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The Ultimate Guide To Making A Peripheral

Started by Bubba, 22 October 2013 - 12:47 PM
Bubba #1
Posted 22 October 2013 - 02:47 PM
I've left the old tutorial content here, but you should refer to this document for the updated and clean version of this tutorial. It's completely redone and goes much more in-depth. Be forewarned - it's a full 22 pages and I'm not even quite finished. I have yet to teach how to recompile/reobfuscate, but for now suffice to say that you need to run recompile.bat and then reobfuscate.bat in the MCP directory. Then take the generated folder in mcp/reobf/minecraft/ with your main package name on it and put it in a zip file. That is your mod file and can be loaded as any other mod.

PDF Version

I would appreciate it if you guys would take the time to make a comment on the tutorial if you find any issues/get any errors. It should be open on Google Drive to allow you to do it directly on the document itself, but I'd be fine with a comment here on the forums too. Thanks!

SpoilerUpdated note: For some reason the forums mess up the formatting towards the end of this post. Sorry about that :/ I'm afraid you'll have to use the Google Drive version for all of that information.

Note: This tutorial is still quite rough around the edges - I would go so far as to call it a first draft. There are a few things I have planned to make it nicer, but this has all the important bits.

Creating a ComputerCraft Peripheral

For noobs and pros alike

So you've played around with ComputerCraft for a while now - you like the automation and the power that in-game computers give you. And yet, you find that something is lacking. There are tasks that you wish to automate that are impossible to do using vanilla ComputerCraft. You want to have complete and utter command of your world, but you lack the tools.

If this sounds like you, continue reading. If not, continue reading anyway (you won't regret it!).

Making a peripheral for ComputerCraft is easy. All you need is a bit of Java knowledge, a working computer, and a few easily accessible tools.


The first thing you'll need is an environment to write your code in - I suggest Eclipse (Google it). Eclipse comes prepackaged with just about everything you need to succeed as a beginner-intermediate Java programmer, and it will give you the ability to easily write the code for your mod and explore the inner workings of Minecraft.

The next thing you'll need is the Forge API (Make sure to grab the src, not the installer or universal!!!). The Forge API is a Minecraft mod that provides many, many useful features to mod makers like you and me. One of its nicest features is FML (Forge Mod Loader). The Forge Mod Loader allows us to load mods into the Minecraft environment without any modification of the base classes. You'll quickly realize how handy Forge is after only a few minutes of messing around.

The third thing you'll need is a copy of ComputerCraft. In order to interface with ComputerCraft, we need the API. The API and its documentation is packaged in the zip file of the main mod, so it's quite easily accessible.

The last thing you'll need to have is a decent understanding of programming in Java. You can find decent tutorials on oracle's website.


Alright, now before we can get started, let me walk you through the set-up of all these tools.

1. Eclipse
Eclipse is quite easy to set up. Simply open the downloaded archive and extract it somewhere to your hard drive. I would suggest putting it somewhere where you won't accidentally delete it: for example, I put Eclipse in my Program Files directory. Once you've done that, you're basically done. We'll have to set up the "workspace" a bit later in the tutorial, but don't worry about it right now.

2. Forge API
Setting up the Forge API is nearly as simple as setting up Eclipse. Extract the files from the downloaded archive to somewhere on your hard-drive. I would put them somewhere clean - make a new folder for modding because we'll have quite a few files to store there.

Once you've extracted the API, look for the file called "install.cmd" (or if you are on a Unix system, look for ""). The installer goes out to the web and downloads everything Forge needs to run, which is quite a bit of stuff. It can take my slow internet up to twenty minutes to get everything downloaded. Once everything is downloaded, there's an additional wait while Forge actually decompiles Minecraft and applies its patches. You'll know that you're done when the prompt says, "Press any key to continue…"

3. The workspace
The workspace is essentially just the folder that contains all of our Eclipse settings. Forge is nice enough to generate a workspace folder for us when it's installed, so all we need to do is direct Eclipse to it. The workspace folder is found at forge/mcp/eclipse. When you open up Eclipse, it should be the first thing it asks you to do.
If you're still unsure, refer to the screenshot below:

4. The ComputerCraft API
Now Forge is installed, and we are able to create a mod. However, in order to make a ComputerCraft peripheral, we need to first install the ComputerCraft API. Like I said previously, the ComputerCraft API can be located in the ComputerCraft zip file, so go ahead and extract the contents of that to somewhere convenient (ahem… the modding folder). Now go back into Eclipse. Look for the Package Explorer bar on the left side of the window, and hit the Minecraft drop-down. You should see a few folder-like icons. Right click on the "src" one and then select "Import". See the picture below if you're confused:

Next you'll want to type "File System" into the "type filter text" textbox. Select the only available option and hit Next. Now we need to direct the Import to our api. Hit the browse button next to the From Directory textbox and navigate to the subdirectory "api/src". The folder should pop up on the left side of the screen. Finally, Check the "src" box. Here's another image for ya':

Hit finish and you should be all set - we're ready to make our peripheral.

