
CC 1.53
Current log

Wojbie #140
Posted 29 October 2013 - 04:07 PM
OK i already found where that bug is from - working on fixing it.

Also side note
That turtle id is 0? interesting coincidence.
HeffeD #141
Posted 29 October 2013 - 05:03 PM
OK i already found where that bug is from - working on fixing it.

Also side note
That turtle id is 0? interesting coincidence.

Yes, the turtle is ID 0. I didn't think of that. Maybe he's a ghost? :lol:/>
Wojbie #142
Posted 29 October 2013 - 05:07 PM
Yes, the turtle is ID 0. I didn't think of that. Maybe he's a ghost? :lol:/>

Spooky. Also - bug fixed.


  • Added additional Situational Awareness code - turtle recognizes if it makes a mistake and carries on
  • Refined anti-sector-colision code - again
  • Added layer info to scanner screen
  • Added cycle and recovery files to disk - those are deployer/collector code that i am working on - operational right now but untestet/lacks UI.
  • Tweaked Top Level Overwrite and Beacon - now broken scanners will emit Beacon Signal too.
  • Bugfixes
 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version


 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version cause update code got updated.
Edited on 09 November 2013 - 06:00 PM
karlsen #143
Posted 29 October 2013 - 05:29 PM
I love seeing all these updates wojbie! Keep it up!
HeffeD #144
Posted 29 October 2013 - 10:49 PM
With the latest update, I quite often see turtles going back over a layer they've just mined. :unsure:/>

No errors or anything, I just look down and see a turtle mining air.

Edit: Hmmm… You definitely want to back up your worlds folks. :o/> :(/>

I just looked in on my quarry and all of the turtles had stopped what they were doing. When going to investigate, I found that I couldn't interact with them at all. They were completely locked up, as was the scanner and my gps array. After restarting the game, every computer in my world is dead.

I didn't even know such a thing was possible. :huh:/>
Wojbie #145
Posted 30 October 2013 - 04:37 AM
OK for repeats i know the reason - forgot to remove part of debug code - fixing.

Second one sounds familiar but i don't remember where i heard that - it was some kind of computercraft bug i think.
I am 90% sure thats not entirely my fault. :mellow:/>

Anyways fixed - i hope.

 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version

2 Times if you can - update code got updated again
HeffeD #146
Posted 30 October 2013 - 12:33 PM
I just watched two turtles get into a stalemate. One was facing the other one, while the second one was facing to the side. Eventually, one of the turtles placed a loot enderchest, then the fuel chest and fueled itself, then routed around the other one. Then the other turtle started to move, but then placed a piece of cobblestone below it and ejected all of it's inventory onto the ground, including both enderchests. It currently only has a partial stack of cobblestone in slot 1. (Where the loot chest should be)

So apparently, it either picked the wrong slot for the loot chest, or cobblestone somehow got into the slot reserved for the loot chest. Of course that doesn't explain why it chose to dump the fuel chest along with everything else… :huh:/>

Normal turtle
CC 1.53
Current log of the turtle that took a dump on the floor.


Removing the cobblestone and replacing the enderchests where they should be allowed the turtle to continue on its way.

Sorry, I was so surprised at the tutle placing the cobblestone and dumping its inventory, I didn't think to go and look at the scanner to see if the emergency beacon had triggered or anything. :(/>

Edit: this is using the latest code update, and I ran the update twice as you suggested.

Edit 2: Turtles 17 and 18 are attempting to mine the same sector. These were likely the two that were in a stalemate previously. At least I know 17 was one of them, because it's the turtle I gave the current log for above. 17 is currently following 18 around. Even moving down to the next layer.

ID 17 current log:


ID 18 current log:


The scanner also reports them as both mining the same sector.
Wojbie #147
Posted 30 October 2013 - 12:51 PM
OK for first one i have no idea. :blink:/>
Sounds like turtle forgot it was supposed to use loot chest … then placed cobble as loot chest… ok that is wierd…
Will look into that but honestly i have no idea where to start…. probably in refueling code i guess.

