Title: Just another useless CC program [rednet + 7 segments display driver + real world clock + bin2dec conversion]

Hi there, first of all sorry for my crappy english…

I was trying to understand if CC is compatible with MineFactory Reloaded (it's my first time with rednet's stuff) and , so I started to write some little scripts: first a binary counter, then i tried to make a 7-segments display for a useless 0 to 9 counter

I let myself get carried away by the programming and tweaking demon.

In this program that i made there are some functions that could be useful for many application, so i decided to open a thread here.
I think the script and the "hardware" could be nice on an online server: a lamp or a "piston" clock at the spawn

The code is commented and explained, shouldn't be hard to find which section steal for your purpose!
Source code