The Code

Writing a mod with Forge is incredibly easy, and there are lots of resources in case you get stuck. A great place to learn how to write a mod is on the Forge wiki. I especially suggest checking out "Generic Mod", as it will guide you from beginning to end how to go about modding. If you are curious about something that I don't explain, a great place to start is there.

Now that the boring stuff is out of the way, we can finally get started with the code. The first thing we need to do is create a "package" that will contain all of our code. Packages are like Java folders, and they are a wonderfully powerful organization tool.

Create your package by right clicking on the "src" package and then going to "New->Package". A package name is by convention lowercase, and can contain periods to separate things into subpackages. I will go with the name "bubba.cctutorial".

Now create a class inside of [your package name] package in the same way that you created the package. Right click [your package name] and hit "New->Class". By convention, Class names start with an uppercase letter and seperate words using CamelCase. My first class will be called "TutorialInit", but you may name it whatever you like (Forge doesn't care).

By default, Eclipse generates a skeleton class that should look something like this:

package bubba.cctutorial;

public class TutorialInit {


In order to alert Forge that this is a mod that needs to be loaded, we are going to use the @Mod annotation. We can insert this anywhere between the package and class init lines.

package bubba.cctutorial;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;


public class TutorialInit {


Notice the "import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;" line. This tells Java that there is something inside of the class that depends on a class external to that package. Importing things in Eclipse is easy - simply hover over a word that is underlined in red and hit "import". See the screenshot below for an example of this:

Next, we need to make sure that we specify whether the mod is required by clients attempting to connect to a server with this mod.

package bubba.cctutorial;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;


@NetworkMod(clientSideRequired=true, serverSideRequired=false)

public class TutorialInit {


clientSideRequired=true specifies that the mod is needed on the client side if the server has it. serverSideRequired=false specifies that we don't need the mod on a server in order to connect to that server using a client that does have it installed.

Next we need to go ahead and start making the class that defines our peripheral block (I'll go into making turtle peripherals a bit later). I usually make a new package for my blocks, just to keep things organized. Right click this time on "[your package name]" and add the new name onto the end of the one that is automatically inserted into the box. For example, I will now create a package called "bubba.cctutorial.block". Inside of this new package, create a class. By convention, block names are entitled "Block[Name]". I will call mine "BlockPeripheral".

Once again, we are greeted with the skeleton class. Go ahead and make this class extend BlockContainer, which is a block that has a Tile Entity (More on those later).

package bubba.cctutorial.block;

import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer;

public class BlockPeripheral extends BlockContainer {


You should get a red squiggly underneath "BlockPeripheral". Hover over it and click "add Constructor". This is one of the reasons that Eclipse is super awesome (and somewhat bad for your memory). It will generate code for you if a subclass needs a constructor. Now we should have this:

package bubba.cctutorial.block;

import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;

public class BlockPeripheral extends BlockContainer {

	public BlockPeripheral(int par1, Material par2Material) {
		super(par1, par2Material);
		// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


Eclipse adds in that "// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub" junk. You can go ahead and delete it if you want, but it's not necessary. Also take note that I changed something from constructor generated by Eclipse - whereas before the constructor is protected, I have changed it to public. This is very important, so make sure it's public before continuing on.

You'll notice that the red squiggly has not gone away from the "BlockPeriphreal". That's because Eclipse has realized that we still need to have some more inherited stuff. Go ahead and hover over the word again, selecting "Add Unimplemented Methods".

package bubba.cctutorial.block;

import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

public class BlockPeripheral extends BlockContainer {

	public BlockPeripheral(int par1, Material par2Material) {
		super(par1, par2Material);
		// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

	public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World world) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return null;


Okay, now I should probably explain to you what all of this stuff does. But first, let me rename a few of the variables in the code so you can see what's really going on.

package bubba.cctutorial.block;

import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

public class BlockPeripheral extends BlockContainer {

	public BlockPeripheral(int blockID, Material blockMaterial) {
		super(blockID, blockMaterial);

	public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World world) {
		return null;


See that? The BlockPeripheral constructor is actually just calling its superclass with the arguments for its block ID and block Material. Whenever we create a new instance of the BlockPeripheral (for example, whenever a block of that type is placed), it will run this constructor with the said methods.

Now let's talk about the createNewTileEntity method. This method is also called whenever we place a new BlockPeripheral. A block with a tile entity is any block that requires more data than is regular (regular data being id, metadata, and position). It also allows the block to do an action each tick.

The tile entity returned by this method is going to control all the actual logic of the peripheral. The block itself will have nothing to do with it. Let's go ahead and make the tile entity class that this method will return.

First, it's time to make another package to contain all of our tile entities. Keep in mind that this is simply an aesthetics/organization thing and is not necessary for the mod to function. However, it is a good practice to get in to. My new package will be called "bubba.cctutorial.tile".

