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Turtle Architect v2.0, the ULTIMATE turtle planning/construction/3D-printer software.

Started by CometWolf, 08 January 2014 - 08:29 PM
CometWolf #1
Posted 08 January 2014 - 09:29 PM
Turtle Architect 2.0

-By CometWolf


Turtle Architect allows you to easily plan and draw your Minecraft construction using a CC computer. Then have turtles build them wherever and whenever you desire.


This tutorial will teach you the basics of using Turtle Architect V2, henceforth referred to as TA. First we’ll get started with the install. Unlike most CC programs, TA spans multiple files and as such uses a separate installer software to properly download and organize its files. Therefore you should use “pastebin run”, instead of “pastebin get” when downloading it. Alternatively you could save the installer for later usage, but that’s not the point here. Regardless, the pastebin code for the installer is “VTZ6CqWY”, so on your CC computer you simply enter “pastebin run VTZ6CqWY” to begin the installation. If you wish, you may specify what folder to install to by writing it after the pastebin code, like this “pastebin run VTZ6CqWY ‘Turtle Architect¨”. If no folder path is given, it will install to your root directory.

Once the installation is complete you simply enter “folderPath/arc” to run TA, or just TA if no path was given during installation.

User interface

Alright so now that we’re up and running, let’s go through the GUI elements. We’ll start with the right-hand menu, as it’s the most important, and skip the canvas as it should be obvious. First things first, the layer buttons.

Note that these 2 buttons won’t be available on turtles, due to lack of screen space.

These provide quick access to layer changes, the top arrow moves the editor one layer up, while the bottom arrow moves the editor one layer down. Obviously it won’t be able to go below layer 1, but if you attempt to go above the top layer (1 in this case), it will create a new layer automatically. Alternatively, you can also use page up and page down on your keyboard, instead of these buttons.
The next thing we’re going to look at is the menus.

Depending on what kind of computer you’re running on, it might feature some extra buttons, but these are the basics and the ones we’ll be focusing on for now. Each set of horizontal letters is one menu, and clicking on them opens the respective menus.

“Bl” is short for Blueprint

The blueprint menu is the same as the file menu in most windows software, with a few additions. Here you can create new, save and load files, as well as send them via Rednet. Basically standard fare for any program. It also holds a few functions for managing your entire blueprint. Use the help tool, detailed in the Tools menu section for more information.

“To” is short for Tools

The tools menu holds all your available editing tools, like Brush, Select, Line etc.. Left-clicking on a tool here will equip it to your left mouse button, and right clicking will equip it to your right mouse button. However some tools require both buttons, and will therefore equip to both regardless. The only tool that will be explained in this tutorial is the Help tool, as it can tell you about all the other tools. Once you’ve clicked on the help tool in this menu, the menu will close. With the Help tool equipped, you can click on any GUI element or menu item you desire more info on, and a helpful window will pop up telling you more about it. This may be used for more information on the other tools.

“Se” is short for Settings

The Settings menu is where you set your preferences. Keep in mind that most of these will be saved between sessions. For more information on each individual setting, either click on them or use the help tool.

Next up is the color selection pallet, its functionality should be obvious.

It features the standard 16 Minecraft colors, as well as 2 additional ones at the bottom. To equip a color, simply click it with the mouse button you wish to equip it on. The Blue “S” on white is the scan color, any block marked with this color will be scanned by the turtle during construction and added to the blueprint. The red “X” on black is the break color, any block marked with this color will be broken and collected by the turtle during construction.

Next to the color pallet and menu buttons, we find the layer bar, which is quite handy for rapid layer navigation.

Think layer menu in Photoshop, here you can instantly change layers simply by clicking on the desired layer. You can also select multiple target layers by shift or ctrl clicking on them, letting you cut/copy, delete, flip etc. All of them at the same time. Right clicking on the layer bar opens the layer menu.

It should be pretty self-explanatory, however clicking “Close layer bar” will hide the whole bar from the GUI. If you want to get it back, you can re-enable it in the La(short for Layer) menu that pops up in the menu bar.

Second to last is the coordinate display on the bottom bar.

This shows the current editor offset, X is to the right, Y is the layer, and Z is downwards. You can also click it to instantly jump to any point on the canvas.

Finally we have the tool indicators.

These show which tool and color is equipped to which mouse button. The text color indicating the tool color.

Basic construction

At this point you should have a pretty good handle on navigating the menus as well as what most of them do, so let’s try building something! Obviously you’re going to need to draw a blueprint to build, once that’s done you might need to transfer it from your computer to a turtle. The easiest way is to hook up a wireless modem to your computer and turtle, then make sure TA is running on both of them, then go to “bl/send…”. If your turtle has a modem and is running TA, it should show up along with its ID. Simply select it and hit OK. Once that’s done, head on over to your turtle and click “Load” in the new window that’s popped up to load it into your active session.

Now, as Im sure you’ll notice, the turtle has an extra menu called Tu(short for Turtle). This menu allows you to direct the turtle’s motions, as well as commence building. Our goal here it to build, so select “Build blueprint…” from this menu.

First things first, if you haven’t saved the blueprint to the turtle previously, you will be asked to do so now. Enter a suitable name, and hit enter or “Ok”.

Next up we select the layers to build, by default they’re all selected, so if you want to build all of them, just click “Ok”.

This next step is important, if you haven’t already configured the slot data, you will be asked to do so now. There will be one window for each un-configured color in your blueprint. Simply select the slots holding the blocks you want the turtle to use for that color and hit “Ok”. Keep in mind that you can select multiple slots in any order you want.

Once the slots are taken care of, you will be asked to input the build coordinates. This is where the turtle will build the blueprint in relation to the Minecraft world. If you’re happy with the turtle’s current placement, simply click self pos. The turtle will consider the given coordinates the upper left of your blueprint, where side to side motion is the X axis, up and down is the Z axis and each layer is one block along the Y axis.

After selecting the coordinates, you will also need to specify the build directions. These are given as either a “+” or a “-“ sign. Think of them as a final chance to flip your blueprint. Using a + sign will make the turtle move along the given axis in the positive direction during construction. A – sign will make it move in the negative direction. Funnily enough, you can make it build upside down by setting Y to “-“.

Next up it will ask you whether you want to enable ender chest usage. Select “No” for now, as this will be explained in greater detail later.

The next question is whether you want to enable break mode. This decides whether your turtle should break blocks obstructing its construction path, or wait for them to be cleared. Unless it’s critical that your turtle does not break blocks during construction, select “Yes”.

Finally we have auto resume. If this is enabled, the turtle will modify its startup file, by appending a line of code which continues the construction where it left off. It’s generally a good idea to enable this, in case the turtle gets unloaded during construction. With this enabled, it will continue right where it left off, without any intervention from you.

Now, once you’re finished in the Auto-resume window, the turtle will start building. You can monitor its progress from the world, or by watching it’s screen. Each time it builds a block, it will mark it with a “B”. This means the block has been placed in the world.

If your turtle runs out (<2) of a required block, it will pause construction and display a message requesting more of the color in its specified slots. It will periodically re-check its inventory for blocks, so if you’ve devised some automated way of re-stocking it, just let it do its thing. Otherwise, you may click “Ok” when you’ve restocked it, or “Cancel” to stop the current construction.

That's it for now! I might do some sections on automatically restocking the turtle via enderchests, as well as multi turtle building using the sync function later, provided there's any interest.