As for second one sounds like i need to refine anti-colision code some more - they seem to calculate it wrong again.
Well scanner part worked correctly so thats a plus. :D/>

EDIT: Updated small bugfix - not related to your bugs thought.
HeffeD #148
Posted 30 October 2013 - 03:15 PM
Well scanner part worked correctly so thats a plus. :D/>

Yes, and I forgot to mention, I ended up terminating and restarting turtle 17, because I couldn't see the point of it following the other turtle to the bottom of the quarry because it obviously wasn't correcting itself.

When I terminated the program, I went to look at the scanner and it did list ID 17 as ERROR, so the emergency beacon seems to be working in the case of an unexpected termination. :)/>
Wojbie #149
Posted 30 October 2013 - 03:38 PM
Just an update i may be silent for next two days no worries program is still worked on.
I am simply Rubber duck debugging the program right now - it got a bit cluttered.
HeffeD #150
Posted 31 October 2013 - 11:35 AM
Yeah, there's something strange going on with enderchests sometimes.

I didn't see what had happened, but I checked on my quarry and found a turtle stalled in the air. Both enderchests were missing. There was some cobblestone in slot 3 and some dirt in slot 4, but that was all that was in its inventory.

So if it was a case like the one I previously reported where the turtle dumped all of its inventory by trying to place it in a piece of cobblestone, that doesn't explain why slots 1 and 2 were empty, with some cobblestone and dirt in slots 3 and 4. I would have expected like the other time, to have some item that wasn't the loot chest in slot 1, with all of the rest of the inventory ejected.
Wojbie #151
Posted 02 November 2013 - 03:47 PM
UPDATE: v2.0

  • Removed OpenPeripheral requirement for emptying chests - i realized i can code it smarter.
  • If OpenPeripheral installed will recognize monster_spawner and not mine it. Along with all other peripheral blocks ( chests excluded.)
  • Whole Program Got reread and cleanup
  • Removed lots of small bugs/applied tweaks.
  • Added Screen Saver on turtles that lovers amount of operations each turtle does.
  • Added Monitor Support to Scanners - if you place monitor next to scanner it will automatically display statistical data about: amount mined/amount currently in mining/amount to mine. It also auto detects Monitor Size and writes in largest font possible.
  • Rewrote fuel handling code… again. (I can't seem to be able to stop messing with it)
  • Added Logo. Just to stroke my ego.
  • Something i am forgetting right now should be here.
 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version
Wojbie #152
Posted 03 November 2013 - 09:39 AM
UPDATE: v2.1

  • Bugfix
  • Added fastgps utility program to floppy - allows for fast gps computer setup. It scans for coords from gps in area if not get them asks them. Then it creates basic gps host program that spreads gps signal. If there is startup file on computer it moves it into startup.backup[nr] file. Can be also used directly from pastebin on v1.6.2 and after that by simply calling pastebin run 4xanbDSX for even faster speeder setup.

 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version
HeffeD #153
Posted 09 November 2013 - 01:48 PM
If OpenPeripheral installed will recognize monster_spawner and not mine it. Along with all other peripheral blocks ( chests excluded.)

I haven't had a chance to try version 2.0 yet, but this functionality was in the previous version as well. After my last quarry was complete, I was surprised to see a zombie spawner floating inside the cleared area.

This makes it very easy to build mob farms around the spawners. :)/>
Wojbie #154
Posted 09 November 2013 - 02:35 PM
If OpenPeripheral installed will recognize monster_spawner and not mine it. Along with all other peripheral blocks ( chests excluded.)

I haven't had a chance to try version 2.0 yet, but this functionality was in the previous version as well. After my last quarry was complete, I was surprised to see a zombie spawner floating inside the cleared area.

This makes it very easy to build mob farms around the spawners. :)/>
Would you believe it I found out exactly same way? I was amazed that open_peripherals adds peripheral to mob_spawner ;D O well more power to me!!
Zierk11001 #155
Posted 09 November 2013 - 06:01 PM
I download the file from pastebin, startup from disk and after putting in the coords for the gps host i get the following error:

scanner:86: No such method isWireless

@scanner:86 - Line reads:

if,"isWireless") then

Can someone help please?
Edited on 09 November 2013 - 05:05 PM
Wojbie #156
Posted 09 November 2013 - 06:04 PM
What version of ComputerCraft are you using?
Do you have any ComputerCraft peripherals installed? If yes what kind?
Cause in vanilla ComputerCraft this should not bug this way.
Zierk11001 #157
Posted 09 November 2013 - 06:28 PM
What version of ComputerCraft are you using?
Do you have any ComputerCraft peripherals installed? If yes what kind?
Cause in vanilla ComputerCraft this should not bug this way.

