This is a read-only snapshot of the ComputerCraft forums, taken in April 2020.
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Started by margeobur, 05 December 2013 - 12:37 PM
margeobur #1
Posted 05 December 2013 - 01:37 PM
Hello all! It is still only early in development, but today I can finally bring to you Factionet.
Factionet is going to be a chat program for advanced computers designed for relatively large groups of players who want to have a private chat on servers. It will have both server and client functionality rolled into one.

It is very early in development and has less than half it's features, but I'm putting it out now so that people can test it out while I'm away on holiday.

Here is a pic:

here's more:


To install it, type pastebin get Ju58g7Mt FacSetup into the console and run FacSetup.

Features (red is not on there yet, yellow is only half done XD):
  • Client and Server rolled into one.
  • Each server has a password and anyone with that password can join with any username (that isn't already active).
  • Neat GUI that includes lots of clicking, fancy text wrapping (whole words that don't fit jump to the next line) and more.
  • You can take a 'snapshot' of your server that includes all the details such as the password, and the last 100 lines of chat. You may then load this later.
  • Other nice features
  • Efficient networking
  • Good, organised code
So as you can see, there is still a lot of work to be done, but I hope that you would take the time to download it and test out what is there (I hope it is self explanitory, otherwise I will help you). I would love to hear feedback, but I am going away for 2 months on Tuesday, so I will not be able to reply after then.

Thank you in advanced, margeobur.
Edited on 05 March 2014 - 02:59 AM
LDShadowLord #2
Posted 06 December 2013 - 03:15 PM
Is it possible for the server to be extracted and run as a dedicated server?
TheOddByte #3
Posted 06 December 2013 - 03:40 PM
Wow, This is very cool for still being indevelopement! +1
BugsAnd I detected some bugs while running it, When pressing '[Menu]' and then pressing somewhere else it caused that the text 'Logout was still there, And when I pressed Logout it hanged
margeobur #4
Posted 06 December 2013 - 04:33 PM
Yaaaay, two replies! :D/>

Is it possible for the server to be extracted and run as a dedicated server?

That is a good point, people might not want to message and stuff from the host. That would be fairly easy to set up, so I'll get onto that when I get back. :)/>

Wow, This is very cool for still being indevelopement! +1
BugsAnd I detected some bugs while running it, When pressing '[Menu]' and then pressing somewhere else it caused that the text 'Logout was still there, And when I pressed Logout it hanged

LOL yeah the freezing is a bug I need to sort out. The menu staying there is not so much a bug as an incomplete 'feature'… It's a lot of work making a fully functioning GUI!

I am actually doubting the usefulness of this program. : / I mean, a tekkit / ftb server that is big enough and group-focused enough that people will be wanting private chat will probably have some sort of plugin for that. Oh well, I'll complete it because It'll be a nice thing to have. It's just a bit of fun :)/>
Edited on 06 December 2013 - 03:35 PM
willwac #5
Posted 06 December 2013 - 05:15 PM
Few suggestions:
  1. Make 'oped' people. They will have the power to kick, ban, and mute people.
  2. if you do the above, you will have to make/suggest every user have a password ('oped' people must have password!)
  3. Change the weird scroll bar to solid light blue pixels, and a grey slider.
  4. Put the pastebin code into it's own code block.
  5. See if the server has a password or not! If it doesn't, don't display the password popup.
  6. Remove the "FactionetTitle" and "FactionetExit" files, put the logo in the code of the program of it'self.
  7. Create a new interface (GUI) for the host.
  • Players in Chat box is derpy.
  • Host has client interface, but you are unable to send chat messages.
  • Text does not wrap when sent!
Haven't looked at the code YET! I will look at it later.

I'm going to try to install the chat program server side (as in the /rom/programs/ folder!) But I know that updates will not work.

but, be sure to do a term.setCursorPos(1,1) at the end!
As for usefulness, 185/10
Edited on 06 December 2013 - 04:32 PM
margeobur #6
Posted 07 December 2013 - 02:51 PM
Few suggestions:
  1. Make 'oped' people. They will have the power to kick, ban, and mute people.
  2. if you do the above, you will have to make/suggest every user have a password ('oped' people must have password!)
  3. Change the weird scroll bar to solid light blue pixels, and a grey slider.
  4. Put the pastebin code into it's own code block.
  5. See if the server has a password or not! If it doesn't, don't display the password popup.
  6. Remove the "FactionetTitle" and "FactionetExit" files, put the logo in the code of the program of it'self.
  7. Create a new interface (GUI) for the host.
  • Players in Chat box is derpy.
  • Host has client interface, but you are unable to send chat messages.
  • Text does not wrap when sent!
Haven't looked at the code YET! I will look at it later.