Unique featuresUnique features
  • Code tool
  • This tool allows you to code your very own tool/script to draw your construction. Using regular old CC Lua, it makes repetetive tasks amazingly quick and patterns awesomely simple. The code tool is so sophisticated you could replicate the built in tools using it. Its thourghly documented below, for those interested. It's uses for probably 90% of my personal builds.
  • Sync mode
  • Lets you sync your current canvas across multiple computers/turtles. This means any change made on a synced computer, is replicated on the others. This mode can also be used to remotely control synced turtles. Doing so allows you order them to build while synced. This means the turtle will mark blocks as built while it builds, and this will be reflected on the synced computers aswell, however the truely awesome part of this is…
  • Multi turtle building
  • Using sync mode, you can order multiple turtles to build the same construction together. The blueprint is divided into parts, and each turtle gets it's own part which it then starts building. These are completely valid blueprints on their own, meaning that any of the turtles can resume their progress regardless of any crashes, unloads or even server reboots.
  • Command computer functionality
  • For quick prototyping you can use command computers to instantly build/dismantle your blueprint, aswell as scanning already built structures onto a blueprint.
Turtle functionalityTurtle
  • Coordinate movement.
  • Supports GPS.
  • Specify directions to build the blueprint, even upside down
  • Saves current location locally.
  • Build session persistence, quit and resume your build as desired. Even server crashes won't affect the construction, simply start him up again.
    • If you wish your turtle to automatically resume building on boot, add the following line to the bottom of the startup file "'arc.Lua blueprintName -r')".
  • Build sessions and slot colors are saved to file, this means you can switch between multiple on-going builds with the same turtle. Or even resume the build with a different turtle
  • Easy inventory management, when blocks are required the turtle will list the slot range, and you can refill and resume, or cancel the build and resume it later.
  • Simple refueling, when the turtle requires fuel, simply select the slot to refuel from and hit Ok.
  • Restock and refuel the turtle using the same enderchest! Note that the enderchest mirrors the turtle's inventory configuration, while all the remaining slots(17+) can be used for fuel
Blueprint functionalityBlueprint
  • Save and load blueprints both locally or on pastebin
  • Transfer blueprints via rednet
  • Upload/download blueprints to pastebin from within the software
  • Calculate blocks and fuel required to build any given blueprint
  • Flip entire blueprints 90 degrees along any axis
Layer functionalityLayers
  • Copy, cut, add and delete layers.
  • Stretch copies of the same layer across multiple layers.
  • Import layers from other blueprints.
  • Scan, import your layer from the minecraft world.
  • Flip layers horizontally and vertically.
  • Merge layers (optional color highlights).
  • Mark specific layers as built/not built.
  • Convert layers to fully functional cc paint files.
Drawing functionalityDrawing
  • Simple 1 block brush,
  • Pipette tool, select a color from the canvas
  • Line tool,
  • Hollow circle tool,
  • Filled circle tool,
  • Hollow square tool,
  • Filled square tool,
  • Fill tool, note that it stops at the edge of the canvas due to the way the canvas is created as you go.
  • Code tool, god i love this.
  • Select tool, copy, cut, delete, flip and recolor specific areas
  • Multi tool support, each mouse button is it's own tool, this means it can have it's own type, and color independent of the other. Though a lot of the tools use 2 buttons.
  • Protect mode, prevents drawing on any colors other than white. This is works with every tool, including the code tool.
Visualization and ease of usageVisualization
  • Drag tool, for easier scrolling of the canvas
  • Help tool, using this you can click any menu item or screen area and a helpful window describing what it does pops up.
  • Grid mode, adds numbers and a grid to the canvas for ease of visualization
  • Background layer, renders the given layer beneath the one you are currently working on in gray, for easier comparison
  • Unlimited canvas size and layers
  • Supports all colors! Each color may be set to represent it's own range of inventory slots which the turtle will use when building that color.
Shortcutskey shortcuts
  • left ctrl will change the tool on button 1, while right ctrl changes the tool on button 2.
  • All tool shortcuts will switch back to the previously equipped tool if it's used while the tool it equips is already euqipped on the button it's affecting.
  • default shortcuts
    • ctrl+B, brush tool.
    • ctrl+F, fill tool.
    • ctrl+C, code tool.
    • ctrl+S, select tool.
    • ctrl+P, pipette tool.
    • ctrl+L, line tool.
    • ctrl+D, drag tool.
    • ctrl+N, create new layer above current layer.
    • ctrl+H, hides the menu bars.
    • pageUp, scroll up 1 layer.
    • pageDown, scroll down 1 layer.
    • home, jump to bottom layer.
    • end, jump to top layer.
  • select tool specific shortcuts
  • the conflicting ones override the default shortcuts.
    • ctrl+S, switch back to the previous tools.
    • ctrl+C, copy selection to clipboard.
    • ctrl+X, cut selection to clipboard.
    • ctrl+V, paste clipboard.
    • ctrl+R, recolor selection or clipboard.
    • ctrl+B, mark selection or clipboard as built.
    • ctrl+U, mark selection or clipboard as unbuilt.
    • delete, clear selection or clipboard.
Code tool documentation. My personal favorite, i recommend any avid user of this software to learn about it.Code tool documentation
  • The environment
  • The code tool is executed it it's own sandboxed environment with access to most of the default CC functionality. Note that this environment is never reset, so any non-local variables will persist between tool calls until the program is rebooted. The color table in this environment is modified to return the characters TA uses in it's blueprint instead of the regular numbers. Any attempt at using a disabled function will result in an error informing you of the function or API being disabled. By default the following APIs and functions are disabled fs, term, turtle, loadfile, dofile, io, paintutils, window, shell, multishell, print, write
  • Classes
  • A new object is created by calling class.className() and it's subsequent functions are called by colon notation, obj:function(…). By default the following classes are avilable
    • layer, a 2D table representing a layer, where the first dimension is the x axis and the second is the z axis. It's meta __index automatically creates x-axis tables where there are none, so there is no need to check for or create new ones. It includes the following functions:
      • new(tData), same as class.layer().
      • size([sDir]), Returns the size of the layer in the specified direction("X" or "Z") or both if none is given.
      • copy([nX1,nZ1,nX2,nZ2]), Returns a copy of the layer, optionally a specific area.
      • paste(tLayer,[nX,nZ,bMerge]), Combines the layer with tLayer with an optional offset nX,nZ. bMerge will keep the layer on top, otherwise tLayer becomes the top.
      • markBuilt([nX1,nZ1,nX2,nZ2]), Marks the blocks in the layer as built, optionally just within the given area.
      • markUnbuilt([nX1,nZ1,nX2,nZ2]), Marks the blocks in the layer as unbuilt, optionally just within the given area.
      • flipX([nX1,nZ1,nX2,nZ2]), Flips the layer along the x axis, optionally just a given area of the layer
      • flipZ([nX1,nZ1,nX2,nZ2]), Flips the layer along the z axis, optionally just a given area of the layer
      • recolor(sColor,[nX1,nZ1,nX2,nZ2]), Changes every block in the layer to the given sColor, optionally just a given area of the layer
      • delete([nX1,nZ1,nX2,nZ2]), Clears the entire layer or the given area of it.
    • blueprint, a 3D table where the first dimension is a layer. It includes the following functions:
      • new(tData,bAuto), same as class.blueprint(). Enabling bAuto means the table automatically creates layers when they are acessed.
      • size([sDir]), Returns the amount of layers, the largest x axis and the largest z axis
      • copy([nX1,nZ1,nX2,nZ2]), Returns a copy of the blueprint, optionally a specific area.
      • paste(tBlueprint,[nX,nZ,bMerge]), Combines the blueprint with tBlueprint with an optional offset nX,nZ. bMerge will keep the blueprint on top, otherwise tBlueprint becomes the top.
      • markBuilt([nX1,nZ1,nX2,nZ2]), Marks the blocks in the blueprint as built, optionally just within the given area.
      • markUnbuilt([nX1,nZ1,nX2,nZ2]), Marks the blocks in the blueprint as unbuilt, optionally just within the given area.
      • flipX([nX1,nZ1,nX2,nZ2]), Flips the blueprint along the x axis, optionally just a given area of the layer
      • flipZ([nX1,nZ1,nX2,nZ2]), Flips the blueprint along the z axis, optionally just a given area of the layer
  • Functions
    • overlay(tLayer,[nX,nY])
    • Renders blinking overlays like the shape tools. Simply pass it a layer object and the optonal offset coordinates, and it will handle the rest. By default the offset is 1,1 which is the upper left corner of the blueprint.
    • getOverlay()
    • Returns the current overlay layer. Use this to edit it directly for better performance. Note that the overlay function has to be used first to create an overlay layer.
    • getCanvas()
    • Returns the full currently loaded blueprint, for direct editing.
    • getLayer(nLayer)
    • Same as above, for a specific layer. Defaults to the clicked layer.
    • This is the function used when changing tools through the menus. Simply pass it the string name of the tool and the buttons to equip it to(1,2 and or 3). I doubt there's much use for it here really, but i included it anyways.
    • tool.toolName(…)
    • Any tool that has a codeFunc field may be called like this. By default this includes the following
      • brush(nX,nZ,[sColor,nLayer])
      • line(nX1,nZ1,nX2,nX2,[sColor,nLayer])
      • fSquare(nX1,nZ1,nX2,nX2,[sColor,nLayer])
      • hSquare(nX1,nZ1,nX2,nX2,[sColor,nLayer])
      • fCircle(nX1,nZ1,nX2,nX2,[sColor,nLayer])
      • hCircle(nX1,nZ1,nX2,nX2,[sColor,nLayer])
      • Note that nLayer may either be the layer number in the blueprint, or a layer object
  • Variables
    • click
    • This is a table containing the click information regarding how the code tool was used, using the following indexes:
      • event, string type of click used("mouse_click" or "mouse_drag")
      • button, number mouse button used(1,2 or 3)
      • x, number absolute x coordinate of the click
      • z, number absolute z coordinate of the click
      • color, string color equipped to the button used for the click
      • layer, number layer the tool was used on
    • settings
    • This is a table where the execution settings are configured, using the following indexes:
      • overwrite
      • bool defaults to the current overwrite setting. Change this locally for your tool if needed, and it will affect all the changes made to the blueprint provided is set to false. Otherwise it will only affect the tool functions.
      • direct
      • bool defaults to false. This decides how the changes your tool makes should be applied. If it's set to false, anything your tool does will affect a proxy blueprint, which is then pasted onto the actual blueprint once the tool is finished. This has no effect if you use getLayer or getCanvas and edit them directly ofcourse.
Edited on 28 January 2016 - 11:57 PM
Dwayne Dibbley #2
Posted 09 January 2014 - 08:09 AM
Any how to guides? i ran the program and it reported no GPS, i entered the current turtle XYZ and all that is displayed is a White screen with the turtle prompt. rerunning the program goes straight to the white screen / prompt?

MC 1.6.4 with latest CC


UPDATE: if i set up a GPS network, and rerun i get

cTurtle:373: attempt to concatenate string and nil
Edited on 09 January 2014 - 11:36 AM
PEZ #3
Posted 09 January 2014 - 11:54 AM
OMG! (In a very positive sense :)/> )

Is cTurtle something generic you use in other programs or just for the Architect?
Zudo #4
Posted 09 January 2014 - 12:10 PM
Looks cool :)/>
CometWolf #5
Posted 09 January 2014 - 12:52 PM
Is cTurtle something generic you use in other programs or just for the Architect?
cTurtle is the name of my turtle api, i recently re-made it prior to starting work on architect. The previous iteration was like a year old at this point. First program i ever made, heh…

Any how to guides? i ran the program and it reported no GPS, i entered the current turtle XYZ and all that is displayed is a White screen with the turtle prompt. rerunning the program goes straight to the white screen / prompt?

MC 1.6.4 with latest CC


UPDATE: if i set up a GPS network, and rerun i get

cTurtle:373: attempt to concatenate string and nil
Guess i forgot to test the gps feature lemme get right on that. Anyways, the white prompt is the program, just begin drawing or look through the menues. The button is on the upper left.

Edit: fixed it, forgot to set the last move variable prior to saving if a GPS was used. Just remove cTurtle and run architect again.
Edited on 09 January 2014 - 12:05 PM
Dwayne Dibbley #6
Posted 09 January 2014 - 01:56 PM
no more cTurtle:373 just this white screen ( unable to click or see any menu? )


UPDATE: got it working it needs an Advanced Turtle not the Standard one :)/> ( noticed the yellow screenshots )
Edited on 09 January 2014 - 01:37 PM
CometWolf #7
Posted 09 January 2014 - 02:35 PM
Oh i see the problem, it needs an advanced computer/turtle. Guess it changes to white background color prior to checking that, thus it prints white text on white background lol. Thanks for the heads up.