Using stock FTB Mindcrack 8.3.2. not sure which cc version it is. I have a wireless modem installed but not sure about the other peripherals sorry :x
Wojbie #158
Posted 09 November 2013 - 06:33 PM
Can you post a screen-shot of problematic computer for me? Because that bug could not happen in normal circumstances.
What peripherals are at this moment connected to computer? just wireless modem?
Bomb Bloke #159
Posted 09 November 2013 - 06:33 PM
That'll be CC 1.5 on Minecraft 1.4.7.
Wojbie #160
Posted 09 November 2013 - 06:38 PM
Ahhh that explains it - back then modems didn't have that method… ehh i will look into making it backwards compatible.
Zierk11001 #161
Posted 09 November 2013 - 06:44 PM
ok, was just curious i'll try it on my ultimate server instead :)/>

Thanks for the help everyone! BTW Had disk drive as well sorry. Followed the image tutorial verbatim, but if it is an API issue then no worries.
Wojbie #162
Posted 09 November 2013 - 07:00 PM
I can fix that rather easily. Its just i didn't think about people on 1.5 or older using this code ;p

There you go - added special case for when there were no wired modems. fixed.

 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version

That fix for exactly 0.1 version of difference - before 1.5 my code don't make any sense - after 1.5.1 it worked perfectly - you fit rather narrow window of user-base!;D Hope you find Swarm Quarry to your liking and check out my other break programs.
Right down there in my signature. [Shameless Advertisement]
Edited on 09 November 2013 - 06:03 PM
Zierk11001 #163
Posted 09 November 2013 - 07:21 PM
Worked like a charm, tyvm

edit: and thank you for quick replies.
Edited on 09 November 2013 - 06:22 PM
Simon #164
Posted 10 November 2013 - 12:25 PM
bios:333: [string "swarminer"]:26: no loop to break

bios:333: [string "swarminer"]:31: no loop to break

swarminer:1509: attempt to index ? (a boolean value) press any key to continue
Wojbie #165
Posted 10 November 2013 - 12:41 PM
bios:333: [string "swarminer"]:26: no loop to break

bios:333: [string "swarminer"]:31: no loop to break

swarminer:1509: attempt to index ? (a boolean value) press any key to continue

Fixed Fixed and Fixed

 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version

Note that this only updates disk - you need to reinstall swarminer and/or scanner from disk on all devices you wish to update.
Edited on 10 November 2013 - 04:36 PM
HeffeD #166
Posted 10 November 2013 - 05:01 PM
Fixed Fixed and Fixed

Third one is not fixed. I just got almost the exact same error.
swarminer:1509: attempt to index ? (a boolean value)

This happened right after the turtle determined its position, and started moving. It moved two blocks forward from its starting position on top of the disk drive and encountered this error. If I restart the turtle, it will find its position and move one block forward and then give the same error.
Wojbie #167
Posted 10 November 2013 - 05:37 PM
Fixed Fixed and Fixed

Third one is not fixed. I just got almost the exact same error.
swarminer:1509: attempt to index ? (a boolean value)

This happened right after the turtle determined its position, and started moving. It moved two blocks forward from its starting position on top of the disk drive and encountered this error. If I restart the turtle, it will find its position and move one block forward and then give the same error.

Tx for catch - i updated wrong version of program to pastebin ;p fixed.

 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version

Note that this only updates disk - you need to reinstall swarminer and/or scanner from disk on all devices you wish to update.
HeffeD #168
Posted 10 November 2013 - 07:38 PM
There's still an issue with multiple turtles mining the same sector.

These two are mining the same sector 1x1:


And these two are mining sector 2x2:


ID's 18 and 19 were the last two turtles sent out, so I don't know why they would choose to pick sectors already being mined. I terminated ID 19 and sent it out again, and it went to the sector that the second turtle I sent out is mining (sector 2x1)… While I was doing this, ID 18 has corrected itself and is now mining its own sector.

