Posted 11 January 2014 - 03:20 AM
plusNick's Memo Board
Hi there!
I'd like to share with you a project I've worked on for the last 2 days. An interactive, monitor based memo board. I recently got into the whole monitor_touch function, and decided to utilise it in a project. And this is what I came up with! Its not the best, nor cleanest code, but it works, and that's what matters! :)/>
What is it?
*A program that allows for you to write memos for yourself.
*A program that uses a touch screen monitor for interactivity.
*Touch screen monitor
*Erasable messages
*Customisable monitor width (height must be at 2)
*Clean error messages (Memos too long, not on advanced computer, not advanced monitor, advanced monitor wrong size)
Main GUI on Monitor
Memo's are written, and you see the remove button
The terminal interface - simple, but does what it needs to do
Clean error message of memo being too long
How to use:
1. To write a message, first click on one of the green X's. A message will pop up, to say to type into the computer.
2. Type in your message into the computer, and press enter. (If its too long, you will be told)
3. Your message will now appear on the monitor.
4.To remove it, simply click the respective red X on the monitor.
View the code at:
or type into your in-game computer: pastebin get PvLRRrMP [name]
And that is it! I hope you like this program, and find it useful. Please post any bugs you find, and what you think of it!
Edited on 11 January 2014 - 02:35 AM