Edit turns out i forgot the () to call the function term.isColor, so it would always be true. Fixed now.
Edited on 09 January 2014 - 01:41 PM
Dwayne Dibbley #8
Posted 10 January 2014 - 01:09 PM
If i draw out layer one as planned,
then select layer go up 1, prompted Last layer reached| create new? select ok
then select settings background mode ( current mode off )
input box has Layer:1 entered, click On

no backgound of layer shown in the layer 2 and seems to lock up ( no menu access / unable to draw )

press Ctrl T to terminate program :(/>

only other thing of note is the status bar at the top changes from:

Menu 1: Brush:1 2: Brush:1:0 Y:2 Z:0


Menu 1: Brush:1 2: Brush:115 Y:2 Z:0

CometWolf #9
Posted 10 January 2014 - 04:15 PM
Wops, that's my bad forgot to remove some testing code when rendering background layers

if tTerm.bgLayer then
  print(tTerm.bgLayer[x][z]) sleep(3)
Since this runs in a loop for each pixel on the canvas, it's bound to basically freeze the program lol. Anyways, the issue is fixed, just hit update in the settings and it should be good. And thanks again for the bug reports :)/>
Edited on 10 January 2014 - 03:15 PM
Dwayne Dibbley #10
Posted 11 January 2014 - 07:55 AM
When Turtle run out of Fuel, i check and it reports Fuel required! Press and key. so i add fuel to the current empty slots ( 1 - 4 ) and press any key, but the turtle does not refuel

So i Ctrl T, type refuel all and restart program and select resume.

Does fule need to be in a specific slot?

Thanks again
CometWolf #11
Posted 11 January 2014 - 08:01 AM
Right now fuel needs to be put in the currently selected slot, i'll probably get around to making a prompt that let's you choose slot later.
Sam_Starfall #12
Posted 12 January 2014 - 07:33 PM
this looks like a great programs and I am including it in my server. I am wondering if anyone has any blueprints to share as I would like to have some examples for my servermates

Right now fuel needs to be put in the currently selected slot, i'll probably get around to making a prompt that let's you choose slot later.

wouldn't be better for the turtle to just look thru the slots for the fuel?
CometWolf #13
Posted 13 January 2014 - 12:21 AM
I considered that at first, but i figured that would be a bad idea if he was building with planks.
PEZ #14
Posted 13 January 2014 - 05:17 AM
this looks like a great programs and I am including it in my server. I am wondering if anyone has any blueprints to share as I would like to have some examples for my servermates

I too want to check out some sample blueprints.
CometWolf #15
Posted 13 January 2014 - 05:46 AM
Im playing on wired2coffe's server right now so i can test the software in actual use. I intend to build my house using it, so i'll throw up the blueprint when it's done :)/>
Csstform #16
Posted 13 January 2014 - 08:06 AM
I may try this out!
Sam_Starfall #17
Posted 14 January 2014 - 08:55 PM
How do you choose the location you want to build at? Also it gives me the message no GPS but I made sure the GPS system was there and active.
CometWolf #18
Posted 15 January 2014 - 12:22 AM
If you run it on a turtle you can change the build location in the turtle menu. I think it's called "Edit origin point" or something, however i haven't tested it myself yet. Keep in mind that the origin point isn't actually visible on the canvas, it's outside the top left edge. Think of it like this
Where x is the edge of the canvas, and o is the origin point.
Normally it is set to wherever you start the turtle from. Then the turtle builds X+(right on the blueprint) and Z+(down on blueprint). As for the GPS, your turtle has a wireless modem im guessing? Try running "gps locate" from the shell and see what happens.
Edited on 16 January 2014 - 04:13 PM
Sam_Starfall #19
Posted 15 January 2014 - 08:16 PM
If you run it on a turtle you can change the build location in the turtle menu. I think it's called "Edit origin point" or something, however i haven't tested it myself yet. Keep in mind that the origin point is top left on the first layer. Normally it is set to wherever you start the turtle from. Then the turtle builds forward(right on the blueprint) and right(down on blueprint). As for the GPS, your turtle has a wireless modem im guessing? Try running "gps locate" from the shell and see what happens.

"edit origin" causes an error and terminates, Also "Edit GPS data" causes an error and terminates. the error is a nul point error. GPS is not locating but it works from the shell with gps locate but I could not find where you made the call from the program. I did build a very nice version of a villager house except the roof did not come out right. my fault not your program. I am having a lot of fun finding out what it can and can't do. can you add a circle tool?
CometWolf #20
Posted 16 January 2014 - 12:24 AM
I'll take a look into it when i get home later today. One quick thing worth trying would be to delete the cTurtleFiles folder and reboot. As for circles, if i can figure out the formula for it i will. Last time i tried like a year ago, i got nowhere lol.

Edit: Alright, i've made some changes:
- the GPS should work properly now
- editing the origin point works as expected now
- origin points are now stored in the blueprint itself
- additional regular turtle functionailties added
- revised blueprint saving format, i made a quick converter so you can convert to the new file format
- this new format means GREATLY reduced file sizes as well as making more sense when being looked at as pure text.
Here's the top hello world blueprint in the 2 different formats, to illustrate the improvement.
old format:
new format:
Edited on 16 January 2014 - 04:45 PM
Sam_Starfall #21
Posted 16 January 2014 - 11:51 PM
well, everything seems to be working better……but I have a question, when you fixed it did you reverse the direction the turtle starts in? the reason I ask is because the first time I started the program the turtle headed out in the direction it was facing. now it seams to left face then head out. I didn't change anything unless you have a setting I am not aware of for that. I thank you for your help. I will put the house I did in pastebin tomorrow and place a post here for it.
CometWolf #22
Posted 17 January 2014 - 02:45 AM
My earlier explanation was wrong, the turtle always builds x+(right on canvas) and z+(left on canvas). I really gotta get to work on that tutorial.
Sam_Starfall #23
Posted 17 January 2014 - 06:49 PM
ok two things what do you mean by right and left on canvas? and I am getting an error "Bios:339:[string "arch"];1854:'name' expected when i start the program by the way I have been calling your program "arch" . Also the ender chest option does not seem to be working. it gets the chest then breaks it without taking anything out.

here is my first blueprint
Edited on 17 January 2014 - 10:01 PM
oeed #24
Posted 18 January 2014 - 12:42 AM
Somehow I hadn't seen this yet, it looks very nice. Well done!
CometWolf #25
Posted 18 January 2014 - 01:18 AM
Sorry about that, the enderchest is something im working on, but i sometimes forget to use the dev build when coding lol. Whops, i mean down obviously, not left. The canvas is the area you draw on so

Get it?

The program name dosen't matter, it gets this automatically and functions accordingly.

Also, your house is in the old format?

Edit: Enderchest feature is done now: It requires openPeripherals, and the slots in it are directly mirrored to the ones the turtle uses. So if the turtle needs blocks for slot 1-5, he'll check slot 1-5 in the enderchest for blocks. Fuel may be put in slot 17-27.
Note that these features require you to update cTurtle, just delete it and run TA again.
Edited on 18 January 2014 - 08:08 AM
Agoldfish #26
Posted 18 January 2014 - 06:33 AM
DO WANT. Getting it now!
Sam_Starfall #27
Posted 18 January 2014 - 04:18 PM
Also, your house is in the old format? (I did it in the old format but ran it thru the conversion program you wrote)

Edit: Enderchest feature is done now: It requires openPeripherals, and the slots in it are directly mirrored to the ones the turtle uses. So if the turtle needs blocks for slot 1-5, he'll check slot 1-5 in the enderchest for blocks. Fuel may be put in slot 17-27.
Note that these features require you to update cTurtle, just delete it and run TA again.

can you still use the program without openPeripherals? just by not using the ender chest?
Bab #28
Posted 19 January 2014 - 02:30 PM
Great program, I love it. One question: How do you select what blocks are already built?
Also, here's a list of things you can improve:
Fill tool crashes with a too long without yielding.
Selecting a brush size larger than one and then moving the canvas with the arrow keys will colour squares at the wrong position.
Add a function to draw shapes, e.g. circles, squares, triangles, lines
I'll add more when I find them.

Selector functions like paste and copy are really wonky. For example, cutting doesn't actually cut, just copy. Placing what you just pasted requires you to select a different tool.
Moving layers simply doesn't work (drew something at x 100 and z 100, y 1, tried moving it to y 25 and it just disappeared)
Allowing us to change the scale on the monitors would be great too.
Edited on 19 January 2014 - 02:15 PM
CometWolf #29
Posted 19 January 2014 - 03:04 PM
can you still use the program without openPeripherals? just by not using the ender chest?
Yeah, that should work just fine.

Fill tool crashes with a too long without yielding.
Im aware of this one, haven't gotten around to looking into it yet though.

Selecting a brush size larger than one and then moving the canvas with the arrow keys will colour squares at the wrong position.
Thanks, fixed now.

Add a function to draw shapes, e.g. circles, squares, triangles, lines
Squares are already in, lines seems somewhat redundant as i can't actually show you the line before you draw it. Thus you're probably better off just drawing the line by hand.
as for circles, it's been suggested, and i want to do it. Dunno when though. Triangles are a maybe for now, dunnow how hard that would be.