I watched 19 for a while to see if it would correct itself, but when it got down to layer 8, (lots of air mining) I figured it wasn't going to. So I terminated it and brought it back to the start again. After deleting all of the files from its folder and sending it out again, it went right back to sector 2x1, that it was mining previously. So I guess it really wants to make sure the previous turtle did a good job mining that sector…
Wojbie #169
Posted 10 November 2013 - 07:55 PM
Well how far away are other turtles from this one?
IF he don't get synchronization data he will assume nothing is mined - try placing him closer to his brothers then activating him.

Thats what i see in this logs - they didn't synchronize with swarm. - they did synchronize with each-other.
HeffeD #170
Posted 10 November 2013 - 08:25 PM
Well how far away are other turtles from this one?

My deployment point is 5 blocks from the start of the quarry, and I do 8 block sectors, so the maximum horizontal distance to the first turtle would be 13 blocks away.

And even though those last two turtles were ID's 18 and 19. I only use 10 mining turtles. It doesn't take very long to deploy 10 turtles, even if I'm putting enderchests in them. The first turtle definitely hasn't completed mining its first layer by the time the tenth turtle is deployed. So even if it had been raining, (and it wasn't) the final two turtles would have been within broadcast range of the closest turtle.
Wojbie #171
Posted 10 November 2013 - 08:42 PM
OK i have completely no idea why is it happening then. Sorry i simply can duplicate this problem no matter how many times i try.
Cozzimoto #172
Posted 10 November 2013 - 11:19 PM
since you have several programs running on different turtles and such. Suggestion: maybe add in a debug tool where the system logs things in a single file, might help you out wojbie in trying to recreate problems and pin point what problems other people are having by having them submit there debug info
Wojbie #173
Posted 11 November 2013 - 05:22 AM
Cozzimoto while i understand idea of making a debug file problem is that
  • With amount of data that turtles synchronize even with 4 turtles you would run out of turtle drive space in like 30-40 sec.
  • No matter how hard i try said problem always fixes itself in my tests - on different versions of computer-craft ect. Sometimes it takes 2 sec sometimes it takes a min.
  • I Find that a low priority error - its not a problem with whole Swarm and it should auto-correct itself in long run. This program was never supposed to be fuel efficient or max speed.
  • I am currently working on other programs of mine. Swarm Miner got put on back-burner for now. Its working and its working good.
Cozzimoto #174
Posted 11 November 2013 - 08:32 AM
Cozzimoto while i understand idea of making a debug file problem is that
  • With amount of data that turtles synchronize even with 4 turtles you would run out of turtle drive space in like 30-40 sec.
  • No matter how hard i try said problem always fixes itself in my tests - on different versions of computer-craft ect. Sometimes it takes 2 sec sometimes it takes a min.
  • I Find that a low priority error - its not a problem with whole Swarm and it should auto-correct itself in long run. This program was never supposed to be fuel efficient or max speed.
  • I am currently working on other programs of mine. Swarm Miner got put on back-burner for now. Its working and its working good.
Ah i gotcha wojbie, i didnt know how flooded rednet is with your program so i just thought id try and help out. Is there a limit on how much you can send through rednet at a time, when i try and make programs with wireless capability i usually try and use the least bandwith as possible. is that a bad thing? and if i do create something i find uses alot of bandwith, How do you come to control it all?
Wojbie #175
Posted 11 November 2013 - 08:58 AM
This is minimal bandwidth use. I have 2 types of signals going around - small and big.
Small signal is current job/layer/position and is send out every 2 sec.
Long signal is Small+Order(includes map of whole area.) every 10 sec.
Each time each turtle receives one signal he needs to analyze it and if collision/queue is detected act on it.
So while signals are small recording analyze and decision of every turtle every time other turtle send some data out is a n(n-1) problem.
So that amount of data would fill up faster more turtles there are.