Once you've made the new package, go ahead and create a class. It will be a subclass of TileEntity, so go ahead and make it extend that.


package bubba.cctutorial.tile;

import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

public class TileEntityBlockPeripheral extends TileEntity {


Now in order to make sure our block actually makes use of the TileEntity when it is placed, we need to go back to the BlockPeripheral class and change the return value of createNewTileEntity.


package bubba.cctutorial.block;

import bubba.cctutorial.tile.TileEntityBlockPeripheral;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

public class BlockPeripheral extends BlockContainer {

public BlockPeripheral(int blockID, Material blockMaterial) {
  super(blockID, blockMaterial);

  public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World world) {
  return new TileEntityBlockPeripheral();


Cool. Now whenever a BlockPeripheral is placed in the world, the createNewTileEntity method is automatically called and we'll be capable of accessing whatever methods our tile entity is given.

Speaking of tile entity methods, allow me to explain the purpose of the tile entities in relation to ComputerCraft. Like I said previously, any block that needs to perform an action each tick is typically a tile entity. Because peripherals often need to perform an action each tick, they are all required to be tile entities. In order to further identify our tile entity as a peripheral, however, we need to make it implement a class in the provided API - in this case, we need it to implement IPeripheral. Go ahead and do this in your TileEntityBlockPeripheral class, allowing Eclipse to autocomplete all your methods for you.

package bubba.cctutorial.tile;

import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

public class TileEntityBlockPeripheral extends TileEntity implements IPeripheral {

public String getType() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;

public String[] getMethodNames() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;

public Object[] callMethod(IComputerAccess computer, ILuaContext context,
	int method, Object[] arguments) throws Exception {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;

public boolean canAttachToSide(int side) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;

public void attach(IComputerAccess computer) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub


public void detach(IComputerAccess computer) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub



As you can see, the ComputerCraft API specifies a number of functions we need to have in the class. Let me go through the code and make a few comments about what each function does.

package bubba.cctutorial.tile;

import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

public class TileEntityBlockPeripheral extends TileEntity implements IPeripheral {

public String getType() {
return null; //When a computer makes a peripheral.getType call, this string is returned

public String[] getMethodNames() {
//This method will serve two purposes:
/* Purpose 1) When a computer makes a peripheral.getMethods call, an unpacked version of the array is returned.
* Purpose 2) When the callMethod method (below) is called, it refers to this method to check which method is to be executed. More on this in a bi 
return null;

public Object[] callMethod(IComputerAccess computer, ILuaContext context,
	int method, Object[] arguments) throws Exception {
/* There's a lot of stuff going on in this method, so bear with me.
* IComputerAccess computer: This allows us to perform a few actions with the computer, including but not limited to getting the computer ID and the mount directory
* ILuaContext context: This allows us to do things related to Lua itself. For example, here we can ask the computer to yield or wait until an event is fired.
* int method: int method: This integer is the method that is being called. In getMethodNames, we have a list of methods deliniated by a String array. The index of the called method is this integer (if this doesn't make sense right now, we'll be going over it more in depth in a bit).
* Object[] arguments: This is a list of all the arguments provided when the computer makes a call to this peripheral.
return null;

public boolean canAttachToSide(int side) {
return false; //This one's fairly self explainatory. An integer 0-5 represents a side. Returning a boolean specifies whether we can access the peripheral when it is located on a given side. 

public void attach(IComputerAccess computer) {
//Whenever a computer is placed next to the peripheral and turned on (or vice-versa), this method is called

public void detach(IComputerAccess computer) {
//Whenever the peripheral is broken or the computer is removed, this method is called


Have a read-through of the above comments and things should start to make sense.

Before we go any further though, allow me to skip back to our TutorialInit class for a moment. If you remember, we left that class fairly blank (so far, it only has @Mod and @NetworkMod annotations). We need to actually make sure that we load our new block into the game. Later, we may add other things into this class, but for now let's just keep it basic.

In order to register a block with Minecraft, we're going to interface with a few of the Forge methods made available through the GameRegistry and LanguageRegistry classes. Remember, if you want to get more in-depth with Forge, you can always check out tutorials here.

In order to use this code, we'll need to add in a few methods and mark them for FML to call. We can do this using another annotation.


package bubba.cctutorial;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;


@NetworkMod(clientSideRequired=true, serverSideRequired=true)

public class TutorialInit {
	public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {

The @Mod.EventHandler specifies that we are about to make a method that requires calling at some point in the load process. The FMLInitializationEvent argument specifies that we want this method to be called during game initialization. There are three different events that we can put in this method: FMLPreInitializiationEvent, FMLInitializiationEvent, and FMLPostInitializationEvent. A PreInitializationEvent will allow us to get some initial values for our mod. For example, if we add a configuration file to the mod, we would do it during that time. The InitializationEvent is the time to register things with the Forge API - for example, registering a block or item with the game. A PostInitializationEvent allows us to clean things up in our own mod or, more importantly, interface with other mods such as ComputerCraft.

Now before we get too much further, it is important that I add a bit of code to the @Mod annotation from earlier.


package bubba.cctutorial;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;

@Mod(modid="bubba.cctutorial", dependencies="required-after:ComputerCraft;after:CCTurtle")

@NetworkMod(clientSideRequired=true, serverSideRequired=true)

public class TutorialInit {
	public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {

I've gone ahead and added the dependencies argument to the annotation. The dependencies will specify what mods need to be loaded prior to our mod being loaded. Because our mod interfaces with the ComputerCraft API, we need to make sure that it is not loaded until after ComputerCraft. CCTurtle is a child mod of ComputerCraft, so we need to make sure that it isn't loaded either.