Selector functions like paste and copy are really wonky. For example, cutting doesn't actually cut, just copy. Placing what you just pasted requires you to select a different tool.
You're using it wrong. Mark an area, then select cut/copy, then you can just drag the copy around. When you want to place it, right click again and chose paste.
I'll get around to doing a tutorial eventually :P/>
Moving layers simply doesn't work (drew something at x 100 and z 100, y 1, tried moving it to y 25 and it just disappeared)
Fixed :)/>

Also i've been working on some changes to cTurtle today, so it might be a good idea to update it. (that means delete it and run TA again)
Edited on 19 January 2014 - 02:15 PM
Bab #30
Posted 19 January 2014 - 03:17 PM
How would you point out what blocks are already built? Trying to expand my house with this.
CometWolf #31
Posted 19 January 2014 - 03:23 PM
You can either mark the entire blueprint as built in the blueprint menu, or the entire layer in the layer menu. Or if you're drawing the entire thing anyway, enable built mode in the settings.
Edited on 19 January 2014 - 02:38 PM
Bab #32
Posted 19 January 2014 - 05:00 PM
That was what I meant, how does built mode actually work?
CometWolf #33
Posted 19 January 2014 - 05:17 PM
like the windows says when you enable it
"This mode will allow you to draw blocks the turtle will consider already built, thus skipping them."
This means the blocks you draw while the mode is active, will not be built when the blueprint is constructed by a turtle. These blocks will remain this way, until you either draw over them while built mode is off or mark the layer they're on as not built.
Bab #34
Posted 19 January 2014 - 05:52 PM
Okay, thank you. This makes me think of another possible improvement: mark the squares that the program considers built somehow, as (at least in grid mode) you cannot see which squares are marked as built. Of course, the user could use a separate colour, but that would limit the amount of colours available. I would like to add that the program is very well made otherwise and most certainly comes in very handy.
Edited on 19 January 2014 - 04:53 PM
CometWolf #35
Posted 19 January 2014 - 05:55 PM
That's actually a good idea, something akin to grid mode, but perhaps with "b" instead of "+". I'll look into it tomorrow.
Edited on 19 January 2014 - 04:56 PM
Sam_Starfall #36
Posted 20 January 2014 - 08:55 AM
OK, so the server shut down in the middle of this large build and I can't get the program to restart where it left off so i finished the layer it was working on and decided to start with the next layer but I can't get the turtle to realin with the project even thou I start it in the same location with all the same options and everything. So if possible can you make it easier to restart a project if it gets interrupted? Also it still says No GPS even when I have a computer right next to it and it comes up fine there.
CometWolf #37
Posted 20 January 2014 - 10:51 AM
When using the recovery feature you have to start the turtle up from where he stopped. Otherwise he should go to the origin point and begin building again. You're sure you input the GPS data correctly? I'll have a look into the GPS later, as it's been acting weird for me too(thinks it's restarted even when it hasn't). I never actually use the GPS myself though, but could i get a picture of your setup, and some more details on what exactly happened when you tried to recover?
Sam_Starfall #38
Posted 20 January 2014 - 01:20 PM
thats the thing about two changes ago the edit,resume or erase used to pop up but now it doesn't show up and the blueprint is gone from memory, the file is there but not loaded in the program. what do you need from the set-up as I am not sure what your looking for. Also what direction should the turtle be facing for proper alignment, I have tried different facings but keep getting inconsistent outcomes.

Success, Success !!!!

I Found the right combination of position, GPS data, Location and facing so that the turtle restarted the construction exactly where it was supposed to. if I knew how I would post a picture for you to see.
Edited on 20 January 2014 - 01:01 PM
CometWolf #39
Posted 20 January 2014 - 03:33 PM
Okay, thank you. This makes me think of another possible improvement: mark the squares that the program considers built somehow, as (at least in grid mode) you cannot see which squares are marked as built.
Added, try the new render built mode :)/>

thats the thing about two changes ago the edit,resume or erase used to pop up but now it doesn't show up and the blueprint is gone from memory, the file is there but not loaded in the program. what do you need from the set-up as I am not sure what your looking for. Also what direction should the turtle be facing for proper alignment, I have tried different facings but keep getting inconsistent outcomes.
Fixed! I forgot to rename some variables after doing some internal name changes. Sorry about that.
I didn't notice this myself as it was only affecting advanced turtles. I use regular for building :P/>

Also what direction should the turtle be facing for proper alignment, I have tried different facings but keep getting inconsistent outcomes.
Provided the direction data is correct, the turtle will always build the same way regardless of what way he's facing.

As for the GPS, i dunno man it works fine on my end. I'll have to see your setup. Send me the server IP and i'll come check it out sometime.

Edit: after some testing, i found a bug related to the coordinates. The turtle would begin building 2 blocks in each direction from the origin point, instead of 1 as intended. This has been fixed.
Edited on 20 January 2014 - 04:23 PM
Kyperion #40
Posted 21 January 2014 - 08:50 AM
This might be just me, but the scan function doesn't seem to work? I get a "attempt to perform arithemic on string" message
Sam_Starfall #41
Posted 21 January 2014 - 07:26 PM
installed the new update…. when I go to build blueprint in the turtle menu I get ( cTurtle:819: attempt to call nil ) …..?!?!?!

Also the no GPS does not come up but the coordinates come up as all zero's …LOL

also I found out something can choose X+ or Z+ and X- and Z- it reverses the build from right to left and bottom to top respectively.

Update: the Cturtle:819 I think that means not enough fuel because I refueled to 74 thousand and it gave me a new one ….

( cTurtle:510: attempt to index ? (a nil value) which is an attempt to write to "cTurtle data file." ?
Edited on 21 January 2014 - 06:39 PM
CometWolf #42
Posted 22 January 2014 - 12:18 AM
I have no idea how you managed that last one, unless you deleted the cTurtle folder while the program was running. I'll do some testing later today.

Entering the wrong direction will as expected cause the turtle to believe that X+ and Z+ are different from where they really are, yes…

This might be just me, but the scan function doesn't seem to work? I get a "attempt to perform arithemic on string" message
Fixed :)/>
Edited on 22 January 2014 - 10:24 AM
Sam_Starfall #43
Posted 22 January 2014 - 04:33 PM
if you wish to please come to the server and look it over and see if you can find any problems. it is at
I created it specifically to test new computercraft programs and develop new ones in a "real world" like setting. please feel free to jump on anytime. I am usually on after 3 pm eastern time. (US)
Edited on 22 January 2014 - 03:34 PM
CometWolf #44
Posted 22 January 2014 - 04:41 PM
It's down, and what modpack is it running?
CometWolf #45
Posted 22 January 2014 - 05:40 PM
the Cturtle:819 I think that means not enough fuel because I refueled to 74 thousand and it gave me a new one ….
this was my bad, forgot that the move up and move down functions are just up and down, not moveUp and moveDown lol…
so fixed :)/>
Sam_Starfall #46
Posted 22 January 2014 - 07:36 PM
ok sorry its not down I forgot the port so its …
Mod packs include:
Minecraft 1.6.4
MCPC 1.62
Computercraft 1.58
FML v6.4.49.965
so as long as you have this you shouldn't have any problems.
Sam_Starfall #47
Posted 23 January 2014 - 12:05 AM
a question about your cTurtle, you have these lines for the GPS section…

if restarted == "true" or FORCE then
–re-gets coordinates
if peripheral.getType"right" == "modem" then
–via GPS"right"
x,y,z = gps.locate(3)

could you not simplify with

if restarted == "true" or FORCE then
–re-gets coordinates
if gps.locate == nil then
x,y,z = gps.locate(5)

with gps API I don't think you have to manually open the rednet circuit. if the modem is not available you get nil and if there is no gps you get nil.
also what is "FORCE"?
and where did you come up with your direction conversion table idea. that's really interesting, I have been trying to understand how you use it to determine direction.
CometWolf #48
Posted 23 January 2014 - 12:58 AM
Most of the direction stuff is done in the dirStandardize function. FORCE in the getpos function is the first arg of the function. If it is used, the turtle will recheck it's location again, regardless of wether it had rebooted since last time or not. Otherwise, if it hasn't rebooted since last time it retrived it's position, it will just load it's pos from disk. As for the rednet stuff, idk about the turn on turn off stuff, but gps.locate would never be nil, as that is a function. Also running it without a modem would probably result in an error.
Sam_Starfall #49
Posted 23 January 2014 - 07:34 AM
from the Computercraft wiki …
On failure (if no responses are received for timeout seconds, by default 2), returns nil.
CometWolf #50
Posted 23 January 2014 - 07:38 AM
Note that you didn't actually call the function, as you forgot the brackets, which is then just a variable pointing to the function.
Sam_Starfall #51
Posted 23 January 2014 - 05:28 PM
phase one is completed ….
the blueprint was too big to fit on a disk so i broke it into two parts. will post the pastebins tomorrow.
Edited on 23 January 2014 - 04:44 PM
Bab #52
Posted 27 January 2014 - 04:40 PM
For me, there's something very weird going on with saving on the newest version. Clicking save makes half of what I drew disappear, reloading the file only saved one line.

When trying to save a new file, the program crashes with this error:

TurtleArchitect:1844: attempt to compare nil with number
To help debugging: I made a new file, went to Layer > New… and added layer 11. I drew something there, tried to save, crash.
Edited on 27 January 2014 - 03:45 PM
CometWolf #53
Posted 27 January 2014 - 05:08 PM
Right… i made a few changes to the way blueprints are cleared. It now cleans up empty blocks on the same x axis if there is no more blocks on the remainder of the axis, aswell as clearing empty lines all together provided there are no lines with blocks on them after said line. I did however not test this on a clean layer, my bad. I'll go have a look.

Edit: unable to replicate any of the problems. When did you update? As i know the dissapearing part was a result of me testing this new feature, but that was fixed awhile ago. If you got unlucky and updated while i was doing that, i'd suggest just updating again.
Edited on 27 January 2014 - 04:14 PM
Bab #54
Posted 27 January 2014 - 05:17 PM
I updated at around 10:30. The problems are fixed now, so I probably was just unlucky.