The small/long signal duo is created to minimize bandwidth use - small is essential and long is for synchronization.
As for effects of sending large amount of data? This could lead to small lag on server. There is reason I said that you should not make quarry's larger than 30 turtles ;p
Zierk11001 #176
Posted 11 November 2013 - 03:18 PM
Getting the same no such method isWireless from parallel:22 once you setup the turtle's inventory with the 2 ender chests. It takes 1 step forward then errors.
Edited on 11 November 2013 - 02:24 PM
Wojbie #177
Posted 11 November 2013 - 05:22 PM
Getting the same no such method isWireless from parallel:22 once you setup the turtle's inventory with the 2 ender chests. It takes 1 step forward then errors.

Missed that one line - fixed!

 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version

Note that this only updates disk - you need to reinstall swarminer and/or scanner from disk on all devices you wish to update.
HeffeD #178
Posted 11 November 2013 - 10:52 PM
This is a new one.

0:Eparallel:22: scanner:295: attempt to concatenate string and nil

This happened when I started the scanner before sending out any turtles. After sending out the turtles and restarting the scanner, it worked as it should. Altough oddly enough, I ordinarily start the scanner first and have never seen this error before. Even using the same program version.

And FYI, the ninth turtle I sent out again decided to mine a sector already being mined, although this time, the tenth turtle went to its own sector.
Wojbie #179
Posted 12 November 2013 - 04:19 AM
Fixed - I forgot to check my input in one place.

Also on side note as a test next time when turtle goes to area that is been mined already can you let it go - wait few min and see if it will auto-correct.

 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version

Note that this only updates disk - you need to reinstall swarminer and/or scanner from disk on all devices you wish to update.
Simon #180
Posted 21 November 2013 - 09:50 PM
Mua Ha Ha Ha!

(this is very exciting)

8 turtles going on a 120x120 pit im diging for nix. How long do you think it will take?
Edited on 21 November 2013 - 08:51 PM
Wojbie #181
Posted 22 November 2013 - 09:29 AM
Mua Ha Ha Ha!

(this is very exciting)

8 turtles going on a 120x120 pit im diging for nix. How long do you think it will take?

Heh hard to predict… never exactly timed this program + it kinda depends if mobs will spawn ;p Also try not to walk in front/up/down of operating end of turtle - they are rather aggressive when mining and moving :D/> What i can predict is that it will be a big hole :P/>
Edited on 22 November 2013 - 08:30 AM
Cozzimoto #182
Posted 22 November 2013 - 09:32 AM

yea im curious to know how long the entire project takes as well as a screenshot of the finished hole (just for awe and lolz)
MadVirus #183
Posted 23 November 2013 - 06:25 AM

im paling on a Multiplayer FTB Ultimate Server with CC v1.5(rev887) and have a problem with this script.
At the moment im using AustinKK's script because i couldnt get yours to work.

I did all the Things from the Picture tutorial but if i start the Turtle it sometimes beginn digging for a while and than he stop and spin around until its out of fuel, or he runs around in emty spaces like hes checking the area but dont digg anything.

What do i wrong?

Wojbie #184
Posted 24 November 2013 - 09:57 AM
This sounds like there is a problem with gps system in area - turtle is getting wrong coordinates. Or you entered wrong data during startup.

In future please provide contents of current.log file inside of bugged turtle. It contains data i can use to track down problem.
Edited on 24 November 2013 - 09:02 AM
saqr #185
Posted 25 November 2013 - 10:52 AM
Hi i have a problem with that program. My gps is working fine (i think), and my turtle move 2 blocks from disk drive and start spinning, when i right click him he show that he is mining. Can you make screen shot tutorial how to make, a proper gps system ?
Wojbie #186
Posted 25 November 2013 - 01:08 PM
Please provide contents of current.log file inside of bugged turtle. It contains data i can use to track down problem.
Edited on 25 November 2013 - 12:08 PM
Anavrins #187
Posted 25 November 2013 - 02:21 PM
Hi i have a problem with that program. My gps is working fine (i think), and my turtle move 2 blocks from disk drive and start spinning, when i right click him he show that he is mining. Can you make screen shot tutorial how to make, a proper gps system ?
Here's how to set a proper GPS, because a lot of people does the same error every time.

In the debug-menu, (F3) there are those coordinates, example;
x: -132,34392 (-133) // ……
y: 65,000 (feet pos, 66,620 eyes pos)
z: 212,16781 (212) // …..