Now we can go ahead and register our peripheral with Forge. Doing so is quite easy:

package bubba.cctutorial;

import bubba.cctutorial.block.BlockPeripheral;
import bubba.cctutorial.tile.TileEntityBlockPeripheral;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.LanguageRegistry;

@Mod(modid="bubba.cctutorial", dependencies="required-after:ComputerCraft;after:CCTurtle")

@NetworkMod(clientSideRequired=true, serverSideRequired=true)

public class TutorialInit {
	Block blockPeripheral = new BlockPeripheral(496,Material.ground);
	public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {
		GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityBlockPeripheral.class, "blockPeripheralTileEntity.bubba.cctutorial");
		GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockPeripheral, "blockPeripheral.bubba.cctutorial");
		LanguageRegistry.addName(blockPeripheral, "Example Peripheral");

We've got a few things going on here.

Block blockPeripheral = new BlockPeripheral(496,Material.ground);
Firstly, we created an instance of our BlockPeripheral using the arguments 496 and Material.ground. 496 is the block ID (chosen at random - probably conflicting with ids from other mods). The Material.ground is the material properties we wish to give the block. We'll need this instance of the our block in a moment when we register it with forge.

Before we do that however, let's register our tile entity with forge.


GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(TileEntityBlockPeripheral.class, "blockPeripheralTileEntity.bubba.cctutorial");
The first argument in this method is the class that our tile entity is specified by. The second argument is the name given to that a tile entity of that type in the world. Make sure that you are verbose, clear, and unique when naming a block or tile entity. It will help significantly if it is necessary to debug issues later.

GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockPeripheral, "blockPeripheral.bubba.cctutorial");
After registering the tile entity, we register the block using the registerBlock method. Provided as arguments are the instance of the block we created earlier and the unique name this block will have. Please note that the name we give in this function is not what is displayed in when we hover over it unless we fail to specify a better one later - this is just to ensure that we can identify what the block was in case it is necessary to later. This name must be unique.

LanguageRegistry.addName(blockPeripheral, "Example Peripheral");
Next, we add the in-game name to the block using the LanguageRegistry.addName method. This method allows us to see "Example Peripheral" whenever we hover over the block instead of the more verbose name from the registerBlock method.

Finally, we set the creative tab this peripheral will reside using the setCreativeTab method of our block instance.

At this point, it should be noted that you have a technically working peripheral. If we were to package the mod up, everything would function as expected. Now it's time to actually make our peripheral do something.

Switch back to our TileEntityBlockPeripheral class. We need to edit the return values of the methods there.


package bubba.cctutorial.tile;

import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

public class TileEntityBlockPeripheral extends TileEntity implements IPeripheral {

	public String getType() {
		return "example_peripheral"; //When a computer makes a peripheral.getType call, this string is returned

	public String[] getMethodNames() {
		//This method will serve two purposes:
		/* Purpose 1) When a computer makes a peripheral.getMethods call, an unpacked version of the array is returned
		 * Purpose 2) When the callMethod method (below) is called, it refers to this method to check which method is to be executed. More on this in a bi 
		return new String[] {"method1", "method2"}; //Give us a few methods to mess around with

	public Object[] callMethod(IComputerAccess computer, ILuaContext context,
			int method, Object[] arguments) throws Exception {
		/* There's a lot of stuff going on in this method, so bear with me.
		 * IComputerAccess computer: This allows us to perform a few actions with the computer, including but not limited to getting the computer ID and the mount directory
		 * ILuaContext context: This allows us to do things related to Lua itself. For example, here we can ask the computer to yield or wait until an event is fired.
		 * int method: int method: This integer is the method that is being called. In getMethodNames, we have a list of methods deliniated by a String array. The index of the called method is this integer (if this doesn't make sense right now, we'll be going over it more in depth in a bit).
		 * Object[] arguments: This is a list of all the arguments provided when the computer makes a call to this peripheral.
		return null; //We'll mess with this in a moment

	public boolean canAttachToSide(int side) {
		//This one's fairly self explanatory. An integer 0-5 represents a side. Returning a boolean specifies whether we can access the peripheral when it is located on a given side.
		return true; //Make sure you change this to true or you won't be able to attach to the peripheral!

	public void attach(IComputerAccess computer) {
		//Whenever a computer is placed next to the peripheral and turned on (or vice-versa), this method is called
		//We'll leave this blank for now.

	public void detach(IComputerAccess computer) {
		//Whenever the peripheral is broken or the computer is removed, this method is called
		//We'll leave this blank for now


As you can see, I've changed the return values of getType, getMethodNames, and canAttachToSide. These are fairly self-explanatory, so let's move on to callMethod.