Edit: Nope, not yet fixed. Try turning on Render Built mode and Grid mode.
Edited on 27 January 2014 - 04:19 PM
CometWolf #55
Posted 27 January 2014 - 05:37 PM
i found one error, unrelated to built mode and gride mode though.
2576, this happened if you loaded/saved a blueprint, then created a new one and attempted to save it. It's been fixed now.
Idk about the error you're talking about though, can't seem to replicate it, unless they were related. Any chance you oculd show me in-game if it still persists?
Bab #56
Posted 27 January 2014 - 05:42 PM
It saves now, but now this happens again:
Before save:

After save:

After loading again:

Also, I'm running FTB Unleashed 1.1.3 on my server.
Edited on 27 January 2014 - 04:43 PM
CometWolf #57
Posted 27 January 2014 - 05:50 PM
Im on monster 1.0.5 atm, but i'll load up unleashed tomorrow and give it a try, cause this isn't happening to me. could you upload the blueprint to pastebin, so i can get a quick look?
Bab #58
Posted 27 January 2014 - 05:53 PM
Bab #59
Posted 27 January 2014 - 05:59 PM
Hm. I tried moving an empty layer 1 to layer 11 and then everything works fine. However, creating a new layer 11 from a new file causes the odd behaviour I showed. Weird.
Also, trying to overwrite an already existing file using save which I loaded using the commandline now returns the same error as before, but at line 1842.
I have to go now, I'll check back tomorrow :)/>
Edited on 27 January 2014 - 05:01 PM
awsmazinggenius #60
Posted 27 January 2014 - 09:43 PM
(Damn. I was going to name my Turtle Building Program Architect.)

Nice program, but I would add support for printing from npaintpro in addition to the current features, as that is a popular program that many people already use.
oeed #61
Posted 27 January 2014 - 09:51 PM
(Damn. I was going to name my Turtle Building Program Architect.)

Nice program, but I would add support for printing from npaintpro in addition to the current features, as that is a popular program that many people already use.
You really need to give us a peak at these fancy programs you keep speaking of :P/>
Bab #62
Posted 31 January 2014 - 09:11 AM
More weirdness: I can't save anything on layer 6. Drawing something on layer 6, switching layers and then going back crashes the program with error 1477: attempt to get length of nil.
I should mention: layer 7 works fine.
Edited on 31 January 2014 - 08:12 AM
CometWolf #63
Posted 31 January 2014 - 09:20 AM
More weirdness: I can't save anything on layer 6. Drawing something on layer 6, switching layers and then going back crashes the program with error 1477: attempt to get length of nil.
I should mention: layer 7 works fine.
Haven't had time to do much with the program lately, but hopefully i should be able to get some things done this weekend.
Bab #64
Posted 31 January 2014 - 09:25 AM
I've got to say, you're very very fast at fixing bugs. Looking at my previous complaint, that also seems to have been fixed. Nice work.
CometWolf #65
Posted 31 January 2014 - 09:26 AM
Lol, yeah fixing bugs when i get an error message is usually pretty simple :P/>
Bab #66
Posted 31 January 2014 - 09:45 AM
You also made a mistake with the Ender Chest support: You used a method pushItemIntoSlot, it's supposed to be pushIntoSlot.
This is on a standard (not advanced) turtle.
Spelling error on the standard turtle: It says Finished contstruction of <filename>, it's supposed to be construction.
Also, it says countinue at some places, should be continue.

Oh, and a feature request: would it be possible to choose from what corner the turtle starts? Right now it always starts from X-, Y-, Z-, but it would be handy to not have to count out where to put the turtle when you are starting at X+, Y+, Z+.
Edited on 31 January 2014 - 09:06 AM
CometWolf #67
Posted 31 January 2014 - 10:27 AM
You also made a mistake with the Ender Chest support: You used a method pushItemIntoSlot, it's supposed to be pushIntoSlot.
The method name was changed to pushItemIntoSlot in the newer versions of openP, which i use. I'll make it check the versions and use the correct one.

Oh, and a feature request: would it be possible to choose from what corner the turtle starts? Right now it always starts from X-, Y-, Z-, but it would be handy to not have to count out where to put the turtle when you are starting at X+, Y+, Z+.
This should be fairly simple, i'll look into it.
Bab #68
Posted 31 January 2014 - 10:32 AM
Something odd happened. While trying to make a half-sphere in your program, the bottom line gets cut off. Look at layer 10 in this:
CometWolf #69
Posted 31 January 2014 - 05:05 PM
Something odd happened. While trying to make a half-sphere in your program, the bottom line gets cut off. Look at layer 10 in this:
Fixed :)/>
Oh, and a feature request: would it be possible to choose from what corner the turtle starts? Right now it always starts from X-, Y-, Z-, but it would be handy to not have to count out where to put the turtle when you are starting at X+, Y+, Z+.
You also made a mistake with the Ender Chest support: You used a method pushItemIntoSlot, it's supposed to be pushIntoSlot.
The method name was changed to pushItemIntoSlot in the newer versions of openP, which i use. I'll make it check the versions and use the correct one.
This has been added, but im unable to test for the old version myself. Just remember to update cTurtle, and tell me if it works.
Also, if you use the following to run the program(i use the name arc)

arc -a
It will automatically resume the current build without any user input. This can be used in the startup file with to make it continue building on it's own, in the event of a reboot. Just put it below the cTurtle stuff.
Edited on 31 January 2014 - 04:09 PM
Bab #70
Posted 31 January 2014 - 05:55 PM
What am I supposed to enter at X dir and Z dir? Also, no support for downward building?
CometWolf #71
Posted 31 January 2014 - 05:56 PM
It's pretty straight forward, just + or -, depending on what you want. It's a lot clearer if you run it on an adv. turtle since i can do default values and stuff there. I'll probably get around to making a custom input function for regular turtles later. And uh… right, forgot about up/down lol.
Edited on 31 January 2014 - 04:58 PM
Bab #72
Posted 31 January 2014 - 06:20 PM
The retrieving from the ender chest is wonky. It did this for me:

while having the material in the first 15 slots.
Another note: The origin point is the point the turtle starts at, not the point the build starts at.
Also: I hadn't realised that the entire build would be flipped and now the thing is facing the wrong direction. Rebuild time :rolleyes:/>
Edited on 31 January 2014 - 05:48 PM
CometWolf #73
Posted 31 January 2014 - 06:56 PM
Why would it matter what corner he starts building? The result would be the same.
You loaded the chest like this, right?

also, up/down building is in now
Edited on 31 January 2014 - 05:57 PM
Bab #74
Posted 31 January 2014 - 07:03 PM
Yes, I did.
The only thing for which the corner matters is ease of use. It's easier to make what I want to build connect to what I already built.
In practice, it doesn't really matter of course.
CometWolf #75
Posted 31 January 2014 - 07:11 PM
Doubt i'll add starting corner selection. The less parameters required, the better honestly. As for the chest, i dunno. I'll have to load up ftb unleashed and do some testing later, cause it works fine on monster.
Bab #76
Posted 31 January 2014 - 07:15 PM
Doubt i'll add starting corner selection.
That's fine. It's not really necessary anyway and would add some feature bloat.
Thanks for your really quick responses.
Bab #77
Posted 01 February 2014 - 05:56 PM
Bug: Flipping the whole blueprint, at least vertically, results in a giant mess.
Flipping horizontally doesn't work properly on multi-layer blueprints either.
Edited on 01 February 2014 - 04:57 PM
CometWolf #78
Posted 01 February 2014 - 07:19 PM
Fixed. The blueprint trim function was causing the layers to get messed up when they got flipped, so i had to make a function to undo the trimming lol.
awsmazinggenius #79
Posted 01 February 2014 - 07:21 PM
oeed: I guess I could give you a peek, but I don't really feel like hijacking another thread. I'll gather some screenshots (I've been developing this solo so I haven't needed to take any) and send you a PM.
CometWolf #80
Posted 09 March 2014 - 08:14 PM
I haven't done any work on this in ages, as i haven't had any use for it personally, but that changed this weekend. So, i've fixed the fill tool, added a hollow circle drawing tool, and changed the file format a little bit. To use the circle tool, you draw the circle you want by just dragging, then hit enter to add it to the blueprint. The new file format means that old files will not load properly, i'll make a converter if there's any interest for one.

At some point when i have a LOT of time on my hands i really want to rebuild this from the ground up, as the code is starting to get very messy. This will obviously be a long time from now, but when i do get around to it, expect the program to be much smoother performance wise.
RoD #81
Posted 30 March 2014 - 08:47 PM
Nice job, this is pretty usefull :D/>
CastleMan2000 #82
Posted 22 April 2014 - 01:42 AM
315: Expected x, y, color

This is the error I got after downloading and trying to run it!
CometWolf #83
Posted 22 April 2014 - 05:26 AM
Sounds like your running monitor mode without a monitor. Eitherway, id suggest you use V2 instead at this point, it is far superior. Even though im still working on it.
CastleMan2000 #84
Posted 22 April 2014 - 11:56 AM
Sounds like your running monitor mode without a monitor. Eitherway, id suggest you use V2 instead at this point, it is far superior. Even though im still working on it.

No, I just downloaded it and ran the program. No monitor mode or anything. I'll look at V2. Where is it?
Edited on 22 April 2014 - 09:57 AM
CometWolf #85
Posted 22 April 2014 - 01:07 PM
The error you got is related to the custom paintutils i used to make monitor mode possible. I can take a closer look when i get home. V2 is only in my signature for now. In a few days i should have what im calling sync mode ready. With it, you can have multiple turtles build their own section of a whole blueprint. And well V2 is just so much cleaner and less spaghettied code wise :P/>/> Also more tools, like filled and hollow circles and squares.

