Posted 24 November 2013 - 12:12 PM
I would like to suggest that we have the [rainbow] BBCode enabled. This would make it much easier to make rainbow lettering, as it currently requires lots of BBCode or using the finicky and unpredictable editor. The way it works on the Minecraft Forum is that using the BBCode makes text filled with a rainbow gradient. It looks like this:

This is enabled on the Minecraft Forum, so I do not know if it is easy or challenging to implement it here. And I do not want it to make my signature stand out, but for other threads, such as my future programs thread. But only enable if it isn't that hard for you to do so and if you see a purpose for it :)/>
I would like to suggest that we have the [rainbow] BBCode enabled. This would make it much easier to make rainbow lettering, as it currently requires lots of BBCode or using the finicky and unpredictable editor. The way it works on the Minecraft Forum is that using the BBCode makes text filled with a rainbow gradient. It looks like this:

This is enabled on the Minecraft Forum, so I do not know if it is easy or challenging to implement it here. And I do not want it to make my signature stand out, but for other threads, such as my future programs thread. But only enable if it isn't that hard for you to do so and if you see a purpose for it :)/>
Edited on 24 November 2013 - 11:12 AM