Allow me to imagine a scenario for you. We have a computer placed next to a peripheral, and use"right", "method1") to attempt to call the java code. ComputerCraft will go to our tile entity and inform it that it needs the method executed. It does this through the callMethod method.
When it calls this method, it will provide it with a number of arguments. In this case, they are as follows:
IComputerAccess, 0, Object[] {}
Note the 0. The 0 specifies that we are calling method1, because that is the index of the requested method. If we were to use"right", "method1"), this would be a 1.
I typically use a switch statement to perform the proper requested code, so let's go ahead and do that.


package bubba.cctutorial.tile;

import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

public class TileEntityBlockPeripheral extends TileEntity implements IPeripheral {

	public String getType() {
		return "example_peripheral"; //When a computer makes a peripheral.getType call, this string is returned

	public String[] getMethodNames() {
		//This method will serve two purposes:
		/* Purpose 1) When a computer makes a peripheral.getMethods call, an unpacked version of the array is returned
		 * Purpose 2) When the callMethod method (below) is called, it refers to this method to check which method is to be executed. More on this in a bi 
		return new String[] {"method1", "method2"}; //Give us a few methods to mess around with

	public Object[] callMethod(IComputerAccess computer, int method,
			Object[] arguments) throws Exception {		
		/* There's a lot of stuff going on in this method, so bear with me.
		 * IComputerAccess computer: This allows us to perform a few actions with the computer, including but not limited to getting the computer ID and the mount directory
		 * ILuaContext context: This allows us to do things related to Lua itself. For example, here we can ask the computer to yield or wait until an event is fired.
		 * int method: int method: This integer is the method that is being called. In getMethodNames, we have a list of methods deliniated by a String array. The index of the called method is this integer (if this doesn't make sense right now, we'll be going over it more in depth in a bit).
		 * Object[] arguments: This is a list of all the arguments provided when the computer makes a call to this peripheral.
		switch(method) {
		case 0:
			return new Object[] {"You just called method1!"};
		case 1:
			return new Object[] {"You just called method2!"};			
		default: //Make sure you have this in case they attempt to call a method that we don't handle.
			return new Object[] {"That method does not exist!"};

	public boolean canAttachToSide(int side) {
		//This one's fairly self explanatory. An integer 0-5 represents a side. Returning a boolean specifies whether we can access the peripheral when it is located on a given side.
		return true; //Make sure you change this to true or you won't be able to attach to the peripheral!

	public void attach(IComputerAccess computer) {
		//Whenever a computer is placed next to the peripheral and turned on (or vice-versa), this method is called
		//We'll leave this blank for now.

	public void detach(IComputerAccess computer) {
		//Whenever the peripheral is broken or the computer is removed, this method is called
		//We'll leave this blank for now


Now when we execute"right", "method1"), we will get a return value: "You just called method1!".

Now you can get excited. You've made a mod that allows us to make calls to java code. All that is left is to clean a few things up and package it into a mod.

There are several things you should take note of before I finish up. This mod is giving you the extreme basics. I have not shown you how to add textures to your block, register a turtle peripheral (we'll see about future tutorials), or add a mod configuration. You will need to figure this stuff out on your own. Keep in mind the forge tutorial set to get up to date examples on how to make this stuff.

Now, let's finish things up. First, I'd like to point out that most peripherals interact with the Minecraft world in some way. In order for us to do this, we will need access to an instance of the world. Fortunately, this is only a matter of making a constructor to the tile entity class and providing it with the proper argument in the createNewTileEntity method.


package bubba.cctutorial.block;

import bubba.cctutorial.tile.TileEntityBlockPeripheral;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockContainer;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

public class BlockPeripheral extends BlockContainer {

	public BlockPeripheral(int blockID, Material blockMaterial) {
		super(blockID, blockMaterial);

	public TileEntity createNewTileEntity(World world) {
		return new TileEntityBlockPeripheral(world);



package bubba.cctutorial.tile;

import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

public class TileEntityBlockPeripheral extends TileEntity implements IPeripheral {
	private World world;
	public TileEntityBlockPeripheral(World world) { = world;
	public String getType() {
		return "example_peripheral"; //When a computer makes a peripheral.getType call, this string is returned

	public String[] getMethodNames() {
		//This method will serve two purposes:
		/* Purpose 1) When a computer makes a peripheral.getMethods call, an unpacked version of the array is returned
		 * Purpose 2) When the callMethod method (below) is called, it refers to this method to check which method is to be executed. More on this in a bi 
		return new String[] {"method1", "method2"}; //Give us a few methods to mess around with

	public Object[] callMethod(IComputerAccess computer, ILuaContext context,
			int method, Object[] arguments) throws Exception {
		/* There's a lot of stuff going on in this method, so bear with me.
		 * IComputerAccess computer: This allows us to perform a few actions with the computer, including but not limited to getting the computer ID and the mount directory
		 * ILuaContext context: This allows us to do things related to Lua itself. For example, here we can ask the computer to yield or wait until an event is fired.
		 * int method: int method: This integer is the method that is being called. In getMethodNames, we have a list of methods deliniated by a String array. The index of the called method is this integer (if this doesn't make sense right now, we'll be going over it more in depth in a bit).
		 * Object[] arguments: This is a list of all the arguments provided when the computer makes a call to this peripheral.
		case 0:
			return new Object[] {"You called method1!"};
		case 1:
			return new Object[] {"You called method2"};
			return new Object[] {"Invalid method alert"};

	public boolean canAttachToSide(int side) {
		//This one's fairly self explanatory. An integer 0-5 represents a side. Returning a boolean specifies whether we can access the peripheral when it is located on a given side.
		return true; //Make sure you change this to true or you won't be able to attach to the peripheral!

	public void attach(IComputerAccess computer) {
		//Whenever a computer is placed next to the peripheral and turned on (or vice-versa), this method is called
		//We'll leave this blank for now.

	public void detach(IComputerAccess computer) {
		//Whenever the peripheral is broken or the computer is removed, this method is called
		//We'll leave this blank for now


Peruse World.class to figure out what sort of things you're given access to there.