However, it is still a beta. Though most of the errors seem to be results of me editing the code. It shouldn't crash though, as i was smart enough to implement pcall this time around.
Edited on 22 April 2014 - 11:11 AM
CastleMan2000 #86
Posted 22 April 2014 - 09:02 PM
Cool, I'll check out the beta and see if it works for me. Thanks!
cptdeath58 #87
Posted 06 May 2014 - 12:41 AM
Nice Program, despite the lengthy code.
Thumbs up!
vargaszm #88
Posted 31 May 2014 - 08:46 PM
Very Nice project mr wolf, i'll be checking this out when i get home. Thank you for your help earlier and explaining the nature of the problem.
hamidrezakp #89
Posted 30 October 2014 - 09:39 AM
i want to build a blueprint and my turtle move to forward a block and it stop then say :
cTurtle ver 2.5
Turn complete
CometWolf #90
Posted 30 October 2014 - 10:01 AM
I'd hazard a guess and say it's the result of the updated cTurtle used for v2, since they use the same paste. Give TA V2 a try instead

I haven't really touched any of this stuff in months though :P/>
Edited on 30 October 2014 - 09:03 AM
hamidrezakp #91
Posted 30 October 2014 - 12:14 PM
I'd hazard a guess and say it's the result of the updated cTurtle used for v2, since they use the same paste. Give TA V2 a try instead

I haven't really touched any of this stuff in months though :P/>
in top link was a bug.
in 72nd line :
most be :
CometWolf #92
Posted 30 October 2014 - 12:27 PM
Almost, fs.makeDir(fileName) should be correct though
LaZoR_Bear #93
Posted 06 November 2014 - 01:26 AM
Hi, I just found your program and I am trying to test it, but nothing apart from the schematic maker seems to work. When I try to launch a simple 3x3x3 cube I get two things : It does nothing and tells me ''Turn Complete'' or I get this error -

Thank you for the help!

Oh and I forgot I downloaded the cTurtle V2 you linked above and I get this error when I type /arc.Lua after the installation : arc.Lua:631: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

Thanks again
CometWolf #94
Posted 04 January 2015 - 05:24 PM
For anyone who's interested in V2, most of the recently reported bugs were caused by an incompatibility with 1.65. i've got my game up and running on Direwolf20 1.7.3, which means im now running on CC 1.65. I've also been working a little on this again, and it should be compatible with 1.65 now. I've also edited the main post with some documentation i had laying around, it might be a tiny bit outdated(missing features) for now, but i should have it updated later. Eitherway, i intend to keep working on this for the forseeable future, until i lose my interest in minecraft again.
Edited on 04 January 2015 - 04:26 PM
Nio9345 #95
Posted 21 January 2015 - 07:40 AM
I'm trying to find a way to print from this program but I can't find any kind of command or selection on the menu. Also when I load this on an advanced mining turtle the screen won't load the program just moves forward one block and that's it…. Can someone help me because I really want to test this program….
CometWolf #96
Posted 21 January 2015 - 07:49 AM
The "print" option is called build blueprint. It is however only acessible on a turtle or a computer connected to a turtle via the sync mode in the settings menu. As for your turtle issue, what version of CC are you using?
Nio9345 #97
Posted 21 January 2015 - 05:29 PM
I use the TTPI pack and it has CC 1.63. Also I can't find "Build Blueprint" and I don't know how to sync turtlrs and/or computers through the program.
Edited on 21 January 2015 - 05:03 PM
CometWolf #98
Posted 21 January 2015 - 09:52 PM
The sync stuff is quite simple, just boot up turtle architect on the machines you wish to sync, then hit the sync mode button in the settings menu and specify which IDs you'd like to sync. Use the help tool for more information.

I haven't had a chance to test on > 1.65 after i made some updates to fix some bugs introduced by 1.64. However, after a quick glance i realized i made some mistakes regarding backwards compatibility; They should be fixed now, and i will be testing it myself shortly.
To apply the update to your turtle, simply delete the file called cTurtle then run TA again.

Edit: I've done some quick testing on 1.63 with the fix applied, it seems to be working. Give me a heads up if you run into any more issues.
Edited on 21 January 2015 - 09:28 PM
Nio9345 #99
Posted 22 January 2015 - 04:20 PM
Ok. I will test it now ! Thanks for the support man ….

Edit: Yes !!! It finally worked on the turtle !!! The only problem is that the GUI doesn't fit in the turtle screen and is outside the screen. Only problem so far …

Edit 2: Actually I encountered a problem also when changing layers on the turtle. It just crashes. Here's a picture.
Edited on 26 January 2015 - 05:30 AM
CometWolf #100
Posted 23 January 2015 - 09:09 AM
Generally you're going to want to draw on a computer or pocket computer, as the turtle screen is quite limited. I tried squeezing most of it in there though, what's going on the outside?

Seems you've managed to change to a non-existant layer, how are you changing layers exactly? I'm suprised i didn't make it check if the layer exists, but i'll go ahead and add that now eitherway.
Nio9345 #101
Posted 23 January 2015 - 02:02 PM
I synced the turtle and the advanced computer and then start drawing. When I finished I tried the "Build Blueprint" on the computer but it was grayed out and when I got to the turtle to see what happend it had that message. Then I tried to draw on the turtle and when I change layers either with pageup or the arrows on the top left corner the program crashes with the same message. As for the GUI on the turtle, it just shows a part of the GUI I see on the advanced computer. I will upload a picture to show you.

Edit: A new error is showing now.

Edited on 26 January 2015 - 05:28 AM
CometWolf #102
Posted 23 January 2015 - 03:38 PM
The turtle screen isn't big enough to even render the up/down layer arrowes, they shouldn't even be there. Please do show me a picture of what that looks like.
Keep in mind that you don't need to have them synced while drawing, you can if you wish, but it's probably better not to. When you sync them, the loaded blueprint gets synced to the one on the host computer anyways.

That error message is the result of a blueprint being saved without a name, which generally shouldn't happen. How were you saving it?
Edited on 23 January 2015 - 02:47 PM
Nio9345 #103
Posted 23 January 2015 - 07:03 PM
I just open the program, draw and then save it. So it's better to first draw whatever I want and when I finish it and save it, then sync the turtle with the computer? Wouldn't be better to write a seperate program to act like a printer without a GUI ? At least it would be preferable and save some lines on the AT program. It's just a suggestion of course, I'm not trying to dictate how to write your program.
CometWolf #104
Posted 23 January 2015 - 07:35 PM
That's strange. You just open the blueprint menu, hit save and get the error?
It most definitly would, and i did have that on the old version. It's something i've been meaning to create for this version aswell, but i've never had much use for it myself so it's not gotten done :P/>
Nio9345 #105
Posted 24 January 2015 - 04:25 PM
No. When I sync the PC and turtle and THEN change layers on the PC, the program on the turtle crashes but for some reason now, if I use the built blueprint (even with the AT on the turtle crashed) it prints for around 30 blocks and then crashes with the error in red letters on the previous photo.

Edit: I tried to firstly draw whatever I wanted, saved and synced and print with the turtle and it printed without errors …

Question: Can the program use fluids? I wand to use liquid ender on some designs …
Edited on 24 January 2015 - 03:52 PM
CometWolf #106
Posted 24 January 2015 - 06:11 PM
Aaah, that makes more sense. I see now that i've forgotten to send a sync command when creating new layers with the up arrow.

That's how i usually do it, so that's probably why i've never encountered those errors myself :P/> Anyways, i've resolved the issue after a lot of debugging. Though i can't quite explain it, it seems converting an existing table into a class causes it to lose all it's data. Why this dosen't happen if you save the blueprint prior to syncing, im not quite sure… I'll have to look into this some more, but the error shouldn't happen anymore.
Nio9345 #107
Posted 24 January 2015 - 07:15 PM
Man you are awesome !!! I have some last questions (at least for the moment) since you are a pro with this mod. 1) You have an option to use ender chest. How it works and how does this help and is there a way to auto refill specific slots on the turtles so I don't have to check them all the time ?

Edit: Also after some downloads of your program I get the following error :52:Github download limit exceeded. Is there a way to bypass that limit ?
Edited on 24 January 2015 - 06:18 PM
CometWolf #108
Posted 25 January 2015 - 10:07 PM
The code i use for the enderchests is somewhat outdated, and i've been working on a new function to streamline it, but you can find the current ones in the cTurtle API. Specifically line 971 and 1043.
If you're reffering to it's usage within TA, it's quite simple.
Restock and refuel the turtle using the same enderchest! Note that the enderchest mirrors the turtle's inventory configuration, while all the remaining slots(17+) can be used for fuel
Basically you tell the turtle what slot the chest is in, then keep it stocked as if it's the turtle. When the turtle requires new blocks in a slot range(color), it will place the chest and suck the same range out of it. Fuel may be placed in any slot higher than 16.

The github limit is unfortunately not something i can do anything about. I believe you have to wait an hour to do more downloads once it's triggered. However if you're performing so many downloads as to exceed the limit, you should probably just copy the program onto a disk and make fresh installs that way.
Edited on 25 January 2015 - 09:14 PM
Nio9345 #109
Posted 26 January 2015 - 06:28 AM
I tried to use the enderchest function and it caused an error (at least I think it was caused by using enderchest).
Edited on 26 January 2015 - 05:30 AM
CometWolf #110
Posted 26 January 2015 - 06:42 AM
It's not the enderchest's doing, looks like it's the same save issue again. Im assuming you remembered to update, so what steps did you do to get it?
Edited on 26 January 2015 - 05:43 AM
Nio9345 #111
Posted 26 January 2015 - 12:46 PM
Nothing new actually… Only that I used the enderchest function. Do I used it wright ? Put an enderchest beside me and one enderchest on each turtle. I will try again without enderchest to see what happend … Also every time you say you updated the program I delete the map and start over again fresh in order to avoid problems caused by my stupidity ….
CometWolf #112
Posted 26 January 2015 - 01:48 PM
That's a bit overkill. When i tell you to update, you only have to open the settings menu and chose update, the program will handle the rest :)/> By map i assume you mean your mc world, which yeah would count as an update, since you have to download the program over again.

Im gonna need some more details. You start the program on a computer(turtle?), draw, sync to 2(?) turtles, then start the build from the computer(?) by specifying start points and all that yada yada, aswell as what slot in the turtles has the enderchest. Would that be correct?
252-rer #113
Posted 30 January 2015 - 04:11 AM
Bug report:
If you dont select any layers(I was a bit confused at first between the blue or black being selected) you can't seem to resume/start a build until you delete the associated .TAo out of game.

Also did the blueprint format change from the last new format ?
Edited on 01 February 2015 - 02:15 AM
CometWolf #114
Posted 01 February 2015 - 04:03 PM
Ah, yeah that does make sense. I've added a check to prevent you from selecting no layers.

