I've tried using http.post but it seems you have to use PHP to handle the uploaded text and save it into a file.
Now my question is how you can do this, I don't know PHP and would be grateful to receive some help about it.
- Hellkid98
if(isset($_POST['variable'])){ //if the post value 'variable' is set
$f = "file location here" //where on the server to save the file
if (!file_exists($f)){ //if file already exists
$handle = fopen($f, 'w'); //opens the file from the first charater
if(!fwrite($handle,stripslashes($_POST['variable']))){ //writes to the file removeing the php escapes and will run code is not running.
//this code will run if the file can not be written
http.post("<url>", "Hello World")
Anyway, Thanks :D/> http.post("<url>","variable="..variable or "hello world")
That should do the trickThe file doesn't change :/
You need to declare the variable first..
(you need to post the "variable" variable on the website..That should do the trickhttp.post("<url>","variable="..variable or "hello world")
Oh wait!!
if you want to send the whole text file via CC, then you have to use fs.open, and then read all lines, and then post that as a variable
Well I tried deleting the file also, And it doesn't even create a new one .-.The file doesn't change :/
If you want it to override an existing file you will have to remove the conditional: "if(!file_exists($f)){" as it checks to see if the file doesn't exist.
Well I tried deleting the file also, And it doesn't even create a new one .-.The file doesn't change :/
If you want it to override an existing file you will have to remove the conditional: "if(!file_exists($f)){" as it checks to see if the file doesn't exist.
var = "hello there!"
encodedVar = textutils.urlEncode(var)
http.post("http://url", "var=" .. encodedVar)
Which url? In the computercraft program or in the PHP file?And add this to your url '?variable=…'
$f = "highscoresData" //where on the server to save the file
if (!file_exists($f)){
$handle = fopen($f, 'w'); //opens the file from the first charater
if(!fwrite($handle,stripslashes($_POST['variable']))){ //writes to the file removeing the php escapes and will run code is not running.
//this code will run if the file can not be written
local function post( data )
local encData = textutils.urlEncode( data )
local tryPost = http.post("http://www.hellkid98.eu.pn/Lasers/upload.php?variable=...", "variable=" .. encData)
if tryPost then
return true
return false
http.get("http://www.example.com/test.php?variable=" .. textutils.urlEncode("hello there!"))
And use the $_GET superglobal in PHP. Eg:
if (isset($_GET["variable"])) {
echo $_GET["variable"];
http.post("http://www.example.com/test.php", "variable=" .. textutils.urlEncode("hello there!"))
And use the $_POST superglobal in PHP. Eg:
if (isset($_POST["variable"])) {
echo $_POST["variable"];
local fileContents = "hello there!"
local result = http.post("http://www.example.com/upload.php", "content=" .. textutils.urlEncode(fileContents))
local resultContent = result.readAll()
if resultContent:find("true") then
print("oh :(/>/>/>/>")
$filename = "test.txt";
if (isset($_POST["content"])) {
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
// file_put_contents does the same thing as opening the file, writing to it, and closing it. It's just easier to type and returns false on error
if (file_put_contents($filename, $_POST["content"]) !== false) {