Posted 05 November 2013 - 04:32 AM
A Desktop Environment
MinionOS is a desktop environment (not an operating system) that provides advanced tools for programming and home automation.
Install - pastebin get FM71M70L installer
- cd - Call with no argument to return to the root directory.
- list - Adds '-a' argument to display files starting with '.'.
- packager - Combines apis and a program into a single file for distribution.
- wget - Downloads files from a url.
- inspect - Human-readable representation of Lua tables
- json - json encoder/decoder from ElvishJerricco http://www.computerc...-computercraft/
- linq - Functional table manipulation http://www.computerc...6-linq-for-lua/
- GUI api
- Shell autocomplete
- GUI environment
- Turtle management API
- Somehow get overalls on the advanced turtles