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Vindu - Animation Program W/ Easy Controls (3.6hrs Footage Max)

Started by billysback, 24 October 2013 - 10:37 AM
billysback #1
Posted 24 October 2013 - 12:37 PM
Vindu (Window) is an animation program which utilizes sliders to allow for (on a standard sized monitor) 3.6 hour long animation at 10fps with easy click & drag controls to move between frames as well as a play feature which plays the animation at 10fps

Selecting what you paint with is easy, on the right hand of the screen is a bar showing all of the colours available in CC. To choose what colour you wish to set as the background colour you're painting with LEFT CLICK, to choose what text colour you want RIGHT CLICK. Type anywhere to set the character you want to paint with.

To actually paint, you simply click (and drag) anywhere on the "canvas" in the centre of the screen.

To move between frames you click and drag the sliders at the bottom of the screen; how they work:
  • the top slider moves the animation on by 1 frame
  • the middle slider moves the animation on by width (51) frames
  • the bottom slider moves the animation on by width^2 (2601) frames
so basically, for every one you move along on the middle slider you move along the WHOLE of the top slider (once) and for every one you move along the bottom slider you move along the WHOLE of the middle slider (once).

To save or open an animation first click on the "Input" line (anywhere on that line will do), write the name of your project and press enter, now click the appropriate button to open/save that project under that name.

To clear the current frame press the "clear" button
To clear the WHOLE ANIMATION press the "clear all" button

To quit the program, press "CTRL" (if you're currently playing an animation this will just stop the animation)
To play an animation, first open it then press "ALT" and the frame sliders should turn red, click anywhere on the canvas to start the animation.



Hope you like it :)/>
( also thanks to some people on the IRC who helped me fix a bug with, mainly Cruor and Uni :P/> )
M4sh3dP0t4t03 #2
Posted 27 October 2013 - 01:49 PM
I haven't really looked at this yet, but why just 10 fps instead of 20?
Csstform #3
Posted 28 October 2013 - 09:17 AM
Looks cool! I'll try it out soon…
Zudo #4
Posted 28 October 2013 - 10:41 AM
Looks cool…
TheOddByte #5
Posted 28 October 2013 - 12:49 PM
Testing this out right now :D/>
I have a couple suggestions:

1: Adding an option to add subtitles to the current frame
2: Using right mouse button to clear pixels in the frame

Otherwise, Good job! ;)/>

Btw, Are you norwegian? I think vindu is window in norwegian if I'm not wrong
billysback #6
Posted 29 October 2013 - 06:38 AM
I haven't really looked at this yet, but why just 10 fps instead of 20?
because you don't really need it to be any faster than 10fps in CC…
it could handle it (because of the screen buffer) but I don't really see the point…

Testing this out right now :D/>
I have a couple suggestions:

1: Adding an option to add subtitles to the current frame
2: Using right mouse button to clear pixels in the frame

Otherwise, Good job! ;)/>

Btw, Are you norwegian? I think vindu is window in norwegian if I'm not wrong
I'm British, but the name was half suggested by a norwegian :)/>