Yeah, that's the format for the old program(V1). This is an entirely new program, and uses it's own format.
PlatinumNinja72 #115
Posted 27 February 2015 - 06:24 AM
Where can I find the code for this? I was just wondering if it was possible. Although if you dont want me to have the code it's perfectly fine. I understand that you have worked hard on it.
Thanks, Jordan (PlatinumNinja72)
wakafanykai123 #116
Posted 28 February 2015 - 04:13 AM

Where can I find the code for this? I was just wondering if it was possible. Although if you don't want me to have the code it's perfectly fine. I understand that you have worked hard on it.
Thanks, Jordan (PlatinumNinja72)

Code is on pastebin at
(Run pastebin get VTZ6CqWY Architect to install using http API)
Also on Github at

(Seriously, just look at the title)
Edited on 28 February 2015 - 03:15 AM
CometWolf #117
Posted 28 February 2015 - 10:07 AM
Where can I find the code for this? I was just wondering if it was possible. Although if you dont want me to have the code it's perfectly fine. I understand that you have worked hard on it.
Thanks, Jordan (PlatinumNinja72)
You're free to do whatever you want with the code, and like wakafanykai said, you can find it on github. Not really much i can do in terms of obscurating Lua code anyways. I am however curious regarding what you intend to use it for. Perhaps i could help, as the code is already quite modular, but poorly commented :P/>
Edited on 28 February 2015 - 09:12 AM
vargaszm #118
Posted 17 May 2015 - 05:57 AM
How easy would it be to port this to command computers?
Bomb Bloke #119
Posted 17 May 2015 - 06:08 AM
I've been considering building something like this for Command Computers myself. I've already made a couple of "kinda-sorta" solutions; one is this API for command computers (which enables them to run turtle scripts, getting construction done at super-speed), another is to run "paint" through skyTerm (which basically lets you draw wool blocks directly into your world).

Neither's ideal (the turtle-tool can only place up to a single turtle's inventory worth of blocks, and skyTerm only deals with wool), but a 3D-"paint" program which has access to every block type available is certainly viable…

… though I suppose it may be easier to just rig my WorldPorter to accept TA's blueprint files maybe?
Football52 #120
Posted 19 May 2015 - 05:23 AM
Is there any tutorials for this yet? There's so many things to do with I a short tutorial would help alot
vargaszm #121
Posted 19 May 2015 - 06:07 PM
… though I suppose it may be easier to just rig my WorldPorter to accept TA's blueprint files maybe?

Good idea, i made a less feature rich version of the same program myself fairly easily. I haven't checked out the blueprint format but i suppose it shouldnt be too hard.

But what about representing each block type in TA? would a blue print be limited to 16 blocks? I would have to have TA make letter markers , i know it does the a B or a # or something for built areas.

… though I suppose it may be easier to just rig my WorldPorter to accept TA's blueprint files maybe?

Good idea, i made a less feature rich version of the same program myself fairly easily. I haven't checked out the blueprint format but i suppose it shouldnt be too hard.

But what about representing each block type in TA? would a blue print be limited to 16 blocks? I would have to have TA make letter markers , i know it does the a B or a # or something for built areas.

I'd also have to adapt TA to select ids,datavalues and NBT tags instead of slot numbers, but it prolly has a convenient menu api.
Edited on 19 May 2015 - 04:05 PM
Bomb Bloke #122
Posted 20 May 2015 - 02:20 AM
But what about representing each block type in TA? would a blue print be limited to 16 blocks? I would have to have TA make letter markers , i know it does the a B or a # or something for built areas.

I've not actually tried it out, but skimming the script's description, it sounds like builds can be put together by multiple turtles. I'd also assume there's some sort of provision for pulling extra resources from chests, so odds are you can use as many block types as you like?

Dunno, I might try it out some time over the next few days perhaps.
Hatchcatch020 #123
Posted 03 September 2015 - 07:55 PM
Each time I run the program on a advanced turtle it runs fine until I try to build the blueprint and I receive the following error.

API cTurtle is already being loaded
arc:184: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

That was the error I get after I restart the program. The original error is this.

cTurtle:1122: atempt to perform arithmetic __sub on string and number
Edited on 03 September 2015 - 06:29 PM
Alkain #124
Posted 25 September 2015 - 08:07 AM
Hello, i seem to have found a bug. When I try to start up a multi-block(As in, different blocks) structure with an existing blueprint I edited with a cumputer, it'll only use one of the wrong color? If anyone can help, please do :)/>
Quartz101 #125
Posted 26 October 2015 - 05:36 PM
I need help. I created a blueprint, tried to print it out, the main turtle just moved forward and then the program froze. Could you make a video tutorial maybe?
CometWolf #126
Posted 19 December 2015 - 12:22 AM
I've been gone from Minecraft and Computercraft for almost a year, but now im back for the time being.
How easy would it be to port this to command computers?
Just did, check out the latest update. When the program is ran on a command computer you'll get a new menu "co" (short for commands). Currently it only has the build option enabled, but i might get around to creating some of the other ideas i had kicking around later.
Good idea, i made a less feature rich version of the same program myself fairly easily. I haven't checked out the blueprint format but i suppose it shouldnt be too hard.

But what about representing each block type in TA? would a blue print be limited to 16 blocks? I would have to have TA make letter markers , i know it does the a B or a # or something for built areas.
Currently TA is limited to 16 blocks, mainly because i believe using anything other than colors to represent block types would be a mess. The capital B does indeed refer to a built block, but only on-screen, in the actual files themselves a built block is represented by an uppercase of whatever letter represents the color of the block.
Each time I run the program on a advanced turtle it runs fine until I try to build the blueprint and I receive the following error.

API cTurtle is already being loaded
arc:184: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

That was the error I get after I restart the program. The original error is this.

cTurtle:1122: atempt to perform arithmetic __sub on string and number
Based on a quick glance i suspect this is caused by unlimited fuel being enabled. I'll get around to looking into it later.
Hello, i seem to have found a bug. When I try to start up a multi-block(As in, different blocks) structure with an existing blueprint I edited with a cumputer, it'll only use one of the wrong color? If anyone can help, please do :)/>
Upload the blueprint to pastebin and give me the code/link, so i can have a look at it.
I need help. I created a blueprint, tried to print it out, the main turtle just moved forward and then the program froze. Could you make a video tutorial maybe?
No error messages or anything on the turtle or the computer? Could you provide a screenshot of the turtle screen?
Tutorials aren't really my thing, epscially not video ones :P/> Though if someone else is interested in making one i'd love to help out.
Edited on 18 December 2015 - 11:25 PM
Lupus590 #127
Posted 19 December 2015 - 12:33 AM
I've been gone from Minecraft and Computercraft for almost a year, but now im back for the time being.
How easy would it be to port this to command computers?
Just did, check out the latest update. When the program is ran on a command computer you'll get a new menu "co" (short for commands). Currently it only has the build option enabled, but i might get around to creating some of the other ideas i had kicking around later.

Not ideal, but this may be a good temporary option:
CometWolf #128
Posted 19 December 2015 - 01:00 AM
How easy would it be to port this to command computers?
Just did, check out the latest update. When the program is ran on a command computer you'll get a new menu "co" (short for commands). Currently it only has the build option enabled, but i might get around to creating some of the other ideas i had kicking around later.

Not ideal, but this may be a good temporary option: http://www.computerc...ers-turtle-api/
The functionality i just implemented, as mentioned in the quote, covers anything a turtle can currently do…
Towtow10 #129
Posted 26 January 2016 - 03:34 AM
When I try to build a blueprint i get this error "turtle.lua:267: attempt to index ? (a number value)"
any idea on how to fix this?
CometWolf #130
Posted 26 January 2016 - 01:24 PM
Chances are the table listing the slots/blocks is structured wrong. You could either re-assign them (select the color to assign then click on "bl/Assign slots"), or remove the the table entry from the bottom of the .TAb file corresponding to your drawing.
I think i actually ran into that bug while i was creating the command computer functionality, but i seem to have forgotten about it haha… I believe it's the result of creating your project on a command computer, and then moving it to a turtle afterwards. Assuming this is what you've done, could you upload the blueprint to pastebin ("bl/save as…" and click pastebin) and give me a link?
Towtow10 #131
Posted 26 January 2016 - 09:53 PM
Chances are the table listing the slots/blocks is structured wrong. You could either re-assign them (select the color to assign then click on "bl/Assign slots"), or remove the the table entry from the bottom of the .TAb file corresponding to your drawing.
I think i actually ran into that bug while i was creating the command computer functionality, but i seem to have forgotten about it haha… I believe it's the result of creating your project on a command computer, and then moving it to a turtle afterwards. Assuming this is what you've done, could you upload the blueprint to pastebin ("bl/save as…" and click pastebin) and give me a link?
Yeah i did make it on a command computer here is the paste
CometWolf #132
Posted 27 January 2016 - 12:32 PM
Alright, it should be fixed now. Just open up the Se menu and hit update. Your blueprint should work fine, regardless of what type of computer it was created on, now.
CometWolf #133
Posted 28 January 2016 - 07:26 PM
As per heavy requests, i've written up a basic tutorial on installation, navigating the menus, and starting a basic construction. The current tutorial may now be found in the main post. I'll do some additional tutorials on more advanced topics like automatic enderchest restocking and synced multi turtle building later, if there's any interest.
Towtow10 #134
Posted 29 January 2016 - 06:09 AM
Alright, it should be fixed now. Just open up the Se menu and hit update. Your blueprint should work fine, regardless of what type of computer it was created on, now.
thanks ill check it out now
Towtow10 #135
Posted 29 January 2016 - 06:27 AM
I've been gone from Minecraft and Computercraft for almost a year, but now im back for the time being.
How easy would it be to port this to command computers?
Just did, check out the latest update. When the program is ran on a command computer you'll get a new menu "co" (short for commands). Currently it only has the build option enabled, but i might get around to creating some of the other ideas i had kicking around later.
Good idea, i made a less feature rich version of the same program myself fairly easily. I haven't checked out the blueprint format but i suppose it shouldnt be too hard.