In order for the gps api to give you the right coordinate, when you're setting up your GPSes, you must always use
the coordinates (between parentheses) for X and Z only, the Y doesn't matter unless you're standing over your
computer when setting up the coords, then you would subtract 1 from the Y.
So for the above example, while standing on top of the computer, you would input "gps host -133 64 212" in the GPSes.
Edited on 25 November 2013 - 04:49 PM
Bomb Bloke #188
Posted 25 November 2013 - 04:07 PM
This here is a decent guide as to how to position the multiple systems required for GPS to function.
honsbeekiejj #189
Posted 27 November 2013 - 09:20 AM
hmm anyone else has this problem where turtle's don't see if there is another turtle mining an area already?
Wojbie #190
Posted 27 November 2013 - 11:15 AM
hmm anyone else has this problem where turtle's don't see if there is another turtle mining an area already?
IT should detect collision of order eventualy and move on. I never had it take more that 30 sec but pepole reported it may take up to 3-4 min.
Edited on 27 November 2013 - 10:15 AM
apemanzilla #191
Posted 29 November 2013 - 08:16 PM
Just testing, pretty amazing!
Just a couple questions:
-When I drop in fuel (in the form of coal) it doesnt eat it like it does inpicture guide. Havent seen a turtle run out of fuel yet so I can't tell you what happens when it's empty.
-If a mob is in the way, will the turtle kill it and move on without getting stuck?
Wojbie #192
Posted 30 November 2013 - 09:48 AM
-When I drop in fuel (in the form of coal) it doesnt eat it like it does inpicture guide. Havent seen a turtle run out of fuel yet so I can't tell you what happens when it's empty.
Refueling system got inproved from time guide was made. Right now turtle will not overeat - it will only eat fuel it needs and leave rest.

-If a mob is in the way, will the turtle kill it and move on without getting stuck?
They are killing everything that is in the way of movement during mining. So it will not only kill mobs in the way - it will collect all drops from said mobs. I tend to get some slimes from my quarries from time to time. Some gunpowder sometimes ;p But watch out. They will attack and kill you too if you get in the way.
apemanzilla #193
Posted 30 November 2013 - 05:36 PM
-When I drop in fuel (in the form of coal) it doesnt eat it like it does inpicture guide. Havent seen a turtle run out of fuel yet so I can't tell you what happens when it's empty.
Refueling system got inproved from time guide was made. Right now turtle will not overeat - it will only eat fuel it needs and leave rest.

-If a mob is in the way, will the turtle kill it and move on without getting stuck?
They are killing everything that is in the way of movement during mining. So it will not only kill mobs in the way - it will collect all drops from said mobs. I tend to get some slimes from my quarries from time to time. Some gunpowder sometimes ;p But watch out. They will attack and kill you too if you get in the way.

Hmm… When it started spamming "0," as it tried to start mining, I dropped in some fuel but it didn't touch any of it.

Edit: Also, can I revamp this a bit? (Fixing the spelling, making it a bit faster, etc…) I'd give you most of the credit of course.

Nice to see mobs are handled - some other quarry programs get stuck on mobs and then fall out of place when trying to mine.
Edited on 30 November 2013 - 05:55 PM
Wojbie #194
Posted 01 December 2013 - 07:57 AM
Hmm… When it started spamming "0," as it tried to start mining, I dropped in some fuel but it didn't touch any of it.

Than thats a bug - adding to todo list - thanks for report.

Edit: Also, can I revamp this a bit? (Fixing the spelling, making it a bit faster, etc…) I'd give you most of the credit of course.

Nice to see mobs are handled - some other quarry programs get stuck on mobs and then fall out of place when trying to mine.
How big revamp are we talking here? What changes are you considering adding? (Spelling mistakes? Damn i thought i got them all)
I must say i feel iffy about idea. Could you go in bit more detail?

As for mobs - thats part of my position keeping movement code that i made. :D/> its in my all turtle programs ;p
apemanzilla #195
Posted 01 December 2013 - 03:16 PM
Hmm… When it started spamming "0," as it tried to start mining, I dropped in some fuel but it didn't touch any of it.

Than thats a bug - adding to todo list - thanks for report.

