Posted 13 November 2013 - 03:30 PM
TRCVC Turtle RC Voice Command [OP Edition]
Control Multiple Turtles at once with your voice
Current Server Build: 7 (Nov 25,2013) | Client Build: 7 (Nov 25,2013)
Pastebin: Server/Controller | Client/Reciever
Hello Nerds! May I present the best RC Program as you do not have to be at a physical computer to control them. Why control one turtle when we all want to control 10 at the same time. This program is not much as of right now, but I have big plans for this system if this takes off and people want it. =)
Requirements: OpenPeripheral 0.1.9 for MC 1.5.2 (Forum Link)
Why Use This?
[indent=1]I wanted to create something to control turtles without having to be stuck at a terminal. I plan to see if i cant get turtles to work together to accomplice a large task like for example building a great wall or your typical quarry program. Maybe better yet a strip mining program where several turtles work together to find you Diamonds. I am sure ill come up with more reasons and more stuff to add to this as this is still a very early build and i wanted to get it out there for the masses.[/indent]
- Control Multiple Turtles at once
- Toggle different turtles to move only the ones you want
- Group certain turtles together for separate tasks
- Send Turtles to Specific Coordinates
- HUD for all Status' of your turtles on the controller
Chat Commands
[indent=2]Note: Facing/Orientation conversions North = 2. South = 0, East = 3. West = 1[/indent]
- $$ walk <direction> [Optional: Iteration] Move active turtles Example:
$$ walk forward 5 left 2 forward 10 back right
- –>> Turn Command is now integrated with the Walk Command Example
$$ walk back 5 turn left forward 6
- $$ goto <X-axis> <Z-axis> <Y-height> <Facing> Move turtle to a location Valid facings 0,1,2,3
$$ goto 512 278 72 0
- $$ turn <direction> orientates the turtle left right or behind him Example:
$$ turn left or $$ turn around
- $$ toggle <ID> toggles the state of the turtle on the controller EX:
$$ toggle 29
- $$ kill or $$ die terminates the program
- $$ group add <TurtleID> <GroupNumber>
- $$ group del <TurtleID>
- $$ group sel <GroupNumber>
- $$ group off
Turtle status/states on HUD
[indent=2]When a Turtle is Connected to the Controller/Server there is a background colored to a specific state of that particular turtle.[/indent]
- GRAY - indicates the turtle is registered to the controller/server but no connection was established
- BLUE - indicates the turtle is connected and ready for commands but is not active on the controller/server
- GREEN - Indicates the turtle is active and that any commands you send over will be applied to these turtles
- ORANGE - Indicates the turtle is currently doing something and any commands you send to it will not go to the turtle
- RED - Turtle has either crashed or an error occured
- WHITE - Turtle has no world GPS coordinates saved and might get lost easily with $$ goto command
- YELLOW - Turtle has below the warning level amount of fuel (users will be able to set level in a later update)
- PINK - Turtles Inventory is full or above the warning level (users will be able to set level in a later update)
- Add $$ Help command to display status's of turtles
- Add $$ dig and integrate with w/ Walk Command
- Add $$ Mode with arguments Passive [P] or Aggressive or [A]
- Add $$ rs for Red-stone states on different sides of turtles
- Client-side re-connection protocol
- File listings of programs already on turtles and option to execute
- Upload files from server/controller to specific turtles or vise versa get files from turtles
- check for updates and update the software on every connected/registered turtle (swarm update)
- integrate GPS to check Turtle Locations
- Turtle Modes: [Passive] does not dig blocks [Aggressive] digs blocks
- get a first co-op program for turtles to do IE like strip mine or quarry
- $$ goto Command only works with one turtle at a time – plan to change this to send a group of turtles to a small area (Low Priority)
## Change-log ##
Build 7- Groups now Tweaked appropiately
- Groups are now shown on server/controller restart
- more Debugging info
- + server-side re-connection with turtles on server boot-up
- + Group framework for turtles
- + Re-connection Protocol on server restart
- + "-u" argument to delete all program generated files for a fresh bootup (both Controller and Receiver side)
- Integrated turn Command in walk Command
- + "-d" argument to enable debugging on program start for turtle and server
- Fixed Server crash on boot-up from GUI not redrawing itself, GUI parameters now save in the "" file
- + GUI Ver_1
- + update when turtle finishes command
- Combined Turtle and server settings into one file on the controller/server
- + $$ goto Command
- + "debug.txt" file for server and turtles
- + Orientation system for $$ goto Command
- Reworked networking code (added protocols)
- turtles now move exact number of spaces
- turtles and server now save positions and ports
Initial Release
Turtle Status as Active (Green) and Inactive (Gray) on the Controller

Edited on 25 November 2013 - 09:30 AM