But what about representing each block type in TA? would a blue print be limited to 16 blocks? I would have to have TA make letter markers , i know it does the a B or a # or something for built areas.
Currently TA is limited to 16 blocks, mainly because i believe using anything other than colors to represent block types would be a mess. The capital B does indeed refer to a built block, but only on-screen, in the actual files themselves a built block is represented by an uppercase of whatever letter represents the color of the block.
Each time I run the program on a advanced turtle it runs fine until I try to build the blueprint and I receive the following error.

API cTurtle is already being loaded
arc:184: attempt to index ? (a nil value)

That was the error I get after I restart the program. The original error is this.

cTurtle:1122: atempt to perform arithmetic __sub on string and number
Based on a quick glance i suspect this is caused by unlimited fuel being enabled. I'll get around to looking into it later.
Hello, i seem to have found a bug. When I try to start up a multi-block(As in, different blocks) structure with an existing blueprint I edited with a cumputer, it'll only use one of the wrong color? If anyone can help, please do :)/>
Upload the blueprint to pastebin and give me the code/link, so i can have a look at it.
I need help. I created a blueprint, tried to print it out, the main turtle just moved forward and then the program froze. Could you make a video tutorial maybe?
No error messages or anything on the turtle or the computer? Could you provide a screenshot of the turtle screen?
Tutorials aren't really my thing, epscially not video ones :P/> Though if someone else is interested in making one i'd love to help out.
it must be unlimited fuel as i'm getting the same error
valithor #136
Posted 29 January 2016 - 06:46 AM
it must be unlimited fuel as i'm getting the same error

I have not actually looked at the code, but if you want a lazy quick fix, then this should fix the problem (assuming it is because of infinite fuel).

At the top of the program put this in:

turtle.getFuelLevel = function() return 999999999 end
Edited on 29 January 2016 - 05:46 AM
CometWolf #137
Posted 29 January 2016 - 08:30 AM
I appear to have forgotten about fixing that glitch, my bad. I'll get around to it in a couple of hours, but in the meantime valithor's suggestion should indeed do the trick.

Edit: Fixed! It requires an update of the cTurtle API, so just delete it from your turtle ("rm cTurtle") and TA should automatically re-download it the next time you run it. If you get a crash when trying to build your blueprint, either re-save it as something else or remove the corresponding .TAo file from your computer.
Edited on 29 January 2016 - 08:45 AM
Towtow10 #138
Posted 29 January 2016 - 01:25 PM
it must be unlimited fuel as i'm getting the same error

I have not actually looked at the code, but if you want a lazy quick fix, then this should fix the problem (assuming it is because of infinite fuel).

At the top of the program put this in:

turtle.getFuelLevel = function() return 999999999 end
sweet, ill use that for now
Kemo III #139
Posted 30 April 2016 - 11:01 AM
I am having problems with stairs, The turtle can't place them in the right direction and it messes up my structure.
Is their a way to fix this ?
CometWolf #140
Posted 30 April 2016 - 05:12 PM
As far as i know, the issue with stairs was solved at one point using pistons (, though i never played around with it myself. So as of right now, no Turtle Architect dosen't support block orientations. I wasn't a big user of stair blocks, so it was never really a priority.
WeissPure #141
Posted 27 June 2016 - 06:13 PM
I seem to have an issue on both my ftb infinity server and a test world running just computercraft turtle architect but I can't seem to get the scan function to work, I followed the tutorial and it just breaks the blocks and no matter the material making no note of it, the blueprint block updates the scan block to a white block, I've assigned colours and slots with the same materials but I can't seem to create a blueprint.

Is this a bug or am I just missing something?
CometWolf #142
Posted 27 June 2016 - 09:56 PM
To be honest, the turtle scanning feature was something i implemented for fun which was never throughly tested as it had little use to me personally. It seems some subsequent revisions to it and the way construction was handled broke it, which in turn i never noticed as i never used it. I've deployed some fixes, and based on some light testing it appears to be in working order now. It's functinality might be somewhat unclear though, so i'll go ahead and jot down some info on it incase you're interested.
When there's blocks marked for scanning on your blueprint, the turtle will only do the scanning and no building, regardless of any other blocks.
Any block not found in the slots selected for scan, will be marked with an "X" (the break block marker).
Any blocks scanned which are subsequently found in one of the scan slots, will be given it's color depending on the slot it's in.

Do keep me posted if you run into any issues, because as i said, i only did some light testing so it might still not be working correctly.
Also, i forgot to mention that i stumbled upon a bug in the turtle API i use aswell, so you'll need to delete that (run "rm cTurtle" in the main console) so it's redownloaded.
Edited on 27 June 2016 - 07:58 PM
HexaNitro #143
Posted 27 September 2016 - 10:23 PM
So I've been searching around for a turtle builder program that can work with what I've already developed for creating complex shapes, and I think this might be the ticket.

Will the coding feature of this program allow me to iterate through each vertical layer and create an array of x and y value pairs denoting the location of each block to be placed on that layer?

What I have now is a for loop from the ground elevation up to the height of my desired tower. For each new layer, it calculates a new radius based on an approximation of the vail, or the projection of the vertical face. With this radius, a circle is approximated and the coordinates are added to the array if the x and y values fall within the circle outline.

I've pasted what I have so far to pastebin here:

Can someone much smarter than I am figure out how to tweak this so that it works with the building code of this project? Thanks!
Kaito Kid #144
Posted 19 October 2016 - 04:43 AM

I have recenly tried using Turtle Architect in my server. First of all, I have to say that I am very impressed by the work that has been put into this tool. Good job!

I have ran into a problem when I reach the part where I am trying to actually build my blueprint. Maybe I am missing something.

My turtle is an advanced turtle with a shovel equipped (This is a fairly new world, and I didn't find enough diamond to make a pickaxe yet, but I wanted the turtle to be able to remove blocks. I'm trying to build high in the air anyway so it shouldn't matter in this case)

When I try to build a blueprint, no matter which, it first asks me a bunch of questions (ender chest, break blocks, auto resume, etc). This seems to be normal, and matches what's written in the tutorial. After that, nothing happens. After the last popup (auto-resume), it just goes back to the blueprint editor, with no error or success message, and the turtle doesn't do anything.

I have tried to gather as much information as possible to help you figure it out, so here's what I have:

The program seems to crash for some reason on line 477 in Functions/Turtle.lua. The line is "local function moveTo(nL,nX,nZ,skipCheck)"

I have obtained this information through custom log messages added in your code. No code after this line is ever reached.
I have tried debugging a little, and from what I've seen, nL, nX and nZ seem to be nil (I haven't checked "skipCheck", but it also could be nil).
I don't really understand your code perfectly (it's huge lol), and I'm not a pro in lua, so I am not sure about the following, but nL, nX, nZ and skipCheck do not seem to be initialized until later on, on line 546, when you use them as iterators.

So basically, turtle won't build anything for me for some reason, and my Turtle Architect version is up-to-date. I have tried debugging but failed miserably.

Do you have any idea what's wrong?

Extra information:
My turtle currently has no GPS, but I manually added its coordinates when it asked me, and for the purpose of testing, the turtle is flying very high in the air and has plenty of every blocks it needs. There isn't anything that could block it.
Infinite fuel is turned on.
The "Goto" and "Turn" buttons in the "Tu" menu in the editor seems to work just fine.
Edited on 19 October 2016 - 12:54 PM
CometWolf #145
Posted 19 October 2016 - 04:13 PM
That is strange, any chance you could upload the build file (blueprint)? A for effort, but line 477 is a function definition, so it won't execute that code before the function is called 😜 Been awhile since i've used this program myself tbh, but i'll fire it up later and have a look aswell. Also, if you want to make debugging a little easier on yourself you can disable the minify feature during install(it removes indentation). To do so you'll have to specify a path followed by a second argument "-t"
Edited on 19 October 2016 - 02:17 PM
Kaito Kid #146
Posted 20 October 2016 - 04:14 AM
Damn, now I feel dumb. The word function is right there. I must have been tired. I've debugged the rest (after the end of that function block), and I'm not sure what lines should or should not have been hit, but the code reaches the end of "function build(blueprint, auto)" without crashing.

I've attached the blueprint I am trying to build, but as I've said, it doesn't seem to work with any blueprint. Even a simple brown square (brown linked to dirt in slot 1) won't work. I've also tried all three blueprint importation options (importing from the main computer through pastebin, importing through file copy and creating the blueprint directly inside the turtle), and I've seen no difference.

Thank you for replying quickly :D/>

Here are the files. i'm not sure which one is the actual blueprint, they all seem to contain useful data.

Edited on 20 October 2016 - 12:19 PM
CometWolf #147
Posted 20 October 2016 - 06:44 PM
Looking over this old code is a lesson in why you should always comment code haha… Anyways, turns out i messed up while implementing the scan function, should've noticed that myself tbh. To determine wether the turtle was supposed to scan or not, i checked if the scan table existed, which as it turns out it always does, therefore the turtle was always in scan mode. I've corrected this now, so if you just open the se (settings) tab in the program and hit update you should be good to go.
Kaito Kid #148
Posted 20 October 2016 - 09:32 PM
It works perfectly, thank you very much!

I'm wondering how come such a great program is not used more? surely someone would have ran into that problem faster?
CometWolf #149
Posted 21 October 2016 - 11:27 AM
Personally i like to think it's because it's quite overwhelming. It's safe to say i created the tutorial far too late, leaving most users somewhat at a loss on how to use it. Also wasn't always as feature rich. When i initially released it, it was quite a different program. I started from scratch a few months later though, and the end result is what it is today. Eitherway though, i get my times worth using it whenever i play Minecraft so im happy with it. Always building my super structures in a day or 2 haha.
ovadex #150
Posted 20 July 2019 - 05:36 AM
I'm loving this program so much, just wish I could use the ender chest function. I'm on a 1.12.2 server without extra utilities so it doesn't work.

I also saw in an earlier post that there was a way to change the origin position but I guess that was removed at some point. that would have been helpful for some structures I want to make. Like at the end of a bridge have it build the structure so the door is in the right spot.

Amazing work though.