I'm going to try to install the chat program server side (as in the /rom/programs/ folder!) But I know that updates will not work.

but, be sure to do a term.setCursorPos(1,1) at the end!
As for usefulness, 185/10

Lol I kinda panicked and released this quite incomplete because I wanted to get it out before I went. I still have a few days though and I've worked on it a bit since my original post:
  • I have made it so that the logout button in the menu actually tells the server it's logging out, as it should, and no longer hangs.
  • On a host it does hang for a few seconds though and it doesn't actually tell the clients when the server is closing, so you have to just shut them down manually when testing. (I'll get this done soon dw) It does print a message on the host machine though.
  • I've also (almost) perfected the text wrapping inside the main chat box, but I should tell you that I haven't actually made the typing box do it. I'm not sure if I will because one needs to be able to fit as much as they can in there (because it doesn't scroll either, even though there is a scroll bar there XD) At the moment a message is restricted to three lines.
Thanks a lot for the suggestions, especially the scroll bar, that'll look way better. :D/> As for every user having a password, I was originally going to do this, but I thought it would be better to have a simple single secure password. I think ops and separate passwords are things to think about in the distant future when I have a fully functioning release.
The pastebin ID for the actual script is 8Uhx0G2C so you can use the pastebin get to get that.

P.S. Looking at my code would be like walking into the room of a teenager, but you're welcome to have a peep. ;)/>
Edited on 07 December 2013 - 01:55 PM
FlaskBreaker #7
Posted 08 December 2013 - 06:46 AM
Nice GUI! This is an interesting app!
  • Sender name in another color.
  • Player mentions with @ (@margeobur This is cool!)
mrpoopy345 #8
Posted 09 December 2013 - 12:18 PM
I like the nice simple GUI. Nice work on this!
willwac #9
Posted 09 December 2013 - 12:43 PM
Nice GUI! This is an interesting app!
  • Sender name in another color.
  • Player mentions with @ (@margeobur This is cool!)
What is "Player mentions"?
Also, will you add commands:
  • /me <text> - prints [NAME] text
  • /nick <new nick> - Changes nickname
Just a few more suggestions
I figure that I cant put ALL of my suggestions in my OP! :D/>
More Suggestions:
  • Use github
  • By using GitHub, you can make an Anto-Updater!
  • Have you heard of OpenPeripherals? If so, make this compatible with their terminal glasses!
  • Remove the dumb "CYA" at the end, Sorry, it's kinda dumb.
Edited on 09 December 2013 - 12:10 PM
willwac #10
Posted 11 December 2013 - 10:36 PM
Hey. New version out yet?
apemanzilla #11
Posted 12 December 2013 - 08:16 AM
Suggestion: Using terminal glasses linked to a bridge next to the host, and a Misc. Peripherals chatbox, maybe you could set it up so people can type "$$message goes here" and the host will then loop through all connected users (can be detected by terminal bridge), telling them all the message.
willwac #12
Posted 12 December 2013 - 02:19 PM
Also, when all of the bugs are wrinkled out, and this program is in it's final release, I'm going to add it to my server computers in the ROM folder!
Alice #13
Posted 12 December 2013 - 04:43 PM
This is a nice program; can I include it in CreepOS (probably renaming!)?
margeobur #14
Posted 11 February 2014 - 02:16 PM
Hello all, I got back last Sunday (NewZealand Time). I will continue working on this, but not too intensively…
willwac #15
Posted 11 February 2014 - 05:49 PM
Yay! But I've lost interest in games and computers in general, so I'll check it out when it's done, but that's all.
margeobur #16
Posted 05 March 2014 - 04:13 AM
Alright folks, er, if anyone really cares: sorry I haven't been keeping you all up to date. :mellow:/> :unsure:/>
But I've been working on the program, slowly but surely, and I've made quite a bit of progress.

Sometime soon I'll update it and it's installer after I've put on the finishing touches. Otherwise the basic functionality of it is all there and I'm nearly ready for a first proper release. There are some, um, 'vulnerabilities' but it's lookin' pretty good. I'm gonna play around with it a bit and see what's missing.
Hopefully I'll get back to you soon!
margeobur #17
Posted 08 March 2014 - 01:13 AM
You'll be pleased to hear that FactioNET 1.0 is now released! here is the new thread.

I have:
  • Made the host communicate everything that it actually should with the cilent. (e.g. actually tells the client when the server is shutting down)
  • Added the full ability to save and load a server.
  • Made the 'players in chat' actually function.
  • Made the 'messages' box almost fool proof.
  • Made it so that the host sends a history of chat and a list of users already on to clients when they connect.
  • And probably some other stuff I've forgotten.

This thread may now be locked.