The last thing I'm going to show you how to do is use the arguments provided to you by ComputerCraft code.
There are three types of arguments a computer can provide to you - integers, doubles, booleans, and strings. These are all passed in as Objects, which is an important distinction to make because we will need to cast them to their proper type before we're able to use them. To example this, let me make a method that echos back whatever you say with a little addition.

package bubba.cctutorial.tile;

import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

public class TileEntityBlockPeripheral extends TileEntity implements IPeripheral {

        private World world;

        public TileEntityBlockPeripheral(World world) {
       = world;

        public String getType() {
                return "example_peripheral"; //When a computer makes a peripheral.getType call, this string is returned

        public String[] getMethodNames() {
                //This method will serve two purposes:
                /* Purpose 1) When a computer makes a peripheral.getMethods call, an unpacked version of the array is returned
                 * Purpose 2) When the callMethod method (below) is called, it refers to this method to check which method is to be executed. More on this in a bi 
                return new String[] {"method1", "method2", "echo"}; //Give us a few methods to mess around with

        public Object[] callMethod(IComputerAccess computer, ILuaContext context,
                        int method, Object[] arguments) throws Exception {
                /* There's a lot of stuff going on in this method, so bear with me.
                 * IComputerAccess computer: This allows us to perform a few actions with the computer, including but not limited to getting the computer ID and the mount directory
                 * ILuaContext context: This allows us to do things related to Lua itself. For example, here we can ask the computer to yield or wait until an event is fired.
                 * int method: int method: This integer is the method that is being called. In getMethodNames, we have a list of methods deliniated by a String array. The index of the called method is this integer (if this doesn't make sense right now, we'll be going over it more in depth in a bit).
                 * Object[] arguments: This is a list of all the arguments provided when the computer makes a call to this peripheral.

                case 0:
                        return new Object[] {"You called method1!"};
                case 1:
                        return new Object[] {"You called method2"};

                case 2: { //This is our echo method
                        Object[] returnObject = new Object[10]; //Note that this method supports only up to 10 arguments
                        for (int k=0; k<arguments.length; k++)="" {="" returnobject[k]="You said: " +="" ((string)="" arguments[k]);="" }="" return="" returnobject;="" default:="" new="" object[]="" {"invalid="" method="" alert"};="" @override="" public="" boolean="" canattachtoside(int="" side)="" this="" one's="" fairly="" self="" explanatory.="" an="" integer="" 0-5="" represents="" a="" side.="" returning="" specifies="" whether="" we="" can="" access="" the="" peripheral="" when="" it="" is="" located="" on="" given="" true;="" make="" sure="" you="" change="" to="" true="" or="" won't="" be="" able="" attach="" peripheral!="" void="" attach(icomputeraccess="" computer)="" whenever="" computer="" placed="" next="" and="" turned="" (or="" vice-versa),="" called="" we'll="" leave="" blank="" for="" now.="" detach(icomputeraccess="" broken="" removed,="" now="" [="" code][="" spoiler]="" as="" see,="" i've="" added="" another="" method.="" will="" go="" through="" array="" of="" arguments="" "you="" said:="" "="" each="" one.="" i="" have="" explicity="" cast="" string="" purposes="" tutorial.="" with="" that,="" we're="" done!="" let's="" package="" our="" mod="" up="" loading="" in="" minecraft="" environment.="" do="" this,="" back="" forge="" mcp="" folder="" find="" files="" entitled="" "recompile.bat"="" "reobfuscate.bat".="" run="" both="" those.="" they="" generate="" few="" folder.="" once="" they've="" finished,="" navigate="" reobf="" minecraft.="" here="" two="" folders:="" bubba="" dan200.="" ignore="" dan200="" -="" that's="" api="" code="" provided="" by="" computercraft,="" don't="" want="" that="" mod.="" what="" zip="" containing="" your="" obfuscated="" code.="" windows,="" simple="" right="" clicking="" 'bubba'="" selecting="" "send="" to-="">Compressed (Zipped) Folder". The output will be a folder called, which is our completed mod. Drop this into your mods folder to load it up.

Here's a few pictures of the mod loaded into Minecraft.

Admittedly, the peripheral is quite ugly without textures. Fortunately, they aren't too difficult to create. Go ahead and check out the Forge tutorials to see how to go about that.

