Posted 11 November 2013 - 05:15 AM
Title: Hardware accelerated computers
Hi all,
I'm then and now tinkering with own little peripheral. (Not published yet ;)/>)
I really liked the idea off cclights, especially the high resolution screens. I never really got it working on the version I'm playing also I'd say that it isn't very actively developed. While dreaming about playing Minecraft in Minecraft I wondered if it would be possible to create a hardware accelerated computer. You could load a lua program and run it in a own thread on every CLIENT. There would be no need to yield but there would be checked every few ticks if the block is existing. If the chunk is unloaded the thread would pause. For security reasons there should be a config option to completely disable those computers on your client (or maybe allow only your own programs). This computer would be compatible with all CC peripherals but also a new type of peripheral the ClientPeripheral. The program running on this computer could check if a peripheral supports special client operations. Back to cclights, you could render custom high resolution graphic reasonable fast.
I think for some of you this would break the "fourth wall" and I don't want this to be included in CC itself. I would try if I could manage to do something like this myself.
I haven't got really much time lately so I couldn't just start coding, but my thoughts are circling about this topic for a while so I'm interested in your thoughts, security considerations.
I don't really know if this belongs to the Suggestions, AskAPro or Peripheral Help and Discussion forum. But luckily as a newbie a moderator will make this decision for me. :D/>
TL;DR: Freakin' hardware accelerated computers running on the client.
Hi all,
I'm then and now tinkering with own little peripheral. (Not published yet ;)/>)
I really liked the idea off cclights, especially the high resolution screens. I never really got it working on the version I'm playing also I'd say that it isn't very actively developed. While dreaming about playing Minecraft in Minecraft I wondered if it would be possible to create a hardware accelerated computer. You could load a lua program and run it in a own thread on every CLIENT. There would be no need to yield but there would be checked every few ticks if the block is existing. If the chunk is unloaded the thread would pause. For security reasons there should be a config option to completely disable those computers on your client (or maybe allow only your own programs). This computer would be compatible with all CC peripherals but also a new type of peripheral the ClientPeripheral. The program running on this computer could check if a peripheral supports special client operations. Back to cclights, you could render custom high resolution graphic reasonable fast.
I think for some of you this would break the "fourth wall" and I don't want this to be included in CC itself. I would try if I could manage to do something like this myself.
I haven't got really much time lately so I couldn't just start coding, but my thoughts are circling about this topic for a while so I'm interested in your thoughts, security considerations.
I don't really know if this belongs to the Suggestions, AskAPro or Peripheral Help and Discussion forum. But luckily as a newbie a moderator will make this decision for me. :D/>
TL;DR: Freakin' hardware accelerated computers running on the client.