Edit: Also, can I revamp this a bit? (Fixing the spelling, making it a bit faster, etc…) I'd give you most of the credit of course.

Nice to see mobs are handled - some other quarry programs get stuck on mobs and then fall out of place when trying to mine.
How big revamp are we talking here? What changes are you considering adding? (Spelling mistakes? Damn i thought i got them all)
I must say i feel iffy about idea. Could you go in bit more detail?

As for mobs - thats part of my position keeping movement code that i made. :D/> its in my all turtle programs ;p
Well, I noticed that the pathfinding often leads turtles into caves where they waste all their fuel trying to get out, which could be avoided by having the turtles go up to the surface before trying to pathfind back to dropoff. Also, the cobble dropping feature doesnt always work, which I could fix - it would drop 63 every time slot 1 is full. And instead of immediately dropping everything into the dropoff chest, it checks if it's a valid fuel and then drops fuels into the top chest. The fuel system works, but often runs out of fuel when pathfinding, so better calculation could be used here. Finally, sometimes turtles seem to… disappear… leaving the given sector unfinished, so maybe if the system hasnt heard from a certain turtle in over 1000 seconds or so, they go and redo that sector.

If you want, I can help you fix the program and make it more usable, or you can on your own. Just tell me what to do :P/>

Edit: Also, on a more "revamp" not instead of just fixes, color/mouse support could be nice for the scanner at least.

Edit 2: Instead of spamming 0 or having to press "enter" after giving it an item, you could pull the "turtle_inventory" event, which fires whenever someone adds/removes an item from the turtle's inventory.
Edited on 01 December 2013 - 02:22 PM
Wojbie #196
Posted 01 December 2013 - 04:24 PM
OK i see you given some thought in the plan. Feel free to revamp it. Truthfully i kinda lost my drive to work on this program anymore.
there are some comments in code so you should not be going in blank.

Here are links to all subprograms that come in swarminer pack:
Floppy Disk(startup)="LXLBZK25",
Swarmstart(Top Level Coroutine Overwrite)="aFgPSyGe",

and extras that where never finished:

Hope you have fun working with it.
Also i ask you to give credit to me in all files you end up releasing that contain my code.
I will be watching to see what you do with this thing. ;p good luck
apemanzilla #197
Posted 01 December 2013 - 06:00 PM
OK i see you given some thought in the plan. Feel free to revamp it. Truthfully i kinda lost my drive to work on this program anymore.
there are some comments in code so you should not be going in blank.

Here are links to all subprograms that come in swarminer pack:
Floppy Disk(startup)="LXLBZK25",
Swarmstart(Top Level Coroutine Overwrite)="aFgPSyGe",

and extras that where never finished:

Hope you have fun working with it.
Also i ask you to give credit to me in all files you end up releasing that contain my code.
I will be watching to see what you do with this thing. ;p good luck
Once I start on it, I'll be putting new versions onto my dropbox, and theyll be public. If you have one, I can share it with you and youll be able to edit them as well.

I may look into using ApeNet instead of rednet to make long-distance communication easier
Edited on 01 December 2013 - 05:01 PM
Wojbie #198
Posted 01 December 2013 - 06:22 PM
Once I start on it, I'll be putting new versions onto my dropbox, and theyll be public. If you have one, I can share it with you and youll be able to edit them as well.

I may look into using ApeNet instead of rednet to make long-distance communication easier
I am kinda using my own communication scheme directly on modem peripheral. and top level overwrite remowes rednet coroutine to lessen amount of treads that get events. So that would require a lot of rewiring.
apemanzilla #199
Posted 01 December 2013 - 06:23 PM
Once I start on it, I'll be putting new versions onto my dropbox, and theyll be public. If you have one, I can share it with you and youll be able to edit them as well.

I may look into using ApeNet instead of rednet to make long-distance communication easier
I am kinda using my own communication scheme directly on modem peripheral. and top level overwrite remowes rednet coroutine to lessen amount of treads that get events. So that would require a lot of rewiring.
Ok, I'll leave that for a later time then.