[center][size=5][b]Helpful links[/b][/size][/center]
The full code for all of this tutorial: [url=]GitHub[/url] [url=]Google Drive[/url]
Obfuscated version of the mod: [url=]Google Drive[/url]
Minecraft Forge tutorials: [url=]Forge Wiki[/url]
ComputerCraft Download: [url=]ComputerCraft homepage[/url]

distantcam #2
Posted 23 October 2013 - 12:00 AM
I just finished going through this tutorial, and I now have myself a working codebase. You sir are a legend!
Bubba #3
Posted 23 October 2013 - 07:07 PM
I just finished going through this tutorial, and I now have myself a working codebase. You sir are a legend!

Thanks! I would suggest reading my new version on Google Drive (see above). I put a ton of work into that thing and IMO it looks pretty nice. Be forewarned though, I'm not even quite done yet and it's hit 22 pages :o/>
Engineer #4
Posted 23 October 2013 - 07:45 PM
This really overdid my expectations! good job!

I cannot say more then thank you, cant think of anything else at the moment. Oh wait, you will be credited when I have thought of a reasonable peripheral and released! :D/>
theoriginalbit #5
Posted 24 October 2013 - 12:18 AM
I skimmed, it all looks good and like a solid tutorial. However, you have a broken spoiler and code tags towards the end, and unless I'm missing it, didn't actually cover how to add Obf'd mods into the Deobf'd development environment. Oh also nice closure tags at the end of the post there :P/>
Bubba #6
Posted 24 October 2013 - 12:39 AM
I skimmed, it all looks good and like a solid tutorial. However, you have a broken spoiler and code tags towards the end, and unless I'm missing it, didn't actually cover how to add Obf'd mods into the Deobf'd development environment. Oh also nice closure tags at the end of the post there

Heh. You didn't read the note at the top did you :P/> The forum keeps messing up the post, and I've written a new and hopefully better tutorial on Google Drive. The link is in the OP.

And yeah, adding obfuscated mods to the environment is on my todo list. Unfortunately I've got a number of other things that need attention first.
theoriginalbit #7
Posted 24 October 2013 - 12:44 AM
Heh. You didn't read the note at the top did you :P/> The forum keeps messing up the post, and I've written a new and hopefully better tutorial on Google Drive. The link is in the OP.
I read it, just felt like pointing out the broken post :P/>

And yeah, adding obfuscated mods to the environment is on my todo list. Unfortunately I've got a number of other things that need attention first.
Fair enough… It is like 2 steps though :P/>
Bubba #8
Posted 24 October 2013 - 10:58 AM
Fair enough… It is like 2 steps though :P/>


Step 1) Refer to this tutorial for how to properly deobfuscate ComputerCraft.
Step 2) Don't be an idiot.
TheOddByte #9
Posted 24 October 2013 - 03:20 PM
Step 1) Refer to this tutorial for how to properly deobfuscate ComputerCraft.
Step 2) Don't be an idiot.
Lol xD
Nice tutorial by the way, I would try to create a peripheral if I ever got the time todo so and an idea of what to make.
theoriginalbit #10
Posted 24 October 2013 - 09:09 PM
Fair enough… It is like 2 steps though :P/>


Step 1) Refer to this tutorial for how to properly deobfuscate ComputerCraft.
Step 2) Don't be an idiot.
More like refer to this reply on that thread. :P/>
M4sh3dP0t4t03 #11
Posted 25 October 2013 - 12:13 PM
This is a nice tutorial, but there is no need to make the private World theWorld because any tileentity(and also other entities) already has a object of the world called "worldObj".

Edit: also there is no need to create the EntityCreeper because you can just use null there
The Inspector #12
Posted 29 October 2013 - 05:19 AM
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but it seems something to do with setting up the IDE, when I import the ComputerCraft API, it doesn't add the "src" folder, it instead skips down a level and adds the "dan200" folder to the package explorer. I then don't have the 2 packages like in the image, but instead just the java files and folders.

I will mention I had to delete my eclipse folder (in the forge > mcp folder) and copy the one out of the forge > fml > eclipse because I screwed up originally and had an outdated version of ComputerCraft which was for MC 1.6.2 and I had tried to use that by accident in eclipse which gave a huge amount of errors and couldn't figure out how to get rid of it.

If I try and continue with the rest of the tutorial, lots of things don't work, or don't pop up. So I think this is clearly the problem.
Bubba #13
Posted 29 October 2013 - 06:51 AM
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but it seems something to do with setting up the IDE, when I import the ComputerCraft API, it doesn't add the "src" folder, it instead skips down a level and adds the "dan200" folder to the package explorer. I then don't have the 2 packages like in the image, but instead just the java files and folders.

I will mention I had to delete my eclipse folder (in the forge > mcp folder) and copy the one out of the forge > fml > eclipse because I screwed up originally and had an outdated version of ComputerCraft which was for MC 1.6.2 and I had tried to use that by accident in eclipse which gave a huge amount of errors and couldn't figure out how to get rid of it.

If I try and continue with the rest of the tutorial, lots of things don't work, or don't pop up. So I think this is clearly the problem.

When you are importing, does the window look like this after selecting the folder?

If not, you're not doing it correctly. You need to select the "src" folder inside of the api, not the api itself.