Do you have a Dropbox account?
Edited on 01 December 2013 - 05:23 PM
HunterG22 #200
Posted 04 December 2013 - 09:33 PM
Is there anyway you can make it compatible with an endertank for fuel in the second slot?
apemanzilla #201
Posted 05 December 2013 - 07:50 AM
Is there anyway you can make it compatible with an endertank for fuel in the second slot?
There is no way to have a turtle refuel from liquid in a tank.
HunterG22 #202
Posted 05 December 2013 - 11:37 AM
Hmmm… for some reason when i start the program my turtle moves 2 blocks then goes straight up for a bit then starts doing 180's… tried reinstalling everything still does it.
apemanzilla #203
Posted 05 December 2013 - 04:11 PM
Hmmm… for some reason when i start the program my turtle moves 2 blocks then goes straight up for a bit then starts doing 180's… tried reinstalling everything still does it.
Did you set up a GPS network and the settings and order file?
HunterG22 #204
Posted 05 December 2013 - 05:34 PM
Yes, the computer says its getting a gps connection along with the turtle.
Edited on 05 December 2013 - 04:35 PM
Wojbie #205
Posted 09 December 2013 - 08:46 AM
Fixed small bug with dropping cobble mode - was calling wrong function. No version change.

 disk/startup update 
on your swarminer disk to download latest version
Kyuuki #206
Posted 14 December 2013 - 03:26 PM
I don't know what were wrong but …
My turtle move 1 meter, and it don't move after …
She's in runing mode, no error message …

Edit : I just see new element …
In my scanner i have 5 tortlue … 4 in Error… I just have one turtle o_o …

And on my GPs Tower :
parallel:22: scanner:171: attempt to perform
artithmetic __add on nil and number

Edited on 14 December 2013 - 03:27 PM
apemanzilla #207
Posted 15 December 2013 - 11:25 PM
Make sure you have enough GPS towers in range to accurately detect position.
musznik #208
Posted 16 December 2013 - 04:51 PM
is this script compatible with latest ftb direwolf 1.0.3 pack + mcpc-plus? because my turle is unstable as hell. sometimes it moves few blocks, sometimes it digs (only few blocks),and in most time it's just spamming console with fuel number,or just display stats…and do nothing

GPS is up.

Edited on 16 December 2013 - 03:53 PM
Wojbie #209
Posted 17 December 2013 - 11:32 AM
System will never run with such small amounts of fuel as those shown on screens - you need to provide bigger amounts for it to "unlock" before working.

When its spamming fuel level it expects you to give it some.
ego003 #210
Posted 01 January 2016 - 09:42 PM
Hi Wojbie,

I tried this program with the newses tekkit legends and I geht this error:

The error appars directly after installing the program on the turtle. First the turtle moves 1block forward, than the it stops.

Could you fix this?

Zykestheone #211
Posted 08 November 2016 - 03:54 PM
I need help, My turtles start mining with about 120 fuel and then they never come back to refuel, can someone help me with this problem?
Meit #212
Posted 03 March 2017 - 05:01 PM
Does this still work? can someone find out?
Lupus590 #213
Posted 03 March 2017 - 05:59 PM
Does this still work? can someone find out?

Try to install and run it and see what happens
Meit #214
Posted 03 March 2017 - 08:47 PM
tried to start, works perfectly, what I did was instead of using the scanners as gps hosts, I used "gps-deploy" program and set up gps with that and then created a scanner and followed steps at exactly same but after adding the first scanner and first turtle, added turtle, added fuel then set them up as the workers and ender chest is disabled and so is taking cobble because I dont need cobble trash.
For more info if some people are debugging or cant get it to work, I'm using CC (ComputerCraft) Version 1.75 1.7.10, If you want more info I can give you.
Also you can use "mirror utility program" to make it even better, you will be able to display the progress in large big screen.
one thing I noticed if you use the mirror and make the screen very big, about 6x6 etc then it can crash minecraft., I crashed I didnt know the size but it was around that and big.
link to mirror:
Edited on 03 March 2017 - 08:11 PM
jakejakey #215
Posted 12 March 2018 - 03:49 AM
This looks great! Can't wait to try it!
CLNinja #216
Posted 12 March 2018 - 03:57 AM
This looks great! Can't wait to try it!

Nice over 1 year bump.