If you continue to have issues, I would suggest wiping the entire forge directory and starting over. It's possible that the eclipse directory in the forge folder and in the mcp folder are different and that is somehow messing with things.
The Inspector #14
Posted 29 October 2013 - 06:59 AM
It didn't have the /src where it says into folder, but I just added it in and its practically the same thing, except for now it says src > dan200 > computer / turtle

I already tried redownloading CC and putting that api in, setting up a new workspace.

I really wanted to avoid redownloading forge since I think it uses a fair bit of internet, that or its really slow and I ain't got much left. If I download MCP from the official website, it has a completely different style of eclipse folder. It has 2 folders in it called Client and Server, as the forge one only had a Minecraft folder in it.


I tried deleting the entire mcp folder and replace it with the one I downloaded from the official website, it worked… for about .2 of a second. I managed to import the cc api and have the apis show up properly for literally .2 of a second I saw them, then they disappeared along with the src folder and 22 errors poped up. sigh.

Alright I found out somewhere that just running the install script again will restore the eclipse folder without having to download everything. So I did that. I loaded it up and tried to import CC, which it did properly this time but now gives me 32 errors.

Zudo #15
Posted 29 October 2013 - 07:07 AM
Use Code Tags!

Good job BBcode…
Bubba #16
Posted 29 October 2013 - 07:27 AM
It didn't have the /src where it says into folder, but I just added it in and its practically the same thing, except for now it says src > dan200 > computer / turtle

I already tried redownloading CC and putting that api in, setting up a new workspace.

I really wanted to avoid redownloading forge since I think it uses a fair bit of internet, that or its really slow and I ain't got much left. If I download MCP from the official website, it has a completely different style of eclipse folder. It has 2 folders in it called Client and Server, as the forge one only had a Minecraft folder in it.


I tried deleting the entire mcp folder and replace it with the one I downloaded from the official website, it worked… for about .2 of a second. I managed to import the cc api and have the apis show up properly for litterally .2 of a second I saw them, then they disappeared along with the src folder and 22 errors poped up. sigh.

You need to import the src into the 'src' package, not the Minecraft folder. I think that's the problem judging from your picture.
The Inspector #17
Posted 29 October 2013 - 07:29 AM
Edited my post.
theoriginalbit #18
Posted 29 October 2013 - 07:30 AM
To make your life easier, and to save polluting the Minecraft project, I suggest not using the MCP Eclipse folder, instead making your own development environment. This is the development environment I use (with a few minor tweaks) Let's Mod with Pahimar! Episode 6: Dev Environment 3.0. It works very well for modding, its initially annoying to get the Minecraft project setup, but once its done once, its done for all, so its nice. Especially when you're wanting to update to a new Minecraft or Forge version!
Bubba #19
Posted 29 October 2013 - 07:56 AM
Edited my post.

Your environment doesn't look right. It should look like this:

Okay, try going to your eclipse folder in mcp and deleting the .metadata folder. Then extract this folder in its place. However, if you can, it would be best if you could just reinstall forge. I'm not certain as to the amount of bandwidth that it takes, but I would guess it would be no more than 25-30 megabytes.
The Inspector #20
Posted 29 October 2013 - 08:34 AM
The forge folder is 200mb for me so thats why I was avoiding downloading it again, I'm burning my mobile internet as it is. I tried adding in the .metadata folder, cause a lot of errors unfortunately. Ill redownload forge tomorrow, hopefully it won't put me over.

Originalbit, haven't ignored you, just haven't got the internet to watch it at the moment.

Thanks for trying anyway Bubba, I also really appreciate that you spent the time to put this guide together as I could only find odd and ends of information.
The Inspector #21
Posted 29 October 2013 - 09:18 PM
I tried running the install file again, I just noticed it says fatal error, I assume this could be bad.

Okay. I finally figure out the problem. I didn't have the JDK installed, only figured this out after looking at how to install MCP. After installing it, everything works fine. I suggest you add that into your tutorial.

Actually I'm wrong. The 2 API's are showing fine, but there should be more, because when I try and do "import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod;" it says it can't be resolved. I tried adding in your .metadata again, but that didn't work.

RIGHT. Now I have it working, I think. I had to delete .minecraft folder, download 1.6.4 and forge then I ran the decompiler, which had 100 errors but seems to still of worked and now eclipse seems to be happy… for now.

Haha once I got set up, it was all nice and easy. Remote explosions ftw. Just a couple of questions:

When you register the block, can the unique identifier be anything?
How do I get CC into eclipse, so that when I hit run, it loads CC?
Is a turtle classified as a peripheral?
Is there any documentation for all the methods/functions in minecraft? Or do I just have to search through all the files?
Engineer #22
Posted 01 November 2013 - 10:03 AM
I just noticed that this draft misses the recompiling and reobfuscating part.
Bubba #23
Posted 01 November 2013 - 10:53 AM
I just noticed that this draft misses the recompiling and reobfuscating part.

Yup. Haven't gotten around to it. Check out the todo list at the bottom of the document. There's a lot of stuff there.
Engineer #24
Posted 01 November 2013 - 07:03 PM
Oh, I had the ".pdf version". Not the one which is the latest and with the todo.. sorry D: